The Paleo diet goes by many names, including the Caveman Diet, the Hunter-Gather Diet, and the Stone Age Diet. Regardless of the name you call it by, the benefits of Paleo diet are numerous. Once you adjust to this different way of eating-and looking at food-you will begin to feel the difference in your body.
Our bodies are simply not designed to process and utilize many of the foods in our modern diet. Many of the staples of the modern diet that we consider healthy are in fact products that man himself cultivated. They are not naturally occurring foods. And they are certainly not foods that our bodies were designed to use as fuel. Relatively speaking, these foods are new to our diets and our bodies have not fully adapted to our intake.
The result of our consumption of these foods is much like what happens when you use the wrong fuel in your vehicle: a sluggish engine. Our bodies respond by becoming susceptible to illness and disease. Our bodies run more slowly and less effectively than they should. In general, we just don't feel good. However, most of us cannot remember a time that these 'foods' were not in our diets, so we don't realize that how we feel is not normal. We are unaware that our bodies can in fact feel better and perform at much higher levels.
The four benefits of the Paelo diet are: increased energy; clearer, smoother skin; weight loss; and a stronger immune system.
Increased Energy
One of the benefits of the Paleo diet is increased energy. You will have more energy than you know what to do with. Some people say they feel younger, but others claim they have more energy than they ever recall having. Think about it: the Paleo man had to have a lot of energy just to get through his day, which centered upon surviving. His diet sustained him through the equivalent of walking ten miles each day, as well as running from predators, and lifting heavy objects.
Clearer, Smoother Skin
Your skin will look clearer and smoother skin than ever before. Sometimes we don't even realize how dull and lackluster our skin's appearance has become until it begins to clear. The Paleo diet is a skin-clearing miracle.
Weight Loss
Many of us begin battling our weight as we age. Once you make the shift to the Paleo diet, you will be surprised by how easy weight loss becomes. The Paleo man did not battle the bulge like we do. His physique was slim and trim.
Stronger Immune System
Once you eliminate the damaging processed and cultivated foods we have added to our diets, your body begins to regain its natural resistance to illness and disease. The Paleo man had a short life expectancy due to a lack of medical care, not due to illness. He did not suffer from heart disease or diabetes like we do.
The benefits of the Paleo diet are too good to ignore.
Article Source:
Friday, 30 September 2016
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Benefits of Swimming
If you like being in the water, here is some information that will have you smiling all the way to the pool: swimming is an excellent form of all-round exercise. When you exercise on land, there are many factors working against you. First, you have to battle the force of your full weight. Next, you place an awful lot of pressure on your bones and joints, particularly if you are overweight.
Then, there is also the feeling of exhaustion creeping up on you as sweat trickles from every pore and you feel sore muscles creaking in protest. Swimming eliminates all the distress of exercising.
Some of the benefits of swimming are:
Swimming is an excellent exercise for those people who want to lose weight. Studies suggest that people expend more than twice the same number of calories when they are swimming when compared to jogging or climbing stairs. At the same time, since the body's temperature does not rise during this exercise, exercisers are spared the sharp pangs of 'after-workout hunger'.
The benefits of swimming are available even to people suffering from medical problems. The buoyancy of water acts naturally to form a protective cocoon around the body, taking away any excess pressure on the bones, joints and muscles. There is no harsh pounding or jerks to jolt the system. That is why swimming is the recommended exercise for people recouping from an injury or having a history of medical problems.
Swimming is 100% safe. When performed correctly, the rhythmic motion of the arms and legs makes it impossible for you to sustain an injury while swimming. Swimming is an exercise that most people can enjoy, regardless of their weight, age and fitness level.
Swimming is a comfortable exercise. Most people hate working out in summer when the mercury climbs to unbearable levels. Even warm days can put an end to your workout plans. With swimming, you do not need to endure unbearable heat and discomfort. You can control the temperature of the water so that nothing interferes with your exercise routine.
The benefits of swimming makes itself apparent in all parts of your body. It exercises all the major muscle groups, even the lower abdomen and the hips! Since swimming requires you to fight the resistance of water, muscle development takes place. You also improve your strength and flexibility. Improving muscle mass and improving flexibility becomes all the more important as you age and become more prone to injuries and debilitating conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis. Swimming improves cardiovascular health, rejuvenates your circulation and leaves minimal residual soreness in the muscles. Controlled breathing improves the strength of the lung muscles too. Swimming also improves the efficiency of the heart. Contrast this with most land exercises that concentrate on one group of muscles or a single aspect of fitness.
The benefits of swimming extend to the mind too. People who swim regularly automatically get involved in meditation. This is because swimming is a dedicated activity that cannot be mixed with other distractions. When the mind is free to mediate, there is a qualitative improvement in life.
So, if you like water and you've been waiting for a reason to splash in its blue depths, you now have more than enough reasons to do it!
Article Source:
Then, there is also the feeling of exhaustion creeping up on you as sweat trickles from every pore and you feel sore muscles creaking in protest. Swimming eliminates all the distress of exercising.
Some of the benefits of swimming are:
Swimming is an excellent exercise for those people who want to lose weight. Studies suggest that people expend more than twice the same number of calories when they are swimming when compared to jogging or climbing stairs. At the same time, since the body's temperature does not rise during this exercise, exercisers are spared the sharp pangs of 'after-workout hunger'.
Swimming is 100% safe. When performed correctly, the rhythmic motion of the arms and legs makes it impossible for you to sustain an injury while swimming. Swimming is an exercise that most people can enjoy, regardless of their weight, age and fitness level.
Swimming is a comfortable exercise. Most people hate working out in summer when the mercury climbs to unbearable levels. Even warm days can put an end to your workout plans. With swimming, you do not need to endure unbearable heat and discomfort. You can control the temperature of the water so that nothing interferes with your exercise routine.
The benefits of swimming makes itself apparent in all parts of your body. It exercises all the major muscle groups, even the lower abdomen and the hips! Since swimming requires you to fight the resistance of water, muscle development takes place. You also improve your strength and flexibility. Improving muscle mass and improving flexibility becomes all the more important as you age and become more prone to injuries and debilitating conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis. Swimming improves cardiovascular health, rejuvenates your circulation and leaves minimal residual soreness in the muscles. Controlled breathing improves the strength of the lung muscles too. Swimming also improves the efficiency of the heart. Contrast this with most land exercises that concentrate on one group of muscles or a single aspect of fitness.
So, if you like water and you've been waiting for a reason to splash in its blue depths, you now have more than enough reasons to do it!
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Why Is Exercise Important? It Is One Of The Best Ways To Lose Weight And Keep Fit And Healthy
Getting active is one of the best ways to lose weight and keep fit and healthy.
Many people go for a brisk walk, gentle jog or try an exercise class. Everyone is different, so you must choose something that you find enjoyable. As a fully pledged adult, you should try to get your heart rate up at least four to five times a week.
There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving and aid weight loss.
Cycling, Dance, Football, Gym, Running/Jogging, Racket Sports, Swimming, Tai Chi, Walking/Rambling and Yoga.
Calories and Weight
A pound of fat equals 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week you will need to expend 3500 more calories than you eat that week, whether through increased activity or decreased eating or both. Losing 1-2 pounds of fat a week is a sensible goal, and so you will want to use the combination of increased activity and eating less that will total 3500 calories for 7 days.
Although exercising is great just being more active is also a good way to burn calories. There are many small changing you can make to your daily routine that will burn calories for example:
1. Take the stairs instead of the lift
2. Keep walking whilst the escalator caries you up
3. Walk or cycle instead of driving short distances
4. Park your car further away than you need to or get off the bus one early
5. Do some exercise on your lunch hour - swimming, yoga etc
Why is exercise important
1. Boost to your emotional well being
Even light exercise can help boost your mood. Also, more intense exercise can stimulate the release of mood elevating compounds called endorphins.
2. Reduce risk of heart disease
If you are overweight or obese, you are more prone to heart disease, as you have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. You can improve your cardiovascular function if you partake in exercise.
3. Improvement to memory
If you exercise more regularly, you move blood and oxygen to all your body's organs, including the brain, which is great for revitalising your mind.
4. Reduced risk of Diabetes
Physically active people are less likely to develop Diabetes, as exercise increases the body's ability to use sugar for energy and thereby decreases the need for insulin.
5. Other benefits include
Improved sleep pattern, increased strength, improved energy level, pain relief, longevity and increased bone density
The only way to make exercise part of your life is to build this into your everyday life. So why is exercise important? You will feel better, lose weight and keep fit and healthy.
Article Source:
Many people go for a brisk walk, gentle jog or try an exercise class. Everyone is different, so you must choose something that you find enjoyable. As a fully pledged adult, you should try to get your heart rate up at least four to five times a week.
There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving and aid weight loss.
Cycling, Dance, Football, Gym, Running/Jogging, Racket Sports, Swimming, Tai Chi, Walking/Rambling and Yoga.
Calories and Weight
A pound of fat equals 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week you will need to expend 3500 more calories than you eat that week, whether through increased activity or decreased eating or both. Losing 1-2 pounds of fat a week is a sensible goal, and so you will want to use the combination of increased activity and eating less that will total 3500 calories for 7 days.
1. Take the stairs instead of the lift
2. Keep walking whilst the escalator caries you up
3. Walk or cycle instead of driving short distances
4. Park your car further away than you need to or get off the bus one early
5. Do some exercise on your lunch hour - swimming, yoga etc
Why is exercise important
1. Boost to your emotional well being
Even light exercise can help boost your mood. Also, more intense exercise can stimulate the release of mood elevating compounds called endorphins.
2. Reduce risk of heart disease
If you are overweight or obese, you are more prone to heart disease, as you have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. You can improve your cardiovascular function if you partake in exercise.
3. Improvement to memory
If you exercise more regularly, you move blood and oxygen to all your body's organs, including the brain, which is great for revitalising your mind.
Physically active people are less likely to develop Diabetes, as exercise increases the body's ability to use sugar for energy and thereby decreases the need for insulin.
5. Other benefits include
Improved sleep pattern, increased strength, improved energy level, pain relief, longevity and increased bone density
The only way to make exercise part of your life is to build this into your everyday life. So why is exercise important? You will feel better, lose weight and keep fit and healthy.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Stop Sabotaging Your Diet
When you're getting ready to start a new diet do you already feel doomed to fail? Are you saying to yourself, "Okay, I'll give this diet a shot, but it probably won't work either"? There are many reasons that a lot of diets don't work, or work for awhile and then you start putting the weight back
on. Here are some things you can do about it.
1 Stop saying "I'm on a diet".Doesn't just the thought of being on a diet make you feel deprived? And besides, unless you're
one of those people who need to drop 5 pounds quickly to fit into that outfit for the reunion, you're
looking for a long term solution. You want a way to take the weight off and keep it off. When you
say "I'm on a diet", that suggests that some day you'll be "off" the diet and go back to eating the way you used to, which is when the weight you've worked so hard to lose will come back.
Tell yourself you have a new eating plan, and get excited about all the new healthy foods you get
to enjoy.
There will be days when you're really motivated and do everything right, exercise, eat the right food at the right time, everything perfect. And then there will be most days, when you don't make the time to exercise, eat some-thing really fattening, or both. The important thing to remember is not to beat yourself up over it. You're going to have good days and bad days, and many days in between. Just
don't give up. What's important is that you keep working toward your goal.
3 Don't set your goals too high.
So, you want to lose 100 pounds to get to your ideal weight . If you focus on that one
number you'll get intimidated before you even start. Instead, break it up into manageable
10 pound goals and find a way to celebrate each milestone, it will help keep you motivated.
You'll see ads everywhere promising "lose 14 lbs. in 7 days", or "drop 10 lbs. by next
week". Don't believe it. Try them if you must, but remember these "fads" only work for the
short term, the weight will come right back on as soon as you stop. Think about how long
it took you to put on the weight you want to lose, and then give yourself a break.
What you need to remember is that weight loss is a process that is ongoing. You learn
along the way what works for you and what you need to do to stay at your goal weight
once you reach it. Just don't give up.
Monday, 26 September 2016
How Much Protein Do You Really Need?
For someone just starting a workout program there are many challenges that may present themselves. How often should I workout? Why is it important to do resistance training as well as cardio? How much protein do I really need? For this article I am only going to focus on how much protein you need. Most people have no idea how much protein their bodies need. Instead they are told ridiculous numbers and are made to think that they need to buy expensive protein powders and shakes to increase their protein intake. Many of these powders have added sugars, fats and chemicals. Also the U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies protein powder as a dietary supplement, which indicates it is not subject to the same health regulations as real foods that are commercially sold. That means powders may make health or marketing claims that haven't been scientifically proven, according to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. So just how much protein does one need? There is a very simple formula that will determine exactly how much protein you should be consuming.
Proteins are large molecules that are composed of individual amino acids and they are held together by a peptide bond. This is similar to the pearls found on a pearl necklace. Proteins are responsible for many different functions. These include building and repairing tissue, an energy source for the body when there are low carbohydrate levels, and by synthesizing hormones and other enzymes. Good sources of protein are meats, eggs, legumes, nuts and dairy products.
Consuming too much protein as part of a high calorie diet will lead to the protein being stored as fat or it will be eliminated through urine. Also high protein diets can cause kidney stones, stress the kidneys and even lead to kidney failure. It can also lead to calcium loss from bones which are extremely dangerous for older female adults because it increases the risk of osteoporosis. While it is true athletes and those that exercise more frequently do need slightly more protein in their diet, it is very important to remember to eat a well balanced diet. Remember that too much of anything is not good.
Here is a very simple formula that can be used to calculate you protein needs:
Step 1- Calculate your body weight in kilograms (body weight lbs X.45= Weight in Kilograms)
Step 2 - Multiply your body weight in kilograms by 0.8 (Body Weight in Kilograms X 0.8)
Step 3- The number from step 2 is the amount of grams of protein you should be consuming per day
Example: A man weighs 150 pounds
Step 1- 150 X.45 =67.5 Kilograms
Step 2- 67.5 X 0.8=54
Step 3- A man weighing 150 pounds needs to consume 54 grams of protein per day
If you are an athlete you will need more protein than a sedentary person. Athlete meaning you train almost daily at a very high intensity. This is not someone that just goes to the gym 3 times a week.
Endurance Athletes should consume 1.4-1.6 grams of protein per day for the number Kilograms of their body weight
Strength Athletes should consume 1.6-1.7 grams of protein per day for the number of Kilograms of their body weight
By eating a well balanced diet it should not be too difficult for people to get their recommended amount of protein per day even without drinking an expensive protein shake.
Article Source:
Consuming too much protein as part of a high calorie diet will lead to the protein being stored as fat or it will be eliminated through urine. Also high protein diets can cause kidney stones, stress the kidneys and even lead to kidney failure. It can also lead to calcium loss from bones which are extremely dangerous for older female adults because it increases the risk of osteoporosis. While it is true athletes and those that exercise more frequently do need slightly more protein in their diet, it is very important to remember to eat a well balanced diet. Remember that too much of anything is not good.
Here is a very simple formula that can be used to calculate you protein needs:
Step 1- Calculate your body weight in kilograms (body weight lbs X.45= Weight in Kilograms)
Step 2 - Multiply your body weight in kilograms by 0.8 (Body Weight in Kilograms X 0.8)
Step 3- The number from step 2 is the amount of grams of protein you should be consuming per day
Step 1- 150 X.45 =67.5 Kilograms
Step 2- 67.5 X 0.8=54
Step 3- A man weighing 150 pounds needs to consume 54 grams of protein per day
If you are an athlete you will need more protein than a sedentary person. Athlete meaning you train almost daily at a very high intensity. This is not someone that just goes to the gym 3 times a week.
Endurance Athletes should consume 1.4-1.6 grams of protein per day for the number Kilograms of their body weight
Strength Athletes should consume 1.6-1.7 grams of protein per day for the number of Kilograms of their body weight
By eating a well balanced diet it should not be too difficult for people to get their recommended amount of protein per day even without drinking an expensive protein shake.
kidney stones,
weight loss,
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Saturday, 24 September 2016
Losing Weight in Autumn
When the trees shed their leaves in autumn and the days are closing in, a lot of overweight people wish that not only the leaves, but also the pounds would fall.
The goal is usually to be slim and fit for the Christmas holidays and New Year´s Eve.
However, losing weight especially in autumn can prove difficult for many people. There are just too many temptations in the time before and around Christmas, since you can buy most Christmas cookies and sweets already in September...
And before you know it, you have one or two bags of unhealthy food in your shopping cart.
Contingent upon the shorter days in autumn, we have a hard time doing some sportive activities. At nightfall we tend to get more tired and a bit sluggish. If you don´t stay consequently on your diet and if you don´t have some physical exercise, you are quickly in the old rut again and gain weight instead of loosing.
What can you do to get a slim body?
When you are aware of the traps, you can handle things easier. Try to ignore the sweets while shopping. This is easier said than done, I know. Before you go shopping, make a resolve not to buy any sweets. With a bit of goodwill you should be able to implement this intention. Provide yourself with fresh fruits from the fruit and vegetable section in your supermarket or from your local greengrocer. Having your cart loaded with good and healthy stuff, you should be able to pass the cookies section. Buy seasonal fruit and enjoy the thought of preparing a nice fruit salad when you get home. This image will distract you from the cookies and chocolates and raise the appetite for fruit.
If you want to lose weight in autumn you can help yourself with vegetables of the season. Especially in those last months of the year, cabbage is a good choice. Cabbage is low on calories, for instance white cabbage, red cabbage or savoy cabbage. Chop it in pieces or slices, cook it in little olive-oil, with onions and caraway seed (caraway makes the cabbage more digestible) until it is soft-boiled. Don´t stew it too long, though. The cabbage can by all means have some bite.
Cauliflower, broccoli and Brussel sprouts are also seasonal products. Briefly cooked in vegetable broth, flavored with salt and pepper and a bit of nutmeg you have lots of vitamins and little calories.
If you are accustomed to cream sauces and don´t want to go without it, you can prepare a sauce with skimmed milk instead of cream to go with the vegetables.
If you are interested in losing weight fast, try a diet with a cabbage soup. But please be mindful: people with internal diseases, diabetes or eating disorder should ask their doctor before dieting in this manner. To diet in this way over a longer period of time would mean a malnutrition. So, try it for a week and see if you like it!
Here comes the recipe:
1 big white cabbage or sweetheart cabbage (approx.2 pounds)
1 - 2 onions
1 - 3 garlic cloves (if requested)
3 tablespoons olive-oil
1\2 cup of dry white wine (if requested)
1,5 - 2 liquid quarts vegetable broth (or only hot water)
2 teaspoons caraway seeds
some fresh herbs
Chop the cabbage in medium-sized pieces, the onions and the garlic in medium-fine pieces. Heat the oil in a big pot and sauté the onions. Add the garlic. Add the wine, which should boil down to a minimum. Add now the caraway seeds. Add the cabbage and stew it lightly. Add the hot vegetable broth and season with salt and pepper, if necessary. Allow it to simmer for approx. 20 minutes. The softer the cabbage is, the more digestible it is. Serve the soup with fine chopped, fresh herbs.
You can eat as much soup as you want all day through, since it has almost no calories.
The voracious appetite for sweets occurs often in the last months of the year, through the lack of daylight. Whenever possible, go for a walk during daylight. If you work until late at night, try to get some fresh air at the weekend.
In addition to that, a vitamin-rich nutrition regulates the appetite. Should the voracious appetite gain the upper hand, try a low-fat junket or yogurt with fruits. This is a good alternative and helps to keep the voracious appetite for sweets under control.
If you stop doing sports now because of the ugly weather, you will be angry with yourself next year. Try to hang on and go for a walk or go swimming one to two times a week. Cycling may be not so nice in autumn and winter, maybe you want to go to a fitness studio instead. In this case you are not dependent on the weather. Firm appointments in gymnastic or aerobic groups with like-minded people help a lot to accomplish your goal, namely losing weight in autumn.
Article Source:
The goal is usually to be slim and fit for the Christmas holidays and New Year´s Eve.
However, losing weight especially in autumn can prove difficult for many people. There are just too many temptations in the time before and around Christmas, since you can buy most Christmas cookies and sweets already in September...
And before you know it, you have one or two bags of unhealthy food in your shopping cart.
Contingent upon the shorter days in autumn, we have a hard time doing some sportive activities. At nightfall we tend to get more tired and a bit sluggish. If you don´t stay consequently on your diet and if you don´t have some physical exercise, you are quickly in the old rut again and gain weight instead of loosing.
What can you do to get a slim body?
When you are aware of the traps, you can handle things easier. Try to ignore the sweets while shopping. This is easier said than done, I know. Before you go shopping, make a resolve not to buy any sweets. With a bit of goodwill you should be able to implement this intention. Provide yourself with fresh fruits from the fruit and vegetable section in your supermarket or from your local greengrocer. Having your cart loaded with good and healthy stuff, you should be able to pass the cookies section. Buy seasonal fruit and enjoy the thought of preparing a nice fruit salad when you get home. This image will distract you from the cookies and chocolates and raise the appetite for fruit.
Cauliflower, broccoli and Brussel sprouts are also seasonal products. Briefly cooked in vegetable broth, flavored with salt and pepper and a bit of nutmeg you have lots of vitamins and little calories.
If you are accustomed to cream sauces and don´t want to go without it, you can prepare a sauce with skimmed milk instead of cream to go with the vegetables.
If you are interested in losing weight fast, try a diet with a cabbage soup. But please be mindful: people with internal diseases, diabetes or eating disorder should ask their doctor before dieting in this manner. To diet in this way over a longer period of time would mean a malnutrition. So, try it for a week and see if you like it!
Here comes the recipe:
1 big white cabbage or sweetheart cabbage (approx.2 pounds)
1 - 2 onions
1 - 3 garlic cloves (if requested)
3 tablespoons olive-oil
1\2 cup of dry white wine (if requested)
1,5 - 2 liquid quarts vegetable broth (or only hot water)
2 teaspoons caraway seeds
some fresh herbs
Chop the cabbage in medium-sized pieces, the onions and the garlic in medium-fine pieces. Heat the oil in a big pot and sauté the onions. Add the garlic. Add the wine, which should boil down to a minimum. Add now the caraway seeds. Add the cabbage and stew it lightly. Add the hot vegetable broth and season with salt and pepper, if necessary. Allow it to simmer for approx. 20 minutes. The softer the cabbage is, the more digestible it is. Serve the soup with fine chopped, fresh herbs.
You can eat as much soup as you want all day through, since it has almost no calories.
In addition to that, a vitamin-rich nutrition regulates the appetite. Should the voracious appetite gain the upper hand, try a low-fat junket or yogurt with fruits. This is a good alternative and helps to keep the voracious appetite for sweets under control.
If you stop doing sports now because of the ugly weather, you will be angry with yourself next year. Try to hang on and go for a walk or go swimming one to two times a week. Cycling may be not so nice in autumn and winter, maybe you want to go to a fitness studio instead. In this case you are not dependent on the weather. Firm appointments in gymnastic or aerobic groups with like-minded people help a lot to accomplish your goal, namely losing weight in autumn.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Top Ten Autumn Foods
The surroundings is getting colder, and you are able to see pale, dry leaves covering up the gardens and roads - autumn has come and with it the whole atmosphere has turned a little depressing. On the other hand, autumn also offers a treat for your taste buds as a huge selection of seasonal vegetables and fruits fill up the stores. What's more, a little bit of food indulgence is just what you need to beat the autumn doldrums and pep up your spirits.
Treat yourself to the deep, dark colored juicy fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and phytochemicals that will not just delight your senses but will also build your health and prepare you for winter.
Here's a list of some of the best Autumn Comfort Foods -
* Apples - Apples contain flavonoids, which are probably the most powerful antioxidants available in food form. From reducing the risk of health diseases to preventing cancer, apples have many health benefits. There are two reasons why they're great choice, specially in the autumn season - first they have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties that will fight off the common allergies and infections that crop up in the autumn season; and secondly, they are excellent for your skin and can help your feel and look younger. Have them with your breakfast, or as a mid-day snack, and you can actually keep the doctor away!
* Cranberries - Cranberries are delicious, juicy and absolutely healthy fruit widely available in the autumn season. They're low in calories and are packed with Anthocyanins, heart-healthy antioxidants. Cranberries also play an essential role in treating gum diseases, mouth ad stomach ulcers, urinary tract infections and many forms of cancer. You can find fresh cranberries from September to December, but most of it's used for cranberry juices and sauce.
* Pumpkin - Pumpkins are surely another important autumn comfort food, for they're loaded with beta-carotene, antioxidants, Folate and Vitamin C. Even the seeds are loaded with nutrition and are a rich source of Zinc and Omega 3 fatty acids. The air gets quite dry in autumn, which can affect your skin and make it look chapped and dull. Making pumpkin a part of your diet, can keep your skin supple, moisturized and infection free.
* Garlic - Garlic definitely is nature's own medicine. It contains Allicin, a chemical that is highly effective against fungi, viruses and bacteria. Internal consumption of garlic can reduce the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent cancer. As for the autumn blues, consuming garlic can drastically improve your mood too.
* Ginger - Ginger has a lot of inherent heat, which is what helps it be a perfect autumn comfort food. Whether you prefer ginger tea, or ginger pickle or just plain julienned ginger with honey, the advantages of this root are many. It can heal cough, cold and throat congestion, provide relief from digestive problems and soothe your stomach, fight nausea and even work miracles in driving away the allergies. As per recent researches, ginger works as an organic anti-inflammatory agent and is quite great for musculoskeletal ailments.
* Parsnips - Parsnip is a root vegetable that belongs to the family of carrots. They are a rich source of Vitamin C, Fibre, Calcium and Iron. These are abundant in colder areas, and are primarily a winter vegetable. You can either eat them raw, for their sweet and delicate flavor or you can steam and cook them with different vegetables.
* Kale - Kale is a deep, green leafy vegetable often available in the autumn season. Kale functions as an immunity enhancer (a must in autumn), clears lung congestion, wards off the infections and allergies. It is particularly beneficial for liver and stomach infections. Kale is full of iron, beta carotene, calcium, Vitamin C and potassium, and is a must include in your list of autumn comfort foods.
* Sweet potato - Apart from the fact that sweet potatoes are commonly available in autumn and taste great, they are also a storehouse of health benefits. These mouth watering delights have high amounts of Vitamin C and beta-carotene (vitamin A), so you can very easily ward off cold and other infections. Sweet potatoes are an excellent food choice for diabetics, as they are low glycemic food. The high amount of dietary fiber present in sweet potato relieves constipation and promotes a healthy digestive tract. For better flavor, eat these hot.
* Cinnamon - It is one of the most ancient known spices, and a perfect choice for autumn. Cinnamon is usually used in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines for treating cold, cough, flatulence, nausea, diabetes, diarrhea and numerous other physical illnesses. It can soothe your senses and keep your body warm and comfortable in the autumn. Cinnamon is also believed to improve energy and vitality, and is especially useful for people who have warm upper bodies but cold feet. You can sprinkle cinnamon powder over side-dishes and salads, drink it with tea or mix it with juices.
* Pepper - One more group of herbs, which are good for your taste buds as well as your health, are various forms of pepper. Including pepper to your food can help you in many ways - it reduces flatulence, improves digestion, deals with gastrointestinal disorders, kills viruses and bacteria, clears chest congestion, treats cough and cold, and so on. It's also a rich source of antioxidants. Whichever form of pepper you prefer - cayenne, black or white, they're all a great and healthy addition to your recipes specially during autumn.
Autumn signifies the beginning of the cold season, which is why a lot of people suffer from bouts of cough and cold and various types of allergies. Your skin will also feel extremely dry and lifeless, and will be more prone to fungal infections and bacterial.
Different autumn foods stated earlier are warming in nature, and work toward warding off the allergies and common infections associated with this season. These fruits, spices and vegetables will enhance your immune system and keep you comfortable and warm, so you are prepared for the cold days.
Article Source:
Treat yourself to the deep, dark colored juicy fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and phytochemicals that will not just delight your senses but will also build your health and prepare you for winter.
Here's a list of some of the best Autumn Comfort Foods -
* Apples - Apples contain flavonoids, which are probably the most powerful antioxidants available in food form. From reducing the risk of health diseases to preventing cancer, apples have many health benefits. There are two reasons why they're great choice, specially in the autumn season - first they have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties that will fight off the common allergies and infections that crop up in the autumn season; and secondly, they are excellent for your skin and can help your feel and look younger. Have them with your breakfast, or as a mid-day snack, and you can actually keep the doctor away!
* Cranberries - Cranberries are delicious, juicy and absolutely healthy fruit widely available in the autumn season. They're low in calories and are packed with Anthocyanins, heart-healthy antioxidants. Cranberries also play an essential role in treating gum diseases, mouth ad stomach ulcers, urinary tract infections and many forms of cancer. You can find fresh cranberries from September to December, but most of it's used for cranberry juices and sauce.
* Garlic - Garlic definitely is nature's own medicine. It contains Allicin, a chemical that is highly effective against fungi, viruses and bacteria. Internal consumption of garlic can reduce the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent cancer. As for the autumn blues, consuming garlic can drastically improve your mood too.
* Ginger - Ginger has a lot of inherent heat, which is what helps it be a perfect autumn comfort food. Whether you prefer ginger tea, or ginger pickle or just plain julienned ginger with honey, the advantages of this root are many. It can heal cough, cold and throat congestion, provide relief from digestive problems and soothe your stomach, fight nausea and even work miracles in driving away the allergies. As per recent researches, ginger works as an organic anti-inflammatory agent and is quite great for musculoskeletal ailments.
* Parsnips - Parsnip is a root vegetable that belongs to the family of carrots. They are a rich source of Vitamin C, Fibre, Calcium and Iron. These are abundant in colder areas, and are primarily a winter vegetable. You can either eat them raw, for their sweet and delicate flavor or you can steam and cook them with different vegetables.
* Kale - Kale is a deep, green leafy vegetable often available in the autumn season. Kale functions as an immunity enhancer (a must in autumn), clears lung congestion, wards off the infections and allergies. It is particularly beneficial for liver and stomach infections. Kale is full of iron, beta carotene, calcium, Vitamin C and potassium, and is a must include in your list of autumn comfort foods.
* Sweet potato - Apart from the fact that sweet potatoes are commonly available in autumn and taste great, they are also a storehouse of health benefits. These mouth watering delights have high amounts of Vitamin C and beta-carotene (vitamin A), so you can very easily ward off cold and other infections. Sweet potatoes are an excellent food choice for diabetics, as they are low glycemic food. The high amount of dietary fiber present in sweet potato relieves constipation and promotes a healthy digestive tract. For better flavor, eat these hot.
* Cinnamon - It is one of the most ancient known spices, and a perfect choice for autumn. Cinnamon is usually used in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines for treating cold, cough, flatulence, nausea, diabetes, diarrhea and numerous other physical illnesses. It can soothe your senses and keep your body warm and comfortable in the autumn. Cinnamon is also believed to improve energy and vitality, and is especially useful for people who have warm upper bodies but cold feet. You can sprinkle cinnamon powder over side-dishes and salads, drink it with tea or mix it with juices.
Autumn signifies the beginning of the cold season, which is why a lot of people suffer from bouts of cough and cold and various types of allergies. Your skin will also feel extremely dry and lifeless, and will be more prone to fungal infections and bacterial.
Different autumn foods stated earlier are warming in nature, and work toward warding off the allergies and common infections associated with this season. These fruits, spices and vegetables will enhance your immune system and keep you comfortable and warm, so you are prepared for the cold days.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Health and Nutrition - The Dangers of Sugar in Your Diet and Some Sweet Substitutes
"All human nutritional needs can be met in full without having to take a single spoonful of white or brown or raw sugar.'
The late Dr. John Yudkin - Sweet and Dangerous, Wyden, 1972, Queens College, London
We all know that too much sugar is really bad for our health. As a result of this there are lots of 'natural' sugar products available to buy in food stores, health food stores and on the internet. With so much choice what do you choose?
Our bodies need sugar in the form of glucose, especially our brain, which needs glucose to function properly. Sucrose is a disaccharide which is two sugars that is broken down into two simple sugars, glucose and fructose. Glucose in our blood provides us with energy. There are different sugars depending on the food we eat for example fructose is the main sugar in fruits, maltose, a sugar in grain like barley and lactose a sugar found in milk.
One of the sugars which have been heralded as one to replace 'white poison' or otherwise known, white table sugar or sucrose... is Agave (ah gah vay). Sometimes agave is referred to as a syrup or nectar and it has a similar taste to honey but not as thick. Without a doubt agave is a much better option than artificial sweeteners which should be avoided at all costs - the clue is in the name artificial!
Agave is a plant which looks like a cactus and can be found in desert areas in places like Mexico. When the agave plant is harvested the sap is extracted and then heated at a low temperature at which point the carbohydrates are broken down into sugars. Agave is available in both light and dark, the darker it is the less time it has been heated and filtrated.
Peter Pure from Raw Food Party asks the question is Agave good for you?
* Sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar
* Sugar ages you
* It is the cause of immune system crashes
* It is an anti-nutrient
* It rots your teeth
* It's causes diabetes
* Sugar ferments your blood cells
* Sugar is food for candida, cancer, viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and mould
There are many people suffering with sugar addiction, some people are aware of this others are not. If someone 'gives up' sugar for whatever reason, they are only eliminating spoons of 'visible' sugar on breakfast cereal, or in tea or coffee but there are so many foods, including natural foods such as fruit which contain a form of sugar. Processed foods have so much sugar that we now have a sugar crisis in our health service in the form of type 2 diabetes and an assortment of degenerative diseases.
Peter suggests 'Many people will want us to believe that this and that new form of sugar is okay.That is not the case. Even honey, by far the best of all sugars, needs to be limited. Dates and fruits too for that matter'
My experience is that people make incredible health breakthrough's for themselves just by getting off the main sugar culprits - all grains and grain products, bread, pasta, cornflakes, rice, barley, spelt, quinoa, beans, lentils, corn, potatoes and refined foods (preferably dried fruit too).
Why grains and beans/lentils first? Simple - you probably wouldn't eat 2 bowls of honey in one go, but you might eat 2 bowls of rice (for example).
Sugar in all it's forms is just a part of a transitional diet as people get off their sugar addictions (with a few rare exceptions of athletes who burn a lot of sugar).
The only exception to all of this, if there is any magic "sugar" is stevia - which is a herb that taste's sweet but is not sugar.'
Stevia (stee v ah) or sweet herb, harvested from places such as South America and Asia as an alternative sweetener can be purchased as a lplant, liquid or powder. Japanese people have been using stevia successfully for many years and they don't have the same health and weight problems as we have in western culture, unless of course they eat a western diet! Stevia is much sweeter than sugar so you don't use or need too much of it and as it is a natural herbal sweetener.
Another natural sugar alternative is Xylotil, which looks and tastes exactly like sugar and does not have that horrid aftertaste associated with so many chemical sweeteners. Xylotil has fewer calories and carbohydrates than sugar and as a result it is slowly absorbed in the body and does not cause an increased rush of insulin so is better for anyone suffering with diabetes. Xylotil can be used in cooking to replace refined white sugar but like all sugar you need to identify how much sugar you are consuming in your diet, especially all hidden sugar which piles on the pounds, empty calories and over time makes you ill.
The late Dr. John Yudkin - Sweet and Dangerous, Wyden, 1972, Queens College, London
We all know that too much sugar is really bad for our health. As a result of this there are lots of 'natural' sugar products available to buy in food stores, health food stores and on the internet. With so much choice what do you choose?
Our bodies need sugar in the form of glucose, especially our brain, which needs glucose to function properly. Sucrose is a disaccharide which is two sugars that is broken down into two simple sugars, glucose and fructose. Glucose in our blood provides us with energy. There are different sugars depending on the food we eat for example fructose is the main sugar in fruits, maltose, a sugar in grain like barley and lactose a sugar found in milk.
One of the sugars which have been heralded as one to replace 'white poison' or otherwise known, white table sugar or sucrose... is Agave (ah gah vay). Sometimes agave is referred to as a syrup or nectar and it has a similar taste to honey but not as thick. Without a doubt agave is a much better option than artificial sweeteners which should be avoided at all costs - the clue is in the name artificial!
Peter Pure from Raw Food Party asks the question is Agave good for you?
* Sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar
* Sugar ages you
* It is the cause of immune system crashes
* It is an anti-nutrient
* It rots your teeth
* It's causes diabetes
* Sugar ferments your blood cells
* Sugar is food for candida, cancer, viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and mould
There are many people suffering with sugar addiction, some people are aware of this others are not. If someone 'gives up' sugar for whatever reason, they are only eliminating spoons of 'visible' sugar on breakfast cereal, or in tea or coffee but there are so many foods, including natural foods such as fruit which contain a form of sugar. Processed foods have so much sugar that we now have a sugar crisis in our health service in the form of type 2 diabetes and an assortment of degenerative diseases.
Peter suggests 'Many people will want us to believe that this and that new form of sugar is okay.That is not the case. Even honey, by far the best of all sugars, needs to be limited. Dates and fruits too for that matter'
My experience is that people make incredible health breakthrough's for themselves just by getting off the main sugar culprits - all grains and grain products, bread, pasta, cornflakes, rice, barley, spelt, quinoa, beans, lentils, corn, potatoes and refined foods (preferably dried fruit too).
Why grains and beans/lentils first? Simple - you probably wouldn't eat 2 bowls of honey in one go, but you might eat 2 bowls of rice (for example).
Sugar in all it's forms is just a part of a transitional diet as people get off their sugar addictions (with a few rare exceptions of athletes who burn a lot of sugar).
The only exception to all of this, if there is any magic "sugar" is stevia - which is a herb that taste's sweet but is not sugar.'
Another natural sugar alternative is Xylotil, which looks and tastes exactly like sugar and does not have that horrid aftertaste associated with so many chemical sweeteners. Xylotil has fewer calories and carbohydrates than sugar and as a result it is slowly absorbed in the body and does not cause an increased rush of insulin so is better for anyone suffering with diabetes. Xylotil can be used in cooking to replace refined white sugar but like all sugar you need to identify how much sugar you are consuming in your diet, especially all hidden sugar which piles on the pounds, empty calories and over time makes you ill.
Of course, there are multiple things to consider to become more healthy, lose weight or live your life to your body's full potential. Sugar is just one.
weight loss,
Monday, 19 September 2016
Fun and Quick Exercise!
Here's THE Best Way to Exercise...PERIOD! And, also my favorite ;)
"Impulse Exercise"
It Can:
-Be done anywhere!
-Be done any time!
-Be done by anyone!
-Be FUN!
-Get your Heart Rate WAY up!
-Work A Lot Of Muscles!
SO What Exactly IS This Revolutionary Exercise?
Well, it's really Not hard or All!
What the heck is Impulse Exercise? I know you guys (and girls!) are thinking, "I have my gym routine! I pack up the bag, make the shake, and I'm Gone!"
The thing is.. you always prepare and you always get ready, but by the time you are out the door, or by the time you get there, you don't even want to go anymore! Or, you get there and you're like, "I don't even 'feel' like it now..." which is exactly what your body does not want (in the long run).
Do you think 10,000 years ago you could just prepare for anything physical?
You would eat or be eaten, run or be run over (no, not by car...this is 10,000 years ago!! It just means that you have to be quick and decisive). I highly recommend you adopt this "caveman" or "paleo" way of thinking.
Anyways, back to Impulse Exercise, Here's how to do it:
Anytime, Anywhere, I instantly Bust Out, Whip Out, or Crank Out:
-Jumping jacks
-Butt Kickers (Self-explanatory)
-Crab Walks (walk on your hands and feet with your butt facing the ground)
And a host of other random, unorthodox exercises.
That's it!
I also call this muscle confusion on steroids.
Your body doesn't even see it coming, so it gets your primal heartrate WAY up, because you are literally tricking your body into thinking it's going to be eaten!
It's a GREAT Cardio (Heart Rate Increase for Heart Health and Fat Loss) and Strength Training Workout (Actually WORKS functional muscles - unlike regular weight lifting) ALL in One!
Most of you probably already know what cardio is... but what do I mean by functional muscles and muscle confusion?
I mean that it's literally the opposite of boring, mundane, running on a cushioned, boring (did I say that yet?!) treadmill or sidewalk (obviously a sidewalk's not very cushioned, and it's hard on your knees/ankle/feet) which usually results in quitting.
So, I told you about what you can the question is...WHY AREN'T YOU DOING IT!
Haha, just kidding. But seriously, this can save you A LOT of time and A LOT of money on that gym membership and the time you waste on the internet looking for that new, simple way to exercise, because honestly, I strongly believe this is IT. Hope that helped and Stay Tuned!
"Impulse Exercise"
It Can:
-Be done anywhere!
-Be done any time!
-Be done by anyone!
-Be FUN!
-Get your Heart Rate WAY up!
-Work A Lot Of Muscles!
SO What Exactly IS This Revolutionary Exercise?
Well, it's really Not hard or All!
What the heck is Impulse Exercise? I know you guys (and girls!) are thinking, "I have my gym routine! I pack up the bag, make the shake, and I'm Gone!"
The thing is.. you always prepare and you always get ready, but by the time you are out the door, or by the time you get there, you don't even want to go anymore! Or, you get there and you're like, "I don't even 'feel' like it now..." which is exactly what your body does not want (in the long run).
You would eat or be eaten, run or be run over (no, not by car...this is 10,000 years ago!! It just means that you have to be quick and decisive). I highly recommend you adopt this "caveman" or "paleo" way of thinking.
Anyways, back to Impulse Exercise, Here's how to do it:
Anytime, Anywhere, I instantly Bust Out, Whip Out, or Crank Out:
-Jumping jacks
-Butt Kickers (Self-explanatory)
-Crab Walks (walk on your hands and feet with your butt facing the ground)
And a host of other random, unorthodox exercises.
That's it!
I also call this muscle confusion on steroids.
Your body doesn't even see it coming, so it gets your primal heartrate WAY up, because you are literally tricking your body into thinking it's going to be eaten!
It's a GREAT Cardio (Heart Rate Increase for Heart Health and Fat Loss) and Strength Training Workout (Actually WORKS functional muscles - unlike regular weight lifting) ALL in One!
Most of you probably already know what cardio is... but what do I mean by functional muscles and muscle confusion?
So, I told you about what you can the question is...WHY AREN'T YOU DOING IT!
Haha, just kidding. But seriously, this can save you A LOT of time and A LOT of money on that gym membership and the time you waste on the internet looking for that new, simple way to exercise, because honestly, I strongly believe this is IT. Hope that helped and Stay Tuned!
heart rate,
weight los
Sunday, 18 September 2016
What Exactly Is the Paleo Diet Program?
The paleo diet program has become popular recently thanks to the amount of beneficial results folks have had, where no other diet would work. The paleo diet is a form of a low-carb diet that is actually implemented as more of a way of living than a diet.
It calls for dedication. It demands change. It yields results. You have to find paleo diet recipes. You need to eat a paleo breakfast, a paleo lunch, and a paleo dinner. I don't always snack, but when I do, its paleo.
The key rule of the paleo diet is to eat like our ancestors, the cavemen. Cavemen didn't have farming and constantly had to hunt and gather for their meals. They survived on a diet of meat, fish, berries, fruit, roots, nuts, and vegetables. They were furthermore active and had to be physically in good shape to safeguard themselves and their families. There were no guns (the great equalizer) or even crossbows.
The paleo diet seeks to imitate the cavemen by foregoing carbs, eating a couple large meals every day, consuming a lot of animal fat, and ideally eating lots of organic produce. While typically animal fat is demonized as a cause of being overweight, a month or two eating as a caveman will teach you that carbohydrates are the real primary cause.
The main difference between this diet and previous low-carb diets, such as the Atkins, is that this is a way of living in addition to a diet. You can still eat fruits with this diet, even the ones with lots of natural sugar. It is all right if you slip-up every now and then. The key is to follow an 80%/20% principle; stay rigid to the program 80% of the time and don't worry if you slip up in the other 20%.
The diet works by schooling your body to begin digesting your body fat for your energy instead of using carbohydrates as in a normal American diet.
Carbohydrates are not evil, it is just in our present state of civilization where many of us work in careers that call for little or no physical exercise, we don't need them. Eating more than half of your daily calorie consumption in carbohydrates when you are not an endurance athlete and asking yourself why you are obese is like wearing a winter coat to Miami and asking yourself why you are sweaty. By getting rid of carbohydrates from the diet and instead consuming your calories from animal fat and produce, your body is taught to break down fat instead of carbohydrates for energy. So where to get started? For some people this diet is a substantial change to the status quo, and if you've been eating a particular way for most of your adult life it is not easy to switch at the flip of a coin. Here are a couple steps to help get you on the right path:
1. Discard all of your processed foods This is an absolute must. It doesn't matter if you are getting with the paleo plan or if you are on a standard calorie-counting diet, processed foods are the most detrimental thing you can put into your system food-wise. They have chemical substances used to make manufacturing easier and faster, usually too much salt, low quality ingredients, virtually no nutritional value, and are often strictly simple carbohydrates. You ever ask yourself why most coupons are marketed only for this junk? Because it's trash and everyone knows it. 2. Get rid of fast food. This may be challenging for people who live on a tight schedule, but you got to take care of yourself. Have you read recently that McDonalds just now eliminated a pink slime chemical (some form of ammonium) from their burgers because someone ratted them out to the press? Think about that for a moment. Pink slime. Makes me gag. They use the lowest quality meat at these places to make it cheap and quick to cook.
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Paleo Diet |
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Carbohydrates are not evil, it is just in our present state of civilization where many of us work in careers that call for little or no physical exercise, we don't need them. Eating more than half of your daily calorie consumption in carbohydrates when you are not an endurance athlete and asking yourself why you are obese is like wearing a winter coat to Miami and asking yourself why you are sweaty. By getting rid of carbohydrates from the diet and instead consuming your calories from animal fat and produce, your body is taught to break down fat instead of carbohydrates for energy. So where to get started? For some people this diet is a substantial change to the status quo, and if you've been eating a particular way for most of your adult life it is not easy to switch at the flip of a coin. Here are a couple steps to help get you on the right path:
1. Discard all of your processed foods This is an absolute must. It doesn't matter if you are getting with the paleo plan or if you are on a standard calorie-counting diet, processed foods are the most detrimental thing you can put into your system food-wise. They have chemical substances used to make manufacturing easier and faster, usually too much salt, low quality ingredients, virtually no nutritional value, and are often strictly simple carbohydrates. You ever ask yourself why most coupons are marketed only for this junk? Because it's trash and everyone knows it. 2. Get rid of fast food. This may be challenging for people who live on a tight schedule, but you got to take care of yourself. Have you read recently that McDonalds just now eliminated a pink slime chemical (some form of ammonium) from their burgers because someone ratted them out to the press? Think about that for a moment. Pink slime. Makes me gag. They use the lowest quality meat at these places to make it cheap and quick to cook.
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Paleo Diet Recipes |
American diet,
animal fat,
fast food,
fruitsm nuts,
weight loss
Saturday, 17 September 2016
Eating Salads For Weight Loss
People have been eating salads as a health precaution for some time now in the United States. Salads offer the most nutritional value by giving the body a healthy source of fuel to produce energy required to live and grow. Eating salads as a method for weight loss is also an extremely popular method of watching calories and carbohydrates.
One way in which salad can help in a person losing weight is by using it to cut out other bad pieces of the diet. Salads are notorious for being low in caloric intake which can directly reduce fat cell build up in the body. Most salads are also organic, which cuts out many harmful preservatives found in other types of foods.
When eating salad to lower body weight, one important tip to keep in mind is to never drown the dish in dressing. Salad dressings are a pitfall to eating salad for weight loss because they add calories to the meal. If someone is eating a salad that has too much dressing, they are really negating the nutritional value of the meal.
By cutting out dressing, eating salad can cut the major sources of calories from the meal. Other foods can be added to the lettuce in a salad to replace the tastes of different dressings. Some examples of healthy toppings to a salad are beets, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, peas, and onions. They will enhance taste while maintaining lower caloric intake in the salad.
Choosing to use salad as a weight loss method is a healthy way to monitor someone's personal health. By adding salads into one's diet and cutting out other harmful higher calorie meals, a person will be able to feel instant results. Just always try to remember that when eating salad as tool in weight loss, that salad dressing is the enemy.
One way in which salad can help in a person losing weight is by using it to cut out other bad pieces of the diet. Salads are notorious for being low in caloric intake which can directly reduce fat cell build up in the body. Most salads are also organic, which cuts out many harmful preservatives found in other types of foods.
By cutting out dressing, eating salad can cut the major sources of calories from the meal. Other foods can be added to the lettuce in a salad to replace the tastes of different dressings. Some examples of healthy toppings to a salad are beets, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, peas, and onions. They will enhance taste while maintaining lower caloric intake in the salad.
Friday, 16 September 2016
How to Become a Vegetarian - Simple Guide to a Healthy Vegetarian Lifestyle
Becoming a vegetarian is indeed a challenging choice and if you want to learn how to become a vegetarian, you may need to learn some tips and strategies to help you in making the big shift towards cutting down and totally avoiding animal meat. Whatever reason you have in going for the vegetarian lifestyle, here are a few things that you may find useful.
-Make sure that you are in good shape to be a vegetarian. Some health issues also need to be considered if you want to go for a vegetarian diet. This includes anemia. If you have anemia, it may not be advisable to go for a vegetarian diet. Indeed, you need to consult your doctor if you can go for a vegetarian diet.
- Learn everything you can about being a vegetarian. Being a vegetarian is not just about avoiding animal meat but it is also about respecting animals and standing for the environment as well. Some who want to become vegetarians also do so for the environment. Whatever it is your reason for going vegetarian, it is important that you know what you are doing. Of course, it does not make sense if you invest your time and effort in something that you just know a little about.
Learn how you can get the same nutrition even without animal meat and animal products in your diet. If you think there are limited choices, there are actually a lot of things you can do with plant food. You can even get a good resource or recipe book for vegetarian diet. One thing that you may find useful on how to become a vegetarian is to learn some substitutes that will give you the same nutrients that you need for your body.
Learn the benefits of tofu, which can be a good source of protein. Also explore alternatives for milk, cheese and meat. You can also explore protein powders, veggie burgers as well as nutritional yeasts and other alternatives especially for cheese or other sources of protein and nutrients.
It also helps to find someone or a group that also lives by the same principle of respecting animal lives and protecting the environment as well by being a vegetarian. It helps a lot to have a buddy and someone who also shares your principles as well to make your efforts easy and attainable. It can also help you to be motivated as well. You can actually find a lot of groups who are into a vegetarian diet and this can be helpful in your quest on how to become a vegetarian.
Take everything slow. This is important in your quest on how to become a vegetarian as this will put your health at risk if you do it abruptly. Of course, abrupt change to your food or diet is not good for your health.
Find some resources that will help you learn some recipes and menu on plant foods. This will help you plan your meals and will help you in never running out of vegetarian recipes or menus.
-Make sure that you are in good shape to be a vegetarian. Some health issues also need to be considered if you want to go for a vegetarian diet. This includes anemia. If you have anemia, it may not be advisable to go for a vegetarian diet. Indeed, you need to consult your doctor if you can go for a vegetarian diet.
- Learn everything you can about being a vegetarian. Being a vegetarian is not just about avoiding animal meat but it is also about respecting animals and standing for the environment as well. Some who want to become vegetarians also do so for the environment. Whatever it is your reason for going vegetarian, it is important that you know what you are doing. Of course, it does not make sense if you invest your time and effort in something that you just know a little about.
Learn the benefits of tofu, which can be a good source of protein. Also explore alternatives for milk, cheese and meat. You can also explore protein powders, veggie burgers as well as nutritional yeasts and other alternatives especially for cheese or other sources of protein and nutrients.
It also helps to find someone or a group that also lives by the same principle of respecting animal lives and protecting the environment as well by being a vegetarian. It helps a lot to have a buddy and someone who also shares your principles as well to make your efforts easy and attainable. It can also help you to be motivated as well. You can actually find a lot of groups who are into a vegetarian diet and this can be helpful in your quest on how to become a vegetarian.
Find some resources that will help you learn some recipes and menu on plant foods. This will help you plan your meals and will help you in never running out of vegetarian recipes or menus.
weight loss,
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Proper Meal Portions For Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
In today's fast food and dine-out society, many of us are unaware of proper meal portions. We have gotten so used to super-sizing our meals that we no longer know how much food is truly enough. Well, in this article I will reveal several tips which will help you get a better understanding of proper meal portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
First of all you should remember that it is much better to consume smaller meals more frequently than it is to consume 2 large meals throughout the day. With this in mind, remember that proper meal portions will be a lot smaller than those which you are used to right now. One of the best ways to ensure that you are not overeating is to look at the nutrition facts label. This label will inform you with just how much a single serving is. However, if you are a visual person, here are a few tips to help you make better decisions.
As far as breakfast is concerned, a pancake or a waffle should be no bigger than a CD. This can be accompanied by one egg. As far as lunch is concerned, remember that a single serving of meat should be no larger than a deck of cards. Your last meal of the day should be no later than 7 pm. Dinner should also be small because lets face it, once we go to bed our metabolism slows down a lot. If you are making spaghetti for dinner, remember than your plate should have no more than one cup of spaghetti. A side salad with low fat dressing is a perfect companion to pasta.
First of all you should remember that it is much better to consume smaller meals more frequently than it is to consume 2 large meals throughout the day. With this in mind, remember that proper meal portions will be a lot smaller than those which you are used to right now. One of the best ways to ensure that you are not overeating is to look at the nutrition facts label. This label will inform you with just how much a single serving is. However, if you are a visual person, here are a few tips to help you make better decisions.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
How to Be Fit All Year Long
As a fitness instructor, I often see major fluctuations in class attendance from month to month. In January, May, and September, my classes are packed. You know exactly what I mean. New Year's resolutions, pre-summer, and "kids back in school" all send us into a sudden fitness mania. We rush to the gym to pump some iron or to a group exercise class. We might even stand near the instructor, admiring our efforts in the mirror. Others hire a personal trainer.
Then, almost out of nowhere, life interrupts.
The excuses are plentiful and often legit. Sadly, these almost impulsive decisions to become fit are rarely successful. The sense of failure that accompanies a short-lived resolution can send us on an unhealthy tailspin. The solution is to choose a fitness goal and stick to it. Easier said than done, right? Not really. A true fitness goal needs to be well-planned, honest, and supported. How you ask?:
1. Create a realistic SMART (specific, measurable, attainable/realistic, and timebound). For example, "I will lose 8 pounds by the end of four weeks, which will be August 8th, 2011, by improving my diet, reducing calories, and increasing physical activity." Write your goal down and tell family and friends about it. The key is to make yourself accountable for the goals you set.
2. Monitor your progress often. Keep a food journal and commit to weighing in on the same day each week. Don't be discouraged if the number isn't what you expected, but analyze your recent habits.
3. Recruit others to work out with you. Make sure that it's someone who is just as enthusiastic and committed as you are, don't let anyone sabotage your efforts.
4. Reward yourself for the baby steps. The reward shouldn't be detrimental to your goals! Stay away from any alcoholic, sweet, or high fat reward.
5. Run. There is NO better exercise than running. Sign up and train for a local race. Make sure you announce your intention to as many people as possible, including social networks (i.e. Facebook, Twitter). Healthy competition against others, or against yourself, will help you stay on track. You'll be hooked after your first race. Of course, if your joints disagree with running, choose a less high impact activity like swimming.
6. Join a fun fitness class that you enjoy. Zumba, Turbo Kick, and Masala Bhangra all offer fast and catchy beats. Find a qualified instructor (fitness certifications) and get hooked. Go consistently!
Whatever you decide, make it a long-lasting habit. The only way you'll progress is if you stick with it!
So, "congratulations, today is your day. You're off to great places, you're off and away!" Go for it!
Then, almost out of nowhere, life interrupts.
The excuses are plentiful and often legit. Sadly, these almost impulsive decisions to become fit are rarely successful. The sense of failure that accompanies a short-lived resolution can send us on an unhealthy tailspin. The solution is to choose a fitness goal and stick to it. Easier said than done, right? Not really. A true fitness goal needs to be well-planned, honest, and supported. How you ask?:
2. Monitor your progress often. Keep a food journal and commit to weighing in on the same day each week. Don't be discouraged if the number isn't what you expected, but analyze your recent habits.
3. Recruit others to work out with you. Make sure that it's someone who is just as enthusiastic and committed as you are, don't let anyone sabotage your efforts.
4. Reward yourself for the baby steps. The reward shouldn't be detrimental to your goals! Stay away from any alcoholic, sweet, or high fat reward.
5. Run. There is NO better exercise than running. Sign up and train for a local race. Make sure you announce your intention to as many people as possible, including social networks (i.e. Facebook, Twitter). Healthy competition against others, or against yourself, will help you stay on track. You'll be hooked after your first race. Of course, if your joints disagree with running, choose a less high impact activity like swimming.
6. Join a fun fitness class that you enjoy. Zumba, Turbo Kick, and Masala Bhangra all offer fast and catchy beats. Find a qualified instructor (fitness certifications) and get hooked. Go consistently!
Whatever you decide, make it a long-lasting habit. The only way you'll progress is if you stick with it!
So, "congratulations, today is your day. You're off to great places, you're off and away!" Go for it!
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Salt, Sea Salt or No Salt?
Sea salt and table salt both contain sodium chloride. Sea salt also contains small amounts of magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate and calcium sulfate, which are nutritionally insignificant. Sea salt, kosher salt, monosodium glutamate, and seasoning salts are all treated the same way in your body.
You need to eat foods that contain iodine for your body to be able to make thyroid hormone. The best sources are iodized salt and seafood. Plants can be a good source, but only if they are grown on iodine-rich soil. A study in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (September-October 2003) showed that vegetarians are at increased risk for iodine deficiency that causes low thyroid function. In this study, 25 percent of vegetarians and 80 percent of vegans had low blood levels of iodine, compared to only nine percent of people who eat both meat and vegetables. While iodized table salt is a good source of iodine, sea salt often is not. If you don't use table salt or eat ocean fish or kelp, get a blood test for iodine. If your iodine level is low, you need to eat more seafood or iodized salt, or take iodine pills.
Many people go on low salt diets because they think that it will improve their health, but a low-salt diet usually does not lower high blood pressure. The most healthy diet contains lots of whole grains, vegetables, seeds and nuts, and they all taste better with salt. You cannot exercise in the heat without taking extra salt.
If you want to reduce the amount of salt in your diet and fool your taste buds, try adding tart flavoring such as lemon juice or vinegar.
You need to eat foods that contain iodine for your body to be able to make thyroid hormone. The best sources are iodized salt and seafood. Plants can be a good source, but only if they are grown on iodine-rich soil. A study in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (September-October 2003) showed that vegetarians are at increased risk for iodine deficiency that causes low thyroid function. In this study, 25 percent of vegetarians and 80 percent of vegans had low blood levels of iodine, compared to only nine percent of people who eat both meat and vegetables. While iodized table salt is a good source of iodine, sea salt often is not. If you don't use table salt or eat ocean fish or kelp, get a blood test for iodine. If your iodine level is low, you need to eat more seafood or iodized salt, or take iodine pills.
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Monday, 12 September 2016
How to Eat Right and Lose Weight
Did you know that there is a way when you are asking yourself how to eat right and lose weight?
You can actually continue the diet that you like now if you are really enjoying the food that you are eating. The point is that you just need to balance your diet so that you can also lose weight at the same time. People tend to think that they should ignore the tasty food and switch to more bland solutions. This is the reason why a lot of them do not care to be healthy anymore because they enjoy food too much. This is not the case if you really know what to do about it. Here is some advice.
Exercise - Of course, with the weight that you have on now, you will need to do something about it to burn the fats. Now that you are eating less, start to exercise more so that you can sweat more as well. Why? Because the fat deposited in your body will be expelled in the sweat that you produce.
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Healthy Eating Habits - The Importance Of Breakfast
There was a time when I didn't bother about regular eating habits. I often felt too lazy to eat. This was especially the case when I had to fix my own breakfast or dinner.
Sometimes, I would skip breakfast and combine it with my lunch. Since I didn't develop any health problems, I didn't find anything wrong with my irregular eating habits. I was not convinced of the arguments advocating the importance of the breakfast.
But things changed after my marriage. My wife was very particular that I had my breakfast in the morning. Even on those days I had to leave home early, she would fix me a quick breakfast and make me eat it before I stepped out of my house. I noticed the difference a regular breakfast could make to one's health after experiencing he changes in my energy levels. Earlier, I used to get tired quite often and for a major part of the day, I would feel weak and fatigued.
A friend of mine shared with me an Indian dictum: Eat your breakfast alone, share your lunch with your friend and donate your dinner to your enemy! Proverbs tend to dramatize their advise but convey a clear message. This succinct message conveys in a humorous way three messages:
1) The breakfast is the most important meal and should be sumptuous
2) The lunch should not be too heavy and
3) The dinner should be light and can even be skipped.
Breakfast gets importance from the fact that it is preceded by a fairly long period of starvation during our sleep. After the dinner, there is a gap of eight to twelve hours before you have your breakfast. The body will have used up the energy from the dinner and will be waiting for infusion of more energy through food. Since some nutrients like proteins cannot be stored in the body for a long time, the body needs timely replenishment of these items. By skipping the breakfast, you are depriving your body of the much needed replenishment of energy and making it weak.
Saturday, 10 September 2016
September: A Whole Month of Happiness and Wellbeing
September is the ninth month of the year, yet is named after the word septem, meaning seven as it was originally the seventh month of the year in the Roman calendar. This month a new season begins, whether it is spring in the southern hemisphere or autumn for the north.
This month we will consider the impact your thoughts have on your life. This is in recognition of Albert Ellis who was born on the 27th September. Albert Ellis was a psychologist who devised Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, and his work impacted on many people around the world. He died in 2007 at the age of 93. He worked his entire life and wrote 80 books and over 1200 articles. This brings us on to the second theme of learning, as this month it is Adult Learners' Week in Australia. Finally I will discuss ways you can take control of your health, as World Heart Day takes place this month.
Consider your thoughts
Your thinking can have a great impact on your behaviour and emotions. Not all thoughts make much sense and Albert Ellis would describe them as irrational. Irrational thinking is thinking that essentially makes little logical sense, or fails to stand up to the evidence. 'Bad things always happen to me', 'I must not fail' are examples of irrational thinking. However these thoughts can be changed, as you come to recognise them as irrational and replace them with more realistic ones. From here, you will have more positive emotions and feel more in control of your behaviour. There is a lot that could be said about your thought patterns but for now I will offer you ideas to help you identify and change your own thoughts.
This is a concise version of Ellis' work, but hopefully enough to get you thinking about thinking.
Get learning
It's easy to give up on the idea of learning once you leave school. If you disliked school, you may think that you dislike learning also. However, as adults we can choose what we learn and the skills we want to develop. Even retirement should be an opportunity to try new things rather than letting it all go because you are no longer doing paid work. Recognising that learning is not just about books or something to be endured, can make the process enjoyable for many.
If you make learning part of your life, you are sure to see the benefits. Not just in your increased skills and knowledge but in your overall happiness. Working on an important goal and coming up with solutions to potential hurdles getting in the way of your goal can be inspiring. Not only do you learn more about the task you are trying to achieve, but also things about yourself. Also, when you are learning you are giving yourself the opportunity to experience flow. A flow experience is best described as one of those moments when you are so absorbed in an activity that everything else goes unnoticed. Yet afterwards you feel great.
So give learning a go, no matter how old you are. It could be something completely new or an opportunity to expand on an existing skill or interest.
Have a healthy heart
Did you know that 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable? That's a lot! This means there are things you can do to improve your health and wellbeing and reduce your risk. Such changes will also give you the energy to do the things you want to be doing, allowing you to have a happy balanced life.
I know it's easy to wonder why you should change, you're happy as you are. I do wonder how happy you would be lying in a hospital bed having just survived a heart attack at an early age. Or worse, how happy your family will feel knowing they lost you too soon. But you only live once right? True, but don't you want to make sure you really do live it, having the energy to get the most from your one life?
What follows are tips to a happy heart. Remember it's about moderation, not deprivation. You can have your cake and eat it. Just not all at once, every day.
Eat a healthy diet. Try to limit processed foods and foods high in sugar, salt and saturated fat.
Exercise. Aerobic activity which gets your heart pumping is good for your heart. Combine it with strength work and flexibility exercise such as yoga to get further benefits for your body.
Don't smoke. Once you stop smoking your risk of heart attack and stroke goes down, as does your risk of many other illnesses.
If you want to know your risk of cardiovascular disease, see your doctor who can test your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
This month we will consider the impact your thoughts have on your life. This is in recognition of Albert Ellis who was born on the 27th September. Albert Ellis was a psychologist who devised Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, and his work impacted on many people around the world. He died in 2007 at the age of 93. He worked his entire life and wrote 80 books and over 1200 articles. This brings us on to the second theme of learning, as this month it is Adult Learners' Week in Australia. Finally I will discuss ways you can take control of your health, as World Heart Day takes place this month.
Consider your thoughts
Your thinking can have a great impact on your behaviour and emotions. Not all thoughts make much sense and Albert Ellis would describe them as irrational. Irrational thinking is thinking that essentially makes little logical sense, or fails to stand up to the evidence. 'Bad things always happen to me', 'I must not fail' are examples of irrational thinking. However these thoughts can be changed, as you come to recognise them as irrational and replace them with more realistic ones. From here, you will have more positive emotions and feel more in control of your behaviour. There is a lot that could be said about your thought patterns but for now I will offer you ideas to help you identify and change your own thoughts.
- Write down a current worry of yours. Give the details. Try to describe the situation as much as possible.
- What thoughts and beliefs do you have when thinking about your current concern?
- How do you feel as a result of these thoughts? How do you behave? This is where we pause to help you recognise that it is your thoughts, not the situation that is leading you to feel and behave as you do.
- Looking at your response to 2, ask yourself honestly how rational these thoughts are. Is there good evidence to support these thoughts? Are you thinking in all or nothing terms? Perhaps giving too much focus on the negative and ignoring the positive? Look out for words such as 'always', 'never', 'must.
- Challenge these thoughts. Write down what is actually true about the situation, even if you don't fully believe them right now. Perhaps think about what a friend or stranger would say about your thoughts.
- Replace your old beliefs identified in 2 with new, more rational beliefs. This may take effort, but once you recognise them you will feel a lot happier.
- Write down the positive consequences of your new beliefs.
- To reinforce your new beliefs, you will need to take action to prove they are true. What steps will you take to support your new thoughts?
This is a concise version of Ellis' work, but hopefully enough to get you thinking about thinking.
Get learning
It's easy to give up on the idea of learning once you leave school. If you disliked school, you may think that you dislike learning also. However, as adults we can choose what we learn and the skills we want to develop. Even retirement should be an opportunity to try new things rather than letting it all go because you are no longer doing paid work. Recognising that learning is not just about books or something to be endured, can make the process enjoyable for many.
If you make learning part of your life, you are sure to see the benefits. Not just in your increased skills and knowledge but in your overall happiness. Working on an important goal and coming up with solutions to potential hurdles getting in the way of your goal can be inspiring. Not only do you learn more about the task you are trying to achieve, but also things about yourself. Also, when you are learning you are giving yourself the opportunity to experience flow. A flow experience is best described as one of those moments when you are so absorbed in an activity that everything else goes unnoticed. Yet afterwards you feel great.
So give learning a go, no matter how old you are. It could be something completely new or an opportunity to expand on an existing skill or interest.
Have a healthy heart
Did you know that 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable? That's a lot! This means there are things you can do to improve your health and wellbeing and reduce your risk. Such changes will also give you the energy to do the things you want to be doing, allowing you to have a happy balanced life.
What follows are tips to a happy heart. Remember it's about moderation, not deprivation. You can have your cake and eat it. Just not all at once, every day.
Eat a healthy diet. Try to limit processed foods and foods high in sugar, salt and saturated fat.
Exercise. Aerobic activity which gets your heart pumping is good for your heart. Combine it with strength work and flexibility exercise such as yoga to get further benefits for your body.
Don't smoke. Once you stop smoking your risk of heart attack and stroke goes down, as does your risk of many other illnesses.
If you want to know your risk of cardiovascular disease, see your doctor who can test your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Friday, 9 September 2016
Back to School With Healthy Lunches
School is just around the corner and teachers, parents and children are preparing for the upcoming first day.
Parents in particular are beginning to think about what their children will eat while in school. I know, those prepackaged lunches look great. They're so easy; just place it in the lunch box with a drink and you're done. Well, yes, they are easy and quick, but are they healthy?
Food is such an important aspect for our health, energy, endurance and alertness (all needed for a good school experience). We want to give our child every advantage and opportunity to make the most out of the school year. So, let's tackle some healthy school lunch alternatives.
By now, we should all know the common 'bad' things to eat, but as a reminder here's a list:
1. White bread
2. Foods with a lot of preservatives
3. Foods with trans fat
4. Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup
5. Foods with a lot of sugar
6. Processed foods (including most cold cuts)
Okay, some of you might be saying, "But, these are the tasty and fast foods to eat and prepare." Not really. There are many healthy substitutes for lunch and snacks that are fast to prepare and actually taste great. Here are a few:
Choices For lunch:
1. Real turkey sandwich (wheat or whole-grain breads for all sandwiches)
2. Organic Peanut butter (low sugar) with All Fruit spread sandwich
3. Cheese sandwich or cheese on whole-grain crackers (try a goat cheese)
4. Hummus on whole grain crackers
TIP: Look for preservative and nitrate free cold cuts - they're out there!
Choices For snacks and drinks:
1. Raisins or freeze dried fruit
2. Fresh fruit
3. Baby carrot sticks (most kids love this as a snack)
4. Baked chips
5. Homemade cookies with healthy ingredients (you can make a large batch and freeze what you don't immediately use, then take them as needed for a quick and easy snack)
6. 100% Juices
7. Water
Here are a few TIPS to keep those healthy lunches safe:
1. An easy green thing to do is get your child an eco-canteen. Use this instead of buying water and juices in plastic containers. It's healthier for your child and better for our environment.
3. Do not use worn (scraped, pitted, etc.) plastic containers
4. Wrap cheese and fatty meats (cold cuts and hot dogs) in foil or waxed paper, not plastic. PBA is absorbed more by these foods.
These tips should help you and your child have a healthier school year.
lose weight,
school food,
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