Sunday 11 September 2016

Healthy Eating Habits - The Importance Of Breakfast

There was a time when I didn't bother about regular eating habits. I often felt too lazy to eat. This was especially the case when I had to fix my own breakfast or dinner.
Sometimes, I would skip breakfast and combine it with my lunch. Since I didn't develop any health problems, I didn't find anything wrong with my irregular eating habits. I was not convinced of the arguments advocating the importance of the breakfast.
But things changed after my marriage. My wife was very particular that I had my breakfast in the morning. Even on those days I had to leave home early, she would fix me a quick breakfast and make me eat it before I stepped out of my house. I noticed the difference a regular breakfast could make to one's health after experiencing he changes in my energy levels. Earlier, I used to get tired quite often and for a major part of the day, I would feel weak and fatigued.
But soon after my breakfast habit changed, I found that I was bubbling with energy throughout the day. I gathered information on eating habits from various articles and also from nutrition experts and physicians. I realized that I was very lucky to have carried on for a few years with my irregular eating habits. I was foolish to believe that regular eating habits were not important for a healthy living. Now, I advise everyone to have regular food habits and never to skip a breakfast.
A friend of mine shared with me an Indian dictum: Eat your breakfast alone, share your lunch with your friend and donate your dinner to your enemy! Proverbs tend to dramatize their advise but convey a clear message. This succinct message conveys in a humorous way three messages:
1) The breakfast is the most important meal and should be sumptuous
2) The lunch should not be too heavy and
3) The dinner should be light and can even be skipped.
Breakfast gets importance from the fact that it is preceded by a fairly long period of starvation during our sleep. After the dinner, there is a gap of eight to twelve hours before you have your breakfast. The body will have used up the energy from the dinner and will be waiting for infusion of more energy through food. Since some nutrients like proteins cannot be stored in the body for a long time, the body needs timely replenishment of these items. By skipping the breakfast, you are depriving your body of the much needed replenishment of energy and making it weak.
There are more reasons why you should never miss a breakfast but I feel that the one reason I have given is strong enough to make you understand the importance of breakfast. If you are reading this article after skipping your breakfast, then stop reading and grab something to eat immediately!


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