Friday 9 September 2016

Back to School With Healthy Lunches

School is just around the corner and teachers, parents and children are preparing for the upcoming first day.
Parents in particular are beginning to think about what their children will eat while in school. I know, those prepackaged lunches look great. They're so easy; just place it in the lunch box with a drink and you're done. Well, yes, they are easy and quick, but are they healthy?
Food is such an important aspect for our health, energy, endurance and alertness (all needed for a good school experience). We want to give our child every advantage and opportunity to make the most out of the school year. So, let's tackle some healthy school lunch alternatives.
By now, we should all know the common 'bad' things to eat, but as a reminder here's a list:
Foods to avoid:
1. White bread
2. Foods with a lot of preservatives
3. Foods with trans fat
4. Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup
5. Foods with a lot of sugar
6. Processed foods (including most cold cuts)
Okay, some of you might be saying, "But, these are the tasty and fast foods to eat and prepare." Not really. There are many healthy substitutes for lunch and snacks that are fast to prepare and actually taste great. Here are a few:
Choices For lunch:
1. Real turkey sandwich (wheat or whole-grain breads for all sandwiches)
2. Organic Peanut butter (low sugar) with All Fruit spread sandwich
3. Cheese sandwich or cheese on whole-grain crackers (try a goat cheese)
4. Hummus on whole grain crackers
TIP: Look for preservative and nitrate free cold cuts - they're out there!
Choices For snacks and drinks:
1. Raisins or freeze dried fruit
2. Fresh fruit
3. Baby carrot sticks (most kids love this as a snack)
4. Baked chips
5. Homemade cookies with healthy ingredients (you can make a large batch and freeze what you don't immediately use, then take them as needed for a quick and easy snack)
6. 100% Juices
7. Water
Here are a few TIPS to keep those healthy lunches safe:
1. An easy green thing to do is get your child an eco-canteen. Use this instead of buying water and juices in plastic containers. It's healthier for your child and better for our environment.
2. Use reusable plastic food containers to hold your child's lunch. Be sure to, look for the recycling symbol on the container and avoid those with numbers 3, 6, or 7. The containers with these numbers have the highest presence of BPA in them. BPA is a harmful chemical that can move from the container to the food it is holding. If you can find a BPA-free plastic container, that's even better.
3. Do not use worn (scraped, pitted, etc.) plastic containers
4. Wrap cheese and fatty meats (cold cuts and hot dogs) in foil or waxed paper, not plastic. PBA is absorbed more by these foods.
These tips should help you and your child have a healthier school year.


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