Monday 26 September 2016

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

For someone just starting a workout program there are many challenges that may present themselves. How often should I workout? Why is it important to do resistance training as well as cardio? How much protein do I really need? For this article I am only going to focus on how much protein you need. Most people have no idea how much protein their bodies need. Instead they are told ridiculous numbers and are made to think that they need to buy expensive protein powders and shakes to increase their protein intake. Many of these powders have added sugars, fats and chemicals. Also the U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies protein powder as a dietary supplement, which indicates it is not subject to the same health regulations as real foods that are commercially sold. That means powders may make health or marketing claims that haven't been scientifically proven, according to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. So just how much protein does one need? There is a very simple formula that will determine exactly how much protein you should be consuming.

Proteins are large molecules that are composed of individual amino acids and they are held together by a peptide bond. This is similar to the pearls found on a pearl necklace. Proteins are responsible for many different functions. These include building and repairing tissue, an energy source for the body when there are low carbohydrate levels, and by synthesizing hormones and other enzymes. Good sources of protein are meats, eggs, legumes, nuts and dairy products.
Consuming too much protein as part of a high calorie diet will lead to the protein being stored as fat or it will be eliminated through urine. Also high protein diets can cause kidney stones, stress the kidneys and even lead to kidney failure. It can also lead to calcium loss from bones which are extremely dangerous for older female adults because it increases the risk of osteoporosis. While it is true athletes and those that exercise more frequently do need slightly more protein in their diet, it is very important to remember to eat a well balanced diet. Remember that too much of anything is not good.
Here is a very simple formula that can be used to calculate you protein needs:
Step 1- Calculate your body weight in kilograms (body weight lbs X.45= Weight in Kilograms)
Step 2 - Multiply your body weight in kilograms by 0.8 (Body Weight in Kilograms X 0.8)
Step 3- The number from step 2 is the amount of grams of protein you should be consuming per day

Example: A man weighs 150 pounds
Step 1- 150 X.45 =67.5 Kilograms
Step 2- 67.5 X 0.8=54
Step 3- A man weighing 150 pounds needs to consume 54 grams of protein per day
If you are an athlete you will need more protein than a sedentary person. Athlete meaning you train almost daily at a very high intensity. This is not someone that just goes to the gym 3 times a week.

Endurance Athletes should consume 1.4-1.6 grams of protein per day for the number Kilograms of their body weight
Strength Athletes should consume 1.6-1.7 grams of protein per day for the number of Kilograms of their body weight
By eating a well balanced diet it should not be too difficult for people to get their recommended amount of protein per day even without drinking an expensive protein shake.

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