Saturday 24 June 2017

A Little Turmeric Can Lead to a Long Life

How much turmeric to use to reap the most health benefits is something many people have wondered about for years. The answer will differ depending on whether you are using it in its natural form or as part of a daily supplement. Due to its spicy flavor, in general a good rule of thumb is that less is more.

Turmeric is used to give most Indian foods their flavor. It has a bitter, earthy taste and can be warm and peppery, making it hard to digest in large amounts. It also loses its flavor quickly, so the more faded it becomes the less likely it is to taste good or carry the maximum health benefit.

Used in its natural form as an addition to various dishes, no more than a ¼ or ½ teaspoon at a time is recommended. Turmeric can also be found in most curry powder, which is used in much Indian and Asian cooking. How much turmeric to use will usually depend on the other ingredients in a given dish and how the turmeric will work to accent them.

Of course, turmeric can also be used as part of a daily natural supplement to help battle any number of ailments including multiple sclerosis, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. It can be an important tool in the fight against aging, but only when taken in the proper amount and when incorporated as part of an overall health regimen including a balanced diet and plenty of exercise.

When it comes to fighting a particular condition, how much turmeric to use should be determined by a doctor. The amount will usually depend on the age, overall health and other medical needs of the individual. In general, it is best to get your daily dose of turmeric in combination with other natural substances such as minerals, vitamins and enzymes for maximum effect.

In terms of supplements, 50 mg of turmeric is usually sufficient, provided it is mixed with piperine in order to aid with absorption into the bloodstream. An enteric coating is also extremely important, as this allows the turmeric to get into the body past the stomach acids and be fully absorbed. Without an enteric coating, it would be necessary to take larger amounts of turmeric in order to get the proper effect.

How much turmeric to use depends on the benefits you are trying to get from it. In order to make full use of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogen properties, it is important that you get a regular amount balanced out with other natural nutrients. There are a range of supplements available online and in your pharmacy which can offer you the right amount of turmeric as well as a host of other natural substances to improve your overall health. Do your homework and check the ingredients and you can find the one which works for you.

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a little hint of turmeric in your everyday routine can help keep you feeling healthy for years to come. So don't hesitate to take advantage of this wonder of nature. Find an all natural supplement which contains turmeric and you'll feel better before you know it!


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