Friday 11 November 2016

Walking Weight Loss Tips

Quick weight loss can be achieved, but it is not the best way to lose weight. For a long- lasting approach, you need to think long term and think "lifestyle change" instead of "diet." The best approach is a combination of healthy eating habits and exercise. If you design your weight loss plan for the long term instead of a quick fix, then you will have a much better chance of success.
Walking is one of the best exercises you can do. It is very easy to start. You do not need any expensive equipment. You can also start very simply and then increase your exercise level easily by simply walking longer distances or across a different terrain (such as over hills or up an incline).
You should build up to walking 4 miles per day. This will be about one hour of exercise; however, do not feel like you have to start off walking four miles to begin with. If all you can do is walk for five minutes at first, then just walk for the five minutes. Gradually increase the amount of time you walk each day until you reach four miles each day.
Walking with a friend makes exercise easier. Not only does it make you accountable, it is a lot more fun when you have someone to talk to while you are walking. If you know that you are supposed to meet someone each day at a certain time, and that person is counting on you, then you are much less likely to skip exercising. Sometimes simply knowing that you would have to make the phone call to your friend and flake out gives you the incentive to exercise.
Don't let the weather give you an excuse for not exercising. While it's great to be able to walk outside and get some fresh air, walking indoors is perfectly acceptable. Just make sure that you can find somewhere that will let you be out of the elements but where you can also get up a pretty good speed for walking. Indoor malls and gymnasiums work very well.
Walking is a great way to lose weight. It's fast, easy, and something you can start today. Use these walking weight loss tips to help you reach your goal.
Walking is not only a great way to lose weight, but also promotes long lasting health. If you are ready to take your walking routine to the next level you may want to consider a great acai berry supplement, Acai Burn.


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