Friday 18 August 2017

An Overview of Some Common Types of Cellulitis

Cellulitis is an infection of the skin that has been caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. The infection may have varying degrees of consequence to the skin and neighbor organs. There are cellulitis symptoms that are common like the swelling, redness, fever, chills and the softness of the skin tissues. Yet when one closely examines each type, varying consequences and treatment for cellulitis can also be considered. Knowing the types of cellulitis will help you and your doctor decide the appropriate treatment for cellulitis. Cellulitis facts will help you understand important terms during a doctor's consultation and will elucidate some important concepts.

Leg Cellulitis
This is widely-known as cellulitis of the extremities. Symptoms of this kind of cellulitis like extreme pain, tenderness of muscles due to enzymes produced by the Staphyloccocus bacteria and swelling can be seen in the person's legs. Symptoms may be distributed to the arms and hands. Among adults, leg cellulitis is caused by S. aureus, found in the person's skin and mouth. Doctors identify certain factors contributing leg cellulitis such as pregnancy among women, radiation therapy and surgery that may produce wounds and trauma. This may also be a side-effect when chemotherapy is done among cancer patients.

Orbital Cellulitis
The same symptoms of cellulitis can be found in the eye sockets of the infected person and is usually associated by Haemophilus influenzae type B bacterium. Usually, children are affected in orbital cellulitis especially when previous infections of the teeth, middle ear or face occurred. Infection of the sinuses is the usual culprit because of its proximity to the eyes. This is a serious infection and may affect visual acuity and eye movement of the individual.

Periorbital Cellulitis
The eyelids and other external eye areas have been attacked by this type of cellulitis infection. This may also be associated with other symptoms like swelling of the eye whites and eyeballs. Again, it is more common among children. Upper respiratory infection, eye wounds or trauma and insect bites have been associated with the development of periorbital cellulitis. Antibiotics that are taken orally and intravenously are the immediate treatment options.

Facial Cellulitis
If your cheeks are swollen, painful, red and tender and itching, then maybe you have facial cellulitis. Fever is also a sign that the ailment has already aggravated. The person's mood is also affected with the presence of this infection. Your doctor may give you antibiotics or let you stay in the hospital for a couple of days depending on the level of progress of the ailment.

Perianal Cellulitis
If cellulitis symptoms are found in the anal orifice, then it is called perianal cellulitis. The same cellulitis symptoms may be associated with itching in the anal area, blood on stool and painful bowel movement. Persons affected with perianal cellulitis may or may not have fever and chills.

Breast Cellulitis
Streptococcus bacteria may affect the breast skin area causing it to be tender and inflamed. Breast cellulitis is associated with breast cancer and surgical breast operations like lumpectomy.

Cellulitis may have varying degrees of consequence to the skin and neighbor organs. There are cellulitis symptoms that are common like the swelling, redness, fever, chills and the softness of the skin tissues. Yet when one closely examines each type, varying consequences and treatment for cellulitis can also be considered.


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