Sunday 29 October 2017

Mind and Muscle - The Supplement Placebo Effect - Is it the Supplement, Or Your Mind Working?

Back during World War II, the medics and hospitals would often run out of painkillers and would give their patients the latest and greatest painkiller, peace of mind.

Sometimes they would inject the soldiers with what they were told to be morphine, but was actually a healthy dose of saline solution, or saltwater. The good news is that, when injected with the "morphine," most of the soldiers' pain would vanish, at least temporarily.

The Placebo Effect

The medics weren't exactly tricking the soldiers; they were activating a placebo effect. The placebo effect is basically a series of reactions in the brain that can change its psychological or physiological functioning. Like in the example of the soldiers, they thought they were getting morphine, which they know dulls the pain immediately, but they were given saltwater. The reaction was the same; it cancelled out the pain, at least temporarily. The reason for this is because your brain controls your body, and your mind can subconsciously control your brain.

Muscle Building Placebo Effects

The placebo effect spills over into the muscle gaining environment through other drugs known as supplements. The truth is, many of the supplements on the shelves don't actually contain any active ingredients that would cause someone to gain muscle. Some supplements are like a shot of saltwater, they are useless and just get carried out. Other supplements have very little active ingredient, but not enough to account for any muscle growth that someone might experience while on the supplement.

Most muscle gaining hopefuls don't simply walk into a store and purchase any flashy tub of powder they see. They usually make "informed" decisions based upon what they've read in magazines or heard from others. In most cases, when someone starts taking a dietary supplement for the first time, it's a leap of faith. They are using the supplement for one simple reason, because they believe it will work.

The belief is key here. When you believe something completely, and back it with emotion, you can accomplish things that once seemed impossible. This includes physiological changes, or changes to the body. By thinking and believing that the supplement that was just consumed will cause muscle growth, the brain takes it as instructions. Basically, because of the individual's strong conviction, the person's brain will actually get to work and start the muscle building process. It will do this because it was told to do it.

Now, usually when a trainee starts a new supplement, they believe it will help build muscle. With everything else staying the same, this belief is strong enough to spark growth. The thing is, how many people start a new supplement and keep doing what they are doing? Not many. Most people will get on the "new miracle" and will kick their training up a notch. Not only will they improve their training, they usually improve their nutrition and recovery.

Give Yourself Some Credit

If you were to make those improvements to your muscle gaining strategy: training more intensely, eating better, and resting properly, wouldn't you gain muscle anyway, even without the supplement? The answer is a resounding Yes! Too many people get on a supplement and give all credit for improvement to the supplement. Give yourself more credit! You did the work, not the supplement! Chances are, the supplement didn't even do anything, and it was just a placebo. Some supplements are worth taking and do the body some good, but if you don't build the foundation with solid training, nutrition, recovery... the supplements won't do you any good. Now if supplements can't help build muscle with poor training and nutrition, do you think they help with proper training and nutrition? Maybe a little, but it's you getting the results, not the supplement.

Here are three easy steps to wean yourself off of unnecessary supplements:

1. Slowly stop using whatever you want to quit and see your results not slip, but actually believe that they will improve. Use the placebo effect for your advantage.

2. Realize that it's you doing the hard work, not the supplement. Give yourself the credit.

3. Start believing in yourself and your ability to gain muscle. Just as a belief in a supplement can cause growth, believe in yourself and see what happens.

Now you can use the placebo effect to your advantage and use your mind and muscle connection to build muscle.


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