Monday 17 October 2016

How Many Calories Do I Need to Lose Weight? The Shocking Truth

If you want to burn fat and keep it off, then the first thing you must do is forget all this nonsense you hear about low calorie diets or starving yourself. If you're wondering "How many calories do I need to lose weight," then it's important to understand how to work with your body's metabolism... instead of against it.
Low calorie diets don't work for long term weight loss and here's why:
When you drastically reduce your calorie intake, your metabolism naturally adjust and burn less calories. You may see some initial results, but you will quickly gain it all back and probably even have a few extra pounds as a gift for all your hard work. This is why you've failed in all your past dieting experiences.
You see, your body has natural protective mechanisms that are in place to protect you. When you starve yourself, your body goes into "survival mode" and makes the proper adjustments.
Eating food is not why you're unable to lose weight. Food is not the enemy. As a matter of fact, fat-burning hormones are release after every meal you eat. Eating more can actually encourage weight loss.
What? Eat more? This may sound like a contradiction, but that's exactly what has to happen if you want to burn fat. But you have to do this a certain way.
That way is called calorie shifting. Calorie shifting means you eat many different types of calories throughout the day. By eating a wide variety of foods in the right patterns, you confuse your metabolism and it never has a chance to adjust. So how many calories do I need to lose weight? It's not about the amount of calories, it's about the type. Calorie shifting is the most effective, enjoyable and natural way to lose weight and keep it off.


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