Friday 13 October 2017

How To Improve Eyesight - The Quest For Vision Improvement

I happen to suffer from the very common condition of chronic glaucoma. Glaucoma can be very dangerous if not treated immediately. It can lead to optic nerve damage and eventually blindness! So since I am already taking medication to control the glaucoma, I thought it would be a good idea to see what else I could do to improve my overall eye health. In researching the condition, I found that the cause of build-up of pressure in the eye is due to lack of proper drainage. As my eye doctor explained to me, "imagine your eye is a bathtub draining water, but that water is being blocked by debris clogging the drain." The drops I use unclog the drain thereby releasing the built-up pressure in the eyeball. Great...however, here are a few smart things you can do to help maintain good eye health.

Here are a few Vision Exercises specifically for Glaucoma: Sunbathe: Sit outside with your face lifted up to the sun. Keeping your eyes closed of course; let the warmth from the sun bathe your face. The heat from the sun will help open the blocked fluid channels in your eye. A very relaxing treatment! (Make sure you are wearing some sun block!) Approximately 5 minutes.

Palming the eyes: Rub the palms of your hands together vigorously. This will generate heat; then place palms over your closed eyes and feel the warmth penetrate over the eye area. This is good for blood circulation to the eyes...also very soothing. (I first learned how to do this from my Tai Chi teacher years ago, it's amazing how the Chinese have been practicing this for years!)

The following fruits and vegetables will be beneficial to your eye health. Here are some of my favorites:

Vision Foods: Carrots, celery, cabbage and beets

Raspberries, apples and plums (I love summer plums!)

Be sure to include some salmon and albacore tuna in your diet. And for added protection, the spice Turmeric (very powerful!)

Consult your eye physician and then get to work on improving your eye health with smart food and vision exercises!

Vision Exercises can improve your vision however, we don't seem to find the time to exercise our bodies or our eyes on a daily basis but we somehow find plenty of time to watch TV and everything else we do in our busy and sometimes hectic lives. Just 5 minutes of vision exercises daily can have huge benefits in the health and performance of your eyes. Please consider making daily vision exercises one of your top priorities each and ever day.

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