Saturday 12 November 2016

Why You've Been Lied to About Weight Loss - The Free and Little Known Way

You've seen a million commercials, you've heard a million plugs, and you've read a billion magazines that all talk about their secret new weight loss cure. The funny thing is that there isn't a lack of scientific finding in the field of weight loss, it's the lack of utilization in reciprocation to the scientific evidence presented to us. There's nothing new about weight loss. Looking back on history, it's obvious to see that for an extremely long period of time we kept our weight in check while eating anything we could get our hands on. Why then are we suddenly facing an epidemic of obesity?
Read the "how" below
You may be thinking that is had to do with the increased production of food, and it's accessibility. While this certainly has something to do with it, it's not the core component. The absolute root cause for the obesity epidemic is additives in the food. With the increase of Genetically Modified Foods (GMO foods) on our shelves, paired with MSG and other toxic additives, it's no wonder Americans are getting huge! High fructose corn syrup, one of the most frequently used additives in food is genetically modified. There has been much talk about high fructose corn syrup and it's link to not only obesity, but a wide array of disease. Of course the implications are true due to it's horrible nutritional content, but also the fact that it is a genetically modified ingredient!

Toxic Sweeteners
With this junk in our food, Americans are growing by the second. With countless studies showing the horrible effects on the human body from increased consumption of these horrific additives, it's amazing anyone continues to eat them. In order to truly begin reclaiming your health, and losing weight, you must avoid these additives. Start buying 100% organic foods, and reading the labels to ensure that the food you are buying is truly quality. Remember to make sure it is a non-GMO product, and check for high fructose corn syrup, as horrible FDA regulations make it so the manufacturer of the product sometimes does not list it's GMO contents. In fact, if it's less than 70% GMO, they can label the product organic! Do your own research into the brand and it's ingredients.

Other things to avoid:
Aspartame - Causes brain tumors. Frequently found in chewing gum and diet sodas.
Trans fat - A well-known "toxic fat", prone to turning into a plastic-like substance in the body.
Reclaim your health, enhance your body with nutritionally-powerful foods, and obtain optimum wellness without paying a dime. Utilize this information and you can potentially change your life for the better. With better physical health comes better living.


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