Thursday 20 October 2016

Organic Milk For A Healthier You

If you are looking for ways to start eating healthier and living better and excellent start would be by purchasing organic milk instead of regular milk. Organic foods are naturally better for you as they are not processed or prepared with growth hormones or nasty pesticides that can be harmful to your health. Organic foods (milk included) are created with great care and a natural way of doing things. This results in a much better tasting product whether it is milk, butter or yogurt. You can find many different forms of this milk in the stores today, some of it by cows and some even by goats.
Whichever milk you choose, you can be sure that this milk is going to taste great. The process of dealing with the cows is so different than that of nonorganic farmers. What this translates into is simply a better product brought to the stores for you.
Go Ahead And Graze
One of the most important differences between regular dairy farmers and organic dairy farmers is in how they deal with the cows. There is a specific regulation and detailed regime that an organic milk dairy farmer must follow in order for them to maintain their certification. One of the most important things for the farmers to do is to allow the cows a chance to graze naturally. This is something that must be done a lot in order for the cow to have a set internal program that will keep the cows producing quality milk. It is said that in some areas, the farmers must allow for 120 days of pasture grazing by the cows in order for the milk to be considered organic in nature.
If you take this fact and the fact that the cows are not given any form of growth enhancement or hormones of any kind, you will see that the milk simply tastes better. Often you will find that dairy farmers will feed their cows grain or corn feed. This is not a natural source of food for a cow, so the milk is not considered natural either.
Panel Says
If you were to place 10 people in a room for a blind taste test between regular cow's milk and organic milk from a cow, it should come as no surprise as to which milk would be preferred. Often tests will show that 8 of the 10 people will immediately choose the organic variety opposed to the standard milk, while 1 will be on the fence. This should serve as a pretty good indicator for stores that are curious about the impact of introducing this type of dairy product into their stores for sale. When it comes right down to it, the organic entries are easy to sell due to the healthy living movement that is sweeping the nation.
If you are looking for a quality of life change for the better, you should look into the small things as much as you do exercise. One of the best changes will be in what you eat and you can improve this portion of your life with organic milk.


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