Tuesday 10 October 2017

Yam Noodles for Weight Loss

With the difficulties of the diet industry, it's good to find foods that are naturally healthy and can be used in every day dishes. This is great for health and weight loss. The Yam Noodle has recently been discovered in the U.S. and is better known as the Shirataki Noodle. Made from the flower of the Konjac plant, it's sometimes referred to as the Elephant Yam. These noodles are calorie and carb free. They can replace pasta in recipes removing unwanted glucose and extra starches.

The noodle is a powerhouse of soluble fiber. The glucomannan fiber base of manose and sucrose sugars, becomes an emollient mass slowing digestion and improving metabolic function. For those concerned with weight or even cholesterol, the yam noodle's fiber content aides in weight loss and lowering cholesterol. Its Atkins approved, and this pasta substitute has zero points if you're counting points for other popular diets.

Powdered yam flour is used to make the noodles. It's actually the dried root of the Konjac plant. Not an actual tuber, the yam in Asia has been a main staple of their diets for centuries. It can make more than just yam noodles. It can be used to make jelly that is also known as Snake Palm or Voodoo Lily. A native perennial of Asia, the yam has been used in several "cooler" noodle dishes in the warm summer months. It is available anytime and for any season.

The noodle is versatile which is beneficial for those with busy lives. It can also be beneficial for those using it to lose weight. When it's combined with exercise, it's a great weight loss tool. They are easy to prepare. All you do is rinse thoroughly and boil them for a few minutes. They can be added to any entree to bring more flavor to a dish.

The yam noodle will provide better absorption of nutrients and can increase your stamina and durability during workouts, making the most of your workout time. If you include vegetables with your noodles, you can increase the health benefits and boost the body's fat burning power.

Several recipes for these noodles are popping up all over the Internet and are quickly becoming popular. Several health and weight loss blogs have been boasting about the Shirataki or yam noodle and its versatility. They can replace traditional pasta dishes and can reduce binge eating. These noodles help satisfy hunger usually felt on restrictive diets. Foods that fill dieters and help with weight loss are always a necessity. With the internet and several markets available, these popular Asian noodles are right at your fingertips.


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