Monday 30 October 2017

Pumpkins Seeds Roasted - Healthy and Delicious!

Pumpkin Seeds also called Pepitas, have been used in North America for centuries as food and medicine. Each year we carve up our pumpkins but how many of us roast the seeds? They make such a good snack and are so healthy!

Since pumpkins are gourds they have components which can aid in prostate, urinary tract health, brain function, and may help to prevent some cancers.
Pepitas are also packed full of nutrients such as zinc, phosporous, some iron, manganese and magnesium, which can help keep the skin healthy, make hair grow better and stronger.

They also contain tryptophan, Omega 3 fats, amino acids and vitamin K. Omega 3 fats are vital to the health of cell membranes and are beneficial in helping to protect us from possible major threats to our health.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds are delicious BUT, in order to keep their essential oils intact it is best to roast them at low temperatures.
Seeds from a pumpkin (de-slimed, rinsed and patted dry) 1-2 tsp Kosher salt 1-2 tbsp canola or olive oil large zip-lock bag cookie sheet tin foil* (optional)
  1. Put clean pumpkin seeds into a large Ziplock bag.
  2. Pour oil into the bag and seal shut - Shake the bag till all the seeds are coated
  3. Spread the seeds onto a cookie sheet (I cover mine in tinfoil for easier clean up and to help keep the seeds from burning)
  4. Sprinkle with the Kosher salt (I like Kosher salt because it tastes so good) 5. Put in oven and roast at: 165 degrees for 15-20 minutes for the healthiest version 400 degrees for 8 - 10 minutes for the less health-filled but crunchy yummy version.

*many people feel that cooking food with aluminum foil is unhealthy


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