Wednesday 30 November 2016

Astonishing Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water, especially tender coconut water, has incredible health benefits. It is a tasty and invigorating low-calorie natural drink. Here are some of its amazing health benefits.
For a glowing skin
Got dry skin? While skin texture is mainly hereditary, there is a lot you can do to improve it. Not many are aware of the benefits of coconut water when it comes to skin care. The liquid, considered the purest after water, helps skin to absorb water, making it look more young and supple.
Give you an energy boost
It is a good source of carbohydrate and gives you an energy boost. It can also eliminate stomach problems like heartburn, gastroenteritis and acid reflux. This is a healthier choice than any other fruit juices because it is almost entirely fat-free and sugar-free. So you can have it almost every day.

Rehydrates the body
This drink is the best to quench thirst. In case of fluid loss due to excessive sweating or vomiting, this juice helps to rehydrate the body.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Coconut water is rich in vitamin C, potassium and magnesium content and can control high blood pressure. Potassium can balance out the harmful effects of sodium, thereby helps to lower blood pressure. Drink fresh coconut water twice a day and see the results.
Heart Tonic
Tender coconut water is good for your heart. It can lower 'bad' cholesterol and increase high-density lipoprotein or the 'good' cholesterol levels, thus reducing heart disease risks.
Improves blood circulation
It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to improve blood circulation. Thus, it helps reduce plaque formation in the arteries and lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Cure for hangovers
This is also a great natural remedy for hangovers. Alcohol dehydrates your body, while this coconut juice replenishes the electrolytes in the body and boosts hydration.

Promotes Weight Loss
Coconut water is an ideal drink for weight loss. It is low in calories and easy on the stomach. In fact, this light and energizing drink has various enzymes that aid weight loss. Drink a glass of coconut juice every day to lose weight. However, do not drink in excess as eventually it may add more calories than you want.
Treats Headaches
Dehydration is the cause of most headaches. Coconut water can supply electrolytes to the body and boost hydration. Low levels of magnesium can cause migraines. This is rich in magnesium hence it can cure migraines. Studies also suggest that magnesium can help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.
Coconut water is a delicious and refreshing low-calorie natural beverage.


How To Gain Weight Fast - Ayurveda Herbs Natural Remedies To Gain Weight...

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Oprah Winfrey and the Acai Berry Supplement Scam!

Ever since Oprah Winfrey featured Acai berries on her famous day time tv talk show where it was voted to be the number one super food, all kinds of chatter has been circulating across the main stream wire, as well as the internet, about this amazing little super fruit called the Acai Berry. Now it's not just Oprah, Rachael Ray has featured Acai Berries on her show and a number of celebrities have endorsed Acai berries including Brad Pitt. Now what does all of this have to do with Acai Berry Scams? I'm getting to it.

Now, I don't want to scare anyone away from Acai berry supplements or any Acai berry products. These products can aid in everything from weight loss to heart health, to increased libido. But the thing you need to be aware of are all of the companies that are out there praying on the good name of Oprah Winfrey and Rachael Ray in order to sell Acai berry supplements and pills. Now while 95% of these companies are reputable - like any thing else - there are a few bad apples in the bunch.
What a few not-so-nice Acai berry supplement companies have done is to offer Acai berry supplement free trials, only to sign you up to a subscription that it is incredibly difficult to get out of because there is no cancellation button or contact information anywhere on the site. It seems people just see the name Oprah and they sign right up without first doing a little research.
Now, there is nothing wrong with a free trial bottle, nearly every supplement company does this, good and bad alike. The only thing you need to do before you sign up for a free trial bottle of Acai Berry supplements is to make sure that there is a cancellation link somewhere (likely the bottom) on the website. Another good sign is when the company doesn't force you into a subscription but offers a one-time-purchase of Acai berry supplements if you should wish to go that way instead of a month subscription. So whether Oprah Winfrey endorses Acai Berry supplements or not, steer clear of anything that looks like an Acai Berry Scam.


Vegan Feta Cheese | The Edgy Veg

Monday 28 November 2016

Are You Able To Give Up Cheese?

Some of you reading this will be vegan, some will be vegetarian and some will be flexitarian. If you are vegan, then this won't apply but if you're vegetarian or flexitarian then here's a challenge -
Will you to consider giving up cheese, or at least, cutting back on the amount you are currently eating?
So let's see if there is something below that will start you thinking or lead to more research and education.
1. The dairy industry is, sadly, one of the biggest polluters of the environment... that and cattle.
As the need for dairy products increases worldwide, the number of cows being milked also has to go up. Currently there are 264 million dairy cows, producing nearly 600 million tonnes of milk every year. This is a staggering amount as you can add on the beef cattle which is around 971.482 million. That's an awful lot of bovine that have to be fed and watered.
So, not only is there a drain on the water, destruction of rain forests for feed for these animals, but there is also the waste and the amount of methane that each cow produces... daily!
Unfortunately water can be contaminated due to leakages of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus either directly into the stream/river or through the water table which then can pollute waterways further down the line making them very toxic.
Even when farmers are careful and are environmentally conscious, the sheer number of dairy cows just makes it all too much of a losing battle.
2. Then there is the actual method of getting a cow to give her milk. This comes under the cruelty label as the calves anywhere from just born to 3 or 4 days old are taken away from their mothers. It is heart-wrenching to hear the plaintive cries of both mother and baby. The male calves are killed as they are of little use to the farmer and the females are kept to replenish the herd. A cow is kept pregnant and lactating constantly until around 5 years by which time they are so spent they are just sent off to slaughter.
3. On a different note - cheese is as addictive as sugar. Yes, it's been scientifically proven. So if you think you really can't go without cheese, now you know why. Also, unless your ancestors are from Europe where a genetic mutation spread that gave people the ability to produce lactase and drink milk (only about 35% of humans have this gene), then dairy is NOT good for your health no matter what the dairy industry spin doctors tell you.
So how do you give up cheese? Start slowly.
Make a list of the cheeses you really love - e.g. Edam, Brie, Feta then pick one, e.g. Feta, and go online and search for "make Vegan Feta cheese" - you must use the word vegan.
You will get a number of recipes back... some are made from tofu, others from nuts... check them out. You may have to make a couple of different ones to find one that really appeals to your palate.
Once you've got used to the plant based Feta - go try another one.


8 Top Low-Calorie Indian Foods

Buttermilk: This delicious food with thick consistency goes well with any kind of food. It is relished by the family members after savoring the spicy food. When you take a cup of buttermilk, you consume 30 calories per glass.

Ragi Dosa: It is a popular South Indian dish. This delicious food is made from Ragi. Despite this, it is one of the best delicacies among dosa varieties available in South India. You consume energy of 87 calories when you eat one dosa.

Oats Idli: Everyone agrees that idlies are a great way to begin a day. This South Indian delicacy that can be had with sambar and chutney. Instead of rice flour, you can use oats to prepare the batter. This is the healthiest way to eat breakfast to begin a day. You consume 26 calories by having one idli.

Sprouts Salad: Sprouts are good for the body. To a dish of sprout, add a dash of lime and a pinch of spice to make it palatable. If you consume 100 grams of sprout salad, you ingest 93 calories of energy.

Mixed Vegetable Curries: You can never go wrong with the mixed vegetable curry. It has to be prepared in one teaspoon oil with a slight heat from low flame. While ingesting 100 grams of mixed vegetable curry, you are using 95 calories of energy stored in it.

Tandoori Rotti:This is prepared from whole wheat, which is less in Gluten content. After putting the right quantity of dough into the shape of a circle, it is baked in a clay oven that is common in Indian household. This method of preparation gives a distinguished taste to the rotti. Common folks regard this as the healthiest accompaniment for Indian curries. For the each tandoori rotti consumed, a person gets 102 calories of energy.

Palak Paneer:Palak or spinach is the known source of rich iron. On the other hand, paneer is a healthy dairy product. Hence, the combination of these two has always been the most sought after among non-vegetarians and vegetarians. One bowl full of palak paneer provides about 189 calories of energy to a person.
Rasam: This favorite South Indian dish infuses a heady cocktail of different spices. Hence, its flavor is quite different from other Indian recipes.Its combination with some chopped-in vegetables forms a stupendous dish for the vegetarians in South India, especially in the states of Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. A small bowl of rasam can provide 60 calories of energy..


Sunday 27 November 2016

Milk In Your Diet

What Milk Should You Consume? : This article is about what kind of milk you should include in your diet to stay young and healthy for a long time.
MILK, man's first and oldest beverage, has taken on a new form that puts it in the front ranks of concentrated protective foods. I refer to dry skim milk-the new process powdered milk-an inexpensive, readily digested, high-protein food that is handy to use and short on calories.
Unfortunately, the old roller processed milk, dried and ground between hot rollers, had a slightly brown cast and settled out when made into beverages. It was unsatisfactory except for baking. Its taste-its smell, too-was somewhat remote from that of fresh milk. As a result, the term 'powdered milk' may cause some persons to turn up their noses and protest, 'That's not for me!'
But the new spray-processed skim milk is an entirely different and wholly satisfactory product. Liquid milk is dried by being sprayed into compressed air; and the milk solids come out with the fine, smooth texture of face powder. The color is beautifully white with a faint greenish cast caused by the high-concentration of riboflavin. The flavor of the new dry skim milk is mild and delicate, and its faint smell resembles that of sweet dried coconut.
I must confess to taking a few liberties with history when I say that dried milk is 'new.' Actually, long before the birth of Christ the ancient Egyptians prepared a concentrated milk by drying it in the sun. And the sturdy Mongol horsemen who made up the invading armies of the conqueror Genghis Khan were supplied with sun-dried milk as a concentrated marching ration that would assure them the full nourishment necessary for their strenuous campaigns. So we're a few centuries late in learning that dried milk is a wonderfully concentrated food. If everyone in this country were to use this economical food in their daily diet, it could overcome the widespread deficiencies of protein, calcium and riboflavin which afflict thousands upon thousands of persons, causing them to fall ready victims to aging diseases.
Did you know that the addition of even so little as a table-spoonful of powdered skim milk to your daily servings of food would be a worthwhile contribution to your Eat-and-Grow-Younger program?
Did you know that less than one-half cup of powdered skim milk contains all the nutrients found in a quart of fresh skim milk?
Did you know that powdered skim milk contributes far more to your health than either whole fresh milk or cream because it is so highly concentrated?
Did you know that powdered skim milk is tolerated by persons who find whole fresh milk hard to digest?
Did you know that the highly concentrated amounts of protein, calcium and riboflavin in dry skim milk can help prolong your 'prime of life,' and aid you in retaining a sexual youthfulness?
Did you know that there are no nutritional values in yogurt over ordinary buttermilk or sour milk? If you like yogurt for its distinctive taste, then by all means use it, for it's a good milk product. But if you find its price a little above your pocketbook, then ordinary buttermilk or soured fresh milk will give you the same nutritional benefits, particularly lactic acid, as the more expensive yogurt. Also, dry skim milk made into a liquid, with lemon juice added to sour it, makes a sour milk that is good to drink and excellent for cooking.
These milk facts should be known to everybody, since milk is one food about which much myth and misconception has been built up throughout years of propagandizing by the dairy industry.
Milk, we have been told repeatedly for decades, is a 'perfect food,' and a 'complete food.' Like much other propagandizing, these statements are but half-truths. Sweet milk is not a 'perfect food' for anyone who cannot digest it properly. Nor is sweet milk a perfect food when taken at mealtime by persons whose digestive juices are not acid enough to properly digest the protein foods eaten. Because sweet milk has an alkaline reaction in the stomach, when taken by the glassful at mealtime it tends to counteract the natural acidity of the hydrochloric acid in our digestive juices. Many persons who had thought they suffered from 'chronic dyspepsia' have discovered that their symptoms vanished completely after they ceased drinking sweet milk with their meals. If you like the flavor of fresh sweet milkand it does not lie in your stomach like a handful of puttythen by all means enjoy it, but between meals, and never at mealtime, especially if you have long since celebrated your thirtieth birthday.
Buttermilk as a mealtime beverage is quite a different matter, because its high lactic acid content actually promotes the digestion of proteins and iron-containing foods.
If you'll only stop to think for a minute, you'll realize that nature provided sweet milk for the suckling young animal, unable as yet to masticate solid foods. Nowhere in nature do you find any animal, except man, mixing fresh sweet milk with solid protein foods.
Another mistaken belief popularly held about fresh milk is that the 'richer the milk, the better.' Nothing could be farther from the truth. The protein, minerals and vitamin B-complex (riboflavin and thiamin mainly) are all contained in the skim milk, not in the cream.
Many mothers, for instance, make the mistake of purchasing the richest milk they can find for their children. Yet, instead of gaining in weight and health, their children actually lose weight and have little appetite. The reason for this is that the cream in the rich milk satisfies their appetites too quickly, taking away the desire for larger quantities of other foods containing richer sources of protein, minerals and vitamins. However, i£ the children were given a less rich milk, not only would they drink more of it, but they would eat more heartily of the protective foods. The same holds true for any age.
In many persons the undigested £at in too rich milk combines with calcium, thereby preventing this vital mineral from reaching the bloodstream. When this happens, a serious calcium deficiency, with all its aging discomforts and ailments, is likely to result-despite the most earnest of efforts to 'drink plenty of milk for calcium.'
And, to make matters worse, the combination of fat-and-calcium forms a sort of hard soap in the intestines, causing a hard-to-overcome type of constipation. Perhaps you are one of the many persons who find rich whole milk 'binding.' I£ so, that is the explanation.
Regardless of whether or not your weight is normal, dry skim milk is the best sweet milk for you.
If you want to gain weight, dry skim milk, used liberally, will provide extra amounts of the protein, minerals and vitamins, lack of which probably caused you to be underweight in the first place.
If, on the other hand, overweight is your problem, and yours should be a reducing diet, then dry skim milk is equally good. Liberal amounts of this powered skim milk can be used without making your calorie count jump up like the thermometer on a hot day. This milk can be incorporated into your reducing menu in a number of flavorful and appetite-satisfying ways. Moreover, the highly concentrated protein in this type of milk
is a valuable aid to a high-protein reducing diet, since the more protein you eat (without adding calories) the more quickly your sluggish thyroid gland can be prodded into taking over and bringing your body weight back to normal.


Saturday 26 November 2016

Why Soy Protein is Best For Health!

People in every walk of life agree that Soy protein is now a great alternative for people looking for healthy protein in their diet. You combine this with a regular exercise program and you are on your way to health and fitness the natural way. Most folks do not know the hidden secret benefits of Soy protein.
Soy protein is a plant protein
Soy beans are easy to digest, contain hardly any fat or cholesterol and do not contain lactose for those who are allergic to it.
You will not find steroids and antibiotics, in a plant protein. There are other benefits as well such as no parasites and no danger of diseases that originate from animal protein.
This is great for vegetarians because it is easy to digest and compares well with supplements.
Soy Beans can be used in many ways
Soy beans are extensively especially in Asia where they are truly recognized and used to their potential. They are used in tofu, soy pudding in meat substitutes, and in many condiments.
We all know there is world hunger, and growing soybeans could be the answer. They grow and are harvested easily and give a great yield quickly. In fact some farmers are now planting only soy bean plants. They are a great producer and will grow almost anywhere in any climate.
Use instead of;
Being low in fat Soy can be used when cooking and makes for a great protein source if you want to lose weight with high protein intake. Using soy regularly in your diet is healthy and gives your body what it needs to stay healthy.
Even bodybuilders realize the great benefits of soy in that it works fast because it digests easily, has great protein which helps muscles recoup quickly.
Bodybuilders might be wondering how this will help build bigger muscles, but the overall benefits to everyone certainly are significant.
Starting a total body workout program which includes a great diet plan that you can follow daily in a step by step system which is easy to follow will get you on your way to a total fit healthy body you always dreamed of.
Processed foods and protein have a certain risk to them so it is best to go natural as much as possible. This food fits perfectly into any low-fat, high-protein diet.
Soy products are great for everyone in shakes and drinks because they are lactose free.
Soy products also help with your immune system and help to avoid cholesterol in the body.
Soy has been considered a miracle protein source in that it helps with the aging process and preventing cancer. It also produces Isoflavones which are produced by soy and are powerful antioxidants which are very beneficial to our bodies, along with vitamins A, C, and E in fighting diseases like cancer as well as the battle against pollution and stress.
How Much To Take
There are some allergies to soy, but they are few, it is safe to take a large amount of soy products. If you are deciding to change to a soy diet you should first consult you doctor to see if there might be a problem with some of the prescription drugs you are now taking.
If you are looking for a great source of protein which is easy to find and implement and has few side effects with great benefits you should find out how you can improve your diet using this great natural alternative.

Healthy Sushi Choices: Dining Debunked! Mind Over Munch

Friday 25 November 2016

How to Break Unhealthy Eating Habits?

Are you plagued by unhealthy eating habits? Unhealthy eating habits can make you feel bloated and fatigued. Food should fuel your energy and not make you feel worse than you were before you ate. Most people develop bad eating habits during their childhood. That is why it hard for them to change their eating habits. It can be hard, but it is not impossible. Here are seven ways you can change your unhealthy eating habits.
1. Do Not Rush
It takes you years to develop an unhealthy eating habit. Therefore, it may take you years to break one. Do not look for a quick fix, because there isn't one. You will not be able to change a lifetime of habits overnight. Therefore, instead of doing a complete overhaul of your diet, you should gradually introduce yourself to healthy eating habits. You are more likely to adapt to the new habits and permanently keep them. Plus, if you focus on breaking one habit at a time you will not feel overwhelmed and become tempted to forgo the whole transition.
2. Have a Positive Attitude
Choosing healthy foods over your favorites can be difficult. You will need a positive attitude to help you get through it. Thus, you should focus on the delicious foods you can eat and try to forget all the foods you cannot eat. Also, think about all the positive things you will gain by switching your diet. This can keep you motivated and on the right back to breaking your unhealthy eating habits by removing the foods containing extra fats and calories from your diet.
3. Keep Your Commitment
You cannot rush the change, but you have to stay committed to seeing it through. Change does not happen overnight. That is why it is important to stay committed to your new diet. Pick the healthier foods by determining what your motivation is. Your motivations can help you stay committed and on track. Do you want to change your diet, because you want more energy? Are you trying to prevent developing diseases like type 2 diabetes? When you adopt a healthier lifestyle, you have to be committed to it. You need goals to keep you on track. Most of all, you need something to motivate you.
4. Love the Small Changes
You should focus on the small changes. Most people get caught up in trying to reach the big goal that they ignore the small triumphs. Small goals add up. For example, drinking one less soda a day is a good goal to start off with when you are transitioning your eating habits. Once you set and accomplish one small goal, set another one and go from there.
5. Set Smart Goals
Your goals need to be smart. There are five attributes to a smart goal. Your goal has to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Do not set goals that are too optimistic and overarching. They can set you up for failure, because when you do not complete it, you will feel defeated and want to give up. Setting small goals is the way to go. They are attainable goals, and they will boost your confidence. They should be well defined and have a start and end date. For example, say that you will increase the amount of fruit you eat on a daily basis by 5 grams. You can start by adding fruit to your breakfast and having it for a snack.
6. Have A Weekly Plan
If you do not have a plan, you are planning to fail. You need a weekly plan to help you stay on track. You should never go a week without a healthy eating plan. Create a grocery list that only has healthy foods. Do not deviate from that list when you go to the store. Also, plan out your meals. When you do not know what to eat, you will resort to picking unhealthy foods. You should also set times for your meals and your snacks.
7. Do Not Buy Trigger Foods
You cannot be tempted to eat unhealthy foods if they are not in your home. Make sure your purge your home of all your temptations. In a weak moment, you may be tempted to give in and eat the foods.
Eating healthy can be difficult. First, you have to overcome a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits. The journey will be long and hard, but the health benefits are unmeasurable. Stay committed, set your goal, and keep a plan to succeed.

Best Protein Shakes For Fast Weight Loss

Thursday 24 November 2016

Proper Sitting Positions And Your Spine

Have you ever thought about how much time you actually spend sitting in an average day? I bet you haven't. Office workers will spend anywhere from six to seven hours per day sitting. Then you have to add the time it takes to commute back and forth to work, eating lunch and dinner and possibly relaxing on the couch at the end of the day. On average, most people sit for a total of about ten hours per day.
How's Your Posture?
Most of us do not even realize how we sit. We just simply sit. But, the way we sit can have negative effects on our bodies especially the back. We must always be aware of our posture in order to ensure that our spine is aligned and not being put under any duress. Below you will find a list showing you how to sit correctly to minimize any damage to the back:
1 - It is very important to take a break at least every hour. Take advantage of a "dead" period and just stand and stretch for a minute or two. If you are unable to stand you must, at the very least, shift your position.
2 - Always make sure that your knees are lower than your hips. The back of your knees should never touch the seat.
3 - You should always keep both feet firmly on the floor. If your feet are too short to touch the floor, invest in a footrest.
4 - Never cross your legs while you are sitting. Your ankles should always stay in front of your knees.
5 - Having a chair with an adjustable backrest is crucial. If your chair has one, adjust it to support the arch in your lower back. If your chair does not have one ask your employer to get you one, or you can purchase one yourself.
The Importance of Sitting Properly
Good posture is important for long term health and helps to reduce the risk of degenerative arthritis and joint pain. In your back there are several ligaments, tendons, and combinations of soft tissue holding everything together. Ligaments hold our joints together and when these ligaments get overworked, stretched and strained a person can suffer from joint injuries. Once the ligaments are damaged the muscles will no longer work properly causing the muscles to use a lot of energy and become weak and tired. Sitting properly helps keep the ligaments strong, reduces muscle fatigue, the muscles use less energy and they do not get tired as easily.
Many of us would agree that we don't give a second's thought to how we sit; we just sit. This is possibly something we have done since childhood. It would be a good idea for your musculoskeletal health if you spend the next 30 days really paying attention to how you are sitting. Compare your sitting style to the correct way to sit in the list above and focus on changing your sitting patterns to match that list. Experts say that it takes at least 30 days to make or break a habit; so by this time next month you should have developed a better posture.
If you need an expert consult, find a local chiropractor who is trained in body mechanics to fine tune your habits. He or she will be able to tell you what you are doing right and what you need to improve. They'll be able to give you good advice on how to maintain your good positions and change your bad habits. They'll also be able to help your whole body function better through potential chiropractic treatments.

The10 Best Exercises to Lose Weight

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Should You Consider Sex for Weight Loss?

People often wonder what the most fun way is to lose weight. Well, how about sex? This may surprise you, but like any other physical activity, sex drives your heart rate up, and this burns a bunch of calories. In fact, a lot of health experts have seriously started to recommend sex for weight loss to people who happen to be in healthy relationships. So, if you can find the time to turn up the heat with your partner a few times a week, there is a lot that you stand to gain!
The Calories it Burns...
If you are into statistics, you may know that weight loss requires that you burn more calories than you consume. You may also be aware of the number of calories that different exercises burn on an average. As far as sex goes, a romp between the sheets burns between 150 to 250 calories per half hour. This is about the same as what you would burn during a brisk walk.
This is not all, however. A half an hour long clothes-on make-out session burns 240 to 300 calories. The anticipation is what really gets your heart rate going, and that explains why it is even more vigorous exercise than sex itself. For maximum weight loss benefit (and fun!), try to make your make-out sessions as fun, titillating, sensual and unpredictable as possible. There is no limit to what you could do, depending on your interests. A kinky game, a striptease for your partner, romantic dancing or even a lot of kissing and frolicking would all work great. The idea is to get playful and erotic.
If you are still doubtful about the idea of sex for weight loss, consider that an average of 3-4 sessions of sex a week could potentially help you lose up to 6 pounds in the next four months. Add in a healthy diet and another form of exercise as well, and you will be well and truly on your way to better health and a leaner physique.
Why Sex Works in the Long-run
Health experts point out another good reason why people should consider sex as a serious weight loss opportunity: it doesn't get boring. With any other form of cardiovascular exercise, monotony is bound to set in at some point. However, people often continue to enjoy sex through their lives. To keep your interest levels really high, you should always look to experiment and change things around. Try different positions and different kinds of foreplay.
More Sex = Less Stress
With sex, weight loss is not all you stand to gain though. Sex also keeps your overall mood bright and your stress levels in check. This is because sex is known to release endorphins in your body, which are also known as your mind's feel good hormones. Several studies have found that people with healthy sex lives are happier, less frustrated and have a better overall sense of wellbeing than those who rarely engage in sex.
With lower stress levels, you are also likely to be a lot more successful in your weight loss efforts. People often eat sugar-rich comfort foods to overcome stress and make themselves feel better. In a happier state of mind you will crave less foods of such kind.
To sum it up, if you are considering sex for weight loss, you are definitely on the right track! However, keep in mind that like any other activity, sex will only help you lose weight when it is a part of an overall weight loss regime.


HOW TO LOSE 10 POUNDS IN 3 DAYS | Military Diet , Does it work?

Tuesday 22 November 2016

How to Find the Best Deals on Black Friday 2016?

We've all heard of it. Some of us chose to ignore it, and the rest of us are counting down the days till it arrives. Yes, Black Friday is quickly approaching, and it's time to start looking for the best deals in town. The day after Thanksgiving is known as "Black Friday," which designates the officially shopping day for the Holiday season. Black Friday dates back all the way to the 1960s when shoppers would congest stores, streets, and sidewalks in order to find the best shopping bargains. Financially, the "Black" in Black Friday represents the beginning of the period where retailers do not suffer from losses as they did during the months of January-November. Instead, they begin making profit starting with the day after Thanksgiving. Today, people arrive at stores as early as midnight to wait in line for the doors to open at 5am. Dedicated bargain shoppers will sleep in shopping carts, tents, or cars just to be one of the first in the store.
One of the main reasons why Black Friday has become an unofficial American holiday is due to the incredible bargains most department stores offer. Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, JC Penny, Macy's, and many other department stores will offer huge discounts on items such as electronics, home goods, clothing, and miscellaneous items. Flat screen televisions will sell for half their price, fifty percent off will be placed on all items throughout the store, and door buster sales will attract hundreds of shoppers. These are just a few traditional expectations for the kickoff of holiday shopping. Television advertisements have a large impact on Black Friday shoppers because they try to attract their customers in a particular way. For example, Target created a commercial to promote their 2 day sale in 2009. In the commercial they depicted an obsessive, competitive middle-aged woman who has been counting down the days until Black Friday. Sarcastic and hilarious as she might be, the message is relaying that you as a shopper do not have to wake up at the wee hours of morning just to get the best deals because they will be available for 48 hours.
With the Holiday season quickly arriving, shoppers are beginning to prepare for the great deals that lay ahead of them on Black Friday. As a shopper, the best way to get ready for the largest shopping day of the year is to start looking online for coupons and savings. You may be surprised what you can find by just simply looking online. Do not be surprised if you start seeing Black Friday commercials in the beginning of November. Retailers want their customers to be prepared for what is expected this holiday season, and some stores may even extend their shopping hours if they are expecting larger crowds. Some stores may open the doors at midnight on Black Friday. Whatever time the doors open, shoppers will continue to line up for years to come. Black Friday is an American tradition that will continue to stimulate our economy for many years.


How to Choose Good Quality Honey

What is considered as good quality honey?
Even after deciding that a certain floral variety of honey would be your most favourite type of honey, many of us are often still left with the question of "How do I choose the same floral variety of honey amongst all the countless brands of honey from all over the world, with a big range of prices in the market place?"
When I am navigating through the maze of all the different honey in the shops, I look out for certain specific information to ensure that the honey I buy is value for money. Good quality honey, that is, honey of value can be judged by five key factors, namely:
1. Water content
Good quality honey essentially has low water content. Honey is likely to ferment if the water content of honey is greater than 19%. The reason is that all unpasteurized honey contains wild yeasts. Due to the high sugar concentration, these yeasts will pose little risk in low moisture honey because osmosis will draw sufficient water from the yeast to force them into dormancy. In honey that has a higher proportion of water, the yeast may survive and cause fermentation to begin in storage.
Honey is very hygroscopic, which means that it easily absorbs moisture from the air. Thus, in areas with a very high humidity it can be difficult to produce good quality honey of sufficiently low water content, which can be measured using a gadget called refractometer. Raw honey's moisture content can be as low as 14%, and is usually deemed as more valuable and hence is relatively more costly. Honey containing up to 20% water is not recommended for mead-making. One simple way of judging the relative quantity of water in honey involves taking two same-size, same-temperature, well-sealed jars of honey from different sources. Turn the two jars upside-down and watch the bubbles rise. Bubbles in the honey with more water content will rise faster.
2. HMF(Hydroxymethylfurfural)
HMF is a break-down product of fructose (one of the main sugars in honey) formed slowly during storage and very quickly when honey is heated. The amount of HMF present in honey is therefore used as a guide to storage guide to storage length and the amount of heating which has taken place. HMF's occurrence and accumulation in honey is variable depending on honey type. High levels of HMF may indicate excessive heating during the extraction process. Honey that is traded in a bulk form is usually required to be below 10 or 15mg/kg to enable further processing and then give some shelf life before a level of 40 mg/kg is reached. It is not uncommon for honey sold in hot climates to be well over 100 mg/kg in HMF. This is mostly due to the ambient temperatures (over 35°C) that honey is exposed to in the distribution channel. Some countries set an HMF limit for imported honey. You may also want to note the colour of the honey as it can sometimes be an indicator of quality because honey becomes darker during storage and heating.
3. Inverted sugars
High levels of HMF (greater than 100 mg/kg) can also be an indicator of adulteration with inverted sugars . Cane sugar (sucrose) is "inverted" by heating with a food acid, and this process creates HMF. Many food items sweetened with high fructose corn syrups, e.g. carbonated soft drinks, can have levels of HMF up to 1,000 mg/kg
4. Impurities
For most consumers, good quality honey is expected to be visually free of defect -- clean and clear. Honey which has a very high pollen content appears cloudy, and the presence of many other contaminations such as particles of wax, bees, splinters of wood, and dust certainly does make it look unappetising and unappealing for anyone to buy and consume, and hence it appears as if it's of very low value. Unfortunately, no matter how much food value or health benefits some of these particles like pollen can offer, this kind of honey is hard to be associated with good quality honey and is immediately rejected by most consumers at the super-mart. And this explains why it's almost impossible to find unfiltered, raw honey on the shelf. Its cloudy appearance makes them commercially unattractive.
5. Colour
Honey is color graded into light, amber, and dark categories which do not really have any bearing on quality. Some of the most distinctively and strongly flavored honey varieties, such as basswood, are very light, while very mild and pleasant honeys such as tulip poplar can be quite dark. Honey color is measured on the Pfund Scale in millimeters. While it is not an indicator of honey quality and there are exceptions to the rule, generally speaking, the darker color the honey, the higher its mineral contents, the pH readings, and the aroma/flavor levels. Minerals such as potassium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, manganese, magnesium, and sodium have been found to be much higher in darker honeys.


Sunday 20 November 2016

Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners

If you're not already doing yoga, seeing some of the more complicated yoga poses can be downright intimidating. Before you dismiss yoga as something you can't do, however, remember that anyone can do yoga. From little kids to older folks, yoga benefits everyone. It is an age-old practice that incorporates physical poses, soothing breathing exercises and deep meditation sessions to unite the mind, body and spirit as one.
Many practitioners of yoga develop a very deep sense of awareness about themselves and the universe. Yoga can seem pretty far out to the untrained person, but if you give these poses a try, you'll find yoga to be a very enjoyable and restorative activity to incorporate into your health regimen.
Here are some beginner's poses to get you started on your journey in yoga.

Dog and Cat Pose
The Dog Pose is beneficial for a healthy spine. It is good for beginners because it is low-impact and not as physically demanding as other yoga poses. Start by standing on your hands and your knees. Place your hands slightly in front of your shoulders. Breathe in slowly and move your tailbone and pelvis upward. To do this correctly, your head should lift, stomach drop and spine curved downward. Stretch this pose as long as you can without feeling difficulty. Move into the Cat Pose by exhaling and reverse the position by bending your spine upward and your tailbone downward. Repeat these poses as often as desired.
Forward Bends
These yoga poses help strengthen and improve flexibility in the arms and legs. Stand straight with your hands touching in front of your heart (Mountain Pose). As you inhale, raise your arms high above your head. On the exhale, bend at the hips and bring your arms to the floor. Bend your knees if necessary to ensure that your hands touch the floor. Slowly rise upward on your next inhale, and repeat on the exhale. Do about four or five repetitions of this to feel its effects.
Cobra Pose
This is a perfect pose to stretch your back and arms. Begin the pose by lying flat on your stomach with your arms at your side yet near your chest and feet firmly together. Try to raise your head and chest as high as you can while maintaining a steady and slow breathing pattern. Support your body with your hands and flex your buttocks to support your back. Hold this pose for about 30 seconds and go back down on the exhale. Go back up on your next inhale and hold the pose again. The Cobra Pose helps your back muscles become stronger and more flexible.

Corpse Pose
Usually the pose to end all yoga sessions, the Corpse Pose is a great way to relax after a workout and it feels great. Start by lying flat on your back with your feet slightly apart, and your arms at your sides, palms facing upward. Breathe several deep breaths. Envision yourself sinking into the floor, and as you do that, be aware of the tensions in your body and try to relax. Clear your mind of any distractions, focusing only on relaxing. Keep this pose for about ten minutes to feel deeply relaxed and refreshed after your yoga practice.

Friday 18 November 2016

Diets for IBS - Your Basic Guidelines

Following right diets for IBS patient plays a huge role in controlling and preventing this condition. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional complication in the digestive system in an individual. Eating has been one of the major problems of IBS sufferers. Eating may brisk symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Foods should not be feared and eating should be fun, but for an IBS sufferer eating seemed to be a burden.
Due to differences of individual's retort towards food, there is no particular diet that a person who has IBS should follow. Nonetheless, doctors advocate that diets for IBS should be done. Here are various tips from IBS sufferers themselves:
  • HIGH-FIBER DIET. Eating food that are high in fiber can apt constipation for the reason that fiber absorbs water and adds volume to the large intestines resulting to easier and repeated bowel movement. Increase your fiber diet progressively to stay away from excess gas. This is one of the highly recommended for diets for IBS patients.
  • Though for some patients, increasing fiber in their diet can actually worsen symptoms. Thus it is advisable that you consult your dietitian first before changing your diet.
  • CUT OFF foods that can worsen diarrhea. Fatty foods, dairy products that have lactose, foods that are high in sugar, gas-producing, caffeinated drinks and alcoholic brews have become an enemy to diarrhea and should, therefore, be avoided.
  • DRINK plenty of fluids. It is important to drink six to eight glasses of water (1.5liters) per day. As we all know, water is the major source of fluid, though for some IBS sufferers, diluted tea or juices are more suitable for them. Seeing that fiber absorbs water, it is really important that you drink lots of fluid for the reason that it helps halting dehydration for diarrhea and constipation.
  • OBSERVE a soothing and stress-free mealtime environment. Stress may not cause IBS but it is moreover responsible for IBS symptoms' sudden occurrence. Consequently, eating in a pleasant and stress-free environment is a great help. Despite the fact that food is the main reason for symptom outbreak, your behaviour during mealtime, on the other hand, can greatly affect your management headed for relief from IBS and thus, should be included in your diets for IBS. Eating in small amounts and chewing your food carefully can help you minimize pain and discomfort. Additionally, do not swallow air in order to avoid bloating.
  • KEEPING diets for IBS daily diary. A daily journal will be a great aid in controlling your IBS. This will give you an idea on which food will either activate or halt attacks. Eliminate one food in your diets for IBS at a time in order to see what effect it gives to you. Coordinating with your physician will help maintain balanced diet and help you eat food without fear of getting symptom surge.

Diet is a personal experience. There are foods that are suitable for the other but not for some. Hence, it is important that you have your own diets for IBS diary to manage and ease the pain and discomfort as the result of IBS. The diets for IBS serve as a preventive measure as well as giving relief to the patient.


Top 5 Foods To Prevent Hair Loss - Best Diet For Hair Loss In Men & Women

Thursday 17 November 2016

Sports Nutrition

Whether you're a "weekend warrior" or a professional athlete, nothing affects your ability to perform more than good nutrition. Properly fueling your body helps you establish desirable body weight, stay in great shape, and maintain those all-important nerve-muscle reflexes. And if good nutrition isn't part of your training program, physical conditioning and expert coaching won't make much difference to your game.
There isn't one particular diet that's right for every sports enthusiast, of course. A lot depends on the age of the player and on the sport that's played. In general, however, a simple balanced diet allows your body's nutrients to work together like members on a team -- each nutrient performs a specific function. Carbohydrates, for example, are an important source of energy for sports that require repeated bursts of power -- such as basketball, soccer, hockey, football, and tennis -- and for long-distance events, such as long-distance running, swimming, and cross-country skiing. But although filling up on foods that contain mostly carbohydrates is great for maintaining energy, your body still has a need for proteins, minerals, and vitamins. And lack of just one nutrient is a disadvantage to your body and therefore, your sports performance. Ideally, these nutrients should come from the food you eat every day, but if you aren't eating balanced meals (or even if you are), taking a nutritional supplement that will give you balanced nutrients is a wise choice. 
Your sports diet has a dual purpose: It keeps you healthy and it prevents fatigue so you maintain a high energy level during exercise.  Learn how to properly fuel yourself for top performance. For example, cutting back on refined sugar products will ensure there isn't an abrupt rise in blood sugar -- and subsequent drop once exercise begins. Good sources of carbohydrates that don't affect blood sugar levels include whole wheat bread; whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce; vegetables and fruits; and low-sugar, high-fiber breakfast cereals. Not hungry? Eat anyway. Just because you don't feel hungry doesn't necessarily mean your body has all the nutrients it needs.
And don't forget that staying properly hydrated is also part of your sports nutrition plan. You lose between one and three quarts of water per hour during exercise, which not only decreases your endurance but puts you at risk of dehydration. Drink 8-10 ounces of water every 15 minutes during a prolonged sports activity. Don't wait until you feel thirsty -- dehydration can occur before you ever sense thirst. Heavy sweating also results in the loss of electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, which are critical for all bodily functions.  Cold soda water will reestablish the proper balance of water and electrolytes in your bloodstream, as will sports drinks.  
Remember that good nutrition and fluid replacement have a major impact on athletic performance. Use a sound nutritional program to complement your sports activity, and give yourself that competitive edge.

Top 10 Benefits of Corn - Corn Benefits - HElath

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Why Eggs Are Good For You

Eggs are one of the great sources of not only protein but many other nutrients, minerals and vitamins. In fact, research on the nutrition facts of eggs have found that eggs, the egg yolk in particular, provides 100% of your recommended daily value of quite a bit of nutrients. Some of them include Carotenoids, Vitamins A, E, D and K. These are all essential for good health and functioning of our bodies. Protein, amongst many other things, aids in the strengthening, building and repairing of muscle tissue. It is therefore especially helpful to have a high protein meal or snack right after exercise to help repair any damaged or strained muscle tissue. As well as provide energy of course.

Quite contrary to the belief that many people have had over the years, eggs do not cause heart diseases and related ailments. Most individuals prefer to eat the egg without the yolk due to the cholesterol content. It is however important to note that it's actually the yolk that contains most of the nutritional benefits we can ever hope to get from an egg. Without the egg yolk, you will not gain all that you would have gained from eating an egg. Although the egg yolk does contain a high amount of cholesterol, research and studies have found that the type of cholesterol found in eggs does not have any harmful effects on our health.
In fact, eggs are one of the healthiest foods you could add to your diet. It is the egg yolk that contains Iron, Folate, Protein, Potassium, Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and many other nutrients and minerals which are essential for our bodies. Even the diet of expecting mothers.This is because an egg is also a source of Iron, Folate and Choline. These are all essential nutrients and minerals for the good and healthy development of the unborn child, as well as the mother.
If you are on a weight loss quest, adding eggs to your diet may also help you achieve your goal. This will obviously also have to be in conjunction with exercise and having healthy, well-balanced meals. The reason why eggs may help in weight loss is because they are part of the foods that are said to be high in high quality protein. This kind of protein helps to keep you satiated for longer periods. Foods high in high quality protein not only provide proteins to your body, but also bring along with them all the essential amino acids that our bodies need in just the right amounts. Now that's something that should get you thinking. It may be small, but an egg is loaded with minerals, nutrients and vitamins that are important in keeping our bodies healthy with low to medium calories depending on how it has been prepared. Now that's a great deal!


Healthy Pizza Recipe - How to make a Low Carb, High Protein Pizza

Monday 14 November 2016

Why You Should Be Exercising During Pregnancy

There has been a lot of new news and information regarding exercising and the affect it has when you are pregnant. Let's start with the bottom line, exercising when you're pregnant is incredibly beneficial and something you should be doing. But let's take a closer look at different things that will benefit you and your baby the most.
First off, it's really important to use resistance training along with some flexibility and aerobic training. All of this helps to increase blood flow which is really good for your body and your baby. It also helps to reduce the risk of pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes. It helps you control weight gain and increases your strength.

Resistance training workout routines are really important because you want to maintain and gain some new lean muscle mass. Exercises like squats, lunges, bench press and shoulder presses... major functional moves are great for you. They will increase your strength all over your body because they also engage your stomach in a very safe way.
Pregnant women should not do direct crunches or abdominal work. Doing direct abdominal work creates intra-abdominal pressure and that pushes on the uterus through the rectus abdominal wall separating them. If you want to strengthen you core which you need to do, then do exercises that force you to hold a tight tummy. Also during your day, you can keep your stomach muscles contracted to help keep them strong.
When it comes to aerobic work, walking and light jogging will really work well. Listen to your body because as you get to the later stages of pregnancy, your body won't be able to do as much and you need to be careful.

A quick side not, you need to ensure that you also eat a great diet. Have at your disposal some clean eating recipes and you will benefit big time.
It's always really important, especially when you are pregnant to consult with your doctor before you start workout plans like these. Make sure your body can take it because the most important thing is maintain your health and your baby's health... usually exercise works really good to do that.


Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Really That Bad For You?

Sunday 13 November 2016

Exercise and Pregnancy - Fit for Two

Something was obviously bothering Diane. "I guess I'm going to have to stop working out," she sighed. As her personal trainer, I was stunned at this statement. After all, she had made terrific progress in her training endeavors, and had literally redefined her physique. She paused for a moment and then continued, "I just found out that I'm pregnant..."
Sadly, many women still believe that pregnancy requires a sedentary lifestyle. Even worse, some continue to train while pregnant, without understanding the contraindications for exercise. This can seriously jeopardize their own health and well being, as well as that of their fetus. There are so many misconceptions and lack of information regarding training during pregnancy that many gynecologists are not even sure how to properly counsel their patients on this subject. Yet, when properly implemented, an exercise regimen can provide a multitude of benefits for the pregnant woman, with virtually no downside.
As a personal trainer, perhaps the most frequent complaint that I hear from women is that they cannot lose excess weight gained after pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman undergoes many physiologic and hormonal changes that can alter her metabolism and body habitus. It is commonplace to gain fifty pounds, post-partum, and most are unprepared to deal with this event.
While it is certainly possible for a woman to reshape her body after pregnancy, the best way to counteract post-partum weight gain is to stay in shape during pregnancy. By remaining dedicated to a workout schedule, a woman can virtually return to her original shape shortly after delivery. In addition to the short-term calorie burning effects associated with an exercise program, a disciplined training program increases muscle mass. This, in turn, elevates the body's resting metabolic rate, thereby helping to burn additional calories on an ongoing basis-even while asleep!
Moreover, adopting a workout routine helps to increase energy levels and reduce the fatigue associated with pregnancy . It is common for a woman to sit around the house all day, feeling unattractive and lethargic as her term progresses. Regular exercise promotes a better sense of well being and helps to improve a woman's self-esteem during this fragile period.
Numerous other exercise-related benefits have been reported, including a lower incidence of back pain, reduced edema, and fewer leg cramps . There also is a positive influence on labor and delivery. Research has shown that women who train during pregnancy experience a shorter active labor and a decreased amount of fetal stress . One study even found that the offspring of women who exercised had significantly lower body fat levels than those who were sedentary-even after a five-year follow-up period!
There are, though, many unique principles to pregnancy training, and extensive care must be taken to ensure a safe, effective workout. The goal of exercise during pregnancy should be to maintain the highest level of fitness consistent with maximum safety. By understanding the basic guidelines of pregnancy training and adopting a dedicated workout program, a woman can reap all the rewards of staying fit during and after pregnancy without risking injury to herself or to her fetus.
Before beginning a routine, it is essential to get a physician's clearance to rule out any possible exercise-related contraindications. Conditions such as hypertension, bleeding, cardiac arrhythmia and other afflictions can be potentially injurious. Even things that might seem innocuous under normal circumstances can be of dire consequence at this delicate time. Therefore, medical clearance is a necessary prerequisite prior to undertaking a training regimen, and follow-up should be obtained on a regular basis to monitor any changes in health. In this case, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure.
Assuming that there are no contraindications, a woman should plan to exercise at regular intervals. A three-day per week training regimen is ideal, preferably allowing at least one rest day in between workouts. Thus, training on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday basis will afford maximal effectiveness while allowing adequate rest and recuperation.
As a rule, aerobic classes, especially high-impact and step, are generally not recommended. During pregnancy, hormonal changes relax the connective tissues, which may produce joint instability . Bouncing movements, jumping motions, and rapid changes in direction-all common elements in aerobics classes-place significant stress on the joints and tendons. This will substantially increase the risk of injury to these areas. Moreover, the flow of an aerobic class, which is oriented to a group rather than to the individual, makes it difficult for the pregnant woman to remain in control. It is therefore better to proceed with an individual workout program consisting of cardiovascular activities, stretching, and strength training, whereby proper form and function are maintained at all times.
In choosing an exercise facility, it is imperative that the workout area is well ventilated and air-conditioned. During pregnancy, basal metabolic temperature is increased, which can predispose a woman to overheating-a phenomenon that has been shown to cause neural tube defects . Therefore, a pregnant woman should make sure not exercise in a hot, humid place and take care to monitor changes in body temperature.
The workout should begin with a ten-minute cardiovascular warm-up on a treadmill or stationary bike at a low resistance in order to warm up the muscles. A proper warm-up will help to circulate blood flow throughout the body and thereby decrease the risk of joint injury. The chosen activity should be performed at roughly 50% of maximal heart rate. In order to estimate this number, subtract your age from 220 and multiply by 50%. Thus, a 30 year old woman would have a target heart rate of 95 (220-30=190 x .5=95).
After cardio, it is beneficial to perform about ten minutes of light stretching. Because of connective tissue laxity, care should be taken in the degree of stretching. Stretches should not be taken to point of maximum resistance and should be performed in a relaxed manner that stays within a comfortable zone. Slow, stationary stretching is recommended, and one should be sure to avoid any ballistic, bouncing movements.
Next, a comprehensive weight training session should be undertaken. While there are many ways to approach this endeavor, a total body workout targeting each of the major muscle groups with one exercise is perhaps the best approach. This allows circulation of blood into all areas of the body and maintains the goal of optimal fitness with maximal safety. High repetitions (approximately 12 to 15 per set) are recommended and two to three sets of each exercise should be performed.
During the weight-training phase, it is important to follow certain safety precautions. Weight training should not be performed at maximal intensity of effort - don't struggle to pump out an extra rep. Repetitions should be smooth and controlled and a woman should always maintain basic form. Breathing should be regulated on each repetition and a woman should never hold her breath while lifting. Finally, heart rate should be measured at times of peak activity, keeping maximal heart rate in a comfortable range.
Moreover, due to the physiologic and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, there are contraindications for certain exercises. First, exercises that require bending from the waist should be avoided. This can cause dizziness and heartburn in the pregnant woman, as well as placing undue stress on the lumbar spine. Hence, exercises such as stiff-legged deadlifts and bent rows should not be performed.
Second, it is best not to utilize any overhead lifting exercises. Because of the increased lordotic curve associated with pregnancy, overhead exercises can place heighten stress to the lower lumbar area resulting in an increased incidence of lower back pain. Thus, exercises such as the military press and incline chest press are contraindicated.
Lastly, exercises performed in the supine position should be eschewed after the first trimester. Due to a predisposition to decreased blood pressure (hypotension), the pregnant woman is more apt to become light headed and dizzy while lying down. Furthermore, when supine, the fetus tends to press on the vena cava, decreasing venous blood flow and potentially causing harm to the fetus . Thus, movements such as the bench press, crunch, and lying triceps extensions must be dropped at the end of the third month.
After weight training, it is best to finish the workout with a cool down period. The cool down should comprise about ten to fifteen minutes of slow walking or stationary cycling combined with additional gentle stretching movements utilizing the same principles as in the warm-up. This will ensure a gradual stabilization of body temperature and help to flush lactic acid from the muscles.
That's it, a comprehensive routine that is safe and effective! The entire workout will last about an hour to an hour and a half, leaving a woman feeling healthy and invigorated. By following these simple principles, a woman can maintain her shape throughout pregnancy and ultimately look as good or better than before conception!
And by the way, despite her trepidation, I was able to convince Diane that it would be beneficial for her to continue working out-which she did until her eighth month. I am happy to report that she now has a healthy baby boy and was within five pounds of her ideal weight after delivery. She is again back into her training routine, trying next for a baby girl.


Blueberries: Amazing Health Benefits

Saturday 12 November 2016

Why You've Been Lied to About Weight Loss - The Free and Little Known Way

You've seen a million commercials, you've heard a million plugs, and you've read a billion magazines that all talk about their secret new weight loss cure. The funny thing is that there isn't a lack of scientific finding in the field of weight loss, it's the lack of utilization in reciprocation to the scientific evidence presented to us. There's nothing new about weight loss. Looking back on history, it's obvious to see that for an extremely long period of time we kept our weight in check while eating anything we could get our hands on. Why then are we suddenly facing an epidemic of obesity?
Read the "how" below
You may be thinking that is had to do with the increased production of food, and it's accessibility. While this certainly has something to do with it, it's not the core component. The absolute root cause for the obesity epidemic is additives in the food. With the increase of Genetically Modified Foods (GMO foods) on our shelves, paired with MSG and other toxic additives, it's no wonder Americans are getting huge! High fructose corn syrup, one of the most frequently used additives in food is genetically modified. There has been much talk about high fructose corn syrup and it's link to not only obesity, but a wide array of disease. Of course the implications are true due to it's horrible nutritional content, but also the fact that it is a genetically modified ingredient!

Toxic Sweeteners
With this junk in our food, Americans are growing by the second. With countless studies showing the horrible effects on the human body from increased consumption of these horrific additives, it's amazing anyone continues to eat them. In order to truly begin reclaiming your health, and losing weight, you must avoid these additives. Start buying 100% organic foods, and reading the labels to ensure that the food you are buying is truly quality. Remember to make sure it is a non-GMO product, and check for high fructose corn syrup, as horrible FDA regulations make it so the manufacturer of the product sometimes does not list it's GMO contents. In fact, if it's less than 70% GMO, they can label the product organic! Do your own research into the brand and it's ingredients.

Other things to avoid:
Aspartame - Causes brain tumors. Frequently found in chewing gum and diet sodas.
Trans fat - A well-known "toxic fat", prone to turning into a plastic-like substance in the body.
Reclaim your health, enhance your body with nutritionally-powerful foods, and obtain optimum wellness without paying a dime. Utilize this information and you can potentially change your life for the better. With better physical health comes better living.


Healthy Recipes For Fall (Vegan/Plant-Based)

Friday 11 November 2016

Walking Weight Loss Tips

Quick weight loss can be achieved, but it is not the best way to lose weight. For a long- lasting approach, you need to think long term and think "lifestyle change" instead of "diet." The best approach is a combination of healthy eating habits and exercise. If you design your weight loss plan for the long term instead of a quick fix, then you will have a much better chance of success.
Walking is one of the best exercises you can do. It is very easy to start. You do not need any expensive equipment. You can also start very simply and then increase your exercise level easily by simply walking longer distances or across a different terrain (such as over hills or up an incline).
You should build up to walking 4 miles per day. This will be about one hour of exercise; however, do not feel like you have to start off walking four miles to begin with. If all you can do is walk for five minutes at first, then just walk for the five minutes. Gradually increase the amount of time you walk each day until you reach four miles each day.
Walking with a friend makes exercise easier. Not only does it make you accountable, it is a lot more fun when you have someone to talk to while you are walking. If you know that you are supposed to meet someone each day at a certain time, and that person is counting on you, then you are much less likely to skip exercising. Sometimes simply knowing that you would have to make the phone call to your friend and flake out gives you the incentive to exercise.
Don't let the weather give you an excuse for not exercising. While it's great to be able to walk outside and get some fresh air, walking indoors is perfectly acceptable. Just make sure that you can find somewhere that will let you be out of the elements but where you can also get up a pretty good speed for walking. Indoor malls and gymnasiums work very well.
Walking is a great way to lose weight. It's fast, easy, and something you can start today. Use these walking weight loss tips to help you reach your goal.
Walking is not only a great way to lose weight, but also promotes long lasting health. If you are ready to take your walking routine to the next level you may want to consider a great acai berry supplement, Acai Burn.


Wednesday 9 November 2016

Tips for Preparing for Flu Season

Autumn is here, and hopefully you are out enjoying yourself in the crisp air and taking part in all of the seasonal festivities. In order to keep having fun all fall and winter long, it is important to remember that this wonderful autumn air also means that flu season is just around the corner. Taking certain simple precautions to protect yourself and your family can make all of the difference in keeping yourself well this year. Here are some important steps that you can take to prepare for flu season and stay healthy.
Eat and Drink for Health
One of the simplest steps we can take to ward off the flu is a practice everyone should ideally adhere to all year round: choose a healthy diet that will help your body to maintain a strong immune system. This does not really require any special or complicated diet. The basics are to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and to eat a diet that is healthy and balanced. Food choices that may be particularly beneficial will include lots of fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants carry many benefits, and are becoming more and more known to the public. One of these wonderful benefits is they can work as immune boosters, helping you and your family to have a healthier life overall.
Avoid Germs
There are many steps you can take to limit your contact with germs. Some of these may be more obvious than others, but if you begin a mindful routine of keeping yourself and the objects you come into contact with sanitized now, you will likely have formed good habits by the time flu season is in full swing. Proper hand washing is a hugely important practice. Many people know that they should wash their hands, but are not necessarily washing properly. To really benefit you should wash in warm, soapy water for between 30 to 60 seconds. It may help you to keep track of the time if you get into the habit of singing a song like the ABC's as you wash, and this will definitely help young children with washing their hands. In public places, try to wipe off surfaces like doorknobs with sanitizing wipes, if possible, as the flu virus can live up to 48 hours on hard surfaces. A good alternative is to use a hand sanitizer after touching these surfaces, but remember not to eat or touch food immediately afterwards. Wait a few minutes first so the sanitizer has time to kill the flu germs.
Get a Flu Shot
Though you should definitely follow every step to keep yourself healthy, the method of protection that is by far the most effective is getting a flu vaccination. The flu shot is recommended for almost anyone over six months of age, with a few exceptions, including people with severe allergies to chicken eggs or a history of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. If you do decide to get a seasonal flu shot, be sure to get it as early in the season as you possibly can, because its effectiveness only really kicks in by developing the right antibodies in your body about two weeks after the shot is administered.
