Sunday 26 February 2017

Want To Look Like A Celebrity On The "Red Carpet"

Have you ever looked at someone, perhaps a relative, colleague or even a random woman walking down the street, perhaps in a sexy red dress, and thought to yourself, "They look amazing! They are perfectly put together, from head to toe." Now have you ever saw that person for the second time in a row and thought the same thing, than again, and again. When looking at that person, did you feel a twinge of envy, maybe even a flood of jealousy?

What many people don't realize is that looking like a star while working down the red carpet doesn't just have to do with the clothes. After all, we see the people who although famous, time and time again, are always somehow late to the party when it comes to looking good. You don't have to wear a $10,000 dress, in order to be the best dressed. Whether you're a plus size hourglass figure, an average apple shape, or catwalk thin. There are a minimum of 4 steps you need to take before you buy another piece of clothing. This goes for both men and women.

5. Posture. I don't care who you are, waitress or actress, or what you wear, red cocktail dress or blue jeans, if you sit, stand or walk with a slouch, say goodbye to anyone ever having style envy over you. The only excuse for hunching is a medical condition.

4. Focus. Literally. What are you focused on when you walk down the street? Are you one of those "scanners". The people that look every one up and down, as if they hope they find something wrong? Well contrary to popular belief. This doesn't make you look superior, in fact it gives off an air of insecurity and jealousy. Remember you want THEM to be jealous. This shouldn't show up on your demeanor.

3. Stride. Do you know what made James Bond, James Dean, and James Coburn the epitome of cool in their day? Stride. They walked with a confident cool demeanor, that was so a part of their persona, even if they were running for their lives, both men and women wished they were as cool. Can you picture Halle Berry at an event in a red evening gown, looking anything but stately as she walks. Matt Damon may play some interesting characters, but he still has plenty of swag especially in a tuxedo. Both cool and sexy start from the inside.

2. Eyes. No matter your age or size, they are one of your best physical assets. So make them one of your best features. Play them up. If you have red eyes, use some eye drops, if you have a tendency to frown and squint, practice opening your eyes wider. Wide eyes can be alluring, and while this might not be a natural physical characteristic for everyone, there's still no reason to purposely close them any more than necessary. Look in a mirror. Practice this. For ladies well applied mascara can go a long way, but use eyeliner sparingly.

Let me throw in a fifth step.

1. Smile. No, you don't have to walk around grinning like a Cheshire cat, but a well timed disarming smile can seal the deal. Learn how to smile best for your facial shape and features. Some people are adorable showing all of their pearly whites, others are just downright scary. Let your lips go nude or accentuate them with a sexy red color. Just choose your signature smile and whatever you do...don't smirk.

Red Carpet style isn't just for the red carpet, it's to give yourself and every day boost of confidence. 


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