Saturday 24 September 2016

Losing Weight in Autumn

When the trees shed their leaves in autumn and the days are closing in, a lot of overweight people wish that not only the leaves, but also the pounds would fall. 
The goal is usually to be slim and fit for the Christmas holidays and New Year´s Eve.
However, losing weight especially in autumn can prove difficult for many people. There are just too many temptations in the time before and around Christmas, since you can buy most Christmas cookies and sweets already in September...
And before you know it, you have one or two bags of unhealthy food in your shopping cart.
Contingent upon the shorter days in autumn, we have a hard time doing some sportive activities. At nightfall we tend to get more tired and a bit sluggish. If you don´t stay consequently on your diet and if you don´t have some physical exercise, you are quickly in the old rut again and gain weight instead of loosing.
What can you do to get a slim body?
When you are aware of the traps, you can handle things easier. Try to ignore the sweets while shopping. This is easier said than done, I know. Before you go shopping, make a resolve not to buy any sweets. With a bit of goodwill you should be able to implement this intention. Provide yourself with fresh fruits from the fruit and vegetable section in your supermarket or from your local greengrocer. Having your cart loaded with good and healthy stuff, you should be able to pass the cookies section. Buy seasonal fruit and enjoy the thought of preparing a nice fruit salad when you get home. This image will distract you from the cookies and chocolates and raise the appetite for fruit.
If you want to lose weight in autumn you can help yourself with vegetables of the season. Especially in those last months of the year, cabbage is a good choice. Cabbage is low on calories, for instance white cabbage, red cabbage or savoy cabbage. Chop it in pieces or slices, cook it in little olive-oil, with onions and caraway seed (caraway makes the cabbage more digestible) until it is soft-boiled. Don´t stew it too long, though. The cabbage can by all means have some bite.
Cauliflower, broccoli and Brussel sprouts are also seasonal products. Briefly cooked in vegetable broth, flavored with salt and pepper and a bit of nutmeg you have lots of vitamins and little calories.
If you are accustomed to cream sauces and don´t want to go without it, you can prepare a sauce with skimmed milk instead of cream to go with the vegetables.
If you are interested in losing weight fast, try a diet with a cabbage soup. But please be mindful: people with internal diseases, diabetes or eating disorder should ask their doctor before dieting in this manner. To diet in this way over a longer period of time would mean a malnutrition. So, try it for a week and see if you like it!
Here comes the recipe:
1 big white cabbage or sweetheart cabbage (approx.2 pounds)
1 - 2 onions
1 - 3 garlic cloves (if requested)
3 tablespoons olive-oil
1\2 cup of dry white wine (if requested)
1,5 - 2 liquid quarts vegetable broth (or only hot water)
2 teaspoons caraway seeds
some fresh herbs

Chop the cabbage in medium-sized pieces, the onions and the garlic in medium-fine pieces. Heat the oil in a big pot and sauté the onions. Add the garlic. Add the wine, which should boil down to a minimum. Add now the caraway seeds. Add the cabbage and stew it lightly. Add the hot vegetable broth and season with salt and pepper, if necessary. Allow it to simmer for approx. 20 minutes. The softer the cabbage is, the more digestible it is. Serve the soup with fine chopped, fresh herbs.
You can eat as much soup as you want all day through, since it has almost no calories.
The voracious appetite for sweets occurs often in the last months of the year, through the lack of daylight. Whenever possible, go for a walk during daylight. If you work until late at night, try to get some fresh air at the weekend.
In addition to that, a vitamin-rich nutrition regulates the appetite. Should the voracious appetite gain the upper hand, try a low-fat junket or yogurt with fruits. This is a good alternative and helps to keep the voracious appetite for sweets under control.
If you stop doing sports now because of the ugly weather, you will be angry with yourself next year. Try to hang on and go for a walk or go swimming one to two times a week. Cycling may be not so nice in autumn and winter, maybe you want to go to a fitness studio instead. In this case you are not dependent on the weather. Firm appointments in gymnastic or aerobic groups with like-minded people help a lot to accomplish your goal, namely losing weight in autumn.

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