Wednesday 28 September 2016

Why Is Exercise Important? It Is One Of The Best Ways To Lose Weight And Keep Fit And Healthy

Getting active is one of the best ways to lose weight and keep fit and healthy.
Many people go for a brisk walk, gentle jog or try an exercise class. Everyone is different, so you must choose something that you find enjoyable. As a fully pledged adult, you should try to get your heart rate up at least four to five times a week.
There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving and aid weight loss.
Cycling, Dance, Football, Gym, Running/Jogging, Racket Sports, Swimming, Tai Chi, Walking/Rambling and Yoga.
Calories and Weight
A pound of fat equals 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week you will need to expend 3500 more calories than you eat that week, whether through increased activity or decreased eating or both. Losing 1-2 pounds of fat a week is a sensible goal, and so you will want to use the combination of increased activity and eating less that will total 3500 calories for 7 days.
Although exercising is great just being more active is also a good way to burn calories. There are many small changing you can make to your daily routine that will burn calories for example:
1. Take the stairs instead of the lift
2. Keep walking whilst the escalator caries you up
3. Walk or cycle instead of driving short distances
4. Park your car further away than you need to or get off the bus one early
5. Do some exercise on your lunch hour - swimming, yoga etc
Why is exercise important
1. Boost to your emotional well being
Even light exercise can help boost your mood. Also, more intense exercise can stimulate the release of mood elevating compounds called endorphins.
2. Reduce risk of heart disease
If you are overweight or obese, you are more prone to heart disease, as you have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. You can improve your cardiovascular function if you partake in exercise.
3. Improvement to memory
If you exercise more regularly, you move blood and oxygen to all your body's organs, including the brain, which is great for revitalising your mind.
4. Reduced risk of Diabetes
Physically active people are less likely to develop Diabetes, as exercise increases the body's ability to use sugar for energy and thereby decreases the need for insulin.
5. Other benefits include
Improved sleep pattern, increased strength, improved energy level, pain relief, longevity and increased bone density
The only way to make exercise part of your life is to build this into your everyday life. So why is exercise important? You will feel better, lose weight and keep fit and healthy. 

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