Sunday 26 February 2017

Wheatgrass for Weight Loss and Increased Energy

Nutritionists often jokingly refer to the Standard American Diet as the SAD Diet because it's high in red meat, sugar and dairy products with a few vegetables tossed in here and there for good measure. The truth is there's nothing funny about constantly consuming high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar foods on a regular basis the way most Americans do these days. As a result, obesity is a rising problem in the United States and the SAD diet has been linked to multiple health problems-diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol just to name a few.

All too often, people fall for the latest diet scam in hopes of losing weight without doing a bit of research as to what they're doing to their body. Wheatgrass juice, the juice taken from the young grass stage of the wheat plant, is not a diet product but a true green superfood that has helped people lose weight and improve their overall health for decades.

One serving of wheat grass juice has about the same amount of nutrients as one pound of dark green vegetables, which is why wheatgrass juice helps most people feel full for longer periods of time. This helps them resist the urge to overindulge at meals and with snacks. Additionally, the detoxifying properties of wheatgrass juice help promote digestion and regular bowel movements while increasing metabolism-which can all help contribute to weight loss.

In concurrence with a healthy eating plan, physical activity is a great way to start losing weight. Many people claim that they're too tired to exercise, but wheatgrass juice is a natural energy food that has been found to safely boost energy levels. The increased stamina and endurance that people typically experience after adding wheatgrass juice to their diet can provide enough energy and motivation to exercise regularly. Wheatgrass juice even helps the body recover faster after workouts because its highly alkaline properties decrease the lactic acid build up in the muscles.

Wheatgrass juice is a healthy addition to any diet. It is high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes. You will find plenty of people who are skeptical about the effectiveness of wheatgrass, but the problem lies in the processing of the wheat grass, not the wheatgrass itself. It's very easy to damage or even destroy its nutrients found in there so it's vitally important to make sure you find a high quality product. One that is grown outdoors, processed properly and delivered in a container that keeps out light. Low quality products are a waste of time and money. Save yourself some trouble and get a sample of one that is made right to really get an idea of the power of wheatgrass.

Make sure you get the highest quality wheatgrass you can find. It really makes all the difference. Don't waste your resources on poorly made substitutes, you'd be better off eating lawn clippings!


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