Thursday 31 August 2017

Food To Body, Nutrition To Health

Health depends to a large extent on nutrition, and nutrition on food. Food, in fact, is the most important single factor in connection with the attainment and maintenance of health. Every drop of blood in the body is conditioned by the food we eat and it is on blood that every tissue, every organ, every gland, and indeed every function of the body fundamentally depends.

By food is meant any material taken into the system that serves to sustain normal bodily processes. It is fallacy of our times to regard that anything and everything called food is good for health.

For any substance to be properly regarded as human food it must be capable of supplying the body with the material needed for the repair of body tissues and maintenance of various functions, while at the same time doing no harm to the body and in no way interfering with its activities. Food in order to replenish the body, therefore, must be food, so in selecting food make sure first that it is really food. We must live on truly nutritious food and not on anything generally considered as food.

To be healthy and in good condition, it is imperative to eat natural, wholesome food making sure that the food supply is in proper proportion and of a character or quality suitable for protecting the body. The chemical elements of the body combine to make brain, muscles, nerve, blood, skeletal tissue and body secretions. The elements of food are spoken of as nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts and water. These are often called foodstuffs, indicating that they are stuff from which food is made.

One of the really difficult problems for the present generation is that much of our food no longer reaches us from the field, garden or orchard in the normal state as nature prepared it, to meet man's nutritional needs. Such foods are now very largely collected and taken on the large commercial centres, where they are altered, preserved, pickled, denatured, cooked, sterilized, pasteurized - thus deprived of their most vital elements. Whatever is left which will stand over long distances transportation and keep indefinitely is sold to us in place of the original things which nature provided as food. Such denatured substances have no nutritive value and are far from being satisfactory substitute for natural foods.

By natural food we mean food as provided by Nature containing all the elements, and not flavoured or doctored or devitalized by man. No form of life can be supported wholly upon laboratory products and man is no exception to the fundamental law.

Few people understand the true meaning of natural foods. For they have been fed from childhood on unnatural, artificially prepared and manufactured foodstuffs which are detrimental to the normal functioning of the digestive organs and gradually impair our health. Our food is generally spoilt even before it is gathered.

Plants and trees often suffer from deficiency or excess of certain elements in the soil. Apart from growing mineral starved food we find that much of it is totally altered in composition. Millers have learnt to take from our grain the surrounding skin, the bran, which is extremely rich in health-giving elements, in mineral substances and vitamins.

Many people live largely on denatured, artificial foods. In ever increasing numbers people live on preserved foods. In order to make these artificial foods more attractive to consumers they are dyed with chemical dyes and flavours added. Thus men are made to subsist on scientific abominations totally unfit for the consumption of man or beast. We eat these foods because they are attractive to the eyes and to the palate and are very convenient because they can easily be prepared for the table.

These devitalized and demineralized foods lower the vitality and sap the health of the people who thereby fall a prey to various diseases and epidemics.

On top of it refrigerated, devitalized, denatured and manufactured foodless foods are relished and consumed day in and day out. Yet another menace is pesticides and spraying of vegetables, fruits, and in farms has been taking a heavy toll in the form of organic and blood diseases and even cancer.

We are living in a polluted world. There is poison in the air we breathe, poison in the food we eat and poison in the water we drink. Where does it all lead to? "Back to nature" is obviously not the solution to this tragic problem. A revision to the diet of primitive man is not a viable proposition but we could try and give preference to foodstuffs which retain their full natural properties and elements without which one cannot expect radiant health and resistance to external influences and diseases.

Natural food properly selected, scientifically combined, and judiciously administered has true remedial value and can cure disease by supplying the proper saline elements in organic form. These organic mineral elements in food preserve the tissues from disorganization and form putrefaction. These vitalizing minerals, salts and vitamins are vital to health, ward off disease and premature old age.

The degeneration of the human race has been brought about by the departure from its natural foods. The only basis of possible regeneration is a return to it.

It is undoubtedly true that our eating habits depend upon our economic status as well as the availability of foods. But it is equally true that beliefs, customs, traditions and prejudices influence our food habits much more than we realize. The general food beliefs of any community are a social product deeply entrenched in the minds of the community and practiced almost like a faith. These beliefs, therefore, significantly influence the nutritional status of these population groups, and become a force to reckon with in any nutrition programme.

Sir Robert Mc Carrison said, "The single factor in the acquisition and maintenance of good health is perfectly constituted food which consists particularly milk, milk products, whole grain cereals, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables." These are called protective foods as they protect you against disease and epidemics. He adds that most people do not get enough of protective foods and their diet is therefore incomplete and results ultimately in disease.

Science today is finding in its researches a conglomeration of the truths uttered by Nature Cure pioneers many decades ago.

When studying and discussing food in its relation to the basic or fundamental principles:

We must know what primary elements enter into the composition of the body.
We must have knowledge of the chemical contents of our food.
We must know how to combine food correctly in a meal from the standpoint of the chemistry of digestion.
We must have a correct understanding of the relation food actually has to the body.
We must understand the principles of alkaline and acid forming foods in their chemical reaction on the body.
We must have a correct conception and understanding of the function of metabolism or the "science of nutrition."
My firm belief is: "Finding a cause leads the way to find a cure". So, it is basically important to understand everything from its deepest core. 


These Seeds Kill Cancer Cells, Cure Diabetes

Wednesday 30 August 2017

16 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is considered one of the oldest spices and unsurpassed ingredient in the kitchen. It has a very pleasant smell and taste and is used as an addition to fruit salads, pies, and other desserts. Many people like the coffee that sprinkled with a little cinnamon, because it gets a special flavor. It may also be added to tea and other drinks.

In fact, one has to distinguish between two types of cinnamon. One is Ceylon cinnamon, which is better and recommended for consumption. The second is the Chinese cinnamon, which is of lower quality, and as such is suitable for industrial production fresheners, scented candles and the like. Chinese cinnamon is not recommended in the diet because it contains more coumarin than allowed. Ingredient coumarin in larger doses can cause liver and kidney damage.

See why cinnamon is good for your health.

1. It controls blood sugar levels - Several studies have shown that cinnamon has a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Cinnamon is a popular natural remedy used by people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

2. Treating fungal Infections - Studies have shown that cinnamon oil is effective in the treatment of infections caused by Candida, such as Candida Tropicalis and Candida Albicans.

3. It relieves the symptoms caused by poisoning - Cinnamon has a strong antibacterial effect and is excellent in the treatment of stomach problems caused by salmonella and E. coli. Ground cinnamon, oil or tea of cinnamon, are effective in neutralizing stomach problems.

4. Helps in the treatment of symptoms of irritation bowel syndrome - Cinnamon drastically reduces the unpleasant symptoms of irritation bowel syndrome, especially helps with flatulence. This plant stimulates digestion and helps in the treatment of bacterial infections. In addition, cinnamon is an excellent remedy for stomach cramps.

5. Helps with osteoporosis and arthritis - Cinnamon is rich in manganese, which helps build bones, blood and connective tissues in the body. People who have less of manganese in the body frequently suffer from osteoporosis and arthritis. In pain due to arthritis can help massage oil of cinnamon or sipping tea cinnamon.

6. Cinnamon affects cognitive development and memory - Regular consumption of cinnamon protect the health of the brain and improve concentration.

7. It is powerful antioxidant - Cinnamon is one of the top foods rich in antioxidants. They help regenerate cells and relieve the body of harmful free radicals.

8. Helps with weight loss - Cinnamon improves circulation and can speed up metabolism. Therefore, you will be successful in the fight with overweight.

9. Relieves muscle pain - If you feel pain in your muscles it will help you massage cinnamon oil.

10. Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides - This spicy plant operates Prevents heart disease, due to lower the level of triglycerides, cholesterol, and excess fat.

11. Cinnamon improves the health of teeth and gums - Cinnamon oil is often used in the production of chewing gum, candy freshening breath, mouthwashes, and toothpaste. This is primarily due to the strong antimicrobial effect of cinnamon.

12. Relieves colds, sore throat, and cough - Tea made from cinnamon or tea with cinnamon positive effect on problems caused by a cold or a sore throat, and can alleviate a cough.

13. Relieves symptoms of PMS - Since it is rich in manganese, cinnamon is a great way to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of PMS. This spice relieves spasms and relieves tension.

14. Against the symptoms of food poisoning - Cinnamon calms ailments caused by food poisoning, can neutralize bacteria, fungi, and other microbes.

15. Regulates menstrual cycle - Cinnamon helps women who have polycystic ovaries so they can regulate the menstrual cycle.

16. Relieves a headache - If you are suffering from a migraine or regular headaches, first aid can be tea of cinnamon.

There are so much more cinnamon benefits, but we should use it carefully because if we use it too much it could cause damage. Use Ceylon cinnamon to eliminate coumarin related side effects.



Tuesday 29 August 2017

Weight Loss and Health Tips: Powerful Legumes

We live in a society where eating has become more of a pleasure than real need. Maintaining a healthy body weight has become a problematic task. When starting out a diet, the first thing we should take care is our nutrition. If we fix this, everything will fall into place sooner or later.

In this weight loss and health tips, I will speak about a very nutritional food;the legumes. Legumes are seeds, or pods of leguminous plants. They are known since antiquity, and are among the most nutritious natural foods. There are currently 600 types of legumes, and 13, 000 varieties. Some of the most popular are: soy beans, black beans, kidney beans, lentils, chick peas, black eye beans, red beans, peas. Legumes are low in calories, have 0 cholesterol, and are very inexpensive, making them an ideal part of a healthy diet.

All legumes are rich in essential nutrients including; protein, fiber, fatty acids, antioxidants, iron, potassium, b vitamins, folic acid. They are good substitutes to animal protein. Soya beans are the legumes with the most protein. Thanks to the protein, legumes can help repair cells from free radical damage, build muscle, burn fat, and assist digestion in the body.

A meal with legumes will fill you fast, and for longer without the insulin levels go up, because they contain a lot of fibre. According to recent studies, people who consume often legumes have low risk to develop a heart disease, and colon cancer. Other studies have shown that legumes have strong anti-aging elements.

You can buy them raw, frozen, or in cans. Preparation and cooking methods vary, but usual cooking time is between 30 to 60 minutes. Some of them, you might need to soak them into the water for a few hours before cooking. If you choose to eat them straight from the can, rinse them once to get rid of the extra sodium. You can make many different meals all nutritious and delicious; salads, dips, soups, and stews.

Legumes have a bad reputation because of the gasses they produce, the reason for that, maybe is the lack of enzymes in the digestive system, to avoid these problems, start introducing them into your diet slowly, and in moderate portions, or pick a legume that is not as gas producing as others, i. e black eye beans;and don't forget to drink lots of water.


15 Minute Plyo HIIT Workout: Burn Fat Fast

Monday 28 August 2017

Jojoba Oil: An Amazing Natural Ingredient

What is jojoba oil? It is a good idea to learn first how this ingredient is sourced out. It comes from the Jojoba plant which grows in the arid regions of Arizona and Mexico. The plant is quite visible in the landscape owing to the fact that it could grow up to 15 feet in height. Oil coming from this plant was not that popular a couple of decades back. This is even if Native Americans are already using it as a cure for some health problems. Due to the regulation of the use of whale wax on consumer products, attention has shifted to the use of natural or plant based ingredients.

The conference held at the University of Arizona in 1986 started the hype about the applications and benefits from the oil of the jojoba plant. The seed undergoes extraction procedure so that the essential oil may be obtained. It is to be noted that even the bean through which the seeds are sourced out has beneficial health effects. The chemical compound known as Leptin which is present in the bean reduces the body's desire for food. This is why it is popular among weight loss enthusiasts. It also has HDL which is good for the regulation of blood pressure.

One of the most interesting things now is that if labels of health and wellness products will be examined, it is normal to find this oil among the ingredients list. Examples of these products are face creams, anti-wrinkle rubs, herbal ointments, hair and skin moisturizers, acne solutions, and more.

However, there is an issue that might alarm consumers. The seed of jojoba plant can have toxicity levels that are considered fatal to mammals. In fact, minute amounts of wax obtained from it have the power of a laxative. The good news is that the harmful effect would manifest only when the said plant part is consumed or ingested in unusually large quantities.

Jojoba oil has properties that make it ideal for both industrial and health applications. Monoester carbon compounds present in it gives it a power comparable to diesel during combustion. Nowadays, people are more focused on the health applications of this type of oil.

A very good example of a product based on this ingredient is the new Unrefined Organic Jojoba Oil. It is useful for those who have stretch marks, burns, coarse hair, dry skin, chapped lips, and acne. There is no doubt that this jojoba plant product is living up to its label as one of the most amazing natural oils in nature today!


How to Cover Dark Under Eye Circles

Sunday 27 August 2017

Why Should You Eat Organic Cereals?

What has made cereals enter the mainstream of food and why is every food marketer jumping on the bandwagon? There must be something significant that is making every food category vying to include this element in some form or the other. From products made for kids to items intended for adults hitting the gym or sports-ring, they are a part of every package today.

The interesting twist is that food marketers in our households have been selling us this power-source for many years, but we have not been listening carefully.

Cereals like Upma, Poha provide not only taste but also immense health benefits. Nowadays you can access ready to cook Upma mix.

Foxtail Millets Upma Mix: Regular use of foxtail is a good guard against coronary diseases and reduces chances of cardiac arrest and fatalities. Being a diabetic friendly food, it contains a fair amount of phenolic (a strong anti-oxidant) used to get rid of toxins in the body. People who cannot consume wheat are left with very few options as most of the products in the market like biscuits, bakery items like bread, etc., are made from Wheat. As a gluten free diet, foxtail millet is a perfect food for people suffering from Celiac, promoting digestion, increases energy levels and helping in maintaining cholesterol levels.

Sooji Rava Upma Mix: Sooji is very good for diabetics or those who wish to lose weight. Sooji is made from the durum wheat and is slow to digest, thus sustaining energy for a longer period of time.

Wheat Daliya Upma Mix: An excellent source of dietary fiber, Daliya is one of the best alternatives to wheat. It aids in weight loss, diabetes and prevents constipation. It is also used as a weaning food, to transition babies from breast milk to semi-solid food. Being rich in proteins it helps in building muscles.

Cereals need not be equated to Oats. Cereals like puffed paddy are simply store-houses of health. When one has to control weight without starving too much and without letting the stomach run empty, the best way is to eat a good organic cereal like puffed paddy, also called nel pori or aralu in the local language. It is a very good source of potassium, zinc, copper, thiamin, niacin, Vitamin B6 pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese. The presence of magnesium aids in enzyme function, energy boosters, strengthening heart muscles, preventing strokes and avoiding heart attacks. Magnesium is also linked to treatment of depression. You can make Bhel Puri with this puffed paddy.

Many recipes that are usually sacrificed by weight-conscious people can be easily remade with cereals like Wheat Daliya, Foxtail Millets, Rava Sooji and Puffed Paddy.

It is an added advantage when the cereals are organic. Organic crops are not exposed to synthetic pesticides, GMOs, and fertilizers that are petroleum-based or sewage sludge-based. Organic farming practices include the usage of natural fertilizers such as compost and manure to feed soil and plants. Crop rotation, mulching and tilling are used to control weeds, while insects are controlled using natural methods such as traps and birds.

Enjoy the comfort of organic cereals and the health that accompanies them.


Eat Garlic and Honey on Empty Stomach

Friday 25 August 2017

Easy Fruit Salad Recipes Perfect For Your Next Picnic

When one mentions the word "salad", what immediately comes to mind are leafy greens and other vegetables - definitely not dessert! But don't forget that there is a dessert version - salads using fruits! It's a refreshing sweet treat that's not only good for your taste buds but for your body as well. It's easy to prepare and you can use any of your favorite fruits to create your own recipe - it's fun to experiment on the sweet creamy sauce as well!

For now, here are some easy fruit salad recipes you can try at home:

Creamy Pistachio Fruit Mix

What you need:

2 large bananas, sliced
2 1/2 cups crushed pineapple with juice
2 cups fruit cocktail
2 cups miniature marshmallows
1 1/2 cups mandarin oranges, drained
1 1/2 cups frozen whipped topping, thawed
1/2 cup instant pistachio pudding mix
In a large mixing bowl, mix together crushed pineapple (include juice) and pistachi pudding mix. Stir in whipped topping. When well-combined, add bananas, fruit cocktail, mandarin oranges and marshmallows to the bowl. Mix ingredients well. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Easy Fruit and Nut Salad

What you need:

1 red apple, peeled, cored and diced
1 ripe mango, peeled, seeded and cubed
3/4 cup toasted cashews
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 pinch salt
Combine apple, mango and toasted cashews in a salad bowl. Pour balsamic vinegar over fruits and nut then season with ground cinnamon, ground ginger and salt. Mix to combine ingredients well. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Fruits and Yogurt Dream

What you need:

1 red apple, cored and chopped
1 orange, peeled and sliced
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 1/2 cups seedless grapes, halved
1/2 cup blackberries
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup vanilla yogurt
In a large salad bowl, mix together apple, orange, celery, grapes and blackberries. Top with chopped walnuts then add vanilla yogurt to the bowl. Stir until all ingredients are well-combined. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Forget high-calorie desserts like cakes and ice cream for a while and enjoy a sweet treat that's good for your body. Instead, for your next picnic, have a healthy and refreshing snack or dessert with these delicious yet easy to follow fruit salad recipes that are perfect for any season!

All the Signs That You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Thursday 24 August 2017

Health Benefits of Drinking Flavored Water

Drinking plenty of water can cure most of your body problems. A person should at least drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. As water is tasteless, many people find it difficult to drink that much water. Their problem can be solved if they add flavored drops in the water. Nowadays, in a departmental, local or online store you can find flavored drops. Just add a few drops in your water and see the difference. Following water flavors are available in the market and there health benefits are described below:

Blueberry Pomegranate Flavor:

Adding this flavor in water can provide various health benefits. Some Health benefits of Blueberry are it is high in antioxidants, lowers cholesterol, Improves memory and eyesight, slows aging etc. Pomegranate helps in fighting cancer, protects the Neonatal Brain, Prevention of Osteoarthritis, protects from Arteries, lowers Blood pressure the list is endless. Making a fruit juice is a tedious work. By just adding a few drops of this flavor in water you can reap various benefits.

Orange Mango flavor:

You can get good taste when this flavor is added in water. Just add 4-5 drops per 8 ounces of water. Nutritional facts of orange are it is a good source of minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium, copper, potassium, magnesium and sulfur etc. This fruit is known for Vitamin C content. Some health benefits of Mango flavor are it is good for indigestion, dental care, pyorrhea, bone health, respiratory problems, cough, cold, acne etc. Health benefits of Mango are it is good for eye disorders, heat stroke, diabetes, bacterial infections, diarrhea etc. By just drinking one glass of this mixed flavor you can enjoy its benefits.

Peach flavor:

Peach is beneficial for individuals suffering from aliments like Acidosis, Dry Cough, Gastritis, High blood pressure, Poor Digestion, Nephritis etc. Peaches can make your skin look healthy and also add color to the complexion. Many people like to add peach flavored drops in their water to get that taste.

Pear flavor: Nutritional benefits of pear are it is rich in copper, phosphorous and potassium. It is an excellent source of water-soluble fiber. Being rich in vitamin C, pears have antioxidant properties and are said to protect body cells from oxygen-related damage caused by free radicals. People, who like pear fruit, will drink peach flavored water also. By just adding 4-5 drops in water you can enjoy the taste of peach.

Peppermint flavor: Capella peppermint flavor contains certain health benefits. This water is unsweetened and has zero calories.

Capella Flavor drops are a highly concentrated, water soluble pure flavoring which requires just drops per serving. Flavor drops can dissolve instantly. Use them to flavor shakes, smoothies, baked goods, water or even fresh brewed coffee or tea. These flavored drops do not have fats, calories or sweeteners.


Cancer dies when you eat these 5 foods time to start eating them ! 5 Ant...

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Reduce Fat To Stay Fit

"It's not so much about looking good as it is about feeling good, really good; feeling the rush of adrenalin after a kick-boxing class; feeling tired but satisfied after a long, hectic day," says an acclaimed model. She has a whole lot of friends who are as health-conscious, figure-conscious and beauty-conscious as she is. She claims that even if she weren't a model she would still be the way she was because she likes staying slim and fit. So, let's find out if she's in earnest.

Since how long have you been like this? Slim, fit and gorgeous?

Actually, right from my school days. My parents have always been very health-conscious. They always encouraged me to stay slim. In fact I remember my dad used to say - you eat nutritious, you live lore. Mom never stacked the shelves with chips or junk food, or the fridge with soft drinks. It was always fruits, healthy snacks and coconut water.

What is more important to focus on? Food or exercise?

I think it is a balance of both. If you only go on a diet you'll lose weight but you'll fail to firm up your muscles. I do not believe in going on crash diets. They only result in tremendous water loss. On the other hand if you only exercise and not eat properly, you'll lose a lot of weight but you won't look healthy. You'll just end up looking pale and sickly.

What is your regular diet?

I love food. And I like to see a lot of colour on my plate. I begin my day with cereals, soya milk, vitamins, fruits and my glass of milk. By midday, I have another fruit; during lunch, I have a little bit of carbs, oe else I get my rye bread, some protein-chicken, or fish. Sometimes I even have lentils or vegetables; and lots of salad. Evening's it is coconut milk, dry fruits and fruit. I am actually a fruits person. Dinner comprises nice, healthy chicken soup, salads and vegetables.

What do you do when you go out to eat or on holiday?

Oh! I can be very tiresome. When I'm eating out I drive the person who serves me absolutely mad. I'm very careful about how much oil is going inside me. It's normally always steamed or beaked dishes I order for. I ask for a lot of salad dressing on the side and bore him to death with my 'please, less oil please'. I'm not one who would go out in the night to have a burger or a pizza. When I'm on a holiday I allow myself a little liberty and let go.

What does letting go mean?

Oh well! Having ice creams and stuff like that at the weirdest hours possible. Chinese food at four in the morning; it almost sits in my stomach. I have a terrific sweet tooth. I love chocolates. Actually I need to check myself only on that front.

Do you have a tendency to easily put on weight?

Oh yes! I always have to keep a strict watch over my weight. I come to know about those extra pounds when clothes do not fit the way they should. But as soon as that happens, I work my heart out. Thankfully, it's never been very difficult for me to get back in shape.

What kind of an exercise pattern do you follow?

Well, I'm an early-riser. I get up at six in the morning; go for yoga twice a week which lasts one and a half hours. The remaining days of week, I work out at the gym. I also go for dance classes but that is not to lose weight; that's just for recreation. I also go for kick-boxing at least thrice a week. And I carry my own food and water wherever I go.

What would you do if you were a full-time working girl?

Ah! I guess that would be very difficult. I don't know how on earth would I have the time to exercise but I would definitely carry my own food - a chicken or a sandwich out of rye or whole wheat bread.

What do you think is the key to good health?

Actually, the most important thing is to find out what suits your body best. If you cannot take care of yourself, you can never take care of others. You have to chalk out a balanced diet. I have my carbs early in the morning so that I can work it out during the day. I have conditioned myself in a way that I don't crave for anything. One can follow any form of exercise; there are no hard and fast rules about that. The times I do not exercise, I am a complete couch potato. I get lethargic. When I can't exercise, I just run up the flight of stairs to my apartment. I stay on the 7th floor. I think it is also important to read about nutrition. This way you'll know what is good and what isn't. Exercise and diet, together will get your fat percentage down and help you tone up.


11 Amazing Benefits Of Honey Which Will Change Your Life For Good

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Who Should Eat the Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

Did you know that inflammation has been identified as the basis for most chronic disease - diseases like arthritis, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer? That's right. Most chronic diseases are a result of a lifestyle of affluence that affords us the luxury of being able to eat the wrong foods in the wrong amounts at the wrong times. These food choices set in play a host of processes in your body that produce inflammation from a multitude of sources. In addition, many of us are genetically programmed to produce excessive inflammation when exposed to common irritant sources such as smoke, chemicals and poor dietary choices. Some of us produce so much inflammation that we have autoimmune disorders such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and colitis.

How exactly do poor food choices produce inflammation? Packaged and highly processed foods as well as fast foods are some of the worst culprits. They are also some of the food choices most widely available. Designed for convenience, these foods are loaded with trans-fat to extend their shelf life as well as change their taste and texture. A trans-fat is created from a natural, saturated fat - another less than healthy fat. That saturated fat is "transformed" into a trans-fat via a process called trans-hydrogenation. This transformed fat is chemically different enough from a natural fat that, when incorporated into your body tissues, it creates a cascade of chemicals called cytokines. Cytokines are molecules responsible for producing inflammation throughout your body.

Foods that are loaded with refined sugars are also inflammatory. Cakes, cookies and doughnuts are examples of foods that are rapidly digested by your body, releasing large amounts of glucose. This glucose is rapidly absorbed by your body, causing a high blood glucose level. Your body in turn releases a surge of insulin to help normalize your blood glucose levels. This surge of insulin combined with high blood glucose levels causes your body to release cytokines, inflammatory molecules, as well. Each surge of glucose actually signals your body to store fat. Guess what? Fat tissue becomes physiologically active and begins to release these same inflammatory molecules, cytokines, as well.

Refined grains - grains stripped of fiber and vital nutrients- also create inflammation. A whole grain is a molecule composed of large amounts of glucose linked together and encapsulated with a fiber coating. This fiber coating makes the digestion and release of glucose a slow and steady process. When the outer fiber coating is stripped away to create a smooth and creamy texture, glucose molecules are readily available for rapid digestion and absorption into your body. This rapid surge of glucose into your system again is the trigger for the inflammatory cascade.

Certain grains have the ability to produce inflammation in certain individuals. Wheat, oats, barley and rye are all grains that contain significant amounts of a protein substance called gluten. Gluten makes foods, like bread, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Yet this same gluten is very inflammatory in individuals genetically challenged in digesting gluten. Symptoms can be as severe as pain, bloating, diarrhea and malnutrition or as mild as nausea or lack of energy. Eliminating these specific grains from your diet is often the key to controlling this type of inflammation.

What exactly is an anti-inflammatory diet? In general, an anti-inflammatory diet consists of fresh, whole foods which do not contain triggers for inflammation and are loaded with molecules that actually neutralize inflammation in your body.

Phytonutrients are found in most fruits and vegetables, responsible for their colorful appearance. These huge molecules have antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties. This means they neutralize the oxidative stress that your body generates daily, leading to inflammation. Healthy fats found in cold- water, fatty fish, flax seed and nuts can also diminish the amount of inflammation produced by your body as well. Cooking oils such as olive oil and canola oil also help your body fight and neutralize inflammation. Certain vitamins and minerals - vitamin A,D, E and C as well as zinc, selenium and copper - are found in abundance in fresh, whole foods. These antioxidants also neutralize oxidative stress and dampen the formation of inflammation.

Eliminating fast foods as well as packaged foods is the first step of the anti-inflammatory diet. Eliminating foods with refined sugars and processed grains is the second step. Eating generous amounts daily of fresh fruit and vegetables and moderate amounts of whole grains and lean protein as well as healthy fats found in fish, seeds and nuts is the foundation of the anti-inflammatory diet. Then for select individuals, reducing or eliminating grains, especially gluten-containing grains, is the final step.

So just who should eat an anti-inflammatory diet? Obviously, anyone who suffers from an inflammatory condition such as autoimmune disorders (lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis.) or allergic disorders (asthma, eczema) will benefit from the anti-inflammatory diet. Most people with chronic pain (head aches, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, joint pains, nerve pains, muscle pains) have elements of inflammation involved in their pain and will benefit too. Irritable bowel syndrome and common digestive disorders such as acid reflux improve with the anti-inflammatory diet. Yet surprisingly, anyone suffering with chronic degenerative disorders (arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and even cancer) will benefit as well from this diet. Finally, anyone interested in preventing these degenerative diseases and achieving optimal health will benefit. In fact, the science confirms that eating to prevent inflammation not only prevents disease and maintains health but also keeps us looking and feeling younger.

So eat healthy and don't let inflammation get a grip on you. From children to the elderly, everyone can benefit from this powerful approach to eating.


What Happens to Your Body when You Eat Watermelon Everyday – Benefits of...

Monday 21 August 2017

Red Cabbage Is a Healthy and Delicious Addition to the Diet

Red cabbage is a member of the Brassica family of cruciferous vegetables. Other members of the brassica family include green cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower and broccoli, among others. The name cruciferous comes from the thought that the flowers with four petals are in a cross shape.

Though it has the same cancer fighting properties and antioxidants and vitamins, the anthocyanin polyphenols that give red cabbage its color also give additional health benefits. In addition to the whopping extra helping of Vitamin A, higher in any vegetables and fruits in the red and yellow color range, it is also higher in calcium and iron. Vitamin A is beneficial for eyes and skin. The additional iron is great for everyone, though women need more iron than men. Red cabbage also contributes a large portion of the Vitamin C needed daily. There are many more wonderful health benefits in red cabbage, but how do we incorporate it into the diet.

Quick and Simple Uses

Red cabbage has similar taste to green cabbage and can be used similarly. Grate red cabbage and add to green cabbage when making your favorite cole slaw. Slice it finely and mix it with thinly sliced red and yellow bell peppers with an Asian dressing for a great treat. Cabbage of either color can easily be roasted. Cut the heads in half or quarters, depending on their size and roast in the center of the oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until done as desired. Mix together some balsamic or apple cider vinegar and honey and drizzle over the roasted cabbage.

Cooked Red Cabbage Loses its Color

Know that when cooking red cabbage the lovely purple red color goes a dull blue gray. To rectify this, vinegar or lemon juice is often added, reviving the color to a beautiful and more palatable looking magenta. There are many wonderful recipes for cooked red cabbage, but this is my particular favorite. It is an amalgamation of many recipe ideas, made into my own delicious dish. Red Zinfandel wine is the best choice because of its fruitiness, but another red wine will work, also.

Red Cabbage with Bacon and Apple

3 slices bacon, in 1/2 inch cubes

1 large red onion, thinly sliced

1 1/2 pounds red cabbage, thinly sliced

1 teaspoon allspice

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

3/4 teaspoon coarse salt

fresh ground black pepper to taste

1 large apple, peeled, cored and thinly sliced

1 cup red zinfandel wine

1/3 cup red wine vinegar

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

In a large fry pan, deep enough to accommodate the cabbage when raw, fry the bacon. When nearly brown, add onion and fry until onion begins to brown, 15 to 20 minutes.

Add cabbage and saute, tossing with tongs until it has collapsed slightly and is no longer stiff, about 2 to 5 minutes. Raise heat to high and add allspice, nutmeg, salt and pepper and stir to coat with the spices. Add apple slices and wine, cover the pan and reduce heat to medium low and cook till almost tender, about 40 minutes. If the wine has not cooked out, remove cover and boil to reduce to a sheen on bottom of the pan.

Raise heat to medium and add the vinegar, stirring to deglaze the pan, and then add the brown sugar. Stir and cover again, reducing heat to medium low. Continue to cook until liquid is absorbed and cabbage is very tender - about 30 minutes. If cabbage is done, but still has liquid in the pan, raise heat and cook uncovered until liquid has reduced to a glaze.


Consume Celery Before Bedtime and You Will Amaze With The Overall Health...

Sunday 20 August 2017

The Health Benefits of Peas

Peas are not a poor man's meat or a cheap restaurant side-dish that puts 'green' on your plate! Peas not only add flavour to food but are also used in various dishes and salads. Actually these are little powerhouses of nutrition and a boon to your health. It's a starchy vegetable, which is a good source of energy, protein, essential vitamins, fibre, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Including peas as one of your vegetable choices adds a number of benefits. Let's have a look.

Good for your eyes

Lutein and Vitamin A present in peas protect your eyes. Lutein is a natural plant pigment that's concentrated in the eye, and its antioxidant activity protects you from both cataracts and macular degeneration by preventing oxidation. Vitamin A helps to keep the surface of your eyes healthy.

Prevents heart disease

The formation of plaque along your blood vessel walls starts with chronic, excessive oxidative stress and inflammation. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds support healthy blood vessels. The generous amounts of vitamin B1 and folate, B2, B3, and B6 reduce homocysteine levels which are the risk factors for heart disease.

Prevents stomach cancer

Peas contain high amounts of a polyphenol called coumestrol. A study says that consuming 2 milligrams per day of this phytonutrient prevents stomach cancer and a cup of peas has at least 10. So, you see how healthy it is!

Avert constipation and bad cholesterol

The high fibre content in peas improves bowel health and peristalsis. The niacin in peas helps to reduce the production of triglycerides and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein, which results in less bad cholesterol, increased HDL ("good") cholesterol, and lowered triglycerides.

Antioxidants work like magic

As mentioned earlier, peas contain high levels of anti-oxidants. They include flavonoids like catechin and epicatechin, carotenoids like alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, phenolic acids like ferulic and caffeic acid, and polyphenols like coumestrol. These boost your energy level and immunity and also helps to fight ageing signs.

Needed for healthy bones

One cup of peas contains 44% of Vitamin K which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones. Its B vitamins also help to prevent osteoporosis and promote healthy bones.

Benefits of anti-inflammatory elements

Peas have strong anti-inflammatory properties. These properties include anti-inflammatory phytonutrients like Pisumsaponins I and II and pisomosides A and B, Vitamins C and E, zinc and omega-3 fat in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). These prevent wrinkles, arthritis, bronchitis, candida, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's.

Manage your weight

A cup of peas has less than 100 calories but lots of protein, fibre and micronutrients. This keeps you full for a longer time and helps you to manage your weight.

Peas provide you iron

The iron you consume can be found in haemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen throughout your body. Inadequate intakes of iron decrease oxygen delivery, which makes you feel tired, decreases your ability to concentrate and increases your risk of infection. A 1/2-cup serving of peas contains 1.2 milligrams of iron which can solve the problem of iron deficiency.

Regulates blood sugar

All carbohydrates are natural sugars and starches with no white sugars or chemicals to worry about. High fibre and protein slow down the digestion of sugars. The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties prevent or reverse insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes).


This is The Best Medicine Against Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure

Saturday 19 August 2017

Sweet Potatoes Vs. White Potatoes

People tell me that they know that sweet potatoes are healthier than white potatoes as if it's an accepted fact. Whenever I'm not aware of something that's apparently an established fact, I feel the need to either get caught up on this obvious information or else to find out why this commonly held belief is actually not true.

In order to do this, I decided to do some research.

I needed to find out which potato was actually healthier.

It seemed the easiest way to compare the two types of potatoes was to make a chart to compare them side by side; so here's a handy chart I made to compare the two:

Nutrients... White Potatoes... Sweet Potatoes

Calories... 94... 90

Protein... 2.1g... 2.01g

Carbs... 21.08g... 20.71g

Fiber... 2.1g... 3.3g

Iron... 0.64mg... 0.69mg

Potassium... 544mg... 475mg

Vitamin C... 12.6mg... 19.6mg

Vitamin A... 10 IU... 19,218 IU

Oh, by the way, this is comparing a 100 gram serving of white baked potato with its skin on, to a 100 gram serving of baked sweet potato with its skin on. This information is from the USDA website (Basic Report, Potatoes, white), (Basic Report, Sweet).

You have to be really careful if you're trying to compare these two types of potatoes by the size of the actual whole potato because a medium sized sweet potato weighs 114 grams and a medium sized white potato weights 173 grams. Instead of using size to compare, it's better to use weight.

Breaking it down:

Let's start with the two numbers people want to know first: calories and carbs. As you can see, the calories are almost identical. There are about 3500 calories in a pound of stored body fat so a difference of 4 calories isn't going to matter much either way. How about carbs? One gram of carbohydrates equals about 4 calories, so again, either potato will give you about the same amount.

Now here are the two biggest differences. The first is potassium. If you think of potassium, you probably think of bananas. Well, get this: 100 grams of banana has 358 mg of potassium. Sweet potatoes top bananas with 475 mg of potassium and white potatoes go a step higher with 544 mg! However, most people get enough potassium just from eating a variety of healthy foods so you'll probably get enough of this vital mineral without having to rely on eating potatoes all the time.

And now for the biggie! Vitamin A! What an incredible difference between white potato's 10 IU of vitamin A and sweet potato's 19,218 IU of vitamin A! What does vitamin A do, exactly? It supports your growth and development, helps your immune system, and aids your eye health/night vision. You know how you're supposed to eat carrots for night vision? Well, 100 grams of boiled carrots has 17,033 IU of vitamin A, so it actually has less than sweet potatoes. But before you put them on your list of foods to eat every day, here's something you should know. Most people already get enough vitamin A just from eating a variety of healthy foods. So, with both potassium and vitamin A, if you eat healthy foods, you should be getting all the nutrients you need without having to resort to eating huge amounts of either type of potato. (Vitamin A and Bone Health, 2012).

The Bottom Line:

The calorie, carb, and protein amounts are almost the same in both potatoes. While white potatoes have more potassium and sweet potatoes have more vitamin A, you can get sufficient amounts of these nutrients from eating other healthy foods too. So, don't worry about which one to choose. Both of these potatoes are healthy! Enjoy them both.


NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases. (2012, January). Vitamin A and Bone Health. Retrieved from

USDA. Basic Report: 11357, Potatoes, white, flesh and skin, baked. Retrieved from

USDA. Basic Report: 11508, Sweet potato, cooked, baked in skin, without salt. Retrieved from


3 minute Intensive Fat-loss routine 2017

Friday 18 August 2017

An Overview of Some Common Types of Cellulitis

Cellulitis is an infection of the skin that has been caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. The infection may have varying degrees of consequence to the skin and neighbor organs. There are cellulitis symptoms that are common like the swelling, redness, fever, chills and the softness of the skin tissues. Yet when one closely examines each type, varying consequences and treatment for cellulitis can also be considered. Knowing the types of cellulitis will help you and your doctor decide the appropriate treatment for cellulitis. Cellulitis facts will help you understand important terms during a doctor's consultation and will elucidate some important concepts.

Leg Cellulitis
This is widely-known as cellulitis of the extremities. Symptoms of this kind of cellulitis like extreme pain, tenderness of muscles due to enzymes produced by the Staphyloccocus bacteria and swelling can be seen in the person's legs. Symptoms may be distributed to the arms and hands. Among adults, leg cellulitis is caused by S. aureus, found in the person's skin and mouth. Doctors identify certain factors contributing leg cellulitis such as pregnancy among women, radiation therapy and surgery that may produce wounds and trauma. This may also be a side-effect when chemotherapy is done among cancer patients.

Orbital Cellulitis
The same symptoms of cellulitis can be found in the eye sockets of the infected person and is usually associated by Haemophilus influenzae type B bacterium. Usually, children are affected in orbital cellulitis especially when previous infections of the teeth, middle ear or face occurred. Infection of the sinuses is the usual culprit because of its proximity to the eyes. This is a serious infection and may affect visual acuity and eye movement of the individual.

Periorbital Cellulitis
The eyelids and other external eye areas have been attacked by this type of cellulitis infection. This may also be associated with other symptoms like swelling of the eye whites and eyeballs. Again, it is more common among children. Upper respiratory infection, eye wounds or trauma and insect bites have been associated with the development of periorbital cellulitis. Antibiotics that are taken orally and intravenously are the immediate treatment options.

Facial Cellulitis
If your cheeks are swollen, painful, red and tender and itching, then maybe you have facial cellulitis. Fever is also a sign that the ailment has already aggravated. The person's mood is also affected with the presence of this infection. Your doctor may give you antibiotics or let you stay in the hospital for a couple of days depending on the level of progress of the ailment.

Perianal Cellulitis
If cellulitis symptoms are found in the anal orifice, then it is called perianal cellulitis. The same cellulitis symptoms may be associated with itching in the anal area, blood on stool and painful bowel movement. Persons affected with perianal cellulitis may or may not have fever and chills.

Breast Cellulitis
Streptococcus bacteria may affect the breast skin area causing it to be tender and inflamed. Breast cellulitis is associated with breast cancer and surgical breast operations like lumpectomy.

Cellulitis may have varying degrees of consequence to the skin and neighbor organs. There are cellulitis symptoms that are common like the swelling, redness, fever, chills and the softness of the skin tissues. Yet when one closely examines each type, varying consequences and treatment for cellulitis can also be considered.
