Monday 14 November 2016

Why You Should Be Exercising During Pregnancy

There has been a lot of new news and information regarding exercising and the affect it has when you are pregnant. Let's start with the bottom line, exercising when you're pregnant is incredibly beneficial and something you should be doing. But let's take a closer look at different things that will benefit you and your baby the most.
First off, it's really important to use resistance training along with some flexibility and aerobic training. All of this helps to increase blood flow which is really good for your body and your baby. It also helps to reduce the risk of pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes. It helps you control weight gain and increases your strength.

Resistance training workout routines are really important because you want to maintain and gain some new lean muscle mass. Exercises like squats, lunges, bench press and shoulder presses... major functional moves are great for you. They will increase your strength all over your body because they also engage your stomach in a very safe way.
Pregnant women should not do direct crunches or abdominal work. Doing direct abdominal work creates intra-abdominal pressure and that pushes on the uterus through the rectus abdominal wall separating them. If you want to strengthen you core which you need to do, then do exercises that force you to hold a tight tummy. Also during your day, you can keep your stomach muscles contracted to help keep them strong.
When it comes to aerobic work, walking and light jogging will really work well. Listen to your body because as you get to the later stages of pregnancy, your body won't be able to do as much and you need to be careful.

A quick side not, you need to ensure that you also eat a great diet. Have at your disposal some clean eating recipes and you will benefit big time.
It's always really important, especially when you are pregnant to consult with your doctor before you start workout plans like these. Make sure your body can take it because the most important thing is maintain your health and your baby's health... usually exercise works really good to do that.


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