Wednesday 19 October 2016

Nutritional Salad - The Healthiest Way to Lose Weight

However much you may be keen to lose weight, it's often hard to replace meals with salads. They are, after all, so boring and tasteless! But did you know that you can add endless varieties of fruits, meats and vegetables to perk up an otherwise drab and dull salad, without of course adding calories? Moreover, the goodness of nutrition-filled salad can hasten your weight loss goals like no other food.
You could be thinking of losing weight for a variety of reasons, other than simply to have a slim waistline. Being overweight can invite a host of health problems including hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and various types of sleep disorders like sleep apnea. Being overweight can also have damaging effects on your mental health.

Of all the innumerable options you have to lose weight, perhaps going on a healthy and balanced diet, coupled with some amount of physical exercises is the best. Did you know that having a bowl of nutrition salad can offer the same 'balance' that you were looking for in a meal? There are several approaches you can take to turn your salad into a healthy, no-fat, no-sweet diet option. For example, when you add chicken or egg whites to your salad, you are actually making your nutrition salad even healthier.
From where does the nutritional salad get its nutrition? Take the instance when you add lettuce and leafy green vegetable like broccoli to your salad. These two things are rich in fibers and carbohydrates which are extremely low on calories but give you a full feeling. By omitting starch-filled carbohydrates like potatoes, rice or bread, you are making sure that your salad is filled with nutrition but without the calories.
How can you add more value to your nutrition salad? Depending on the kind of weight loss you have in mind, you could add chicken, nuts, cheese and eggs as the protein content. The best part about salads is that the nutritional value does not diminish even if you make it tasty and scrumptious. For instance adding rice vinegar to your nutrition salad bowl does not add any calorie but enhances the taste. This addition also enhances the original taste of the vegetables without masking their flavor.
Depending on the amount of calorie-intake plan you have for the day, you can add or deduct any amount of protein you desire from the list of ingredients given below along with their calorific value:
1 medium head of lettuce: 55 calories - 5 grams of protein;
1 medium bag of lettuce: 45 calories - 3 grams of protein;
1 boneless chicken breast: 80 calories - 16 grams of protein;
1 hard boiled egg: 80 calories - 6 grams of protein;
1 ounce of cheddar cheese: 115 calories - 7 grams of protein;
1 dozen almonds: 90 calories - 5 grams of protein;
1 medium carrot: 25 calories - 1 gram of protein and
1 Tbsp olive oil: 40 calories - 0 grams of protein.
Boneless chicken breasts are the best ingredient for making you salad nutritious without increasing the calories. With practice you can make your own repertoire of nutrition salad, which you would find hard to keep away from other weight watchers.


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