Tuesday 25 October 2016

Eating Healthy On A Budget Is Possible

Let's Take a Look!
To many people, the whole concept of 'eating healthy on a budget' might seem like a tough challenge. In fact, some more critical people dismiss the idea of being able to eat a wholesome healthy diet on a budget. This should not be a surprise since many healthy diets are marketed with a hefty price tag. You have to buy some 'special ingredients' or 'premium items' to eat healthy so you can lose weight or stay in great shape. The good news is eating healthy on a budget is not just possible but actually the default way to lose weight. You just have to stop thinking that just because getting healthy and lean is so prized by many people that it automatically has to come with a high price tag. Just by following the tips below, you can start eating healthy on a budget. That's right, you can enjoy a leaner, healthier lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Forget about 'organic' labels and focus on food quality
One of the biggest crazes in food retailing in recent years is the whole 'organic' food trend. While there is a lot to recommend in organic food, the benefits rarely warrant the steep jump in price you'd have to pay. We're talking about premiums that range from 25 percent all the way to three times the price of regular commercial produce. This fixation with organic food is one of the main reasons why a lot of people think that eating healthy on a budget is impossible. They automatically equate 'organic' with 'healthy food' and they think of the outrageous premiums you have to pay for organic food. Instead of focusing on organic labels, forget about them. Instead, focus on the quality of your food items. Insist on fresh food. Pay attention to how long the food item has been sitting at your grocery before deciding to buy. Fresh food is healthier food. Thankfully, given the huge numbers of coupon specials and other discount programs at grocers, eating healthy on a budget is not as hard as you think if you focus on high quality fresh food items.
Eat as many raw in season vegetables as possible
One of the biggest factors that drive the price of vegetables up and down is whether the vegetables in question are in season. When you shop for food and plan out your menu based solely on which food items are in season, you can go a long way in making your food bills shrink. Prices are quite low for food items in season because there is a huge glut of these items within a particular time frame. When there is a lot of supply and demand continues to be constant, the price of the food items dip. This applies to all sorts of food items from avocados to oranges to broccoli. Take advantage of this market reality so you can start eating healthy on a budget. Your hard-earned dollars will simply stretch much farther if you pursue this strategy.
Other Ideas For Eating Healthy On A Budget:
Eat very filling foods sold in bulk like potatoes
The great thing about potatoes is that you can buy them in bulk and save a ton of money that way. Plus, potatoes and other food items you can buy in bulk can fill you up for a longer period of time. Both these factors enable you to start eating healthy on a budget. Potatoes in bulk, like in sacks, cost much lower than if you were to buy potatoes on a pound per pound basis. Also, you can prepare potatoes in a wide variety of low calorie and low fat ways. If anything, you can eat lots of baked potatoes. Potatoes fill you up quickly and keeps you fuller longer. This suppresses your appetite and your calorie intake for the rest of the day is depressed. Keep this up for a long time and you can lose quite a bit of weight. If you are serious about eating healthy on a budget, you need to include bulk potatoes in your game plan.
Buy taste-boosting groceries in bulk
The great thing about the modern American grocery is that you can save quite a bit of money buying stuff in bulk. While buying in bulk is a bad idea when it comes to buying perishable vegetables and fruit, it is a great idea when buying taste boosters like herbs, mixes, and other grocery items. These items last a long time on your kitchen's shelf and they truly make potatoes, red rice, beans, and other low-cost staples come to life. Buying these taste-boosters in bulk help you save quite a bit of money. You also ensure that your low-fat, low-calories meals will be tastier and more satisfying because you have all the spices and seasonings you need to make such healthy meals live up to their fullest culinary potential. Make no mistake about it-if you are serious about eating healthy on a budget, you need to buy taste-boosting groceries in bulk.
Buy from farmers' markets late
'Buy from Farmers' markets?!' You might be rolling your eyes with this particular advice. After all, too many farmers' markets charge a steep premium for freshness and organic foods. Well, if you were to shop at farmers' markets early in the morning, you will have to pay a premium because that is when prices are the highest. However, once it gets around 3pm or 5pm in the afternoon, many of the farmers looking to unload their goods for the highest possible prices start getting antsy. Why? They don't want to lug perishable stuff back to storage. Storage costs money. They are more willing, at this late time in the afternoon, to offer steep discounts. Come late and scoop up fresh food items straight from the farm at rock bottom prices. This sure is one of the best ways to start eating healthy on a budget.
The good news about eating healthy on a budget is that with a little planning, you can enjoy great food at great prices. Take control of your diet and lifestyle today. Start buying the very best fresh food items without having to burn a hole in your pockets.


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