Monday 31 October 2016

This Halloween Goodie Actually Helps You Lose Weight! Plus, 3 Tips For A Healthier Holiday

As Halloween approaches, we conjure up images of candy, candy, and more candy. But amidst this holiday of sugary snacks, there is a healthy treat you can dish up that actually helps you lose weight. This delectable treat is proudly displayed in most homes, yet often unseen. This treat is frequently discarded while carving the annual Jack-o-lantern. Have you guessed it yet?
It's the pumpkin seed! Pumpkin seeds provide more magnesium than virtually any other food. Magnesium is an essential mineral that is depleted by stress. Not surprisingly, deficiency is very common. Low magnesium levels contribute to a multitude of health problems including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, Heart Failure, Heart Attacks, Childhood Behavioral Disorders, Tooth Decay, Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Muscle Spasms, Restless Leg Syndroe, and Obesity. Magnesium is also known to protect the brain from the toxic effects of heavy metals such as lead or mercury.
So before you throw away those Halloween pumpkins, scoop out the seeds, roast them in the oven, and share them with your loved ones. Pumpkin seeds are a great addition to granola or your morning cereal. I keep a jar in my refrigerator and add them to my yogurt each morning.
If you are concerned about any of the medical conditions listed above and aren't overjoyed at the prospect of eating pumpkin seeds, you can obtain magnesium from other food sources such as green, leafy vegetables. (Although the pumpkin seeds far exceed other food sources in quantity of magnesium.) Another way to obtain this nutrient, which is one of the most frequent nutrient deficiencies in Americans, is to take a relaxing bath in Epsom salts, which contain magnesium.
(Remember that many medications such as nitroglycerine, estrogen, and nicotine are administered in patches because the skin absorbs the substance and deposits it into the blood stream for use within the body) If you prefer supplements, try magnesium citrate, which is easier to absorb than other forms of magnesium. Too much magnesium is rarely dangerous; it causes loose bowel movements.
Aside from eating pumpkin seeds, there is another tip to keep your health, and the health of your family, in check during this inherently unhealthy holiday. As a mother, I am aware that convincing children to forego the candy they have collected may not be realistic. Rather, here is a simple way to minimize the negative health effects of candy: simply allow children (or yourself) to eat a limited quantity, but only after consuming a high fiber meal or snack first. This strategy will help prevent the insulin surges that are associated with sugary foods and lead to a host of illnesses.
Having children wash their treats down with water rather than sugary juices or soft drinks is another simple way to minimize their impact on health.
So to insure a healthier Halloween, remember to save those pumpkin seeds, eat a healthy meal before indulging in those tasty treats, and wash them down with water.


10 Lies About The Human Body You Shouldn't Believe

Saturday 29 October 2016

Effects of Alcohol and Weight Loss

A lot of people try to lose weight while also consuming alcohol. These people are aware that alcohol has a negative effect on the body but very few people know the details. This vague understanding has tremendous consequences on their weight loss efforts.
As soon as you consume alcohol, it becomes the primary fuel in the body. Your body gives secondary importance to fat and carbohydrates. Calories from fat or carbohydrates are stored as fat as the body tries to use alcohol calories. This process effectively brings your fat metabolism to a complete halt. This can happen by taking as little as a single drink of vodka. This effect can last for up to 24 hours.
Alcohol also affects weight loss by disrupting your body's hormonal balance. Alcohol consumption has been shown to cause elevated levels of cortisol. Elevated levels of cortisol promote fat storage instead of fat burning. Cortisol also promotes the breaking down of your muscles. This will suppress your metabolism in the long-run as you continuously lose muscles. Cortisol levels remain elevated so long as there is alcohol in the body.
Alcohol also suppresses testosterone levels. Testosterone is a potent fat burning hormone in men and women. Testosterone carries out some essential functions in women as well, although they carry lower levels of testosterone. As such it is a useful hormone in women as well as men.
Alcohol has a more pronounced effect on testosterone in men. Apart from the liver, the body also breaks down testosterone in the testicles. As long as there is alcohol in the body, testosterone production will be disrupted. Men who consume excessive amounts of alcohol will find themselves developing feminine physical characteristics such as overdeveloped fatty tissue in the chest area resembling breasts.
Lastly, alcohol plays a role in increasing appetite levels. Research has shown that drinking even a single glass of wine before a meal, will increase the amount of calories that you would eat in that meal. A lot of people consume alcohol with their meals. Not only do you eat more while consuming alcohol but whatever you eat also gets stored as fat as the body works hard to metabolize the alcohol.
Anyone trying to lose weight should abstain from alcohol consumption until their weight loss goals have been achieved. This is the best way to make sure that the harmful effects alcohol do not sabotage their weight loss efforts.


Five Foods You Shouldn't Eat

Friday 28 October 2016

Does Eating Before Bed Make You Fat?

This might be one of the most common nutrition questions out there. People are constantly worried about eating too late for fear of gaining weight. For example many people ask, "If you eat before bed isn't your metabolism really slow and therefore that food gets turned to fat?"
Not only do people blame late night eating on weight gain but they also blame it on crazy, vivid dreams. (Get ready I'm about to quote A Christmas Carol) Even Ebenezer Scrooge blames food on seeing the Marley Ghosts in A Christmas Carol by saying, "You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato." Let's break down what eating before bed causes.
Health Effects of Eating Before Bed?
Newsflash: to date there is no conclusive scientific evidence that illustrates that eating before bed causes weight gain in the average individual. When it comes to night time eating and weight gain, registered dietitian Sarah Remmer said, "This is a myth. What matters when it comes to weight, is the total calories consumed in any given day, not the timing of these calories." Weight gain still comes down to total caloric consumption over the course of the day! Eating a healthy snack at night is actually better than going to sleep hungry because hunger can cause restless sleep (more on that below).
The only concern with night time eating is that most of these snacks aren't the best food choices. Most of the time these snacks are comfort foods that we think will help us sleep better. They may make us feel emotionally better, but these bad food choices like a couple cookies or a bowl of ice cream can lead to us going over our daily caloric recommendations leading to weight gain.
Harmful Consequences?
Eating before bed can cause heartburn, bloating, and insomnia which all lead to a night of restless sleep! A night of restless sleep in which you get less than 6.5 hours of shut-eye has actually been shown in a 2013 American Journal of Health Promotion publication to be correlated with a higher body fat percentage! This is probably attributed to getting less sleep causing us to be hungrier the next day according to a 2013 Endocrine Society study leading to weight gain!
Lastly, when it comes to vivid dreams Ebenezer Scrooge was right. Foods that can induce a restless sleep can cause us to think we had crazy vivid dreams because we are more likely to remember them! Dr. Ware (Chief of the Division of Sleep Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School) explained, "The rule of thumb is that you need to wake up within five minutes of having a dream to recall it." When you sleep soundly you may have incredibly crazy dreams but you don't remember them; food induced sleep disturbances allow you to vividly remember those bizarre dreams
As stated, there is no scientific evidence that demonstrates that eating before bed causes the average person to gain weight. But when it comes down to it, just be smart. Even though it may comfort you, crap food is crap food no matter the time of day you eat it! Forget the carton of rocky road; go for the apple instead before bed!


Healthy Dinner Ideas | Protein & Veggies

Thursday 27 October 2016

How To Look For A Gym Instructor Who Is Right For You

As we all know, the best way to achieve your fitness goals is to work with a good gym instructor. Even though you may have some ideas on how to workout correctly and have sound nutritional knowledge, deep inside us, we know that all of us need some motivational push and more fresh ideas.
Okay, I will be very candid here. Most people do not have any idea on how to workout correctly to get the best results and to avoid gym injuries although many people think that they do. If you do not believe me, just engage a good personal trainer and be surprised at how much you don't know.
So the question is how can you find a gym instructor who is right for you? Well, here are some tips on finding a good gym instructor to get the results you want.
Firstly, you must have a clear idea on what do you want to achieve. Do you want to gain muscle weight because you have been skinny all your life or do you want to lose weight because you are overweight? Perhaps you just want to have fun working out and at the same time to improve your cardiovascular health and tone up your body? Whatever your goals may be, there will be instructors who are specialists in getting you there.
Once your goals are clear, it is time to look for the instructor of your choice. So where do you find the right one?
The best way is to ask relatives and friends who have had the services of personal trainers to recommend you some to interview. Your friends and relatives will only recommend to you the good ones as they have your interest at heart.
Another way is to search the internet and choose the trainers whose websites or blogs are listed high on the search engines. The reason for this is that if the sites are ranked highly by search engines, especially in Google, those sites will have many links pointing to it.
In other words, these sites have other sites talking about them and linked to them and most sites will only link to other sites which the site owners think that are good and relevant. However, there are also sites that can be critical. So in order to know how good they are, simply check out those links from neutral sites and read the remarks and reviews.
There is a catch here though. Some of the sites listed high up on search engines are paid advertisements and they are there not because of other sites talking about them but are there because they paid for it. These sites will usually have the words "sponsored ads", "ads" or "sponsored links" nearby so that you can identify them easily.
Now that you have identified a few trainers that you think can be your potential instructors, start interviewing them. Ask to see their certification as many freelance instructors are not certified but are working as trainers because of their experience and knowledge. I am not saying these are bad trainers, but at least the certified ones have gone through formal training although the former may have more experience.
Next, ask for their client's testimonials and call them up to verify the facts. A good instructor will have many past and present clients to vouch for them.
Last but not least, you must have a good feel and connection with your potential instructor. This is because you are probably going to spend months if not years working out with this person and you must feel at ease with him/her. So the feel good factor is very important for your success.
So if you want to get fast results for your fitness goals, start looking for a good gym instructor who is right for you.


Joe Wicks' Healthy Snacks | This Morning

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Eating Healthy On A Budget Is Possible

Let's Take a Look!
To many people, the whole concept of 'eating healthy on a budget' might seem like a tough challenge. In fact, some more critical people dismiss the idea of being able to eat a wholesome healthy diet on a budget. This should not be a surprise since many healthy diets are marketed with a hefty price tag. You have to buy some 'special ingredients' or 'premium items' to eat healthy so you can lose weight or stay in great shape. The good news is eating healthy on a budget is not just possible but actually the default way to lose weight. You just have to stop thinking that just because getting healthy and lean is so prized by many people that it automatically has to come with a high price tag. Just by following the tips below, you can start eating healthy on a budget. That's right, you can enjoy a leaner, healthier lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Forget about 'organic' labels and focus on food quality
One of the biggest crazes in food retailing in recent years is the whole 'organic' food trend. While there is a lot to recommend in organic food, the benefits rarely warrant the steep jump in price you'd have to pay. We're talking about premiums that range from 25 percent all the way to three times the price of regular commercial produce. This fixation with organic food is one of the main reasons why a lot of people think that eating healthy on a budget is impossible. They automatically equate 'organic' with 'healthy food' and they think of the outrageous premiums you have to pay for organic food. Instead of focusing on organic labels, forget about them. Instead, focus on the quality of your food items. Insist on fresh food. Pay attention to how long the food item has been sitting at your grocery before deciding to buy. Fresh food is healthier food. Thankfully, given the huge numbers of coupon specials and other discount programs at grocers, eating healthy on a budget is not as hard as you think if you focus on high quality fresh food items.
Eat as many raw in season vegetables as possible
One of the biggest factors that drive the price of vegetables up and down is whether the vegetables in question are in season. When you shop for food and plan out your menu based solely on which food items are in season, you can go a long way in making your food bills shrink. Prices are quite low for food items in season because there is a huge glut of these items within a particular time frame. When there is a lot of supply and demand continues to be constant, the price of the food items dip. This applies to all sorts of food items from avocados to oranges to broccoli. Take advantage of this market reality so you can start eating healthy on a budget. Your hard-earned dollars will simply stretch much farther if you pursue this strategy.
Other Ideas For Eating Healthy On A Budget:
Eat very filling foods sold in bulk like potatoes
The great thing about potatoes is that you can buy them in bulk and save a ton of money that way. Plus, potatoes and other food items you can buy in bulk can fill you up for a longer period of time. Both these factors enable you to start eating healthy on a budget. Potatoes in bulk, like in sacks, cost much lower than if you were to buy potatoes on a pound per pound basis. Also, you can prepare potatoes in a wide variety of low calorie and low fat ways. If anything, you can eat lots of baked potatoes. Potatoes fill you up quickly and keeps you fuller longer. This suppresses your appetite and your calorie intake for the rest of the day is depressed. Keep this up for a long time and you can lose quite a bit of weight. If you are serious about eating healthy on a budget, you need to include bulk potatoes in your game plan.
Buy taste-boosting groceries in bulk
The great thing about the modern American grocery is that you can save quite a bit of money buying stuff in bulk. While buying in bulk is a bad idea when it comes to buying perishable vegetables and fruit, it is a great idea when buying taste boosters like herbs, mixes, and other grocery items. These items last a long time on your kitchen's shelf and they truly make potatoes, red rice, beans, and other low-cost staples come to life. Buying these taste-boosters in bulk help you save quite a bit of money. You also ensure that your low-fat, low-calories meals will be tastier and more satisfying because you have all the spices and seasonings you need to make such healthy meals live up to their fullest culinary potential. Make no mistake about it-if you are serious about eating healthy on a budget, you need to buy taste-boosting groceries in bulk.
Buy from farmers' markets late
'Buy from Farmers' markets?!' You might be rolling your eyes with this particular advice. After all, too many farmers' markets charge a steep premium for freshness and organic foods. Well, if you were to shop at farmers' markets early in the morning, you will have to pay a premium because that is when prices are the highest. However, once it gets around 3pm or 5pm in the afternoon, many of the farmers looking to unload their goods for the highest possible prices start getting antsy. Why? They don't want to lug perishable stuff back to storage. Storage costs money. They are more willing, at this late time in the afternoon, to offer steep discounts. Come late and scoop up fresh food items straight from the farm at rock bottom prices. This sure is one of the best ways to start eating healthy on a budget.
The good news about eating healthy on a budget is that with a little planning, you can enjoy great food at great prices. Take control of your diet and lifestyle today. Start buying the very best fresh food items without having to burn a hole in your pockets.


Get Healthy without Dieting! Tips you NEED To Know!

Sunday 23 October 2016

Food That Helps With Sleeping

Sleeping is necessary for everyone in the world. It is the basis of health. It seems to be an easy activity. But in fact, many people have sleeping troubles. Some people have difficulties in going to sleep. And some people do not have high quality sleeping. Experts tell us that sleeping troubles are closely related with our diet. They suggest that people should eat more food that helps with sleeping.
As we all know, many kinds of food, such as milk, can help with sleeping. But we do not know that some food would bring sleeping troubles to people. First of all, food like sweet potatoes, corns and peas may produce flatulence during the digestion process. As a result, if people eat such food before sleeping, they would feel too full to sleep. Secondly, similar to coffee and tea, spicy food and salty food would excite the nerves and make people difficult to sleep. Besides, these kinds of food would make stomachs uncomfortable and consume the substances which are helpful to sleeping. Thirdly, fatty food influences the sleeping quality, too. Such food burdens the digestion system and stimulates the nerve system so that the human body works all the time. What is worse, it delays the sleeping time.

To improve the sleeping quality and prevent from insomnia, people are suggested to eat some food that can help with sleeping instead of eating the above food. The following food can be a good choice.
The first kind of food is kiwifruit. Kiwifruit is famous for its rich nutriment. It is a good source of calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. These three kinds of nutriment, especially calcium, are helpful to combine and transfer the neurotransmitters, which can clam the emotion and restrain the sympathetic nerves. Moreover, eating kiwifruit, together with milk and honey, not only is useful to sleeping, but also helps ingest vitamin E in order to make skin more elastic.
The second choice is milk. Milk is familiar to all people. Scientific research has found that there exist two chemicals which make people sleepy. One chemical is tryptophan, which promotes the brain to produce certain neurotransmitter called hydroxide. It is this neurotransmitter that makes people easy to sleep. The other chemical is a peptide that is similar to opium. It would combine with the central nerves to calm and relax the human body.
Besides, food with zinc and copper is beneficial. If the human body lack these micro elements, the brain cells would metabolize fast and the incretion is too excited to sleep. Therefore, people are advised to eat more fish, shrimps, eels and oysters to improve the health of the nerve system.
In one world, to have a good sleep, people should have a balanced diet and eat less food that is harmful to sleeping.


3 Healthy & Easy Lunch Recipes (Vegan & Gluten Free!)

Saturday 22 October 2016

Low Carb Pasta - A Guide To Cooking Low Carb Pasta

Do You Want A Long, Healthy and Happy Lifestyle?
An individual's calorie consumption can directly have an effect on the gain and loss in weight within the human body. People these days are keen to living a life that is health, long, and happy. But to live this long, healthy and happy lifestyle, most of delicious yet unhealthy meals will have to be put away.
Nonetheless, there is an alternative. This other option is to make comparisons and finally select lower calorie foods. I will show you exactly how you can prepare yourself a low carb pasta.

The Solution For Pasta Lovers
For a lot of pasta lovers, this food group is a major part of the weight-reduction plan and one that cannot be easily neglected. One way to continue consuming pasta is to eat low carb pasta - watch the calorie consumption and eat it plain.
Pasta Sauce Tips
The calorie levels which you are to look out for comes from the sauces placed on top of the pasta itself. These sauces are the culprit to massive calorie intake. However, for somebody who requires a topping, this won't suffice.
If you insist to have the pasta sauces on top the pasta, get to the market and compare the calorie levels of pasta sauces. There are now different brands of pasta sauces, each with different calorie levels.
Cut, cut, cut The Carbs!
Low carbohydrate Asian noodles are at the moment being produced by firms, like Shiritaki. These noodles are produced with the objective to cut the levels of carbs and energy for each serving of pasta.
Combinations Of Low Calorie Pasta With Healthy Side Dishes
Cooking a variety of vegetable to place into stuff shelled pasta is a superb substitute for other fatty and harmful choices. Pasta with chicken is also one other healthy selection for eating that offers premium taste while watching calorie intake.

Eat Low Carb Pasta - Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy
Low calorie pasta has been created as a result of the many individuals' needs and want from all over the world to eat smarter and healthier.
By eating pasta without sauce, low calorie pastas, and healthy side dishes, a person trying to manage their calorie consumption can maintain eating meals they enjoy.
People can now take pleasure in pasta and relaxation. Rest assured that by maintaining this health eating habit, you will not damage your body.

What to Eat Before and After a Workout

Friday 21 October 2016

What Are the Health Benefits of Raw Juice?

Fruits and vegetables are being studied in the medical community, because of compounds known as phytochemicals, which have a wide range of disease-fighting properties. Coincidentally, many of the phytochemicals that nutritional researchers are focusing their attention on are the enzymes that play essential roles in protecting cells from damage. The problem lies in the medical community's propensity to attempt to isolate which compounds actually aid in disease control. For example: A tomato, along with vitamins C and A, also has 10,000 other chemicals in it, most which researchers are trying to isolate, identify and study. Science has begun to find that using an isolated nutrient has a much lower ability to heal and protect the body than the whole symphony of nutrients found naturally in the whole food.

Therefore, we strongly recommend eating the fruits or vegetables instead of a pill that isolates out a few nutrients.  And one of the best ways to distill out these nutrients is by juicing.

Juicing is also a tremendous aid in detoxifying and cleansing the body. Fresh juice naturally detoxifies and heals the body by stimulating and healing the elimination and detoxification organs such as the gall bladder, liver, intestines and kidneys. It is also one of the best ways to build healthy and powerful blood.  Fresh juice helps to concentrate large quantities of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other life giving nutrients that can be easily assimilated.  Fresh fruit and vegetable juice is also highly alkalinizing which facilitates the white blood cells to clean the blood and tissue of harmful bacteria, virus, and cancer cells.

Most people don't eat enough fruits and vegetables to reap the benefits they offer.  For example, The National Cancer Institute recommends eating five servings of vegetables and three of fruits each day. However, the average American eats only 1 1/2 servings of vegetables and less than one serving of fruit per day. Juicing is an excellent way to incorporate more raw fruit and vegetables into the diet easily and quickly.  This is not meant as a substitute for eating raw fruits and vegetables, but it is helpful as a way to incorporate more of these incredible foods into your diet.

In addition to it's many other benefits, fresh raw juice is a tremendous source of enzymes. Enzymes are important because they are the main catalyst for chemical reactions which run your body.  Raw juice by definition has not been processed in any way, nor has it been heated or pasteurized.  Pasteurization is the process of heating the juice to kill bacteria, but it also kills all of the beneficial enzymes in the juice. A strong push for the pasteurization of fruit and vegetable juices comes from the fact that once the juices are pasteurized they retain a much longer shelf life.  A juice that is 100% juice that can sit on the shelf for an extended period of time means one thing- that juice is now dead!  All the beneficial living components of the juice have been destroyed.

In my opinion, the best way to consume fresh, raw juice is go to a restaurant or shop that juices the vegetables and fruit in front of you or better yet, do it yourself!  Consuming raw juice is one of the healthiest things that any person can do.   Try to buy organic fruits and vegetables at local farmers markets and wash them well.  Then, include a diet of eating them whole as well as juicing them for maximum health benefits.  You will love the results!


5 Foods To Eat When Sick

Thursday 20 October 2016

Organic Milk For A Healthier You

If you are looking for ways to start eating healthier and living better and excellent start would be by purchasing organic milk instead of regular milk. Organic foods are naturally better for you as they are not processed or prepared with growth hormones or nasty pesticides that can be harmful to your health. Organic foods (milk included) are created with great care and a natural way of doing things. This results in a much better tasting product whether it is milk, butter or yogurt. You can find many different forms of this milk in the stores today, some of it by cows and some even by goats.
Whichever milk you choose, you can be sure that this milk is going to taste great. The process of dealing with the cows is so different than that of nonorganic farmers. What this translates into is simply a better product brought to the stores for you.
Go Ahead And Graze
One of the most important differences between regular dairy farmers and organic dairy farmers is in how they deal with the cows. There is a specific regulation and detailed regime that an organic milk dairy farmer must follow in order for them to maintain their certification. One of the most important things for the farmers to do is to allow the cows a chance to graze naturally. This is something that must be done a lot in order for the cow to have a set internal program that will keep the cows producing quality milk. It is said that in some areas, the farmers must allow for 120 days of pasture grazing by the cows in order for the milk to be considered organic in nature.
If you take this fact and the fact that the cows are not given any form of growth enhancement or hormones of any kind, you will see that the milk simply tastes better. Often you will find that dairy farmers will feed their cows grain or corn feed. This is not a natural source of food for a cow, so the milk is not considered natural either.
Panel Says
If you were to place 10 people in a room for a blind taste test between regular cow's milk and organic milk from a cow, it should come as no surprise as to which milk would be preferred. Often tests will show that 8 of the 10 people will immediately choose the organic variety opposed to the standard milk, while 1 will be on the fence. This should serve as a pretty good indicator for stores that are curious about the impact of introducing this type of dairy product into their stores for sale. When it comes right down to it, the organic entries are easy to sell due to the healthy living movement that is sweeping the nation.
If you are looking for a quality of life change for the better, you should look into the small things as much as you do exercise. One of the best changes will be in what you eat and you can improve this portion of your life with organic milk.


Kourtney Kardashian on Gluten-Free and No Diary Diet | E! Live from the ...

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Nutritional Salad - The Healthiest Way to Lose Weight

However much you may be keen to lose weight, it's often hard to replace meals with salads. They are, after all, so boring and tasteless! But did you know that you can add endless varieties of fruits, meats and vegetables to perk up an otherwise drab and dull salad, without of course adding calories? Moreover, the goodness of nutrition-filled salad can hasten your weight loss goals like no other food.
You could be thinking of losing weight for a variety of reasons, other than simply to have a slim waistline. Being overweight can invite a host of health problems including hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and various types of sleep disorders like sleep apnea. Being overweight can also have damaging effects on your mental health.

Of all the innumerable options you have to lose weight, perhaps going on a healthy and balanced diet, coupled with some amount of physical exercises is the best. Did you know that having a bowl of nutrition salad can offer the same 'balance' that you were looking for in a meal? There are several approaches you can take to turn your salad into a healthy, no-fat, no-sweet diet option. For example, when you add chicken or egg whites to your salad, you are actually making your nutrition salad even healthier.
From where does the nutritional salad get its nutrition? Take the instance when you add lettuce and leafy green vegetable like broccoli to your salad. These two things are rich in fibers and carbohydrates which are extremely low on calories but give you a full feeling. By omitting starch-filled carbohydrates like potatoes, rice or bread, you are making sure that your salad is filled with nutrition but without the calories.
How can you add more value to your nutrition salad? Depending on the kind of weight loss you have in mind, you could add chicken, nuts, cheese and eggs as the protein content. The best part about salads is that the nutritional value does not diminish even if you make it tasty and scrumptious. For instance adding rice vinegar to your nutrition salad bowl does not add any calorie but enhances the taste. This addition also enhances the original taste of the vegetables without masking their flavor.
Depending on the amount of calorie-intake plan you have for the day, you can add or deduct any amount of protein you desire from the list of ingredients given below along with their calorific value:
1 medium head of lettuce: 55 calories - 5 grams of protein;
1 medium bag of lettuce: 45 calories - 3 grams of protein;
1 boneless chicken breast: 80 calories - 16 grams of protein;
1 hard boiled egg: 80 calories - 6 grams of protein;
1 ounce of cheddar cheese: 115 calories - 7 grams of protein;
1 dozen almonds: 90 calories - 5 grams of protein;
1 medium carrot: 25 calories - 1 gram of protein and
1 Tbsp olive oil: 40 calories - 0 grams of protein.
Boneless chicken breasts are the best ingredient for making you salad nutritious without increasing the calories. With practice you can make your own repertoire of nutrition salad, which you would find hard to keep away from other weight watchers.


What is Gluten? | Wellness Today by Integrative Nutrition

Do you avoid gluten? Let us know why or why not in the comments section below! 

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Which Olive Oil is Healthiest?

By now, everyone knows that olive oil is healthy. We may not know why or in what way, but we know that if we're going to be eating it for our health, we want to choose the one that is healthiest. Here's what you need to know about the potential health benefits and which oil is healthiest.
All oil from olives is composed of monounsaturated fat, which is the best kind of fat to eat. If your only criteria for the relative 'healthiness' is monounsaturated fat composition, then any grade will do. From the lowest grade (pomace) to the highest (extra virgin), all contain monounsaturated fat and will serve your needs.
 But if we don't stop there, if we seek to exploit the oil's potential to increase health in several ways, then the differences become apparent. As far as relative 'healthiness' is concerned, one cannot judge by grade. An extra virgin oil is not necessarily healthier than plain virgin. The 'virginity' is based on basically one criterion: the acid level. The lower oleic acid, the higher grading the oil attains, with extra virgin oils having lower than 1%. But the acid content is irrelevant to the health benefits. Aside from being composed of monounsaturated fats, it can also contain phytochemicals which contribute health benefits.

Phytochemical is a catch-all term meaning non-nutritive plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties. Non-nutritive means they are not carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. But that doesn't mean they don't have a powerful effect on our health. One phytochemical in fresh oils that has proven health benefits is oleocanthol.
Oleocanthol has been shown to have a mild painkilling effect, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory. While one cannot replace their painkillers with olive oil, daily intake of oil containing oleocanthol can, over time, limit damage caused by chronic inflammation. Therefore, the answer to the question 'which olive oil is healthiest' is this: the healthiest one has the highest level of oleocanthol.
Unfortunately, oleocanthol levels are not listed on labels. But we can tell whether an oil contains oleocanthol by tasting. Oleocanthol is the component responsible for the peppery bite, and produces a stinging sensation in the throat. This bite is why it combines so well with bread or cheese, because they produce a nice contrast of sensations.
Those same phytochemicals are suspected to be responsible for the oil's known effect to reduce blood pressure and increase HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol. HDL is the good cholesterol and raising HDL levels reduces risk of heart attack and stroke.
In addition to all of that, blood vessels in people who consume oil with high polyphenol (a group of phytochemicals) levels are shown to have more 'elastic' blood vessels, which is good for overall heart health and circulation.
Lastly, consumption of this natural oil together with tomatoes has been shown to protect against sunburn and decrease wrinkles. The exact action is unknown, but researchers suspect that the phytochemicals in fresh oil from olives are responsible. Long term consumption reduced sunburn tendency by 30% and increases 'pro-collagen' in the skin. Loss of collagen is responsible for the development of wrinkles.

So, what's the downside? All oils are made of fat and highly calorie dense. While fat is part of a healthy diet, a high fat diet can make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. So, one must replace the unhealthy fats with healthy fats rather than just adding more fat to the diet to really gain all the benefits. Some good suggestions are to reduce meat intake, eat vegetables and bread with oil instead of butter, and reduce use of dairy products.


3 Flat Belly Drinks To Aid Weight Loss

Monday 17 October 2016

How Many Calories Do I Need to Lose Weight? The Shocking Truth

If you want to burn fat and keep it off, then the first thing you must do is forget all this nonsense you hear about low calorie diets or starving yourself. If you're wondering "How many calories do I need to lose weight," then it's important to understand how to work with your body's metabolism... instead of against it.
Low calorie diets don't work for long term weight loss and here's why:
When you drastically reduce your calorie intake, your metabolism naturally adjust and burn less calories. You may see some initial results, but you will quickly gain it all back and probably even have a few extra pounds as a gift for all your hard work. This is why you've failed in all your past dieting experiences.
You see, your body has natural protective mechanisms that are in place to protect you. When you starve yourself, your body goes into "survival mode" and makes the proper adjustments.
Eating food is not why you're unable to lose weight. Food is not the enemy. As a matter of fact, fat-burning hormones are release after every meal you eat. Eating more can actually encourage weight loss.
What? Eat more? This may sound like a contradiction, but that's exactly what has to happen if you want to burn fat. But you have to do this a certain way.
That way is called calorie shifting. Calorie shifting means you eat many different types of calories throughout the day. By eating a wide variety of foods in the right patterns, you confuse your metabolism and it never has a chance to adjust. So how many calories do I need to lose weight? It's not about the amount of calories, it's about the type. Calorie shifting is the most effective, enjoyable and natural way to lose weight and keep it off.


How Many Eggs Can You Eat in a Day? The Surprising Truth

Sunday 16 October 2016

Food is Not the Enemy of Weight Loss

Yet, it really is possible to eat more and weigh less. By eating the right kinds of food and following a healthy weight loss program, you will look and feel better. The key is having the right program.
A healthy program does not rely on will power, hunger, deprivation, or medications. By following a healthy  diet program and a structured program that includes regular exercise, you can reach your weight loss goals.
With a healthy weight reduction program you stay full and satisfied (that is, not bored). This helps you lose more weight quickly, increases your motivation, and keeps you from eating undesirable foods.
With a special weight reduction plan, your diet can be relatively easy, relaxing and pleasurable. Such a program is especially suitable for busy people who want to lose weight quickly and easily. The program should provide a daily routine, complete with menus and what foods to buy. You don't have to spend hours trying to plan what to eat and when to eat it. The important point here is that the program not give you so much to do that you give up. The program should provide the answers and you should only have to implement them. You're busy enough, right? Why add more activities to your schedule.
It is important that any weight loss program be designed by a professional, such as a nutritional dietician who knows how to plan the program properly. It is always best on any such program to get expert advice instead of just following the tips from a friend or neighbor.


Saturday 15 October 2016

Protection from Autumn's Viruses

    Autumn couldn't come at a better time. With the beginning of the fall season comes cooler temperatures and a welcome change from summer's heat waves.
However, these changing temperatures also bring germs that cause allergies, colds and the flu. Do you ever wonder how doctors and teachers stay healthy when they're in constant contact with sick patients and children? They have to make a conscious effort to keep themselves healthy even though they are surrounded by germs in their classrooms and offices. The same goes for massage therapists, who are also at an increased risk of catching airborne germs due to the nature of their business. There's no sure-fire way to prevent catching a cold, but taking a few extra precautions will help ward off germs heading in your direction.

A healthy immune system will help stave off an impending illness. Obviously, a healthy, nutritious diet and plenty of sleep will protect your body from becoming stressed and worn down, making you more susceptible to catching a cold. Other behaviors can also affect how likely you are to get sick, such as drinking and smoking. Regular exercise, something as simple as walking a few times per week, has been proven to help strengthen the immune system. In addition to eating healthy foods, consider supplementing your diet with vitamins. Another important step is to make sure you allot yourself enough time for sleep and other fun activities, because when you're happy and well rested, your body will be healthier. Making these simple changes to your everyday lifestyle will help bolster your immunity.


Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Friday 14 October 2016

How Does Garlic Benefit You?

The reality about garlic is everywhere. What's intriguing is that it's been around from a long time as well. Of course, there are myths also related with garlic, about how it can ward off vampires. In today's world, if it can help ward off the many illnesses that we seem to be getting, it's nothing short of a magic herb.
 Garlic has been used since the ages for good health. But scientists are discovering new and exciting uses of this herb and the goodness it can provide. Here's a look at some of the methods in which garlic can benefit you.
* Managing cancer - Yes, garlic can really help in treating cancer. Studies have shown that some components in garlic such as diallyl disulfide can eliminate the cancer cells and help you in developing a strong immune system. Garlic is furthermore known to minimize papillary lung tumors. Eating a clove of raw garlic is furthermore known to reduce the occurrence of cancers in the first place.
* High blood pressure - Remarkable, but true. Conventional Asian medicine acknowledges garlic as a powerful hypertension controller and this fact is being corroborated by scientists throughout the world today. Garlic can help in checking your blood pressure so that the high levels can come down to normal levels. For garlic to help you in controlling your hypertension, you can simply take one clove each day or drink its fresh juice, crush a clove in warm milk.

Garlic is known to even treat ear infections, especially in small children who are very susceptible to them. Garlic acts as nature's own antibiotic without the harmful effects as it has strong anti bacterial and anti microbial qualities. Juice from the cloves of raw garlic diluted with water can be placed in the ear directly. Do note that this can cause plenty of pain as the garlic starts acting on the microbes that have caused the infection. The pain however lasts for just a little while and together with it the infection also goes away.
Garlic as antibiotic - Garlic is nature's very own antibiotic and the best part about it is that it doesn't get rid of healthy bacteria as well. More and more people are switching to garlic as an effective antibiotic.
Raising antioxidant levels - Garlic helps in pushing up the entire antioxidant levels of the body and this thus has its own chain of actions resulting in decreased serum glucose levels as well as reduced blood pressure.
Garlic gets rid of the toxins from the body so it's a great way to get your body cleaned up.
Garlic contains allicin, a strong compound that acts as an antibiotic and helps heal skin infections as well. It is interesting to know that allicin does not occur on its own but is formed when garlic is chopped or crushed.
In the past garlic was known not only as a vampire repellent but also because it helped in healing bruises and wounds. It was also a well-known treatment for indigestion and flatulence.
Garlic isn't simply healthy for your body, but it's also fantastic for your skin. Frequent consumption of garlic tones the skin, making it soft while also making your nails stronger. One more wonderful benefit is that it regulates dandruff related problems too.
There are certainly some side effects that you need to think about before you liberally start eating garlic to get all those benefits. Anything in moderation works well but if you overdo it, which is, eat a lot more garlic than you should, the following are the most likely side effects that you might probably experience.

* Body odor - If you eat a lot of garlic, you will observe that you have started smelling just like garlic. This is because the garlic is secreted through your pores and this lasts until all garlic is eliminated from your body. The body odor can be embarrassing and can cause a lot of stress.
* Garlic breath - Eating too much raw garlic can cause plenty of bad breath and this could hamper your self-confidence. The only way to counter it would be to eat raw garlic along with your food and to ideally eat it before you go to sleep.
* Digestion issues - Too much of a good thing can only be bad. So also with garlic and scientific studies have shown that if you consume too much garlic, it can burn the lining of your stomach and cause you a lot of pain.
* Allergies - For some people who suffer from garlic allergy, there could be rashes, fever or vomiting. It could also kick in adversely with some anti-coagulants as well. * The sulfur in garlic could result in botulism, which can cause acute stomach upset or even death.

If you've decided to make garlic an important part of your healthy lifestyle, make sure that you get organic garlic which has all the goodness inherent in garlic. In your regular shops, you may run into chemically treated garlic which is of no use. If the garlic bulb has sprouted, it means that the garlic has aged and has lost all its important compounds.
The most effective way to ensure that garlic retains all its beneficial substances is to smash it finely and add it to food. Many people also choose to have garlic juice whereas others hate its smell and taste. For such people, there are plenty of garlic based supplements which work precisely fine and could be like your daily dose of vitamins.
Physically speaking, a bulb of garlic might resemble an onion bulb but metaphorically also, there's a huge similarity. Just as you peel the different layers of an onion, with garlic, everyday new and more potent uses are being discovered.


10 Biggest Celebrity ★ Fitness Body Transformation

Thursday 13 October 2016

Hot Air Fryer For Low Fat Frying

Deep fried food is really tasty and would have been every one's favorite if not for its unhealthy high fat content. So, is it possible to fry without using oil? Is it possible to cook oil-free or low-fat fried food that is also tasty?
Oil Free Hot Air Fryer
The hot air fryer is a modern kitchen appliance that allows you to fry food without oil. Now, how is that possible? If you were to tell that to Grandma, she would most probably tell you that the food would taste horribly dry and tasteless. After all, deep-frying in a large amount of oil has always been the way to eat fried food with that really nice crunch on the outside, moist and tender inside.

With the innovative hot air cooker, you will still get the crispy outside and moist inside effect but minus the fat. This getting-to-be very popular healthy fryer cooks the food using hot air.
The high heat seals in the food juices and it gets to cook fast due to the small capacity of the machine. The popular hot air frying machines in the market are between 1.8 to below 4 pounds cooking capacity.
The food sits on the cooking basket and gets bombarded by fast-moving hot air at all angles. This ensures fast and even cooking.
What Are The Benefits Of The Hot Air Fryer?
  • No oil or at the most, a tablespoon of oil for frying resulting in reduced calories intake.
  • The air fryer is highly versatile and can be used for frying, grilling, roasting and baking; one machine for most of your cooking needs.
  • You can cook practically all types of food in the fryer, whether frozen or raw food stuff.
  • Fast cooking times with most food cooked in under 30 minutes.

Who Would Benefit Most From The Hot Air Fryer?

Busy moms would love the air fryer for all the reasons mentioned above. Healthy food for their kids cooked with the minimum of fuss and fast too.
College students would find the fryer beneficial too as it is very versatile and very easy to clean up. It leaves no oily mess.
The elderly would love the air fryer for its simple usage. There are only 2 buttons to adjust, the temperature and timer control. Besides, the healthy oil-free food would be great for their health.
Anyone on a low-fat diet would also love the fryer for its oil-free or less oil cooking method. Yes, you get to enjoy your favorite comfort food in a more healthy way.


Flat Tummy With Garlic Water ( LOSE BELLY FAT IN A WEEK )

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Multivitamins For Women - All About Vitamins C, D, E and K

Vitamins are substances that are extremely essential for the maintenance of our health and wellness. Our bodies are not able to supply natural vitamins.
Hence, this is the reason that we need to obtain them from the food we eat. Although there is only a small amount of vitamins that are existing in food we consume, we need them for growth and development. Without any vitamins, our body will not be able to fend for itself or even survive. We are in need of vitamins to live a strong, long and healthy life. Therefore, we have to obtain the essential vitamins from the fruits and vegetables that provide them naturally.
Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen. It also gives structure to bones, muscles, blood vessels, and cartilage. Vitamin C contributes in the maintenance of bones, teeth as well as the capillaries. This vitamin also aids in the healing of bone fractures, wounds and bruises, blood hemorrhages as well as bleeding gums. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits or citrus juices such as papaya, oranges, guava, or even honeydew. Broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, sweet peppers also contains an essential amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C is also existent in leafy green vegetables like the spinach.

Without an essential amount of vitamin C, there is a high possibility that there will be an increased tendency of getting bruises, bleeding gums. The bruises or bleeding will heal slower than usual. Without this vitamin, scurvy may develop as well. Scurvy's symptoms are anemia, tooth loss as well as bleeding under the skin.

Vitamin D promotes the development and maintenance of both the bones and teeth. Vitamin D also aids in the maintenance of healthy nerves and muscles. The sunlight provides abundant amount of vitamin D. Fortified milk, eggs and butter consist of vitamin D too.
A deficiency in vitamin D may cause changes in the bones of both children and adults.

Vitamin E actually protects the fats in our body from being destructed by the destructive oxygen fragments. It is also able to stabilize cell membranes as well as protects all tissues throughout the body. Vegetable oils consist an abundant amount of it.
A lack of it may contribute to the development of anemia in infants. Having a deficiency of this vitamin will also cause nerve damages in adults.
Vitamin K is able to aid the regulation of blood to avoid blood clotting. An abundant amount of it can be found in sunlight. Fortified milk, margarine, eggs as well as butter consist of this vitamin too.
A lack of it leads to abnormal blood clotting.


How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss?

Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Toxic Metal - Aluminium

Aluminium is the third most common element on earth and exposure is from industrial and household uses. Aluminium sulphate is used as an additive in public water to clarify the water, when combined with fluoride it becomes very toxic and causes brain cell death.
Foods have a natural amount of aluminium in them. The ones that are mostly acidic such as, tomatoes, cranberries, rhubarb, apricots, cabbage and apples. It's also found in processed cheese, teas, herbs, spices and commercial salt. Food can absorb aluminium, from utensils, cans, foil, saucepans and containers. Baking or cooking foods in aluminium especially meat, leaches the aluminium out of the foil and into the food. It can also be found in deodorants and dye-fixing chemicals used in tanning. Aluminium in the 1970's was discovered to cause hallucinations, jerky muscles and dementia in dialysis patients where tap water was used for the dialysis. Aluminium is also a neurotoxin where it can enter the brain and nervous system and travel along the nerves to the spinal cord. Aluminium also has the ability to increase the destructive power of other types of metals in our body that we need for normal function that are otherwise not toxic to us unless it's in high doses, such as chromium and iron. Aluminium also affects myelin that surrounds the nerve sheath and therefore has an effect on people with multiple sclerosis.
Tea contains high levels of aluminium. When you squeeze lemon in your tea it increases the absorption of aluminium. The same goes for hot water with aluminium and fluoride and squeezing lemon in it. When drinking water always make sure it has been filtered well where the metals and fluoride are removed. Kegs that the beer is stored are aluminium; beer naturally also contains aluminium and is acidic so it readily leeches the aluminium out of the kegs into the beers. One important thing to remember is that acidic fruit and vegetables leech aluminium so be careful what you combine your fruit and vegetables with; for example cooking a fish in aluminium with chunks of lemon.
Aluminium has been linked with many neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and ALS. Low levels of magnesium and calcium intake increases the absorption of aluminium and iron from the gut, which allows it to enter the brain. As with all other metal toxicities it has an effect on the nervous system and decreases the antioxidants network system within the body and causes cell death. To detoxify from aluminium you must first of all get rid of any aluminium you're exposed to such as cooking and eating as mentioned above, also processed foods containing glutamate such as MSG, hydrolysed vegetable proteins, soy protein extract, protein isolate as glutamine binds with the aluminium and increases its absorption. Also increase your antioxidants to combat metal toxicities.


How to Lose Weight Fast - 10 Kg

Monday 10 October 2016

Mental Health Day

On Monday 10th October is world mental health day. Studies have shown that at least one in four people will have a type of mental health problem at some point in their lives. This can be quite traumatic for some people, especially those who feel that they have never had a mental health problem in their lives.
Mental health can be diagnosed in many ways; however in relation to food and nutrition, it is important that a healthy balanced diet is maintained, especially when maintaining this condition. As diet full of high amounts of sugar, saturated fat and salt can cause various health problems, especially weight gain, which can lead to increased cholesterol levels, and becoming obese during the long term.
People may not be aware but consuming certain foods can have an effect on the way that we feel. This can be advantageous for people with various mental health issues, as certain foods can be packed full of vitamins, and minerals that can help to control the experiences of anxiety, Poor concentration, depression, and a poor memory. Not only that but a balanced diet with increased exercise can also help to loose weight, reduce the chances of having coronary heart disease, and reduce LDL cholesterol.

Eating healthily does not need to be expensive; it just requires swapping certain types of foods for healthier versions.
Swap full fat cream, mascarpone or cream cheese for lower fat versions. This could be anything from a Greek yoghurt, half fat cream, cottage or Greek cheese. Finally try to include some beans in the diet as well. Why not add some kidney beans to a curry? Or try to have baked beans on toast as a lunchtime meal instead?
The examples above contain an amino acid called Tryptophan. This is classed as an essential amino acid, as the body does not produce this, so it can only be accessed by consuming certain foods. The examples above would help to regulate the body's appetite, and sleep patterns.
As stated in previous articles, the UK population does not consume enough fibre in their diets. Fibre is essential for the regulation of the bowel, and to help to reduce cholesterol, which can help to reduce the chances of further heart problems during later life. Fibre can be found in wholegrain based foods including oats, brown rice, wholemeal and granary bread. Fibre can also be found in vegetables and fruit as well. Therefore it is best to snack on a piece of fruit instead of sweets, chocolates, and cakes. Some fibre based foods also contain B vitamins. B vitamins are essential as they do a variety of jobs from protecting the nervous system, to supporting the release of carbohydrates to produce energy. As B vitamins supports brain health, it is important to ensure that enough B vitamins are maintained, as lack of B vitamins can cause a poor memory. They can also be found in fish, nuts and seeds, and potatoes.

Overall regardless if there is a mental health issue involved, we can all improve our diets a little just by making one small change and a pledge. It could be anything from increasing the amount of exercise, to reducing the amount of sugar in a mug of tea from two sugars to one sugar. A small change that we could make would make a big difference into the way that we feel and think.


Easy Healthy and Delicious Chicken Tacos!

Sunday 9 October 2016

Healthy Lifestyle For A Healthy Life

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves determination and devotion with an optimistic concept about our life. All we have to do is follow a few simple steps that will improve our health. This should focus on physical, mental, and social well-being. Many factors around us contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Learning to live a healthier lifestyle is simple when we focus on modifying one thing at a time. Small changes can make a big difference in our life.
A balanced diet is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle. Include more fruits and vegetables in the daily diet. Stay away from processed food and junk food. Eat organic fruits and vegetables. Do not prefer a high calorie diet. Talk to a doctor or dietitian for personalized dietary advice that takes into account your health status. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Supplying enough water to our body is one of the ultimate efforts for a healthier and happier living.
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day to improve the mental and physical strength. Even modest weight loss can help reduce medical risks. Experimental studies show that regular physical exercises can significantly improve mental health. Cardiac workouts will strengthen the heart and lungs. It involves activities such as swimming, aerobics, walking, and running. Exercise does not essentially indicate joining a gymnasium or club. Even simple activities like everyday job, gardening, and walking can make a difference.
Emotional health plays a big role in a healthy lifestyle. Remember that happy people live longer. Stress can affect our mental and psychological stability by creating an imbalance. Have a positive attitude towards life. Yoga and meditation will help release stress and negative thoughts. Spend some time and energy to improve the quality of your life and living. Avoid unhealthy practices and focus on factors that influence the physical and mental health. Give importance to good and healthy relationships. It will make this world a better place to live.
A healthy lifestyle can increase a person's longevity. Correct body mass index, balanced diet, and proper fitness plans can make dramatic improvements in your health. Enjoying the life needs a personal effort and motivation. Making enjoyable leisure activities a part of the daily schedule will bring happiness and joy. Everyday living is about keeping the equilibrium of our mind and body. Learning to live a healthier lifestyle is easy when you focus on one small thing at a time.


What I Eat On a Sunday!! Healthy Meal Ideas | October #1

Saturday 8 October 2016

What Are the Best Fitness Workouts?

The term "fitness workouts" is often misleading. While many believe that fitness workouts refer to anything that assists you in keeping yourself fit, the correct meanings are somewhat different. By definition, fitness workouts are those kinds of physical activity or workout that "when combined with well-balanced, recommended diet" will help you lose weight and extra body fat in the optimal time frame.
To better understand the term, consider the following examples of some recommended fitness workouts which, when combined with healthy diet, will help you lose weight fast and significantly:
1- Running (or jogging)
2- Brisk walking (one that makes you sweat profusely)
3- Playing football, soccer or any sport that involves running and intense physical activity

4-Swimming (an excellent fitness workout)
5- Treadmill / elliptical (cardio) exercise
Why they are so important?
Weight loss experts, dietitians and nutritionists are now of the unanimous opinion that any diet plan or fitness program (no matter how strong and famous it is) would not work alone until and unless it is implemented and practised in conjunction with regular fitness workouts such those mentioned-above. So, the million dollar question is; what's so special about these workouts?
Well, the main significance of these workouts is actually hidden in the fact that they greatly enhance the weight reduction process and fat burning effect of the diet consumed on daily basis. In other words the weight, that you would lose in one month by diet alone, can actually be lost in a period as short as two weeks by performing the recommended fitness workouts along with following a specific diet schedule.
How do fitness workouts work?
Almost all of the fitness workouts work by increasing the rate of the burning of dietary and body fat. In other words, such workouts tend to increase and speed up the rate of metabolism which eventually leads to faster calorie burning and greater calorie expenditure. As a result of this increased calorie burning, you lose more weight at a faster speed. On the other hand, at the same time, because of the weight loss diet you're on, you are already eating less. Therefore, this dual mode of action of fewer calorie consumption plus greater calorie expenditure leads to the overall weight loss effect.

How to get the maximum out of these workouts?
One of the best ways to intensify and maximize the effects of fitness workouts is to perform them in conjunction with the use of some recommended diet or herbal supplement. Studies and clinical data have proved that using a proven herbal weight reduction supplement along with regular weight loss workouts can actually help you maintain optimal body weight, figure and shape on permanent basis.
