Friday 30 June 2017

Five Good Reasons to Eat an Avocado Each Day

Forget the fat in avocados because they are a super-healthy method to add valuable nutrients and fibers (yes, and healthy fat!) in your perfect diet plan. Many people, within their attempts to become health-conscious, avoid avocados due to its high fat concentration (138 calories and 14.1g fat in a medium-sized avocado). Yet avocados are one of the greatest foods you can eat, filled with nutrients and substances that improve the health of your heart. Listed below are five great reasons to eat them frequently.

1. Avocados are filled with carotenoids

Avocados best source of lutein, also carotenoid works as an antioxidant preventing eye illness. They also develop alpha-carotene as well as beta-carotene, as well as vitamin E.

However avocados aren't just a rich source of carotenoids, they also help you get more of beneficial nutrients from other meals. Carotenoids tend to be lipophilic (soluble within fat, but not in water), therefore eating carotenoid-packed foods like vegetables and fruits together with monounsaturated-fat-rich avocados, helps your body soak up the carotenoids. An easy way to get this done would be to add chopped avocado pieces to a mixed salad.

2. Avocados give you a sense of well-being

A small avocado consists of 3.4 grams of fiber, including soluble and insoluble fibers; both of these variations are needed by the body to keep the digestive tract running smoothly. In addition, soluble fibers slow the breakdown of carbohydrates in your body, helping you feel full for a longer time.

Avocados also contain oleic acids, which make you feel full. Healthier unsaturated fats that contain oleic acid have been shown to create a greater feeling of satiety compared to less-healthy saturated fats in fully processed foods.

3. The nutrients inside an avocado can protect your baby and your heart

One cup of avocado provides almost a quarter of your recommended daily intake of folate, the vitamin which reduces the risk of birth defects. If you're pregnant or going to be then avocados will help protect your unborn child.

A higher folate consumption is also associated with reduced risks of heart attacks and heart problems. Does your family have a history associated with heart issues, or has been showing any symptoms for heart disease? Avocados can help you maintain your heart healthy.

4. Avocados can help reduce your cholesterol

The actual oleic acid in an avocado will help decrease cholesterol levels. In one research, individuals consuming an avocado-rich diet plan had a significant reduction in total cholesterol levels, together with a decrease in BAD cholesterol. Their own amounts of HDL cholesterol (the healthy type) increased through 11%.

Heart problems are among the main risk factors for heart disease. The actual cholesterol-lowering properties of avocado, along with its folate content, help to keep your heart healthy.

5. The avocado has an excellent flavor

The final reason is simple because avocados are really a healthy method to boost the taste as well as size of the meals. Put a sliced avocado in a salad or soup; serve the guacamole as an appetizer or even condiment.


How to Drink Water To Lose Weight: 4 Scientific Reasons It Works

Thursday 29 June 2017

Benefits Of Himalayan Salts

In our everyday lives, salt has played a significant role in producing the best tasting foods that would come in contact with our palates, may it be at home or at a restaurant.

Most of us believe that salts come in merely two forms - the table and iodized salt. Between the two, the latter obtained a healthier reputation than the former.

However, with the days coming in progress, the search for a better option in almost all aspects, even for the humble salt, continued.

The benefits of Himalayan Salts are huge. Unlike the regular sea or table salt, Himalayan salts contain about 84 minerals which come in an ionic form, thus contributing to its easy-to-absorb and easy-to-use property. This type of salt has the ability to hydrate our body tissues and requires no digestion at all, which in turn allows the body to utilize it shortly after drinking some dissolved in water which by then has converted its molecular property to electrical property. Given this type of nature, it provides additional set of energy to our body which some other foods cannot render.

In addition to the differences between the Himalayan and table salt, the latter has undergone through different processes where most of its natural elements have been washed off. It is also rich in sodium chloride chemical which can cause re-crystallization of table salt if it accumulates in very high levels. The Himalayan salts, however, is a salt that comes in its natural form and has the ability to eliminate unwanted bacteria and toxins which poses a threat to the human body.

The Himalayan salt does not confine its usage merely in the four corners of the dining area but in other aspects of health as well. Himalayan salts, when placed in bath and drinking water, provide relief and relaxation to the body as well as detoxification and improvement in the blood circulation. It also helps combat certain health conditions such as allergies and respiratory problems and in addition, it can also contribute to skin rejuvenation, making it and its appearance healthier.

Salt is essential but it would be better to take into consideration its nature and with the availability of healthier options like the Himalayan salts, it would still pay to give it a try and gain its positive effects. You can check your neighboring and local stores for its availability or explore in some websites who offer such products.


"DESPACITO" - Luis Fonsi ft. Justin Bieber Fitness Dance

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Is Yoga Good Or Bad For You?

Yoga has been around for about 5,000 years. It was created in India. It came to the United States in 1893. Yoga is thought by some to be a religion. It is not. It is a technique that uses poses to observe the breath, to quiet the mind and to learn focus. It is a mental, verbal and physical practice.

The postures are referred to as Asnan, the breathing techniques are called Pratyahara and the concentration techniques are called Dharana. Hatha Yoga is the type of Yoga typically taught at fitness facilities. Hatha Yoga is a slow-paced gentle Yoga that is a good intro to the basic Yoga poses. It is good for strength training, flexibility training, posture training and to develop mind-body awareness.

Vinyasa Yoga is also popular. It is a more fluid, vigorous practice. Ashtanga Yoga is often called "Power Yoga". It too is practiced by many people in America. It is a very vigorous, athletic type of Yoga best for the advanced student. Bikram Yoga referred to as "Hot Yoga" has 26 poses students do in a room that is 90 to 100 degrees. The thought is that the muscles will be loosened by the warm room so further stretching can occur.

Keeping your body toned and flexible is very important. The poses offered in Yoga can do that if done correctly. Most Yoga practices do not work your cardiovascular system. Power Yoga may be able to challenge your cardiovascular system if the instructor formats her routine in a manner which encourages the aerobic effect.

There are some safety precautions that will help you avoid being injured in your Yoga practice. Some of the poses can place too much strain on the spine. Your neck has smaller vertebrae than your lower back so caution should be used with neck motions. The lower back although stronger also can be injured if the poses are done incorrectly or you already have a bad back.

Forward flexion of the neck (bringing your chin toward your chest) should occur by simply letting go in the back of the neck. No straining or pulling should occur from the muscles in the front of your neck. Your head is pretty heavy and favors going forward so just allowing it to do so is the best way to do forward flexion.

Extension of the neck (bringing your head backwards) needs to be done by lengthening the neck not tilting the head back. Your eyes should be looking forward or slightly rolled upward. In the past some yoga positions like the Cobra had your neck tilted way back which is very hard on your cervical spine.

Neck rolls should always be avoided they place a lot of strain on your neck. Small tipping or turning of your head with each motion returning to an upright position before going to the next position is safer for your neck.

Inverted poses like the Plough are very tough on your neck. They put a lot of pressure on your cervical spine. Misalignment can occur as well as injury. If you already have neck issues they will be aggravated. Even poses that are indirectly inverted (where your head is lower than your heart, but you are not completely upside down) like the Down dog, Standing forward fold or Child pose is unwise for those with glaucoma, ear problems or heart and circulatory issues. Women should not practice inverted poses during menstruation or pregnancy. The most problematic poses are the Plough, Shoulder stand, and the head stand.

Poses that use unsupported forward flexion (bending your torso toward your thighs) puts a lot of stress on the lower back. Most people do not have the strength in their lower backs to do this without injury. The idea is to stretch the back of your legs and to strengthen your back but many people never get to the back strengthening benefit because their backs are injured while doing the pose.To add to the problem many poses like the Sun Salutation require you to have your legs completely straight.

To help ease the strain on your back during the Sun Salutation pose keep your legs shoulder width apart. For the Standing Forward Fold keep a slight bend in your legs and support your back by placing your hands on your thighs. When doing forward folds in a seated position focus on feeling the stretch behind your legs and not on trying to lay your chest on your thighs. Lengthen and extend your spine.

Make sure that you do not feel pain when doing your poses. It is wise to watch a few classes before you take one to make sure the instructor does not push students to go past their comfort zone. An instructor should not touch you and try to push your body past its abilities.

So Yoga is a good thing if done with caution and a very bad thing if you push yourself past your capabilities.


Can't Do Pull Ups? Just Do THIS!

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Water, The Elixir Of A Healthy Life

My parents continue to teach me. It seems you never grow out of that role of student with your parents. Lesson: good health and living a green lifestyle are closely linked.

I'm not saying that if you live a green life, eat whole and organic foods, exercise, and get lots of sleep that you'll always be healthy, but I am saying that you can hedge your bets with a few simple routines, and live a healthier life than if you ignore these routines.

Have you ever stopped to consider how infections and dehydration are related? Or how they impact your life, health, and sense of well-being? This is an invitation to stop and consider it. The lesson my parents just gave me was about the dangers of dehydration and infections, especially under-treated infections, and in seniors.

My Bigger Half and I went to visit Rock and No-Nonsense, and help host a family celebration. Upon arrival we learned No-Nonsense was suffering with vertigo, and a UTI (urinary tract infection). Because moving about was disorienting for No-Nonsense she wasn't drinking much water (think about the ramifications of both drinking the water, and the after effects if moving makes you nauseous). No amount of urging her to drink water made a change in her behavior. Not even her doctor could sway her determination to not drink much water!

Ok, fine, she "gets" to live her life her way, a hard lesson for this daughter to accept when she used to be the epitome of healthy habits. I even heard Rock mumble something under his breath about leading a horse to water, so I know I'm not the only one experiencing a bit of frustration here.

The second night of our visit Rock found No-Nonsense struggling unsuccessfully to get into bed, so he called me up to help. That's when we found her disoriented and not acting like herself. I changed from my daughter hat to my EMT hat and started asking her questions while waiting for My Bigger Half to bring the stethoscope and BP cuff up. A low blood pressure spurred Rock to call his medical office for advise, which fortunately agreed with what My Bigger Half and I had concluded: take her to the ER. We thought she was having a stroke.

After a battery of tests all we really know was that she wasn't having a stroke. What we concluded on our own is that between her infection (or infections) and dehydration, she was suffering from AMS -- Altered Mental Status. A fancy phrase to say she was confused, disoriented, and not herself.

In telling a few friends about this episode we started hearing similar stories about other seniors who suffered AMS from either infections or dehydration. I heard so many stories it hit me that this is a fairly common situation.

The simplified discussion I had with No-Nonsense was that it's vital to drink ample water during the day. "Ample" of course is subjective, and varies by location and situation. She felt the 18 oz of water she drank daily was ample, but the results of that practice, with the infection, showed otherwise to me. It's commonly accepted that 8 8-oz glasses a day is about right for most people. Through just normal living you output about 10-10.5 cups of water/day. Your food provides about 20 percent of your liquid requirements, so the balance comes from what you drink. I'm not going to get into the discussion right now about whether just any ol' liquid counts towards water replacement, but I am going to take the stance that the healthiest approach is to drink two liters of water daily.

I went on to explain to No-Nonsense that when you don't drink enough water your blood gets thick. Thick blood strains the heart because it has to work harder to push that thicker liquid through your veins. And thick blood doesn't carry as much oxygen, depriving your brain and heart of the much needed oxygen they require for healthy function. Thick, deoxygenated blood is hard on all of your internal and external organs. Drinking water also helps the body heal from the infection by flushing out their toxins.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration include diarrhea, dry mouth, dry eyes, headache, hearth palpitations, muscle cramps, nausea, not sweating, shriveled skin, stinging during urination, thirst, and vomiting. In severe dehydration you start to see confusion and weakness, moving toward coma and death if not corrected.

You can do a few simple tests yourself to try to diagnose dehydration. Check the person's orientation, vital signs, temperature, and skin responses. Orientation for adults means asking questions, assuming they are awake, that will help you judge how aware they are of their surroundings. Checking muscle tone for infants and seniors, listlessness, as well as how awake, alert, and oriented the person is, are also part of testing you can do. For infants, check the fontanel (the soft spot at the top of their head) to see if it's sunken, an indication of dehydration.

You may not have the tools to take a blood pressure, but you can take a pulse; a racing pulse, or at least one that's faster than normal, can be a sign of dehydration. And skin responses are also telling; elastic skin is hydrated skin (lightly grab a bit of skin between your fingers and let go; if the skin "tents" for several seconds the person is dehydrated). Dehydrated skin may also feel warm.

Dehydration also throws off electrolytes. That aggravates muscle weakness and heart disrhythmia, and can stress the kidneys as they strive to compensate for the electrolyte imbalance. The elderly and the young are especially at risk for dehydration.

Now, about infection and how it fits into this lesson I was given. Advanced age, staying still for a long time, and being a woman increased the chance of No-Nonsense getting a UTI. Infections can contribute to confusion, or altered mental status. Oh, by the way, some of the liquids you should avoid if you have a UTI are caffeine and alcohol. And when you have an infection you should drink plenty of fluids. In fact, drinking plenty of fluids daily helps reduce the chance for a UTI. Aha! There's the getting plenty of liquids topic again.

OK, back to the elixir of a healthy life part of this article. I'm a strong advocate of drinking filtered (not bottled) water from glass or stainless steel containers. Lots of it. I think it has magical qualities.

By lots I mean at least two liters every day. People who are in hot climates or are active should drink more than two liters to replace the water lost from the heat or due to the exercising. If you start that practice now you will be in the habit by the time you become a senior (a moving target to say the least).

Staying hydrated will help your body maintain a healthy body, one that will fight germs. Ample water in your system will help all of your organs, from your skin to your heart and brain, to your digestive organs, stay healthy, vital and working well.

When you get sick, be sure to keep drinking lots of fluids to help your body heal. Pay attention to your mental status too. If you notice that you aren't quite yourself get to a doctor or the emergency room.

We can discuss which fluids count toward your two liter per day consumption later. You can't go wrong with pure water, though. Here's to your good health through green living!


Walking for Weight Loss: 2 Clever Ways to Walk Off 25 lbs in 30 Days

Monday 26 June 2017

Overweight and Obesity - Can You Be Healthy If You Are Overweight?

It is a common idea if you are overweight or obese, you must be unhealthy as well. While there is a good reason behind this, it is not always the case. There are indeed exceptions, which means even if you are above a healthy weight, you can still be healthy: up to an extent, of course.

First, let us examine why there is a relationship between being overweight and being unhealthy. Usually, having a high body fat percentage is a serious complication on its own. The body is simply not able to function optimally when body fat becomes excessive... plaque builds up within blood vessels,
blood sugar rises, cardiovascular health degrades, and
vital organs like the heart and kidneys are affected.
Even liver function can be impaired, as it is forced to sustain greater stress.

Essentially, excess body fat is chronically taxing on the body. Not to mention it can facilitate the development of Type 2 diabetes, which is a corrosive disease by itself.

But... even if you are overweight, it does not mean you also have to be unhealthy.

Ideally, you will do what is necessary to lose weight and improve your health. Your well-being will benefit from fighting to return to a healthy weight.

That said, weight loss is not something you will be successful with in a short period. It could take many months. Perhaps even a year or two for you to reach your ideal weight and maintain it. It is important not to focus too much on these details. Progress is not linear, so it is hard to estimate the time commitment lying ahead of you. Not that it ultimately matters, anyway. What is crucial is to adopt the habits and changes to start to improve your condition immediately.

Don't worry about how long it will take for you to lose weight, or even if you'll ever reach your intended goal. You can get there eventually. In the meantime, however, you ought to focus on actionable plans for your health that you can immediately set in motion.

These plans will get your health on track even if you are still overweight...

First and foremost comes a healthy diet. Do not underestimate the benefits of healthy eating and the benefit it can have on your well-being. Cooking more and eating fewer processed meals is a great start.

Secondly, you can get physically active, or add to your current routine if it is lacking. Be honest with yourself. Exercise on its own will make a significant difference - there is such a thing as being "fat and fit."

Lastly, finishing touches include... cutting down on alcohol, getting more sleep, and eliminating stress from your life as much as you can.

You should know there is no harm in being overweight and unfit. The problem occurs when you refuse to change your ways when you are aware that you must.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.


3 Healthy Wrap Recipes | Back to School Lunch Ideas

Sunday 25 June 2017

Healthy Lifestyle - Four Not-So-Obvious Signs You May Be Suffering From Dehydration

As you go about your quest to live a healthier lifestyle, it is not only essential you consider the foods you are putting into your body, but also the beverages you are taking in as well. The fact of the matter is even slight dehydration can have a profound influence on how you feel and function on a daily basis.

Learning to recognize these signs before they get too serious may just help you prevent unwanted issues before they start. Most people know thirst as the main sign, but there is more to be on the lookout for.

Below are four key signs of dehydration not so recognisable that you will want to keep your eyes open to...

1. Headaches.
You know the pounding throbbing headache you sometimes have? Perhaps the problem could be attributed to dehydration. Most people are fast to write their headache off as just a normal occurrence, but it may not be. If you are chronically dehydrated, you may be experiencing headaches far more frequently than someone who isn't.

Take in a glass or two of water and see if that doesn't give you relief.

2. Sleepiness.
Chalking your mid-day sleepiness off to only getting seven hours of sleep the previous night instead of your usual eight? Sleepiness can also be a sign of dehydration. Ideally, you will want to start your day off with a large glass of cold water and then keep the water coming in beyond that point.

By doing so, you can ensure you are putting your best foot forward regarding combating drowsiness during the day.

3. Muscle Cramps. 
Feeling those muscle cramp more often? Or perhaps you are getting those annoying muscle twitches as of late. Both can be attributed to lack of sleep. When you are not well hydrated, your muscle cells are not functioning normally, and you may be more prone to experiencing irregularities with contractions.

Muscle contractions are especially common during exercise, so if you have to take a stop during your run because of a bad leg cramp, it may be time to drink up.

4. Lightheadedness.
The last sign you could be suffering from dehydration is feeling lightheaded. Lightheadedness comes on because your blood pressure is low, which is also a sign of not enough fluids entering into your body.

When dehydration occurs, less total blood volume will be circulating throughout your system, which then causes overall blood pressure levels to lower.

Take in a glass of water, and that should fix things almost immediately.

There you have a few of the not-so-obvious signs you may be suffering from dehydration. Are any of these impacting you?

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.


Lower Abs & Booty Blast | POP Pilates

Saturday 24 June 2017

A Little Turmeric Can Lead to a Long Life

How much turmeric to use to reap the most health benefits is something many people have wondered about for years. The answer will differ depending on whether you are using it in its natural form or as part of a daily supplement. Due to its spicy flavor, in general a good rule of thumb is that less is more.

Turmeric is used to give most Indian foods their flavor. It has a bitter, earthy taste and can be warm and peppery, making it hard to digest in large amounts. It also loses its flavor quickly, so the more faded it becomes the less likely it is to taste good or carry the maximum health benefit.

Used in its natural form as an addition to various dishes, no more than a ¼ or ½ teaspoon at a time is recommended. Turmeric can also be found in most curry powder, which is used in much Indian and Asian cooking. How much turmeric to use will usually depend on the other ingredients in a given dish and how the turmeric will work to accent them.

Of course, turmeric can also be used as part of a daily natural supplement to help battle any number of ailments including multiple sclerosis, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. It can be an important tool in the fight against aging, but only when taken in the proper amount and when incorporated as part of an overall health regimen including a balanced diet and plenty of exercise.

When it comes to fighting a particular condition, how much turmeric to use should be determined by a doctor. The amount will usually depend on the age, overall health and other medical needs of the individual. In general, it is best to get your daily dose of turmeric in combination with other natural substances such as minerals, vitamins and enzymes for maximum effect.

In terms of supplements, 50 mg of turmeric is usually sufficient, provided it is mixed with piperine in order to aid with absorption into the bloodstream. An enteric coating is also extremely important, as this allows the turmeric to get into the body past the stomach acids and be fully absorbed. Without an enteric coating, it would be necessary to take larger amounts of turmeric in order to get the proper effect.

How much turmeric to use depends on the benefits you are trying to get from it. In order to make full use of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogen properties, it is important that you get a regular amount balanced out with other natural nutrients. There are a range of supplements available online and in your pharmacy which can offer you the right amount of turmeric as well as a host of other natural substances to improve your overall health. Do your homework and check the ingredients and you can find the one which works for you.

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a little hint of turmeric in your everyday routine can help keep you feeling healthy for years to come. So don't hesitate to take advantage of this wonder of nature. Find an all natural supplement which contains turmeric and you'll feel better before you know it!


Why I Eat White Rice?! Unhealthy Diet?

Friday 23 June 2017

How Important is Natural Omega 3 Complex For Promoting Health?

Natural omega 3 complex is required for controlling cholesterol levels in the body and for the prevention of problems and conditions related to the heart. Because of this reason many people take omega 3 supplements in large quantities to become overall fit and healthy.

It has been found that fish oil is the only richest known source of two of the most important omega 3 fats - DHA and EPA. Fish oil is therefore utilized in making omega 3 supplements like natrol omega 3 complex and many others.

These supplements are effective and a person of any age group and build can use them without any reservations. They don't have any side effects associated with their consumption and are totally safe and pure.

People also use omega 3 fish oil supplements to get relief in inflammatory conditions like arthritis and cystitis. EPA is known for reducing inflammation throughout the body and is therefore an essential nutrient for elderly people.

DHA is good for the memory and it also prevents mental conditions like depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. It has been found that schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease occur mainly due to DHA deficiency in the body. Hyperactivity which is becoming very common among growing children also occurs as a result of DHA deficiency.

The above mentioned facts show how much important omega 3 fats are for our health and body. They should be consumed on a regular basis either through diet or through nutritional supplements. Normally 300 to 400 mg of both fats combined is required by an average, healthy person.

If you eat fish regularly you are at reduced risk of developing heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes and some degenerative diseases. A good fatty fish like salmon, herring and hoki provides up to 1000 mg of DHA and EPA combined. The oil of these fish can also be consumed in raw form or in the form of fish oil capsules which are easily available on the market for purchase.

It has been found that only pharmaceutical grade fish oil is effective and free from impurities. Other low grade fish oils are not refined and they may cause side effects, allergies and infections. Because of this reason it is strongly recommended that you buy a fish oil product from a reputable company.

Omega 3 supplements should be consumed by people of all ages since they are helpful in the prevention of many diseases and also promote overall health and well-being.


DIY Hot chocolate facemask! (EDIBLE)

Thursday 22 June 2017

Does Coconut Oil Really Help To Burn Fat?

If you are looking for a natural and easy way to lose weight and melt belly fat, you've come to the right place!

A growing number of scientific studies have now shown that the oil from a coconut not only burns stubborn abdominal fat, but it also improves metabolic markers to help you lose weight.

See how these 3 recent studies looked into the relationship between this oil and weight loss.

Study #1:

The first study is from The Journal of Nutrition where the studies of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are investigated by researchers.

These MCFAs in coconut oil can boost your metabolism and increase your level of energy.

They also decrease in food consumption because they make you feel full longer therefore help reduce your body fat.

The authors of this study highly recommend using oils that contain MCFAs, such as coconut oil, as a tool to drop extra abdominal fat, manage a healthy weight, and even as a way to treat obesity.

Study #2:

The second study in ISRN Pharmacology discovered that high concentration of MCFAs are found in virgin coconut oil (VCO) which in the study had shown beneficial effect in reduction of waist circumference.

Study #3:

The third study is also the most fascinating study which was published in the Journal of Lipids in 2009.

The purpose was to test the effects of either 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of soybean oil or 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on a randomized group of 40 women aged between 20-40 years old over a 12-week period.

Results showed that the group that consumed coconut oil had a decrease in abdominal fat, while the soybean oil group actually showed increases in belly fat.

Moreover, the coconut oil group also presented a higher level of HDL (good cholesterol) while the soybean oil group presented an increase in LDL (bad cholesterol).

These studies have all focused on different aspects of health and nutrition, yet have all found relative benefits when compared to other "healthy" oils and fats.

In summary, here are 3 scientific reasons why coconut oil is super awesome for weight loss:

#1. It keeps you feeling full for longer.

#2. It fires up your metabolism.

#3. It's a fat that's less likely to be stored as fat.


7 Simple Natural Remedies for Symptoms of Heartburn & Acid Reflux

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Discover How Portion Control Can Help You Effortlessly Lose Weight

We know that losing weight seems to be a challenging process for many. Most people feel like they will have to deprive themselves or miss out on their favourite foods. As a matter of fact this doesn't have to be the case at all. If you're not ready to count calories or have no desire to then I encourage you to consider portion control as your next step. It's easier to do than you might think.

Do Calories Matter?

The science behind weight loss is calories in versus calories out. We are not talking about health or health issues here which requires that you eat certain foods but in terms of weight loss, it doesn't matter what foods you eat. What matters is that you are in a calorie deficit. If you're not losing weight then this means you're eating enough calories to maintain your weight. We can make tiny adjustments that will make a world of difference and finally produce results. Portion control to the rescue!

Portion Sizes For Weight Loss

Let's have a look at suitable portion sizes for weight loss. Our hands are our built-in portion control meters. Our palm size and thickness represents our protein portion for a meal. Our closed fist represents the size and thickness of our vegetable serving. Our cupped hand represents a fruit serving and a complex carbohydrate serving such as rice, pasta, beans or potatoes. And lastly, our thumb length represents our fat serving such as nuts and oils.

How Many Portions Per Day?

If you're a female who weighs less than 160 lbs have:
• 4 protein portions
• 4-5 vegetable portions
• 2-3 complex carbohydrate portions
• 2 fruit portions
• 2-3 fat portions

If you weigh more than 160lbs or are a male then have:
• 5-6 protein portions
• 5-7 vegetable portions
• 4-5 complex carbohydrate portions
• 3-4 fruit portions
• 4-5 fat portions

These recommendations are very general and do not take into account your lifestyle and activity levels. It's always best to start out somewhere and monitor your progress. If you begin to gain weight you may want to cut out a fat, fruit or a complex carbohydrate portion. Keep protein and vegetable portions constant because those are key to retaining muscle mass, feeling satiated and staying regular.

Putting The Portions Together

Here's an example for a woman's day for weight loss:
• Breakfast: 1 protein, 1 vegetable, 1 complex carbohydrate
• Snack: 1 protein, 1 fruit (smoothie: 1 scoop of protein powder + 1 cupped hand frozen fruit + water and blend)
• Lunch: 1 protein, 1 vegetable, 1 fat
• Snack: 1 fruit, 1 fat
• Dinner: 1 protein, 1 fat, 2 vegetable, 1 complex carbohydrate

Here's an example of a man's day for weight loss:
• Breakfast: 2 protein, 2 vegetable, 1 complex carbohydrate
• Snack: 2 fruit, 2 fat
• Lunch: 2 protein, 2 vegetable, 2 complex carbohydrate
• Snack: 1 protein, 1 fruit
• Dinner: 1 protein, 2 vegetable, 2 fat, 1 complex carbohydrate

Can I Eat Treats?

You certainly can! It's all about portion control. Instead of taking the whole bag of chips with you to the couch, look at the label on the back that shows you a portion size. Measure out the portion size in a small bowl and dig in! The same goes for ice cream and cookies, you can eat them just stick to your portion sizes. Most cookies and ice creams are going to count towards your fat, fruit and complex carbohydrate servings. Remember, keep the vegetable and protein servings the same and you can make room for some fun foods by adjusting and swapping out other portions.

We don't need to make weight loss so complex - simple portion control can do wonders for our waistline. Have a look at your hand and now get started!


Crazy Strength & Flexibility - Workout FEMALE Motivation

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Anxiety: 7 Foods to Reduce Your Anxiety

Anxiety & Food

Foods that reduce anxiety is actually not a new concept. In the health industry and before modern medicine natural products including food have been used for many years to heal all kinds of ailments, but can it really help to reduce anxiety and improve our mental well-being?

Scientific evidence suggests that depression and anxiety can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Serotonin which is a chemical that helps send messages from one brain cell to another is how the cells in the brain communicate. If serotonin levels become imbalanced then communication can be disrupted which leads to depression and anxiety.

Pharmaceuticals have found the solution to this with antidepressants so your brain can perform at its best and there products help restore a fine chemical balance. Interesting marketing, no wonder food and natural remedies are overlooked to improve mental wellbeing.

I do not advocate for people who are prescribed antidepressants to stop taking them. I think antidepressants can be very useful in the right circumstances and for a period of time. However if like me you would like the opportunity to explore all your options you may wish your doctor had told you this before writing a prescription for medication. For some people a healthy diet will need to be part of a holistic plan that considers medication, talking therapies and other help.

Food is the most abused anxiety drug so if you have been suffering for years, struggling to face the day, experiencing chronic tiredness at different parts of the day, beating yourself up and feeling like a failure. Perhaps you are thinking could food really be the cure for my anxiety but I want to show you how changing your food can change your mood.

7 Foods to Reduce Your Anxiety

1) Substitute processed grains for wholegrains. Substitute white bread, white pasta and white rice for Wholegrain pasta, rice and bread. They are rich in magnesium. Magnesium deficiency can lead to anxiety. Wholegrains also contain tryptophan which becomes serotonin a vital chemical for the brain. Avoiding complex carbohydrates like white processed foods will create a healthy energy while reducing your hunger.

2) Increase your super foods. Blueberries & acai berries both contain antioxidants that are extremely beneficial for relieving stress. They are also full of vitamin C which is great stress buster.

3) Omega 3. These fatty acids help keep cortisol and adrenaline from spiking when your feeling tense. Salmon is one of the best sources of omega 3 and spinach is also good too.

4) A handful of Almonds each day. Contain zinc which is good for maintaining a balanced mood and have iron and both healthy fats. Low iron levels can increase anxiety. They also contain vitamin B2 and E which boost the immune system.

5) Drink plenty of Water. Dehydration is known to cause more anxiety. However generally drinks plenty of water is good for you. Aim for at least 1.5 litres a day.

6) Avoid caffeine. Any stimulant will increase you anxiety. Substitute tea and coffee for herbal teas. Valerian and Chamomile are good for creating a calming effect.

7) Treat yourself to chocolate. I bet you thought you would never be encouraged to eat chocolate and yes there is a but. Dark Chocolate reduces cortisol the stress hormone that causes anxiety and it contains other compounds that improve your mood. Preferably dark chocolate with no added sugar or milk.

If you have been in a desperate place for long, then these simple steps could be a life changer, a message of hope. It is hard to believe that something as simple as food can be unbelievably successful in treating anxiety. This really does work to calm your anxious mind but it also will improve your mood and end cravings.


Cleanse Your Liver In A Few Days

Monday 19 June 2017

Top 7 High Protein Foods

Why is protein important?

Protein makes up every cell in your body; your nails, bones, skin and hair are practically all protein. But protein does even more than that, helping to create enzymes, hormones and other physiological chemicals needed for the proper functioning of your body. So you can probably see why it's important that you get the right amount of protein to function.

Another aspect of protein is that it cannot be stored in your body, like carbohydrates and fat, so once it runs low there are no reserves for your body to take from. Experts state you need at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Below are some excellent sources of protein.

1. Salted cod

The protein content of fresh cod is considerable (around 20g) but the salted cod is a real protein concentrate with a contribution of 75g per 100g. A small portion of salted cod is sufficient to meet your daily needs for protein.

2. Fresh tuna

Fresh tuna is another animal protein source that provides 21,5g of protein per 100g. Similar to those of other fish such as salmon, halibut or sea bass, these endless sources of protein can bring diversity to your dishes.

Chicken breast / turkey: both lean poultry hover around the same amount of protein content. They both have about 22g per 100g. The difference lies in the fat intake, which is lower in the case of turkey meat.

3. Beef

Lean beef protein is around 21g per 100g. If you're not sure whether to go for red meat or white, choose a combination of the two:

4. Beef liver

Beef again, but this time in the form of liver. This is a another great source of protein: 19,4g / 100g. A good option to add not only for proteins, but also for adding folic acid, iron and zinc to your diet.

5. Seafoods such as prawns

Seafood is always a good source of animal protein, and specifically the prawns coming in at 24g of protein with only 0.8 grams of fat and a tiny 100kcal per 100g of food. A perfect choice for dieters.

6. Soybeans

Protein is not just or the meat eaters. Soybeans are legume that have more protein and less carbohydrate. Among the vegetable protein content is 3 0g per 100g of product.

You can also choose products like Tofu or Quinoa as a vegetable protein source. And there are nuts such as almonds and pistachios which have 20 g of protein along with a healthy dose of omega 3.

7. Gelatine

Gelatine is the star regarding food protein percentage. 100g of gelatin containing no less than about 84g protein. There are plenty of commercial varieties of gelatin, so it's important to look at the packets nutritional information to choose the right option for you.

Always remember your caloric intake when choosing your protein and remember balance is key.
