Tuesday 27 September 2016

Stop Sabotaging Your Diet

When you're getting ready to start a new diet do you already feel doomed to fail? Are you saying to yourself, "Okay, I'll give this diet a shot, but it probably won't work either"? There are many reasons that a lot of diets don't work, or work for awhile and then you start putting the weight back
on. Here are some things you can do about it.
1 Stop saying "I'm on a diet".
Doesn't just the thought of being on a diet make you feel deprived? And besides, unless you're
one of those people who need to drop 5 pounds quickly to fit into that outfit for the reunion, you're
looking for a long term solution. You want a way to take the weight off and keep it off. When you
say "I'm on a diet", that suggests that some day you'll be "off" the diet and go back to eating the way you used to, which is when the weight you've worked so hard to lose will come back.
Tell yourself you have a new eating plan, and get excited about all the new healthy foods you get
to enjoy.

2 Don't expect perfection.
There will be days when you're really motivated and do everything right, exercise, eat the right food at the right time, everything perfect. And then there will be most days, when you don't make the time to exercise, eat some-thing really fattening, or both. The important thing to remember is not to beat yourself up over it. You're going to have good days and bad days, and many days in between. Just
don't give up. What's important is that you keep working toward your goal.
3 Don't set your goals too high.
So, you want to lose 100 pounds to get to your ideal weight . If you focus on that one
number you'll get intimidated before you even start. Instead, break it up into manageable
10 pound goals and find a way to celebrate each milestone, it will help keep you motivated.

4 Don't expect instant results.
You'll see ads everywhere promising "lose 14 lbs. in 7 days", or "drop 10 lbs. by next
. Don't believe it. Try them if you must, but remember these "fads" only work for the
short term, the weight will come right back on as soon as you stop. Think about how long
it took you to put on the weight you want to lose, and then give yourself a break.
What you need to remember is that weight loss is a process that is ongoing. You learn
along the way what works for you and what you need to do to stay at your goal weight
once you reach it. Just don't give up.

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