Tuesday 28 February 2017

Paleo Lunch Ideas For Adults And Kids! Free E-Book Inside!

There is a feeling among interested Paleo converts, and it is as false as it is common, that the Paleo Diet is not for them as they need to go without a lot of of their favorite foods. This false belief makes them cautious and pessimistic towards Paleo meals.

And yes, there are some truths to that belief. Yes, you do have to abstain from an important number of foods. Processed and junk foods are a definite no no however the Paleo diet eating plan is also quite precise and staples for instance, rice, potatoes, dairy (cheese, milk, butter), pasta, and bread is all off limits. Pretty much if the early caveman or hunter gatherer didn't have it then neither do you.

So taking that into consideration, yes absolutely this diet will take some getting used to and when it comes to Paleo dinners and Paleo lunch ideas, your new nutritional lifestyle will certainly be different. However, as difficult as it may first sound, the Paleo diet offers you a lot of benefits and solutions when it pertains to health and nutritional problems in these times, isn't a little bit of a change and some self denial worth a healthier body and a better quality of life? I'm sure you'll agree it will be!

But it doesn't have to be super difficult and to help you make decisions and choices easier it's helpful for you to keep a list of the foods you are allowed and not allowed to eat. Furthermore, this diet is exploding all over the world and consequently there are countless Paleo cookbooks jam packed of the tastiest Paleo recipe ideas offered that will make meal planning easier for you.

Where new Paleo converts sometimes struggle is Paleo Lunch ideas. Here is five helpful tips and ideas on the best choices and easy ways to pack Paleo lunches for you and also your kids.

Paleo Lunch Ideas Made Simple...

1.) Kids need variety in all areas of their life and lunches, especially Paleo lunches are no exception. So don't just keep putting in the same old roast beef each day. Get them involved and make a list together of the Paleo diet approved foods that they like eating. Lunch boxes with compartments are great as you can really mix it up and add a wide selection for them to nosh on! Here is one of my favorite Paleo lunch ideas and the kids love it too! Simply toss together a salad with plenty of avocado and shrimps. Add some yummy baby carrots and sugar snap peas and some paleo mayo. Complement with some Paleo crackers to round it out - delicious!

2.) Again on the kids and repetition of their Paleo lunches. If you can find at least four different Paleo lunch ideas, your job will be easy. You want them looking forward to lunchtime and a bit of creativity goes a long way. All of us like cheat days and don't be afraid to let them choose their own paleo lunch once a week as long it still is full of Paleo diet approved foods! Savory paleo muffins are great for these sorts of Paleo lunch ideas.

3.) Preparation is key when on the Paleo diet as there are so many mainstream foods you just can't have. Therefore its helpful to have a nice little supply of easy Paleo lunch ideas and foods left at your work for those days you didn't think ahead. Some easy Paleo lunches that last a long time are canned tuna, sardines, salmon, mackerel, dried fruit (watch the calories though!) seeds, nuts and even some beef jerky!

4.) Another great tip for your Paleo lunch ideas is to choose food that is just as good whether it is served hot or cold and are no mess, no fuss. Meat and vegetable kebabs do just perfectly in this area and is especially good if you can't get access to a microwave or oven. Easy to make and so very tasty!

5.) We all love a nice care-free food day and nothing outshines a simple salad for your lunch. Choose either vegetable or fruit and just throw all your favorites in and mix it round for a delicious approved Paleo lunch.

In conclusion, Paleo lunches can sometimes bring down the new Paleo convert but it doesn't need to be that way. The key is to have a good grasp on what you can and can't eat, be creative and above all, be prepared. There are many, many options when it pertains to great Paleo meals however if you need some more help, check out the great paleo cookbooks available at the website below. Its absolutely loaded with over 350 amazing Paleo recipes including heaps of delicious Paleo Lunch Ideas!

When first starting out with the Paleo lifestyle it may seem like your choices for meals are limited. However the closer you look and the deeper you dig, you will quickly see that there are countless options to live Paleo and they are not all bland and boring either!

                    Click on the Picture to get free E-Book                             "Living Life The Paleo Way" 


Detox Smoothie | Release Stubborn Body Fat | Pina Colada Smoothie

Monday 27 February 2017

Tips for Using a Sauna

The First Sauna

If you are about to embark on your first sauna experience you are in for a real treat. There are many things about taking a sauna which can easily be absorbed and understood. It is in no way a mystery. It is a very old thing that has come down through the years. However it is only recently that it has become more popular and used by a lot of people from all sorts of countries and cultures.

So if you are going to take a sauna get ready for a great and rewarding time. A few tips about how you approach it may help you receive maximum benefit.

Sauna With Close Friends Or Family

Until you become a sauna veteran you will find the comfort of being with close friends and/or family will make some adjustments much easier. In the first place you can talk freely and discuss how you feel and what you are thinking about doing next.

If you are with friends you will likely be with someone who is a regular sauna taker. This will furnish you with immediate answers to your questions. Also one of the most important things about taking a sauna is to relax and free yourself of as much stress as possible. Being with friends or family will make this a very fun and easy thing.

What To Wear In The Sauna

Often people are shy about taking a sauna because they feel they will have to disrobe and throw their modesty out the window. This just is not true. There are places where a bathing suit is required. Usually this is at a gym where the sauna is coed or sometimes in a hotel where the sauna is mixed and strangers will possibly arrive.

Personally I don't like wearing a bathing suit because I find that sweating in clothes is uncomfortable. My personal preference is the naturist sauna. However, if I am in a sauna which requires being covered up I always just use a towel. Most saunas accept you wrapped in a towel as sufficient clothing.


The accepted time to say in a sauna is no more than 15 minutes at a time. If the sauna is heated to the right temperature 15 minutes is quite sufficient. If, however, you feel uncomfortable before you reach 15 minutes by all means leave. As you become more accustomed to having a sauna you will find that you can stay longer than in the beginning.

Personally I let my heart tell me what to do. If I feel my heart change tempo then I get out and take my plunge in the cold water, cool down before going back in. Your heart will beat faster as you get hotter, but this is natural and nothing to be concerned about. It is good exercise for your heart because it is a muscle and speeding it up and letting it return to rest is good for it. This is what happens when you work out in the gym and the same thing can happen in a sauna.


There is no right and wrong or hard and fast rule about how often you should take a sauna. Some do it every day and others once a week. You will find what suits you best quite quickly.


Just enjoy your sauna experience and know there is no such thing as right and wrong. Make your trip to the sauna exactly what pleases you, relaxes you and makes you feel clean, happy and ready to take on the world. I look forward to seeing you in the sauna soon.


Long Lean Sexy Legs | Full Workout

Sunday 26 February 2017

Wheatgrass for Weight Loss and Increased Energy

Nutritionists often jokingly refer to the Standard American Diet as the SAD Diet because it's high in red meat, sugar and dairy products with a few vegetables tossed in here and there for good measure. The truth is there's nothing funny about constantly consuming high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar foods on a regular basis the way most Americans do these days. As a result, obesity is a rising problem in the United States and the SAD diet has been linked to multiple health problems-diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol just to name a few.

All too often, people fall for the latest diet scam in hopes of losing weight without doing a bit of research as to what they're doing to their body. Wheatgrass juice, the juice taken from the young grass stage of the wheat plant, is not a diet product but a true green superfood that has helped people lose weight and improve their overall health for decades.

One serving of wheat grass juice has about the same amount of nutrients as one pound of dark green vegetables, which is why wheatgrass juice helps most people feel full for longer periods of time. This helps them resist the urge to overindulge at meals and with snacks. Additionally, the detoxifying properties of wheatgrass juice help promote digestion and regular bowel movements while increasing metabolism-which can all help contribute to weight loss.

In concurrence with a healthy eating plan, physical activity is a great way to start losing weight. Many people claim that they're too tired to exercise, but wheatgrass juice is a natural energy food that has been found to safely boost energy levels. The increased stamina and endurance that people typically experience after adding wheatgrass juice to their diet can provide enough energy and motivation to exercise regularly. Wheatgrass juice even helps the body recover faster after workouts because its highly alkaline properties decrease the lactic acid build up in the muscles.

Wheatgrass juice is a healthy addition to any diet. It is high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes. You will find plenty of people who are skeptical about the effectiveness of wheatgrass, but the problem lies in the processing of the wheat grass, not the wheatgrass itself. It's very easy to damage or even destroy its nutrients found in there so it's vitally important to make sure you find a high quality product. One that is grown outdoors, processed properly and delivered in a container that keeps out light. Low quality products are a waste of time and money. Save yourself some trouble and get a sample of one that is made right to really get an idea of the power of wheatgrass.

Make sure you get the highest quality wheatgrass you can find. It really makes all the difference. Don't waste your resources on poorly made substitutes, you'd be better off eating lawn clippings!


Want To Look Like A Celebrity On The "Red Carpet"

Have you ever looked at someone, perhaps a relative, colleague or even a random woman walking down the street, perhaps in a sexy red dress, and thought to yourself, "They look amazing! They are perfectly put together, from head to toe." Now have you ever saw that person for the second time in a row and thought the same thing, than again, and again. When looking at that person, did you feel a twinge of envy, maybe even a flood of jealousy?

What many people don't realize is that looking like a star while working down the red carpet doesn't just have to do with the clothes. After all, we see the people who although famous, time and time again, are always somehow late to the party when it comes to looking good. You don't have to wear a $10,000 dress, in order to be the best dressed. Whether you're a plus size hourglass figure, an average apple shape, or catwalk thin. There are a minimum of 4 steps you need to take before you buy another piece of clothing. This goes for both men and women.

5. Posture. I don't care who you are, waitress or actress, or what you wear, red cocktail dress or blue jeans, if you sit, stand or walk with a slouch, say goodbye to anyone ever having style envy over you. The only excuse for hunching is a medical condition.

4. Focus. Literally. What are you focused on when you walk down the street? Are you one of those "scanners". The people that look every one up and down, as if they hope they find something wrong? Well contrary to popular belief. This doesn't make you look superior, in fact it gives off an air of insecurity and jealousy. Remember you want THEM to be jealous. This shouldn't show up on your demeanor.

3. Stride. Do you know what made James Bond, James Dean, and James Coburn the epitome of cool in their day? Stride. They walked with a confident cool demeanor, that was so a part of their persona, even if they were running for their lives, both men and women wished they were as cool. Can you picture Halle Berry at an event in a red evening gown, looking anything but stately as she walks. Matt Damon may play some interesting characters, but he still has plenty of swag especially in a tuxedo. Both cool and sexy start from the inside.

2. Eyes. No matter your age or size, they are one of your best physical assets. So make them one of your best features. Play them up. If you have red eyes, use some eye drops, if you have a tendency to frown and squint, practice opening your eyes wider. Wide eyes can be alluring, and while this might not be a natural physical characteristic for everyone, there's still no reason to purposely close them any more than necessary. Look in a mirror. Practice this. For ladies well applied mascara can go a long way, but use eyeliner sparingly.

Let me throw in a fifth step.

1. Smile. No, you don't have to walk around grinning like a Cheshire cat, but a well timed disarming smile can seal the deal. Learn how to smile best for your facial shape and features. Some people are adorable showing all of their pearly whites, others are just downright scary. Let your lips go nude or accentuate them with a sexy red color. Just choose your signature smile and whatever you do...don't smirk.

Red Carpet style isn't just for the red carpet, it's to give yourself and every day boost of confidence. 


7 Minute Workout to lose weight fast, burn fat and tone your body

Saturday 25 February 2017

Does a Gluten Free Diet Work for Weight Loss?

What is gluten?

Gluten is a type of complex protein. Unlike other common proteins, gluten mostly occurs in certain carbohydrates. Wheat, rye etc are rich in gluten. Gluten is an essential component of any bread. It is the reason why bread rises and gains a chewy texture. Gluten makes the bread stretchy.

What foods are rich in gluten?

Though gluten is most commonly found in wheat, there are many other foods which contain significant quantities of gluten. Some examples are as follows:

Since gluten is one of the main ingredients in wheat, all products containing wheat are rich sources of wheat. These include all breads, cakes, pasta, cookies, doughnuts, flour, spaghetti, biscuits, waffles, bagels and many more.

Apart from wheat, few other cereals also contain significant quantities of gluten. These include grains like barley and farina.

In foods which do not naturally contain gluten, it is added for a number of purposes. Gluten is a thickening agent and used widely in sauces, ice creams, puddings and gravy.

Almost all refined and processed foods contain gluten. Examples include pizza, salami, sausages, soups, chips, hamburger etc.

So, you can see that gluten is a very common component in many common foods. If you are thinking of adopting a gluten free diet, then you should know that you may have to do without some of your favorite foods.

What gluten free foods can you include in your diet?

The list of foods containing gluten is a long one. So, if you are considering a diet free of gluten, you need to know what foods you can include in your daily diet.

Though gluten is commonly found in cereals, it is not present in every cereal. Rice, quinoa, amaranth, millets etc are excellent gluten free alternatives.

Yams, potatoes, arrowroot, sorghum etc are good sources of starch free of gluten.

Fresh fruits and vegetables do not contain gluten and so can be easily included in your diet.

Lean animal proteins are also free of gluten. However, they should not be breaded which adds gluten to the preparation.

Nuts and legumes can be eaten in a no gluten diet.

Finally, in recent days, gluten free breads, biscuits, cereals and desserts have been introduced in the market. However, in many cases, though they are labeled free of gluten, they do contain a small quantity of gluten.

How can gluten free diet help in weight loss?

Though people from various walks of life say that gluten free diet is ideal for weight loss, it requires some in depth analysis before you switch to such a diet. Here are some points that you should consider:

According to the American dietetic association, there is no proven gluten free diet for weight loss. Little research has been made in this connection. So, there are no statistical data to prove or disprove no gluten for weight loss.

Some people suffer from gluten intolerance and gluten allergy. They have to eat a gluten free diet in order to stay fit and in good health. An extreme form of gluten related disorder is the celiac disease. This is a form of immune disorder where the intestine cannot absorb the nutrition which is present in the food that you eat. Celiac disease is aggravated by gluten intake.

Apart from the people who are suffering from intolerance and other similar disorders, gluten probably plays an indirect role in weight loss. If you examine the list of gluten rich foods, you will see that they are also high in calories and sugar which lead to weight loss. So, if you avoid gluten rich foods, you are actually avoiding processed foods which add a lot of needless calories to your diet. As a result, you will obviously lose weight.

A few studies have been conducted. They reveal that if you go on a no gluten diet, you are actually opting for healthier food choices. As a result, you may lose an average of 15 to twenty pounds of your body weight at the end of the first month of your gluten free diet.

According to one research, no matter how tall you are, eating gluten rich foods continuously will make you heavier and bulkier.

While scientific evidence of no gluten for weight loss is still being collected, there are a number of conclusive studies which show that overweight people who are suffering from celiac disease enjoy definite benefit from a diet free of gluten. A clear trend of weight loss can be seen in them.

The fact is that gluten itself is not causing any significant increase in your weight. So, eliminating gluten is not likely to have a severe impact on your weight. However, the gluten rich foods also tend to be rich in salt, fats and calories. So, when you avoid them consistently, a noticeable difference is seen in your weight.

You need to be careful about what foods you choose to replace the gluten rich food that you are eliminating from your diet. These free of gluten substitutes actually may contain higher calories. At the same time, replacing wheat cereals with refined cereals may affect your nutrition because these are often not enriched with added nutrition. In these cases, a diet free of gluten will not be helpful for you in losing weight.

In fact, except in celiac, gluten free diet exercises little direct influence on weight. But, it does have a lot of indirect influence. So, if you can stick to gluten free healthy alternatives for long time, you are bound to notice a loss in weight.


This Is 200 Calories

Friday 24 February 2017

Why We Should Eat Carrots

Carrot is a root vegetable that is filled with beta carotene which is good for our eyesight. It is one of the vegetables that
you can cook and eat raw at the same time. 
It is very versatile. In 2005, Great Britain made carrots as their third favorite vegetable. It is commonly orange in color but there are some varieties that are red, purple, white and yellow. The orange color is produced by beta carotene and it is converted by our digestive fluids into Vitamin A which is good for eyesight. The root part or the tap root is the edible part of the carrot plant but the leaves are also edible. 3% of the beta carotene is found in raw carrots. You can pump it up to 39% after cooking, sautéing or stir frying it. You can also boil it; add into soups and stews, baby food, salads, roasted, juices and for cakes and pastries.

The possibilities are endless. In India, they normally use carrots for salads and they add lots of spices. Baby carrots are now found everywhere even in supermarkets and you can eat them as snacks. If your children are picky eaters and they don't like vegetables, you can sneak some carrots in recipes or juices together with apples and they cannot tell the difference.

One of the best recipes to sneak in carrots is carrot cake. Children like sweet pastries and cakes. This cake is very healthy because it is made up of carrots and it is easy to make. It is moist and sweet just like the cakes we love. You can add this recipe in your recipe box. Here is a simple carrot cake recipe.

Moist Carrot Cake

Dry ingredients
2 1/2 cups of regular wheat flour
2 TB of whole wheat pastry flour for kneading
1 1/2 teaspoon of tartar cream
1 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Wet ingredients
1/3 cup of pineapple juice
1 1/2 cups honey
2 egg unbeaten egg whites
2 egg lightly beaten egg whites
2 teaspoon vanilla
2 4 oz. jars carrot puree.
1 1/2 cup of peeled and grated carrots
1 cup of raisins

Preheat the oven to 325F.In a mixing bowl, mix the dry ingredients all together and sift it three times to remove lumps. Set aside.

In another bowl, combine the wet ingredients and add the dry sifted ingredients until it is well blended. Add 1 cup of raisins and fold the lightly beaten egg whites. Pour the mixture into a greased cake pan or small muffin pans.

Bake in 325F for 40-45 minutes until toothpick comes out. Let it cool for 20 minutes. To serve it, you can make a cream cheese frosting by creaming caster sugar and cream cheese in a mixer.

Sneaking in carrots in your daily dishes can make your family meals healthier. Carrots are one of the super vegetables along with broccoli. Teach your children early in eating vegetables, and you will feel the benefits.


How to de-Stress ♥

Thursday 23 February 2017

7 Liver Cleansing Foods - Part of the Detox Diet

Is it possible to eat a diet that consists of liver cleansing food without starving yourself or changing your entire lifestyle? We believe that with the proper detox diet that you can have a proper liver cleanse and have increased stamina, decrease colds and infections by reinforcing your immune system, and get restful sleep and wake up refreshed. These are some of the benefits derived from eating a diet of liver cleansing food.

So what are these foods, and how difficult will it be to incorporate them into your weekly diet? You will find these foods to be rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, and detox diet foods that have a high presence of antioxidants. Plus, they will be no trouble at all fitting them into your weekly diet.

1. Leafy green vegetables. Because of their high quantities of plant chlorophylls, they are able to remove toxins from the bloodstream in vast amounts. As an effective liver cleansing food, they can be eaten raw or cooked. They also have the ability to neutralize chemicals and pesticides, helping the liver in one of its functions as a filter of these toxins.

2. Garlic. It doesn't take much, thankfully, to activate liver enzymes to assist in flushing out body toxins. Additionally, in detox for the liver garlic have two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing, allicin and selenium.

3. Carrots, beets, and red and yellow fruits and vegetables. These are high in beta-carotene, important for its antioxidant qualities, which inhibit the oxidation of other molecules. These antioxidants help to prevent many of the diseases caused by oxidative stress.

4. Whole grains. These liver cleansing foods should be brown rice and whole wheat grain, not the white flour foods. These liver cleansing foods aid in liver function and decongestion, along with improving overall fat metabolization. White bread, because of its processing, offers little in the way of nutritional value as well as adding toxins in processing. If you want to go totally healthy, sprouted grain breads top them all.

5. Olive oil. When used in moderation, their lipid base literally sucks up harmful toxins, relieving the liver of toxic overload.

6. Green tea. Fast becoming known for its overall health benefits, it also helps the liver in its overall functions, as it is heavy in plant antioxidants.

7. Turmeric. Called the liver's favorite spice, it helps in liver detox by helping enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens.

These are a few foods that assist in liver cleansing, and should be part of any detox diet. Obviously, there are a few that should not be included as liver cleansing food, and they would be processed foods, artificial food additives, preservatives and synthetic sweeteners, to name a few. Also, try to steer clear of those foods which are not grown organically and have been treated with pesticides and synthetic chemicals. Finally, of course, the overuse of alcohol can cause havoc with a liver detox program.

These liver cleansing foods should be in our everyday diet. If you imagine the liver as a filter, in time that filter is going to get congested with contaminants. The Master Cleanse diet, as well as other liver detox diets, can periodically give the liver a boost and clean things out. A product found on our website we are sure will provide immense benefits for a total liver cleanse.


Dr. Oz: 5 Ingredients You Should Stop Eating Right Now | The Oprah Winfr...

Wednesday 22 February 2017


Ever imagined of a diet plan that’d let you to eat as much as you like? Well, in case you didn’t, here’s the renegade diet to break all myths. Yes! Unlike the conventional diet plans, this diet comes with some unbelievable changes and unique food plans. All these diet plans are mentioned in the Renegade diet book authored by Jason Ferruggia. In The renegade diet review you’ll get to know whether this book is ‘actually effective’. The Renegade diet review also tells you how this book breaks some common myths that we follow in our regular diet plan. Following is renegade diet review about this book that’ll totally shock you.

Who is Jason Ferruggia?

Jason Ferruggia is a fitness training expert. Throughout his career, he has trained various individuals and written articles on health, muscle fitness and diet programs. The Renegade Diet Book is an amalgamation of his several years of research, experience and experimentation. In our renegade diet review, we have mentioned how this book turns out to be effective by breaking the common diet myths.
In his early days, Jason worked out 5 years during his college, without getting the results he wanted. Jason was a “kid with the worst muscle building genetics in the world”  This pictures speaks better than words. Since then, he devoted himself to learn and understand how to ‘crack’ the secret to muscle building until he finally made it. Jason has helped more than 50,000 trainees achieve the body they always dreamed of.

What’s in the book?

The renegade diet book comes with a series of guidelines that keeps you fit. It also answers your questions about the renegade diet. In the renegade diet review, we have mentioned how the ‘Renegade Diet Book’ breaks the conventional diet myths. Read on, for a better insight on the renegade diet review and the myths that it breaks.

Missing meals won’t shed those extra pounds

This is one of the common myths that most people believe. But according to Jason Ferruggia and the renegade diet review you may not lose the extra pounds if you stop eating. On the contrary, you might lose your muscle strength if you start starving and depriving yourself of some delectable delicacies. There’s no scientific proof suggesting that individuals will lose those extra pounds when they start starving. Thus, according to the renegade diet and the renegade diet review, start having every food you desire. But at the same time, also ensure that the foods are properly cooked and they are not the popular junk stuff.

Never focus on getting ripped

In the renegade diet review we have mentioned Jason Ferruggia tells us that one should never aim at getting ripped and super slim. Instead of getting slim, focus on optimizing your health. Our Renegade diet review suggests that people should concentrate on their digestive health rather than shedding those extra pounds. In fact, the Renegade Diet also suggests that gut and digestive health is the foundation of all other kinds of health. Thus, according to the renegade diet review concentrate on your inherent nutrition instead of getting ripped.

Protein shakes should not be the only option for being slim

The renegade diet book tells us that if you want to be slim, protein shakes should not be your only option. Protein shakes should only be used to back up nutrition. Our Renegade diet review suggests that you should have ample nutrition and back it up with lots of whey protein, greens supplements, fish oils and omega 3 supplements.

Why should you read the book?

Read the Renegade diet book if you really want to enjoy a diet program that’ll keep you fit, healthy and active. Also, according to our renegade diet review, this diet break some common myths about food that you’d be definitely be surprised to discover even furthermore. The diet would also aid in building up a strong digestive and immunity system.
All in all, if you really want to enjoy inherent health benefits, the snippets of renegade diet review mentioned here will surely work wonders. This diet will offer you a fit, healthy and absolutely perfect lifestyle. Check it out.


Healthy Sweet Potato Toast (Vegan Options) - Mind Over Munch

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Tomatoes for Healthy Life

Tomato is a deep red pulpy fruit which comes from the Lycopersicon esculentum plant. According to botanical classification, it belongs to the Solanaceae family. Botanically, tomato is considered to be an edible fruit but when it comes to the cooking practices it is largely considered a vegetable. This fruit originated in South America and has spread all over the world. At present there are at least 7500 different varieties of tomatoes known to us. This fruit is liked because of its tangy taste and is used to prepare a wide range of dishes like jam, sauce, pickles, juice, curries etc.

Nutritional Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes provide a lower amount of calories and fats and at the same time they are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. An intake of this fruit is recommended to people who are obese and those suffering from higher levels of cholesterol.

It is a rich source of phyto-nutrients named lycopene and beta-carotene. The cell walls of tomato contain Lycopene which acts as an antioxidant protecting the cells and its structures from oxygen free radicals. According to the studies performed by Dr. Edward Giovannucci, Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge, Massachusetts, this nutrient lycopene, protects us from many kinds of cancers like the prostate cancer.

Lycopene prevents heart diseases.

Lycopene is associated with the prevention of age-related macular degeneration

Cooking practices like heating or frying it in a little bit oil, does not spoil the nutritional value of tomato. Lycopene is fat soluble hence cooking in a little bit of oil, releases this nutrient from the cell walls of tomatoes to a greater extent.

Intake of tomatoes helps to maintain the Sodium/potassium balance as they provide a lower concentration of sodium and at the same time are richer in potassium. This in turn regulates the blood pressure and allows the cell to function normally.

Tomatoes are richer in two vital vitamins which are Vitamin A and C. Hence they are good for eyes and maintenance of mucus membrane of the skin. They help in developing resistance against infectious agents.

It helps in curing the blisters and ulcers of mouth.

These are some of the innumerable health benefits associated with intake of tomatoes. Many nutritional facts are still being researched. It is good to include this vegetable in our daily diet. As cooking practices do not spoil the nutritional value of this fruit it can be preserved in many ways to get the taste of tomatoes all the year-round. Some preservation methods have been described below.

Preservation of Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be preserved in various ways so that the flavor, taste and nutritional value are retained. The preservation techniques help us to get the tangy taste of tomatoes even when the price of tomatoes reaches the sky. Various home based methods which increase the shelf life of tomatoes have been discussed below.

The techniques discussed below depend on the kind of tomatoes chosen. Red tomatoes which have a very high content of vitamins have to be plucked from the garden during sunrise. During this time the fruits are still cool as the temperatures are low during the past night. Care should be taken to discard those tomatoes which have any kind of black spots. The tomatoes should be properly cleaned with water and should be kept away from prolonged exposure to sunlight before the preparation as this would spoil the tomatoes.

Preparation of Peeled Tomato Preserves

These peeled tomatoes can be used to prepare sauce all the year-round. To prepare this, the tomatoes are gently dipped into hot boiling water for 30 seconds. Soon after this the tomatoes are removed from the cooking pot with the help of a sieve and plunged immediately into cold water for few minutes. This helps to loosen the skin of tomatoes. After this the skin of tomatoes is completely peeled. Clean and dried jars are used to store the peeled tomatoes. Tomatoes are allowed to fit snugly against each other by tapping the bottom of the jar. Lemon juice without the pips is extracted and added to the jars. The amount of lemon juice to be added comes to one coffee-spoonful per half-liter of the jar. The jar is filled up with some amount of hot tomato pulp. The jars are then tightly screwed and allowed for sterilization in hot boiling water for a span of 45 minutes. These jars are allowed to cool and then cleaned and dried. These jars can be stored in a cool dry place and should be consumed within a span of one year.

Preparation of Tomato Pulp

Good tomatoes are chosen and cut into two halves to check for rotten tomatoes. An extractor is used to separate pulp from the seeds and the skin of the tomatoes. As an alternative to an extractor the tomatoes can also be cut into very small pieces and squashed. The seeds and the skin can also be separated with the help of a sieve. These steps can be repeated several times to maximize the yield. The extracted pulp is subjected to pre-heating at low temperature. This pulp is then filled into the jars along with a spoonful of lemon juice. These jars have to be sterilized for a span of 45 minutes.

Preparation of Dried Tomatoes

The tomatoes are cut lengthwise into two halves. The seeds are to be carefully removed using hands or spoons. These pips or seeds can be later sun-dried and used to grow the next crop of tomato plants. After this the tomatoes are further cut into small and uniform sizes measuring approximately one centimeter in thickness. These tomato pieces are sun-dried. This technique preserves the tomatoes for a span of three months.

To preserve the tomatoes for more than three months further processing is involved. Water containing a spoonful of salt and preservatives like citric acid powder is boiled. Addition of salt and preservatives prevents the tomatoes from getting blackened during the drying process.

The small pieces of tomatoes and their slices are subjected to the process of blanching. In order to blanch tomatoes, they are put into a clean cloth or a basket and plunged into the above mentioned boiling water for three minutes. Blanching is a preservation technique wherein vegetables are boiled before drying to kill the enzymes which spoil the food. After blanching tomato pieces are drained and then sun-dried with the help of dryers for at least two and a half days. The dried tomatoes are later gathered and cooled for half an hour in a shady place so that they do not release moisture while packing. These tomatoes are then packed into a polythene bags which are later kept into cardboard boxes containing straw. This protects the tomatoes from dampness and preserves them for one year.

Some other ways by which tomatoes can be preserved are by making puree, sauce, jam or pickle.

This deep red fruit not only activates your taste buds but it also encompasses some very wonderful nutritional and medicinal properties. It is a boon for those who want to reduce weight as it can be taken as salad during any time of the day. This fruit has the power to fight against many diseases and at the same time does not lose its nutritional significance upon cooking. With so many advantages associated with this fruit should we not make this a part of our daily diet?


What If You Only Drank Soda?

Monday 20 February 2017

Zinc Is Essential for Good Health

Most of us are familiar with the use of zinc as an aid to combating common colds and sore throats; however, many of us are unaware of just how vital zinc is in maintaining overall good health. Zinc is an essential trace element found in every cell in our bodies. While studies have indicated that about 12% of Americans are deficient in zinc, our ability to absorb zinc declines with age and it is estimated that this percentage increases to 45% in older Americans

Zinc performs a variety of important functions, including strengthening the immune system, protecting cell membranes against free radicals, preventing cell structural damage and repairing damaged DNA. Zinc also is instrumental in healing wounds, supports the stabilization of blood glucose, supports neurological function, maintains the senses of taste and smell, and stimulates activity in approximately 100 different enzymes.

In addition, Zinc supports normal growth during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence and helps to protect against macular degeneration, a cause of blindness in adults over the age of 60. Zinc can even help boost libido. Zinc may also be effective in treating such conditions as acne, eczema, anorexia nervosa, and those suffering from trauma after surgery.

Zinc deficiency can lead to numerous health conditions, including prostate disorders which may in turn lead to prostate cancer. Because zinc affects the immune system, a deficiency can present itself in frequent colds, flus, and other infections. In children, a zinc deficiency can manifest itself in growth retardation.

In addition to aging and poor dietary habits, digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's Disease can be contributing factors in the depletion of zinc from our bodies. Deficiency in zinc can also be caused by certain medications. Among the offenders are diuretics and medications used in controlling blood pressure. Acid-suppressing medications also play an important role. Alcoholics have a higher risk of being zinc deficient. Others at risk include women taking birth control pills and on hormone replacement therapy.

Zinc deficiency symptoms can present themselves as:

* Rashes
* Chronic diarrhea
* Night blindness
* Depression
* Loss of appetite
* Decline in libido
* Hair loss
* Eye and skin lesions

Foods rich in zinc include:

* Beef
* Crab
* Turkey
* Oysters
* Liver
* Dairy
* Nuts, such as cashews, almonds, peanuts
* Crimini mushrooms
* Spinach
* Pumpkin seeds

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for zinc is 11 mg for men and 8 mg for women. However, those that are zinc deficient, not eating a diet rich in zinc, or have a prostate disorder should take 15 mg of zinc daily. Because of the lower absorption of zinc from plants, vegetarians may need about 50% more zinc. Since zinc can interfere with copper absorption, any zinc supplement should contain 1 to 2 mg of copper.


Gym Workout | Training Back | Staying Motivated

Sunday 19 February 2017

Celery Juice - Nutritious and Versatile

Among the many vegetable juices from which you can choose, one of the best is celery juice. Not only is it a good choice to mix with other juices, but it is a highly nutritious drink in its own right. Celery juice contains vitamins B and C, and a number of minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, sodium, sulphur, iron and calcium.

Celery juice has a calming effect, and this is thought to be due to the action of the essential oils which have a regulatory effect upon the nervous system. It is used for those suffering from insomnia. If the seeds of the plant are available, they could be added to the juice, for the essential oils which are so beneficial are also present in the seeds. The root, stem and leaves of the celery plant all contain the active ingredients of the plant, and are rich in nutrients.

Celery juice is a natural diuretic, and is an effective treatment for arthritis, gout and rheumatism. Large quantities of the juice can be consumed by patients with these conditions. It is also considered to be useful in cases of kidney stones and gallstones, and is a good treatment for those with bladder problems or those with constipation. It is also considered to be helpful for those who need to lose weight, inasmuch as it is said to reduce the craving for sweet foods, and when mixed with honey and consumed before a meal it is said to reduce the appetite.

Celery juice is used to balance the PH levels in the blood, and is extremely effective in the treatment of stomach acidity and reflux. High acidity in the body can result in degeneration of bones and joints which may be caused by consuming too much meat, too many grains or too many refined starches and sugars. Celery juice will aid in the elimination of calcium deposits before they can cause damage.

Celery juice can be used in hot climates for its cooling qualities and is an excellent drink to take if you need to replace minerals and fluid due to excessive perspiration. Celery juice is a good mixer, and is delicious when mixed with carrot juice or apple juice, and the injection of the combination of nutrients is so beneficial not just because of its inherent nutritional value, but also because of the fact that those nutrients are so readily assimilated when consumed in the form of juice. Celery juice is said to be good for the brain, and is also said to be useful in the treatment of hangovers.

The juice from the celery plant is useful as part of any detoxification programme, and is used also for the regulation of blood pressure. In ancient Greece, the juice from celery was consumed as a treatment for headaches. Don't forget to juice the leaves as well as the stems and roots, and when choosing your celery for juicing, try to choose a plant which has a nice green colour.


Weight loss juice recipe - Celery & Cucumber

Saturday 18 February 2017

Top 5 Benefits of Chewing Gum

History tells us that chewing gum has been a favorite pastime of people for thousands of years. In fact, the Greeks used to chew masticha, their version of the gum, made out of the resin from the mastic tree. The Mayans also made use of the sap of the sapodilla tree and made their own gum. But it was only in 1871 that a man named Thomas Adams patented a machine that produces the chewing gum we know today.
So why exactly do we chew gum, apart from the fact that it gives us something to do when we are bored? What benefits do we derive from chewing on gum? Here are 5 ways chewing gum can help you:
1. Chewing gum helps you manage your weight
A standard gum contains about 5 to 10 calories per serving. This is really low compared to other popular snack choices. Popping a piece of gum keeps you occupied and will thus stop you from eating food with higher calorie content. It suppresses your appetite, so that by the time you finish chewing, you will not be as hungry as you were before you opened a pack of gum.
2. It is a great stress reliever
Have you ever been stuck in heavy traffic? Have you ever experienced being in a ridiculously long line in a grocery store? Sometimes, in these situations, people get stressed simply because they are not doing anything except to wait for their turn. They begin to worry about the time they are wasting; they become very edgy and unable to keep still.
When you find yourself in a similar situation, chew a piece of gum and you will realize that you are chewing your worries away. This is because chewing is a physical activity where you are able to channel your frustrations.
3. It encourages you to focus
Often, athletes and soldiers are given gum to help improve their concentration and stay in the game. Also, various studies point out that gum improves memory. Those who continuously chewed gum throughout a battery of memory tests scored better than the non-gum eaters. This is why students are encouraged to chew gum whenever they are studying or taking their exams.
4. It is a great travel aid
Those who are not habitual plane travelers can find relief from ear irritation in the form of chewing gum. This is because the effects of changing air pressure are dampened by chewing gum. Also, a number of people say that chewing game reduces episodes of motion sickness.
5. It can be customized to suit various needs
Because chewing gum is a versatile product, it can made in such a way that it caters to the different needs of consumers. For instance, there are chewing gums with caffeine, so as to prevent drowsiness and give a jolt of energy to those who need it. There are also chewing gum substitutes for smoking, flavored with nicotine to help wean smokers from their nasty and self-destructive habit. Sugarless gum is also widely available, helping those with diabetes get their daily sweet fix without the guilt.


How the food you eat affects your brain - Mia Nacamulli

Friday 17 February 2017

7 Essential Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a term that you are probably familiar with by now, especially with the many varieties of aromatherapy massage now popularly sold at leading salons and spas all over the world. However, what you may not have realized is that aromatherapy is an age-old practice that can be used at home to treat a number of common and even serious ailments.
Aromatherapy is a healing therapy that uses the essential oils of plants to soothe and treat countless illnesses. The first recorded use of essential oils was more than 6000 years ago as a staple of the Egyptian culture and healing system. Today, aromatherapy is becoming popular for providing the same benefits in our culture, with one of the most common uses being for relaxation and stress relief.
To get you started on your home aromatherapy treatment, here are the top seven benefits that you can expect from using aromatherapy:
1. Improved mood. Rosemary is an essential oil that has been proven to boost the mood and offer feelings of contentment. Even better, this essential oil provides a positive benefit in overall mood and performance by reducing the stress hormone cortisol in the body. At the very least, rosemary in aromatherapy can be used on a regular basis to relieve stress, induce relaxation, and prevent anxiety.
2. Get a better night's sleep! If you find yourself tossing and turning every night and even sleeping pills won't help you to relax, aromatherapy may be the answer that you have been looking for. Aromatherapy is quite helpful for treating sleep disorders, and it is one of the fastest growing alternative therapies in the Western world. The topical use of essential oils will stimulate the limbic system in the brain that controls emotion and mood, meaning that aromatherapy can effectively induce calm, relaxation, and a deep sleep so that you can wake up feeling refreshed.
3. Improve your complexion. Many aestheticians would agree that aromatherapy is a powerful tool to alleviate a number of skin conditions, especially dry and flaky skin. If dry and flaky skin is left untreated, it can cause premature wrinkling and signs of age. For this reason, aromatherapy is helpful to keep the skin youthful, moist, and balanced, and it will also improve even more serious conditions of the skin, like eczema and psoriasis. Many essential oils provide anti-inflammatory benefits to reduce dryness and irritation and calm red and rough skin.
4. Relieve chronic asthma. If you are having difficulty with constant wheezing and coughing caused by asthma, when used wisely and under professional care, aromatherapy can often free asthmatic lungs of irritation. Wheezing is caused by pushing air through swollen bronchial passages, which frequently results in an asthma attack. Professional aromatherapy treatment can provide asthma relief in between these attacks by rubbing anti-histamine and decongestant essential oils, like ginger and peppermint, directly on the chest.
5. Treat nausea and stomach problems. If you suffer with constant digestive issues, like stomach pain, intestinal gas, belching, and nausea, all of the above can be quickly relieved with aromatherapy. In fact, using essential oils for stomach issues in children is a helpful home remedy for any young kids who have difficulty swallowing medicine. Aromatherapy targets the first stage of digestion by signaling the brain that food is on the way to create the immediate response of flowing digestive juices to alleviate a number of stomach issues. Aromatherapy also provides the added benefit of relieving stress and anxiety overall, which is often the cause of nausea and a queasy stomach.
6. Reduce the symptoms of PMS. PMS is something that many women struggle with on a monthly basis, and it can often cause a series of emotional and physical problems. PMS symptoms vary individually from woman to woman, and if you have very severe symptoms around the time of your period, aromatherapy may be the perfect answer. It is helpful to take an aromatic bath or get a massage with essential oils to reduce symptoms like depression, mood swings, irritability, and even bloating and tenderness.
7. Get rid of a bladder infection. Bladder infections are more common than you may realize, especially in women. Fortunately, aromatherapy provides several essential oils to take care of this issue, such as sandalwood, chamomile, tea tree, and juniper berry. However, it is important to use trained aromatherapy techniques for this treatment because treating with too much juniper berry could cause irritation to the kidneys if administered incorrectly. A bladder infection can be quickly treated using aromatherapy by applying the essential oils in a compress over the bladder or taking an aromatherapy bath scented with essential oils.
As you can see, aromatherapy is a legitimate and effective alternative healing therapy. If you are struggling with any of the above issues and are sick of taking medications or using other forms of treatment, aromatherapy offers a gentle substitute that will alleviate numerous illnesses and concerns. Even more importantly, all of the benefits of using aromatherapy listed above are just the beginning since aromatherapy has been proven to treat countless physical and emotional issues!
It is highly important to have legitimate training for the use of aromatherapy since using some essential oils improperly could cause sickness or irritation. Perhaps the simplest way to benefit from aromatherapy is in the form of a massage or bath, which will also provide you with a multitude of relaxation benefits. If you are new to aromatherapy, you can first try out aromatherapy massage from a massage therapist, which will integrate specific essential oils to target any physical or emotional problems you may be struggling with. On top of that, you will receive the anti-stress benefits of massage to relax your muscles, improve circulation, and flush dangerous toxins from your body.
Aromatherapy is a versatile and user-friendly form of healing that offers a long list of home remedies to maintain your health without paying for expensive medications or doctor's visits! Additionally, aromatherapy will also give you the much needed stress relief that you have been looking for to relax and improve your health from the inside out.


Mastering the Art of Beauty Oils

Thursday 16 February 2017

Maca Root: The Superfood of the Andes

Maca root is known as the 'superfood of the Andes'. Ancient Peruvians used it as an aphrodisiac, and for energy and endurance. Today, western society uses it for it's many health benefits and the incredible nutritional value is contains.

So, what exactly is in the maca root?

Maca root is a power house of nutrition and here are just some of the things contained inside it:

Vitamin B1 which helps to convert carbohydrates to energy.

Vitamin B2 which is good for red cell production.

Vitamin C which is an oxidation reduction agent.

There are over 20 fatty acids in maca root.

A broad spectrum of macronutrients that are esesntail vitamins and minerals for overall health.

A broad spectrum of micronutrients that help to remineralize the body such as calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Maca root is a high source of fibre which helps to eliminate toxins and waste.

It is rich in proteins that are bio-available for absorbability, at about 11% per gram.

What do doctors say about Maca Root?

Doctors and scientists are now finding that maca is one of the best natural ways to support endoctrine health. This regulates metabolism, sexual development, levels of energy and a sense of overall wellbeing.

Recent studies also show that maca effects the body and mind in others ways.

It nourishes and calms the nerves, aids in digestion, supports the adrenal glands, helps build muscle mass, and regulates hormonal imbalances naturally. It has also been found to speed healing and reduce anemia. And best of all, even though you may think it would be... it's not addictive!

Where do you get it and how do you take it?

Maca root powder is sold in most health food stores as well as online. You can also get in the form of a liquid extract.

Maca has a pungent taste and some people have called it nutty tasting. It has a pretty unique flavour and is a bit of an acquired taste. Maca is most easily taken if you add it into a smoothie or shake.

I used to buy it as a powder and add a scoop to my morning smoothie, but I found my kids did not like it. Now I use a meal replacement shake that contains maca as one ingredient, along with many other superfoods. As a busy mom, it just makes life easier and costs less money to do it that way.


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