Tuesday 31 October 2017

What Will You Do With All That Halloween Candy?

Amidst all the fun and festivities of Halloween comes some stress. 
No, not the stress of finding Halloween costumes. Stress in the form of nutritional toxicity! Each year, we are inundated with Halloween candy and junk galore as our wee ones are given every Halloween "treat" imaginable.

Back in the day, I can remember receiving chocolate bars, Rice Krispies treats, brownies and licorice. Every once in awhile, a neighbor would throw in an apple or an orange, just to really send us kids over the edge! These days, I can't even imagine what frightening ghouls live inside those candy wrappers - " highly toxic things like high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and colors, trans fats, hydrogenated oils, excitotoxins/neurotoxins and all sorts of chemical concoctions.
Gone are the days when sugar was the worst thing that could happen to a kid!
Our kids have not yet even ventured into the world of Trick-or-Treating. I'm not saying they won't at some point in their childhood! I've just been able to side-step and downplay the issue thus far. It helps that no one goes trick-or-treating in or neighborhood, so it's not in their faces!

That's not to say my children don't end up with their fair share of Halloween candy. Grown-ups find a way to get candy to children at Halloween, no matter what!
We normally attend a party or two to enjoy the costumes and festivities with friends. Lots of "treats" at the party to sample, as well as the always-present goodie bag to take home.
So how do we deal with all the toxicity in our family, and keep the potentially negative side of Halloween to a minimum?
1) We don't call candy or junk food a "treat". We call them "tasty toxins" - tells you exactly what you need to know! Sure, it tastes great, but it's toxic. Why would we call something a treat if it subtracts from our health? Sounds kind of funny to knock on someone's door on Halloween night and say "Trick-or-Tasty Toxin" though!
2) Like any other time of the year, tasty toxins are limited. First, all toxins are handed over to mom and dad for proper care and feeding! Depending on the size and toxicity level of the tasty toxin, as well as the current state of health of toxin consumers, we may say they can have one per day for a few days following Halloween maybe more, maybe less. Depends.
3) I try to steer our kids in the direction of sweets that were made in someone's kitchen rather than in a chemistry lab. No, they don't build health either, but it's probable they don't move us away from health as quickly as the serious toxins in packaged foods. On our end, I'll either bake less toxic sweets and/or purchase simple goodies that lack the serious aforementioned offenders that are the most harmful to our health.
4) They must fill up with Health FIRST. Every other meal and snack throughout the day needs to meet the innate genetic nutritional requirements for health: protein, healthy fats & oils, fresh fiber (veggies & fruit) and lots of pure water. In other words, if they're going to be adding any increased amount of toxins to their diet for a few days, they need to keep things clean and healthy otherwise. If not, the body will always let us know when it has reached its limitations!

5) Finally, we give the kids the option to turn their Halloween loot in for a gift from The Halloween Fairy. After they select one "must-have" item from their goodie bags, they simply hand over the Halloween candy for mom and dad to put out for the Halloween Fairy that night. The Halloween Fairy in turn leaves the kids a special gift they've been wishing for - a special experience with mom & dad, a toy, a book, a game, craft stuff, whatever works!
It's a win-win. No overloading on toxicity, therefore no "sick" kids for days to come. The kids are happy because they were still able to enjoy the spirit of Halloween, sample some of the traditional toxins, and they got something new and fun!


Festive pumpkin workout helps get you in shape before Halloween

Monday 30 October 2017

Eat Oatmeal Everyday And See What Will Happens To Your Body - Benefits O...

Pumpkins Seeds Roasted - Healthy and Delicious!

Pumpkin Seeds also called Pepitas, have been used in North America for centuries as food and medicine. Each year we carve up our pumpkins but how many of us roast the seeds? They make such a good snack and are so healthy!

Since pumpkins are gourds they have components which can aid in prostate, urinary tract health, brain function, and may help to prevent some cancers.
Pepitas are also packed full of nutrients such as zinc, phosporous, some iron, manganese and magnesium, which can help keep the skin healthy, make hair grow better and stronger.

They also contain tryptophan, Omega 3 fats, amino acids and vitamin K. Omega 3 fats are vital to the health of cell membranes and are beneficial in helping to protect us from possible major threats to our health.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds are delicious BUT, in order to keep their essential oils intact it is best to roast them at low temperatures.
Seeds from a pumpkin (de-slimed, rinsed and patted dry) 1-2 tsp Kosher salt 1-2 tbsp canola or olive oil large zip-lock bag cookie sheet tin foil* (optional)
  1. Put clean pumpkin seeds into a large Ziplock bag.
  2. Pour oil into the bag and seal shut - Shake the bag till all the seeds are coated
  3. Spread the seeds onto a cookie sheet (I cover mine in tinfoil for easier clean up and to help keep the seeds from burning)
  4. Sprinkle with the Kosher salt (I like Kosher salt because it tastes so good) 5. Put in oven and roast at: 165 degrees for 15-20 minutes for the healthiest version 400 degrees for 8 - 10 minutes for the less health-filled but crunchy yummy version.

*many people feel that cooking food with aluminum foil is unhealthy


Sunday 29 October 2017

Mind and Muscle - The Supplement Placebo Effect - Is it the Supplement, Or Your Mind Working?

Back during World War II, the medics and hospitals would often run out of painkillers and would give their patients the latest and greatest painkiller, peace of mind.

Sometimes they would inject the soldiers with what they were told to be morphine, but was actually a healthy dose of saline solution, or saltwater. The good news is that, when injected with the "morphine," most of the soldiers' pain would vanish, at least temporarily.

The Placebo Effect

The medics weren't exactly tricking the soldiers; they were activating a placebo effect. The placebo effect is basically a series of reactions in the brain that can change its psychological or physiological functioning. Like in the example of the soldiers, they thought they were getting morphine, which they know dulls the pain immediately, but they were given saltwater. The reaction was the same; it cancelled out the pain, at least temporarily. The reason for this is because your brain controls your body, and your mind can subconsciously control your brain.

Muscle Building Placebo Effects

The placebo effect spills over into the muscle gaining environment through other drugs known as supplements. The truth is, many of the supplements on the shelves don't actually contain any active ingredients that would cause someone to gain muscle. Some supplements are like a shot of saltwater, they are useless and just get carried out. Other supplements have very little active ingredient, but not enough to account for any muscle growth that someone might experience while on the supplement.

Most muscle gaining hopefuls don't simply walk into a store and purchase any flashy tub of powder they see. They usually make "informed" decisions based upon what they've read in magazines or heard from others. In most cases, when someone starts taking a dietary supplement for the first time, it's a leap of faith. They are using the supplement for one simple reason, because they believe it will work.

The belief is key here. When you believe something completely, and back it with emotion, you can accomplish things that once seemed impossible. This includes physiological changes, or changes to the body. By thinking and believing that the supplement that was just consumed will cause muscle growth, the brain takes it as instructions. Basically, because of the individual's strong conviction, the person's brain will actually get to work and start the muscle building process. It will do this because it was told to do it.

Now, usually when a trainee starts a new supplement, they believe it will help build muscle. With everything else staying the same, this belief is strong enough to spark growth. The thing is, how many people start a new supplement and keep doing what they are doing? Not many. Most people will get on the "new miracle" and will kick their training up a notch. Not only will they improve their training, they usually improve their nutrition and recovery.

Give Yourself Some Credit

If you were to make those improvements to your muscle gaining strategy: training more intensely, eating better, and resting properly, wouldn't you gain muscle anyway, even without the supplement? The answer is a resounding Yes! Too many people get on a supplement and give all credit for improvement to the supplement. Give yourself more credit! You did the work, not the supplement! Chances are, the supplement didn't even do anything, and it was just a placebo. Some supplements are worth taking and do the body some good, but if you don't build the foundation with solid training, nutrition, recovery... the supplements won't do you any good. Now if supplements can't help build muscle with poor training and nutrition, do you think they help with proper training and nutrition? Maybe a little, but it's you getting the results, not the supplement.

Here are three easy steps to wean yourself off of unnecessary supplements:

1. Slowly stop using whatever you want to quit and see your results not slip, but actually believe that they will improve. Use the placebo effect for your advantage.

2. Realize that it's you doing the hard work, not the supplement. Give yourself the credit.

3. Start believing in yourself and your ability to gain muscle. Just as a belief in a supplement can cause growth, believe in yourself and see what happens.

Now you can use the placebo effect to your advantage and use your mind and muscle connection to build muscle.


Saturday 28 October 2017

10 Things Your Body Does That You Can’t Control

Seven Ghee Benefits That May Change Your Perspective

The Indian culture has always highlighted ghee benefits with respect to the nutrients it provides us. Cow's milk is considered to contain the goodness of nature, and ghee is the essence of this milk. Thus, it also is beneficial to the human body. Generally, the dairy product is considered to be fattening and thus is avoided, but consider these ghee benefits which can change the general perspective. Let's take an overview of why the dairy product, also known as clarified butter, should be included in our daily diet.

Aids weight loss:
One of the most important benefits is that it aids in weight loss. The dairy based product is said to have Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA). CLA helps you to feel full for longer. Thus, it helps in weight loss. CLA also enhances the metabolism in the body, resulting in the burning of the unnecessary fats. Also, the list of ghee nutritious does not contain hydrogenated oils it does not deposit the unnecessary fats.

Anti-inflammatory properties:
Studies have shown that butyrate helps in fighting inflammation in bowels. It also reduces the secretion of leukotriene and prostaglandin. These two cause inflammation. Thus, it prevents the reddening, swelling and itching.

Beneficial for the hair and skin:
Regular consumption of the dairy based product gives you a fair complexion. Ghee benefits the skin in winter by moisturising it. You can apply it to your face, chapped lips and even to your hair to moisturise them. It also lowers the visibility of dark circles around eyes.

The most useful benefit can be termed as healing. It can treat burns, sometimes without even leaving scars. As it is anti-inflammatory in nature, you can apply it straight to the area affected and it will prevent it from swelling or scarring. Consuming the dairy product regularly also results in black, smooth and strong hair.

Boosts the immune system:
Ghee contains antioxidants. It enhances the body's ability to absorb minerals and vitamins from other food products. As minerals and vitamins are like the building block of the body, it boosts the immunity system.

The butyric acid present in it also helps to produce T-cells which ensures a strong immune system.

Used for stable cooking:
Ghee has a high smoking point. If you compare it with butter, at high heat butter burns, whereas ghee doesn't. The smoking point of this particular dairy product is close to 260-degree celsius. Thus, unlike other cooking oils, this dairy product doesn't emit harmful fumes or turn into harmful free radicals at high temperatures.

Free from dairy allergies:
In the process of preparation of ghee, the milk solids and impurities float to the top which is removed. Thus, it is free from the milk solids. It is lactose-free and also the casein content is extremely low. Hence, even lactose intolerant people can consume it even if it a dairy product.

Good for the heart:
The nutrition in ghee maintains the cholesterol levels in the body. The ghee benefits the heart by lowering the bad cholesterol and increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. It also reduces the calcium deposition in the arteries.

Other benefits

There are a lot of other benefits the nutritious in ghee provides to the human body. The other ghee benefits are providing energy, improving eyesight, relieving cough, etc.

To gain all this nutrition that the dairy product provides, you must buy it from a trusted source to ensure that you are consuming an unadulterated product. Today, you can buy ghee online and be sure that you are getting a high-quality product. Reputed brands like Amul Ghee, Gowardhan ghee, Nutoras ghee, etc. have tied up with many e-commerce giants to help their customers to get high-quality products. Out of these, amul ghee and gowardhan ghee have been leading the market for a long time.

Getting ghee online also provides you with the convenience of just ordering from the comfort of your home.

Thus, consume all the nutrition you need. Opt for getting ghee online and gain all that ghee nutrition at great deals. Eat right! Stay healthy!

Now if thinking of buying Ghee online, Awesome Dairy is here to full fill all your dairy product needs. You can order online all your dairy product sitting home at just one click. Awesome dairy also provides you with monthly subscription option for all milk and milk product, easy to subscribe and get your stuff delivered at your door step any where in Mumbai just for free.


Thursday 26 October 2017

Pumpkin Soup Recipe - The Taste of Halloween Spirit

BOO! Pumpkin soup is one way to enjoy Halloween before it's actually here. I'll be celebrating part of my Holiday a little early this year and if you would care to join me then I can offer you my Pumpkin Soup Recipe to get you started. The only thing I can't bring you is the scare this year, unless of course your scared to make this soup with me?

Nope, I didn't think so. Just gonna have to wait till Halloween for that.

Enjoy your new Pumpkin Soup Recipe and the rest of Halloween please.

If you plan on using a fresh pumpkin like I do and recommend, there are a few things you should know first. If you want to use the canned pumpkin puree, then that's fine but fresh is best. 

Make sure to use a pie pumpkin NOT a jack o lantern pumpkin.
Pie pumpkins are small, sweeter and not as grainy.
When choosing a pumpkin look for one that is firm with no soft spots and is a nice orange color.
A fresh pumpkin should be washed first. So wash the exterior with warm water.
Cut the pumpkin in half with a serrated knife and De-seed the pumpkin, remove and throw out all the guts, you can save the seeds for roasting.
Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees, place the 2 halves in a baking dish skin side up add enough water in the pumpkin itself to fill it half way and bake for 50 to 60 minutes until it's soft enough to remove the flesh from the skin.
To save some time you can microwave the pumpkin in microwave dish with a lid, just add about a cup of water to dish and microwave on high for 20-30 minutes.
Now scoop out the flesh from the skin it should be fairly easy.
Use a blender to puree the pumpkin and now you are ready to make this pumpkin soup recipe.
1 (2 pound) Pie Pumpkin or 2 cans Pumpkin Puree
4 Cups Chicken Stock
1 1/2 Cups Heavy Cream
1/2 Cup Chopped onion
1 Teaspoon Minced Garlic Cloves
4 Tablespoons Maple Syrup
1/4 teaspoon Fresh Grated Ginger
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon Black Pepper
1/8 teaspoon Ground Cloves
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
3/4 teaspoon Curry Powder
3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
3 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
1 teaspoon Salt
1. In a large pot saute' butter, onions and garlic on medium heat until translucent, about 4 minutes. 
2. Add chicken stock and simmer for 15 minutes. 
3. Add ground cloves, cinnamon, curry powder, black pepper, ginger and brown sugar. Simmer 5 minutes. 
4. Add maple syrup, vanilla extract, heavy cream and salt. Simmer for 10 minutes and enjoy a touch of Halloween with delicious soup recipes that are right under your fingertips.


Wednesday 25 October 2017

Is It Really Worth Trying To Lose Weight In November?

November can be quite a strange month if you are currently thinking about losing some weight. On the one hand you do of course want to be a little bit thinner, but on the other hand you know that you are likely to gain weight over Christmas, so it's probably a waste of time.

So should you even try to lose weight in November?

Well my best advice would be to take a common sense approach during this particular month. It may not be wise to sign up to a weight loss club or pay money for some new diet pills, but you should still be leading a healthy lifestyle.

I'm not a big dieter myself because I have always stayed extremely fit and work out several times a week, and I often find myself losing weight unintentionally.

So the key is to keep exercising during November and forget about trying to lose weight because it may come naturally if you are constantly burning lots of calories.

It is always advantageous to be a few pounds lighter heading into Christmas and New Year because then you can afford to indulge yourself over this party season and have some fun. Trudging around the shops doing your Christmas shopping is one way you can burn a few extra calories.

However I think it is sometimes a better strategy to forget about starting a new diet in November or December, and start again from scratch in January. You can still eat sensibly and get some exercise during these months, but you shouldn't concern yourself too much if you don't lose any weight.

Once the holiday season is over in January, you will probably be several pounds heavier and so you can then make a real effort to get in shape. At this time, lots of fitness DVDs come out, and you will see adverts for weight loss products everywhere you look.

This is a time to ramp up your exercise regime, either by purchasing one or two fitness DVDs or by joining a gym, and reducing your daily calorie intake. If you work hard, you should find that you can lose as much as 3-5 pounds per week in the new year, and will hopefully burn off all the extra fat you accumulated over the holiday season.

Weight loss companies often report that November is one of the quietest months in terms of sales, and this is largely because many people are not interested in losing weight until after Christmas.

I think on the whole this is a pretty good idea, but you should of course be trying to lead a healthy lifestyle during every month of the year if you want to avoid getting fat in the first place.


Sunday 22 October 2017

Vegetarians Should Take Fax Seed As A Fatty Acid Supplement

It is very important to get enough essential fatty acids at they definitely affect your physical and mental healthy. Many people find taking fish oil supplements is a good way to ensure they get all the fatty acids they need. However, most vegetarians don't want to use fish oil. A great alternative for them is flax seed. It is a great supplement for the Omega 3 fatty acids yet it is derived from a plant.

Flax seed oil contains ALA that is broken down into EPA and DHA. These are the three essential fatty acids also found in fish oil. Most diabetics and schizophrenics find that they are not able to convert ALA into EPA and DHA. If you suffer from such ailments then you will also need to take DHA and EPA supplements as well.

There are several ways to add flax seed to a vegetarian diet. Raw flax seed offers the best option because in addition to the fatty acids it offers Lignan, Mucilage, vitamins, and minerals. These types of essential fatty acids are broken down when you cook, causing it to contain less Lignan and Mucilage. You can consume raw flax seed by grinding it and sprinkling it on cereal or salads. Some people enjoy it in smoothies, or adding it to water and then drinking it. If you choose this method then drink it quickly or the Mucilage will solidify in the water. It is also a good idea to take flax seed oil supplements.

Vegetarians will find flex seeds offer many benefits to their health. They can reduce the chances of heart disease, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, assist with depression, and reduce the effects of Attention Deficit Disorder. Lignan is a known antioxidant and it also contains properties that can help prevent cancer. Mucilage offers a natural laxative as well as a way to remove toxins from the body.

Adding raw flax seed and flax seed supplements to your vegetarian diet, you will get all the essential fatty acids you need. Remember that this is not true of vegetarians who also have diabetes or schizophrenia. Flax seed is a great alternative to fish oil for those who want to stick to their vegetarian regiment.


Saturday 21 October 2017

A Better Understanding of Growing Hormones

There are changes that transpired in our physique as we achieve our mid-life. Our physique begins to slow down after we achieve the age of 40. It's because our body isn't anymore as able of manufacturing human growth hormones as it was once we were on the early level of our life.

The hormone that's accountable on the secretion of human growth hormone is named Somatostatin. As soon as secretion of Somatostatin lessens, it additionally lessens our capability to live to the fullest. HGH is the hormone that's responsible to the most important parts of our physique system. These hormones immediately impact your skin, hair, heart, kidney, metabolism or even reminiscence retention.

What does HGH Do?

Consequently, as more HGH is launched, the more we become active. Mobility isn't the sole edge that's affected with elevated HGH ranges. With a high percent of unencumbered of HGH, skin is still firm. Skin is wrinkle free. Hair continues to be thicker and livelier. Metabolism is on its standard function. There is additionally a top percent of reminiscence retentiveness and psychological alertness. On high of this all, power is on its top.

If human growth hormone manufacturing slows down, premature ageing happens. Our measure of power will drop down. Our skin might dry and wrinkle isn't to this point anymore. Metabolism slows down. This implies we will probably sag and acquire weight. Our ageing increases.

How to extend your HGH degrees clearly?

This is the rationalization why corporations have got a hang of a complement that might embellish the production and free up more human growth hormone. HGH releasers permit your physique to produce more hormones certainly with no side results.

This stimulates a pure procedure of looking and feeling young. A build up of human growth hormones regulates the system of our physique. A rise of secretion of human growth hormones contributes perfect bodily condition. It's not restricted to excellent bodily appearance. It transgresses to bodily health as well. This would make you more stunning and wholesome as well.

Simply imagine a life with no obstacles of aging. It's a life where shall we accomplish more with vigor and energy of the youth. This is an all pure supplement that is completely secure and available for anyone. This is life with HGH Releaser. HGH Releasers promise a life of youth in the most pure method. You may even give it a look, before you want to pay the whole retail value.


�� Six Things that happen when you Stop Eating Meat

Friday 20 October 2017

Slow Down Your Aging Process And Improve The Glow Of Your Skin With Dry Fruits

Dry Fruits have a number of health benefits to offer as they are packed with a number of nutrients and vitamins and thus, considered as the great source of food. One can easily consume them on a regular basis and they don't affect your health in bad manners until or unless you have any allergic reaction from having the same. Eating them is the healthy and tasty ways to boost up your energy level and slow down your aging process. Here are some of the dry fruits that help you in this, so, take a look at the list and be ready to reap their benefits.

Almonds: One of the most popular dry fruits out in the market is almonds. Eating a handful of almonds has a very good impact for radiant skin. These are considered as the king of the dry fruits that are very much helpful in improving the hemoglobin in the blood that promotes blood circulation and ensures glowing skin.
Raisins: Another dry fruit everyone must have is raisins as they are popular and highly known to slow down your aging process. Apart from their beauty benefits, raisins also aid to combat the tooth decay. All the nutrients and vitamins present in them take care of your eye vision and keep the cavities at bay.
Walnuts: Another important dry fruit in the list is walnuts. They are packed with omega -3 fatty acids, which is majorly known for improving the skin texture and resist dryness. Having them regularly not only ensures the glowing skin but also improves your mental power as they are good for your brain and sharpen your memory.
Cashew: Everyone loves the sweet and salty taste of the cashews. And having this power food is good for skin care. It is proven to slow down the aging process because they are the great source of Vitamin E.
Pistachios: Pistachios are a true powerhouse of the nutrients that play a major role in stopping the premature aging. They are rich in Vitamin E, which has the ability to keep your skin nourished and keep them protected from the harmful UV rays.
Next, to fruits, dry fruits are the super food that contains a number of Nutrients, Antioxidants, Vitamins, and Minerals, which plays a vital role in taking care of your Health, Skin, and Hair. What are you waiting for? Go into the kitchen to get any of the dry fruits in the limited quantity and have them to reap their benefits for your glowing skin.


How Much Fruit is Too Much Fruit?

Thursday 19 October 2017

Diet Secrets Of The Hollywood Stars

So what do you do if you don't have the benefits of personal chef and a personal trainer? Simple. Teach yourself how to cook, and learn how to exercise.

Personal chefs help Hollywood stars maintain amazing eating habits. If you've ever wondered how your favorite actor, actress or performing artist looks so good for so long, you can bet that a professional chef had something to with it. Imagine if healthy food consumption operated by request. If you've ever uttered the phrase, "I'd like to eat a healthy meal, please have one prepared for me," then you know how easy it can be for a personal chef to provide you with a steady supply of balanced eating options.

Most of us don't have the benefit of a personal chef. Instead, the vast majority of us have to learn how to prepare our own healthy meals. Before you start over-analyzing a celebrity diet, realize that you too can achieve the level of conscious eating that celebs maintain. You have to plan ahead for balanced meals. You have to by healthy ingredients and develop food preparation skills. Before you look for another secret diet solution, try opening up a cook book and teaching yourself the basics. The more you know about cooking, the easier it'll be to have healthy eating options to choose from.

The personal trainer is another key ingredient to any celebrity diet plan. Hollywood stars receive professional-grade assistance when it comes to keeping in shape. These professional trainers are well-versed in the latest exercise techniques. They serve as guides, motivators, counselors and quality control experts.

In the absence of a personal trainer, you can always teach yourself how to exercise. Often time we place a certain mystical mystery on exercise. We don't like to admit that exercise isn't enigmatic. It's actually pretty straight forward. You can do yoga, Pilates or weight lifting. You can run around your block or join a gym. If you are totally clueless when it comes to exercising properly, then use the Internet for research. Do your homework. Find a friend who's gym-obsessed and ask them about their workout program.

Natural supplements like UnDiet do not work without balanced eating and frequent exercise. The UnDiet system can help you achieve a healthy lifestyle, but it cannot cook your food and it will not teach you yoga. Forget about the diet secrets of Hollywood stars. Hollywood celebs have the benefits of personal chefs and personal trainers. Teach yourself how to exercise properly, and learn how to cook balanced, healthy meals. It won't be easy learning how to cook and exercise like a professional, but you will see a nice return on your knowledge investments in these two subjects.


4-Minute Workout That Replaces 1 Hour in the Gym

Wednesday 18 October 2017

The Atkins Diet Pros And Cons - What The Experts Don't Tell You About The Atkins Diet!

No one would participate in any dieting plan without seeing the potential pros and cons of it. The Atkins diet is no exception to this and one should carefully research the Atkins diet pros and cons before proceeding with it. Atkins diet pros include rapid weight loss, improved health, reduced risk of disease and methods to maintain weight. But the most popular in the list of Atkins diet benefits is that of rapid initial weight loss, which mainly depends on a high-fat and high-protein diet that may lead to cons and may compromise a good cardiac and other organ health.

Atkins Diet Pros

Atkins diet pros are realized through the cutting down of the intake of bad carbohydrates into your body. By significantly reducing the bad carbohydrates that you introduce into your body, it will start to burn the stored fat triggered by a processed named Ketosis. In fact, initially, practically all carbohydrates will be removed from the diet--not just those found in junk food. You are basically consuming mostly fats and oils during the first phase. For most of us, eating high levels of fat is satisfying for us and causes us to lose weight faster. Don't just eat any type of fatty food however. Limit the intake of trans-fats such as what is found in margarine and shortening. Stick to the good fats such as real butter, oils in nuts, canola oil, flax seed, and olive oil. Try to also stay away from the polyunsaturated fats other then those containing omega-3 fatty acids (like what is in fish).

Another of the Atkins diet benefits is the plan within its program to maintain the weight levels achieved. The idea behind weight maintenance is that each individual has a particular level of carbohydrate intake in which they will neither lose nor gain weight. So after the initial phase of rapid weight loss, some carbohydrates are gradually introduced back into the body in order to determine what that level of balance is.

Another of the Atkins diet pros is the prevention of diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes. In simple terms, a high-protein and high-fat diet does not convert into sugar resulting in a stabilization of the blood sugar and insulin levels within the bloodstream. Patients who are pre-diabetic can possibly avoid having to take insulin shots in the future by losing weight through the Atkins diet now.

One of the most pleasant Atkins diet benefits is the fact that you start to look better and feel better not only in your self-esteem but physically as well. Patients who had chronic acid reflux and bloating from gas report that these symptoms begin to disappear once going on the Atkins diet. This is just because you are eating healthier and you weight is going down resulting in less pressure on your gastrointestinal system.

Atkins Diet Cons

The Atkins Diet is a popular and fast way to lose a lot of weight fast - there're many who give positive testimonials as to how much they did lose and how much better they feel. However one should be aware of the Atkins diet pros and cons before pursuing this diet. This is why knowing the Atkins Diet pros and cons are so important! Of the Atkins diet cons, the often asked about is the danger of a high-fat and high-protein diet in relation to good cardiac and other organ health.

Affecting the proper functioning of kidneys is one of the Atkins diet cons not too often discussed. A measure of good kidney function is the level of creatinine in the bloodstream. A high creatinine level means that the kidneys are not functioning as well. It has been determined that creatinine levels increase as a person is on the Atkins diet. Recommendations indicate that creatinine levels should be below 3.0. Any creatinine levels higher than that should be managed by a physician.

There is also the risk of calcium loss that is one of the Atkins diet cons. Calcium loss can result in the weakening of the bones or what is known as Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a loss of the healthy density in the bones and the bones become brittle and break easily. If the protein intake remains high as in the Atkins diet, the calcium intake will be low. Reductions in bone loss can also be attributed to the ratio of animal to vegetable protein intake.

Another of the Atkins diet cons is the effect it has on persons suffering from gout. Gout is a form of arthritis and it is triggered by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. The condition in the Atkins diet known as ketosis is where the body starts burning stored fat. You want to go into ketosis or else the initial fast weight loss characteristic of the Atkins diet. As Ketones increase in your system, uric acid levels also increase and this is what complicates the gout.

Another common complaint from those on the Atkins diet is constipation. This is because there is a lack of fiber in this type of diet and fiber is what you need in order to give substance to a stool for passing. You might need to take some fiber supplements to help prevent this condition. There is also the increase of the risk of heart disease because of higher cholesterol and saturated fat intake.

The Atkins Diet pros and cons should be carefully considered before determining if this is the right diet for you. It can be a very effective diet but just make sure it will not put you at unnecessary risk.


The WORST Ab Exercise Ever (STOP THIS TODAY!)

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Expert Tips for Childhood Tics

Childhood tics are quick, repetitive movements or sounds that your child feels like they have no control over. Tics often appear suddenly, most often in young boys. They are common, affecting up to 25% of children, although some kids appear to be unaware of them. Tics also seem to run in families along with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), suggesting a genetic link between these conditions.

Tics in children are divided into four categories:

Simple motor tics: These movements are the most common tics in kids. Examples include eye blinking, facial grimacing or jerking movements of the body.
Simple vocal tics: These simple sounds can include coughing, sniffing, throat clearing or grunting.
Complex motor tics: These complex movements (which can appear deliberate) include actions such as smelling objects, twirling, jumping, walking or mimicking the behaviour of others.
Complex vocal tics: These are generally words or phrases although might be said out of context or in a way that echoes what has just been said.
Tics in kids can change over time. For example a child who at first has a shoulder jerking tic might have an eye blinking tic instead a few weeks later. And while tics in children tend to occur many times each day, they can also come and go, disappearing for days or even weeks before returning.

While tics occur quite commonly in children, the percentage of kids who go on to have a chronic tic disorder is much lower. Diagnoses of Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder are made when children have had EITHER motor or vocal tics which have lasted for at least one year. Rarer still is Tourette's Disorder in which children have had BOTH motor and vocal tics (although not necessarily at the same time) for at least one year. Compared with common childhood tics, only about 4-5 in 10,000 children will go on to develop Tourette's Disorder.

How you can help with your child's tics:

While most kids with tics report that they have no control over them, occasionally children can suppress their tics for a few seconds or even minutes. Sometimes parents mistake this to mean that their child can stop their tics if they try hard enough. Unfortunately the attention, stress and frustration which sometimes accompanies this belief tends to make the tic worse.

Instead, it's more useful early on to draw as little attention as possible to a child's tic. Tics usually occur less often when the child is relaxed, absorbed in an interesting activity or asleep. In contrast, stress, illness, fatigue and boredom seem to increase tics for many children.

Other useful strategies include educating the child about tics, reassuring them that tics are common and often short-lived and teaching relaxation strategies to lower baseline levels of stress. Sharing information about a child's tics with their teachers and friends can also be useful.

For some children with persistent tics, a behavioural therapy technique known as 'Habit Reversal Therapy' has been shown to be helpful. This involves teaching the child to become aware of the sensations that arise when a tic is imminent. Once the child has learnt to identify these warning signs, they are taught to deliberately perform an alternative sound or action which appears more socially appropriate and which interrupts and reduces the tic. These techniques are usually taught by a Psychiatrist or Psychologist and are then practised at home.

When to seek help for tics in children:

While most tics in children will disappear as suddenly as they appeared, some will come back at times of stress. A small percentage of children with tics will go on to be diagnosed with a chronic tic disorder. Unfortunately there's no way of predicting which of these future outcomes will eventuate.

If any of the following are present, seek the advice of your Family Doctor or Child Health Specialist:

if your child is particularly self-conscious, anxious, distressed or having difficulty functioning as a result of their tics
if your child's tic has been present for longer than 12 months
if other symptoms are present. Childhood tics can also occur in the context of a genetic or neurological condition, as a side-effect of medication or following an infection.
if you're worried. After all, parents know their children best and if you're concerned, this is reason enough to seek expert advice.

Key Nutrients that Make Your Muscles Grow

Sunday 15 October 2017

Easy Breakfasts - Homemade Belgian Waffles

More or less, Belgian waffles become a generic term for all types of waffles. And there are sites that have Belgian waffle recipes in their waffle compilation. And not to mention that these Belgian waffles really taste heavenly. Amazingly enough, these delectable food are named after the country of Belgium, and which later have gradually gained popularity throughout the world.

Without a doubt, this Belgian waffle recipe will definitely give you waffles which are light (owing to the yeast used and crispy (owing to the egg whites used). I believe your mouths are watering already upon reading this. Moreover, you can simply mix them up and put toppings on them with a variety of flavors as desired. Furthermore, these breakfast food can be eaten with fruits, or you could just simply enjoy eating them with deserts or whipped cream along with some chocolate toppings. Also what makes luscious Belgian waffles stand out among other types of this sort are their size.

The best possible way to bake Belgian waffles is to make use of yeast. This is so because yeast will certainly make Belgian waffles become fluffy, lusciously soft and very delectable. As well, you could also make use of cake flour or baking powder. However, one can absolutely have the best results when making use of yeast. Commonly, Belgian waffles are indeed a common name for two types of waffles including the Liege Waffles and Brussels waffles. On top of it, people typically think of Brussels waffles when they talk about Belgian waffles.

Belgian Waffle Recipe

For a Basic Belgian Waffle recipe we will need: 
- 3 and one fourth cups (1 pound - 500g) all purpose flour 
- one sachet (7g) instant dried yeast 
- 4 medium eggs 
- whole milk (you can also add some sparkling mineral water and make them even fluffier) 
- two sticks (one-half pound. - 250g) butter 
- vanilla sugar 
- some salt

1. First take a cup of milk and heat it until it is lukewarm then mix in your yeast. You can now leave the yeast standing for a while.

2. In the mean time - melt the butter, but stop as soon as it melts, do not over heat it or even burn it - you will lose the taste. You also need to...

3....separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and beat the egg whites until you get snow.

4. Now take a big giant huge bowl and throw in all the flour, vanilla sugar (one sachet) and some salt. Make a hole in the middle of the flour and fill it with melted butter, dissolved yeast and egg yolk.

5. Mix while you are adding milk (and some mineral water if you want). You should mix it really well so there are no lumps. The question you might ask here is how dense the dough should be and how much milk? It should be thick, think pancakes and then make it a bit thicker.

6. OK, now gently mix the beaten egg whites into the dough.

7. We are really hungry right now but the hardest part of this recipe comes next - leave the dough to rest and rise at room temperature for a while. How long? Until the volume of the dough doubles or even triples! We told you to take a really big bowl. If you are in a hurry then wait for 30 minutes to one hour, but if you can, make the waffle dough in the evening and leave it overnight.

8. Use the oil to grease the waffle iron (which should be hot) so your waffles do not stick to it and pour the dough in it. Bake them until they turn golden brown.

9. This step is really easy. Well, you may eat them already!

Of course, one cannot say that this Belgian waffle recipe is as easy-to-do as some other waffle recipes found on other sites; but it surely makes your family go craving for seconds when it comes to taste.

Article Source: 

8 Foods You Should Never Eat | Food That Should Be Avoided

Saturday 14 October 2017

Ketosis Diets For Weight Loss And Other Health Benefits

Ketosis diets are sometimes called ketogenic diets or very low-carb diets. Ketosis is a biochemical phenomenon which occurs during starvation or extreme carbohydrate restriction, but the word is not supposed to be confused with ketoacidosis, which is something that happens to diabetics when their blood sugar goes out of control.

Ketoacidosis is dangerous, but only happens to diabetics. Ketosis is a natural phenomenon that is in no way dangerous and has some miraculous health benefits. Some people like to think that Ketosis is in some way harmful, but they are confusing these two terms.

Ketosis diets have been used in the past for controlling epileptic seizures in children who haven't responded to any sort of medication. These diets were in common use for this purpose earlier in the 20th century. Interest in this diet plan has been reestablished for diseases such as brain cancer, obesity, diabetes and many, many more.

Ketosis Diets and Obesity

Low-carb, ketogenic diets have been studied and well documented with regards to obesity, and participants usually notice an appetite suppressant effect. When researchers compare low-fat to low-carb diets, they need to actively restrict calories in the low-fat group in order to achieve comparable results.

Low-carb diets are often high in saturated fat, but are still able to improve biomarkers such as HDL cholesterol, insulin resistance, triglyceride levels, and have a positive effect on LDL cholesterol patterns, changing them to large, fluffy type (good) instead of small, dense type (bad).

There are often claims about ketogenic diets being restrictive, but in many studies the people following those diets have a higher chance of completing the studies than the comparison groups (usually low-fat/high-carb diets).

Ketosis Diets and Epilepsy

Most research studies on the benefits of ketosis diets for epileptic seizures in children show a large improvement, which is especially significant since these children usually did not respond to previous medication therapy. In one study, 38% of the kids on the ketosis diet had more than a 50% reduction in the frequency of seizures while 7% had greater than a 90% reduction. A modified Atkins diet, basically an extended Atkins induction phase, showed similar results.


There are many other diseases that may massively benefit from ketosis diets, and it is strange that these kinds of diets are not more often used for therapeutic purposes. The side effects of drugs, which are often not that effective, are most certainly a lot worse than the mild side effects and minor nuances of following a restricted diet.

Article Source: 

How to Fix All Your Sleep Problems With Science

Friday 13 October 2017

How To Improve Eyesight - The Quest For Vision Improvement

I happen to suffer from the very common condition of chronic glaucoma. Glaucoma can be very dangerous if not treated immediately. It can lead to optic nerve damage and eventually blindness! So since I am already taking medication to control the glaucoma, I thought it would be a good idea to see what else I could do to improve my overall eye health. In researching the condition, I found that the cause of build-up of pressure in the eye is due to lack of proper drainage. As my eye doctor explained to me, "imagine your eye is a bathtub draining water, but that water is being blocked by debris clogging the drain." The drops I use unclog the drain thereby releasing the built-up pressure in the eyeball. Great...however, here are a few smart things you can do to help maintain good eye health.

Here are a few Vision Exercises specifically for Glaucoma: Sunbathe: Sit outside with your face lifted up to the sun. Keeping your eyes closed of course; let the warmth from the sun bathe your face. The heat from the sun will help open the blocked fluid channels in your eye. A very relaxing treatment! (Make sure you are wearing some sun block!) Approximately 5 minutes.

Palming the eyes: Rub the palms of your hands together vigorously. This will generate heat; then place palms over your closed eyes and feel the warmth penetrate over the eye area. This is good for blood circulation to the eyes...also very soothing. (I first learned how to do this from my Tai Chi teacher years ago, it's amazing how the Chinese have been practicing this for years!)

The following fruits and vegetables will be beneficial to your eye health. Here are some of my favorites:

Vision Foods: Carrots, celery, cabbage and beets

Raspberries, apples and plums (I love summer plums!)

Be sure to include some salmon and albacore tuna in your diet. And for added protection, the spice Turmeric (very powerful!)

Consult your eye physician and then get to work on improving your eye health with smart food and vision exercises!

Vision Exercises can improve your vision however, we don't seem to find the time to exercise our bodies or our eyes on a daily basis but we somehow find plenty of time to watch TV and everything else we do in our busy and sometimes hectic lives. Just 5 minutes of vision exercises daily can have huge benefits in the health and performance of your eyes. Please consider making daily vision exercises one of your top priorities each and ever day.

Article Source: 

9 Proofs You Can Increase Your Brain Power

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Plums For Better Vision Health

Many people say that if food is healthy for you it doesn't taste good. However, when it comes to protecting and improving your eye health this is a common misconception. In fact eyemany healthy foods that are good for your eyes are also appealing to your taste buds. These include cherries,grapes, watermelons,oranges, walnuts and dark chocolate to name a few. Plums are another example of a tasty healthy food to improve eyesight that supports better vision health. Therefore, here are some reasons why you should include plums as part of a healthy diet to improve vision and protect your eye health.

Plums are packed with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins B1, (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), B-6 and Vitamin E. Additional nutrients include Vitamins A and C, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron and Zinc to name a few. This is a good snack if you are watching your calories. It is very low in calorie content and also rich in fiber that gives it properties useful in terms of weight loss.

Eye Health Benefits: Research provided by The Archives of Ophthalmology shows that a serving of 3 or more fruits including plums can help to reduce the risks for the age related vision disease macular degeneration. The vitamin A and beta- carotene content in plums are beneficial in maintaining healthy eyesight. This tasty fruit also possesses carotenoids that help to protect the macular tissues of the retina and reduces the risks for age related vision disorders.

Maintains Healthy Cholesterol Levels: A research study revealed that the juice from plums and prunes has health promoting properties that aid in raising the good cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and reducing the bad cholesterol, LDL cholesterol.

Improves Brain Health: Research shows that the flavonoids present in plum juice can reduce cognitive decline. This is due to the fact that these flavonoids play a role in reducing inflammation in the brain. Also research shows that this type of juice has health promoting phytonutrients that improve the neurological function of the brain thereby improving memory and learning.

Boosts Immune System: Due to its Vitamin C content it boosts the body's immune system's defenses against inflammation and infections. Oriental plums increase the body's production of nitric oxide and aid in neutralizing harmful cells in the body.

Digestive Benefits: Its rich source in fiber assists in an efficiently working digestive system. It also aids in good elimination due to its sorbitol and isatin content.

Better Heart Health: Research shows that regular consumption of plums results in an improvement in circulation to the arteries of the heart. This promotes better blood flow, and an efficiently working cardiovascular system. This also reduces the risks for heart attacks and strokes.

Cancer Prevention: This fruit is abundant in antioxidants and phytonutrients. These compounds are important in stunting the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, eating plums on a regular basis can aid in cancer prevention.

if you are searching for a healthy snack to help you maintain healthy eyesight while protecting important aspects of your general health, then, plums are a good nutritional choice for keeping your eyes in good shape.

Article Source:

10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Yam Noodles for Weight Loss

With the difficulties of the diet industry, it's good to find foods that are naturally healthy and can be used in every day dishes. This is great for health and weight loss. The Yam Noodle has recently been discovered in the U.S. and is better known as the Shirataki Noodle. Made from the flower of the Konjac plant, it's sometimes referred to as the Elephant Yam. These noodles are calorie and carb free. They can replace pasta in recipes removing unwanted glucose and extra starches.

The noodle is a powerhouse of soluble fiber. The glucomannan fiber base of manose and sucrose sugars, becomes an emollient mass slowing digestion and improving metabolic function. For those concerned with weight or even cholesterol, the yam noodle's fiber content aides in weight loss and lowering cholesterol. Its Atkins approved, and this pasta substitute has zero points if you're counting points for other popular diets.

Powdered yam flour is used to make the noodles. It's actually the dried root of the Konjac plant. Not an actual tuber, the yam in Asia has been a main staple of their diets for centuries. It can make more than just yam noodles. It can be used to make jelly that is also known as Snake Palm or Voodoo Lily. A native perennial of Asia, the yam has been used in several "cooler" noodle dishes in the warm summer months. It is available anytime and for any season.

The noodle is versatile which is beneficial for those with busy lives. It can also be beneficial for those using it to lose weight. When it's combined with exercise, it's a great weight loss tool. They are easy to prepare. All you do is rinse thoroughly and boil them for a few minutes. They can be added to any entree to bring more flavor to a dish.

The yam noodle will provide better absorption of nutrients and can increase your stamina and durability during workouts, making the most of your workout time. If you include vegetables with your noodles, you can increase the health benefits and boost the body's fat burning power.

Several recipes for these noodles are popping up all over the Internet and are quickly becoming popular. Several health and weight loss blogs have been boasting about the Shirataki or yam noodle and its versatility. They can replace traditional pasta dishes and can reduce binge eating. These noodles help satisfy hunger usually felt on restrictive diets. Foods that fill dieters and help with weight loss are always a necessity. With the internet and several markets available, these popular Asian noodles are right at your fingertips.


If You Eat Hard boiled Eggs Daily, this is what happens to your body

Monday 9 October 2017

6 Tips to Improve Your Body Image

We have all had problems with our body image, whether it's just before the party season or just after. Everyone has had some issue with how they look at some point in their lives. Today our lives are filled with visual images of how we are supposed to look or we are being introduced to the 'latest' diet program making us take a closer look at our bodies.

Here are 6 tips to help you become less obsessed about how you look:-

1. Stop avoiding your body - The best way to avoid negative body image is to face up to how you body looks and to start getting to know it, lumps, bumps and everything in between. If you usually avoid mirrors, now is the perfect time to start approaching them. Look at yourself as a whole person - don't just focus on the bits you don't like. Spend some time with yourself naked! Try new activities that you would normally avoid like going to the beach. The more time you spend in contact with your body and accepting your body the way it is, the more you are likely to develop a better body image.

2. Stop constantly checking - This is when you are constantly checking your body for evidence of continued 'disgustingness'. A person might study their body in the mirror for hours, or pinch their sides to check on their 'fat'. Write a list of your checking behaviours and recognise what you are doing by making a point to refuse to check or at least try to cut back.

3. Stop comparing yourself - One form of the checking behaviour is when you also compare your physical attributes to other people. It can be challenging to stop negatively comparing yourself to others. Make a note of when you compare, who you compare yourself to, and what you say to yourself when you do it. What effect does this have on how you feel when you do it? What can you say to yourself that can be more helpful and uplifting?

4. Check your assumptions out - Some people can interpret normal everyday evidence as 'fatness'. For example, a lot of women think that if their thighs or stomachs wobble, this means they are 'fat'. In fact, this wobbliness is part of a normal female's characteristics and can be normal fluid retention leading up to a premenstrual cycle but many view this as a 'sign' that they are putting on weight.

5. Separate the feeling bad from feeling fat - When you are having some weight issues, it can sometimes be challenging to separate your feelings of how you feel about your body. For example, if you've just had a fight with your partner you may start to feel 'fat' and unattractive. Try and identify what the real issues are and keep them separate from your body image issues. Another example when people feel 'fat' is just after they have eaten. When this happens remind yourself that your weight and appearance are the same before you started to feel this way. You may feel different but your weight hasn't changed.

6. Practise self acceptance - When you have a negative body image it's like having you own personal critic inside your head. This critic makes you feel awful because you end up believing it. When you feel terrible about yourself, you may look for ways to feel better. You may eat something which you feel is 'naughty' but gives you some momentary pleasure, but then the critic is back to comment on what a pig you are. To change this negative body image persona you need to kill the critic in your head and learn to love yourself for the way you look. Cognitive techniques can be a very effective in helping you identify and change your critical thinking.

By learning to accept and love yourself for who you are and the way you look, you will find yourself happier and more appreciative of how your body looks and feels. We all want to look our best and have a healthy body but a healthy body comes in many shapes and sizes. Make sure your lifestyle consists of a healthy eating plan and regular exercise that will help boost yourself image; self esteem and of course increase your energy levels.
