Sunday 15 October 2017

Easy Breakfasts - Homemade Belgian Waffles

More or less, Belgian waffles become a generic term for all types of waffles. And there are sites that have Belgian waffle recipes in their waffle compilation. And not to mention that these Belgian waffles really taste heavenly. Amazingly enough, these delectable food are named after the country of Belgium, and which later have gradually gained popularity throughout the world.

Without a doubt, this Belgian waffle recipe will definitely give you waffles which are light (owing to the yeast used and crispy (owing to the egg whites used). I believe your mouths are watering already upon reading this. Moreover, you can simply mix them up and put toppings on them with a variety of flavors as desired. Furthermore, these breakfast food can be eaten with fruits, or you could just simply enjoy eating them with deserts or whipped cream along with some chocolate toppings. Also what makes luscious Belgian waffles stand out among other types of this sort are their size.

The best possible way to bake Belgian waffles is to make use of yeast. This is so because yeast will certainly make Belgian waffles become fluffy, lusciously soft and very delectable. As well, you could also make use of cake flour or baking powder. However, one can absolutely have the best results when making use of yeast. Commonly, Belgian waffles are indeed a common name for two types of waffles including the Liege Waffles and Brussels waffles. On top of it, people typically think of Brussels waffles when they talk about Belgian waffles.

Belgian Waffle Recipe

For a Basic Belgian Waffle recipe we will need: 
- 3 and one fourth cups (1 pound - 500g) all purpose flour 
- one sachet (7g) instant dried yeast 
- 4 medium eggs 
- whole milk (you can also add some sparkling mineral water and make them even fluffier) 
- two sticks (one-half pound. - 250g) butter 
- vanilla sugar 
- some salt

1. First take a cup of milk and heat it until it is lukewarm then mix in your yeast. You can now leave the yeast standing for a while.

2. In the mean time - melt the butter, but stop as soon as it melts, do not over heat it or even burn it - you will lose the taste. You also need to...

3....separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and beat the egg whites until you get snow.

4. Now take a big giant huge bowl and throw in all the flour, vanilla sugar (one sachet) and some salt. Make a hole in the middle of the flour and fill it with melted butter, dissolved yeast and egg yolk.

5. Mix while you are adding milk (and some mineral water if you want). You should mix it really well so there are no lumps. The question you might ask here is how dense the dough should be and how much milk? It should be thick, think pancakes and then make it a bit thicker.

6. OK, now gently mix the beaten egg whites into the dough.

7. We are really hungry right now but the hardest part of this recipe comes next - leave the dough to rest and rise at room temperature for a while. How long? Until the volume of the dough doubles or even triples! We told you to take a really big bowl. If you are in a hurry then wait for 30 minutes to one hour, but if you can, make the waffle dough in the evening and leave it overnight.

8. Use the oil to grease the waffle iron (which should be hot) so your waffles do not stick to it and pour the dough in it. Bake them until they turn golden brown.

9. This step is really easy. Well, you may eat them already!

Of course, one cannot say that this Belgian waffle recipe is as easy-to-do as some other waffle recipes found on other sites; but it surely makes your family go craving for seconds when it comes to taste.

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