Sunday 31 December 2017

The Truth About Red Wine and Its Health Benefits

Every year there are numerous headlines about the health benefits of red wine. But can drinking it really make a difference? The good news is yes. Recent studies that there are many health benefits associated with moderate red wine consumption. Not only can consuming one to two glasses a day help protect us from heart disease, it also safeguards against many other ailments.
For many centuries, several cultures have found that wine is an important role in happiness and a healthy lifestyle. In the modern world, wine is accepted as a healthful drink, and in the United States are we are rediscovering its medicinal value and benefits.
The French Paradox
The French paradox was a term coined by Dr. Serge Renaud to describe the apparent unusual relationship where the French, especially those in the South of France, eat incredible amounts of artery clogging and heart-stopping saturated fats, smoke heavily, and exercise very little, yet their incidences of coronary heart disease are very low. Their daily and moderate consumption of red wine was given as the most likely factor for this phenomenon. His investigation into this paradox led to the conclusion that it was the French people's consumption of red wine protecting their hearts from the saturated fats they consume. Renaud appeared on 60 Minutes in 1991 to outline the details of his French paradox theory and within weeks of this program airing, sales of red wine in the United States increased by 40 percent (about 2.5 million bottles).

The Healing Properties of Red Wine
Red wine is made from a fruit which is high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which help to protect our bodies from free radicals. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. Today, many studies have shown that red wine derives its health benefits from high levels of an antioxidant called "resveratrol" present in the seeds, skins and fermented grapes. Because of the long process and extensive fermentation of grapes in red wine production, high levels of resveratrol are found in bottled red wine. As defined, resveratrol is a type of polyphenol known as "phytoalexin" that is a group a compounds that plants use to defend themselves attacks such as undue stress, possible injuries, or UV radiation, and certain diseases such a fungus and infection.
The Health Benefits of Consuming Red Wine
  • It is good for the heart - There are specific substances in wines like tannins and flavonoids which can increase the levels of good cholesterol or high density lipoproteins (HDL) in an individual's blood. Wine's antioxidants also lower the bad cholesterol or low density lipoproteins (LDL) therefore preventing an individual from developing various cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, and strokes. It also contains resveratrol which has an anti-clotting effect, lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • It may help prevent menopause, breast cancer - and estrogen related conditions in the body because resveratrol is also a phytoestrogen, which mimics the estrogen in the body
  • Helps prevent the development of certain neuro-degenerative diseases - Studies have shown that that the resveratrol present in wine can help prevent aging individuals from developing diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, that affect people as they age.
  • It can help prevent food poisoning - Certain compounds in the wine help cleanse toxins from the body. It can also help an individual to avoid dysentery and diarrhea.
  • Red wine can prevent and cure various gum diseases - Gum disease which is caused by inflamed tissue in the gums is a common affliction, especially among smokers. Individuals with gum disease are often advised to drink red wine because the polyphenols in it can lower the levels of free-radicals that cause infection and bacterial growth in the mouth.
  • Consumption can help prevent certain cancers - Due to the antioxidant effect of resveratrol, experts believe that moderate and regular consumption may help possible cancer cells from multiplying
  • It can prevent the development and progression of dementia - especially in older individuals.
While many Europeans would argue that many glasses or even of bottles of wine each day with dinner is moderate and healthy, many experts define moderate consumption as two glasses a day for men and one glass a day for women (due to differences in metabolism and weight). Over four glasses a day, Renaud warns wine has an adverse effect on death rates. Although it still protects the heart, excessive drinking increases the risk of cancer and liver and kidney disease. In moderate amounts, detoxifying small amount of alcohol is not a strain on these organs. However, once you exceed four glasses a day the liver and kidneys become overworked cleaning out your system.

So where does all this leave us? Is red wine beneficial to our health?
The answer is certainly yes, but you must temper your enthusiasm for wine with responsibility. If you can drink moderately then you will benefit, if you cannot you may suffer the harmful effects of alcohol. In addition, wine is not a cure-all. Simply drinking wine is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious diet, regular exercise and not smoking. So drink to your health! But do so responsibly and moderately so that you may continue to enjoy great wine for many years to come!


Tips to Achieve your Weight Loss New Years Resolution Goal

Saturday 30 December 2017

Hangover Recovery

During the course of the year we find ourselves going to all kinds of events such as birthdays, office luncheons, annual holidays, parties, and special occasions where alcohol is being served. Oftentimes along with feasting we also consume too much alcohol. As a result, we wake up the next morning with a hangover, which we then nurse for the next day or two. So as we approach the end of 2012 and the next New Year's Eve party, I wanted to offer this short article for dealing with a hangover.
This is a quick guide to alleviating or completely avoiding hangover symptoms through an understanding of alcohol itself, physiological changes related to alcohol consumption, and a variety of suggested remedies for specific hangover symptoms.
[Warning: First and foremost let me at least mention that you should always try to drink responsibly and arrange having a designated driver if you will be using your personal vehicle for transportation.]
Classes of Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers, wines, and spirits. Beer and wine are produced by fermentation of sugar- or starch-containing plant material. Beverages produced by fermentation followed by distillation have higher alcohol content and are known as liquor or spirits. The alcoholic strength of beer is usually 4% to 6% alcohol by volume (ABV), but it may be less than 2% or greater than 25%. Beers having an ABV of 60% (120 proof) have been produced by freezing brewed beer and removing water in the form of ice, a process referred to as "ice distilling". Beer is part of the drinking culture of various nations and has acquired social traditions such as beer festivals, pub games, and pub crawling (sometimes known as bar hopping).
Wine is produced from grapes, and from fruits such as plums, cherries, or apples. Wine involves a longer fermentation process than beer and also a long aging process (months or years), resulting in an alcohol content of 9%-16% ABV. Sparkling wine can be made by means of a secondary fermentation. Fortified wine is wine (such as port or sherry), to which a distilled beverage (usually brandy) has been added.
Unsweetened, distilled, alcoholic beverages that have an alcohol content of at least 20% ABV are called spirits. Spirits are produced by the distillation of a fermented base product. Distilling concentrates the alcohol. For the most common distilled beverages, such as whiskey and vodka, the alcohol content is around 40%. Spirits can be added to wines to create fortified wines, such as port and sherry.
A 2009 study provided evidence that darker-colored liquors, such as bourbon, cause worse hangovers than lighter-colored liquors, such as vodka. The higher amount of "congeners" found in darker liquors compared to lighter ones was indicated as the cause. Studies that attempt to compare hangover producing potential and hangover severity of different alcoholic drinks suggest the following ordering (starting with the least hangover-inducing):
Distilled ethanol diluted in fruit juice, beer, vodka, gin, white wine, whisky, rum, red wine, and brandy.
Alcohol and its Effects, the Basics

Now let's cover some basics about alcohol. What is alcohol? Alcohol is a distilled or fermented beverage that transforms a grain, fruit, vegetable, or wood into ethanol. Ethanol, glucose, and sucrose are all in the same group of alcohols. Ethanol is the most common form of alcohol one finds in alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect. Alcohol also stimulates insulin production, which speeds up glucose metabolism and can result in low blood sugar, causing irritability and (for diabetics) possible death. Alcohol intoxication affects the brain and causing symptoms such as slurred speech, delayed reflexes, vomiting or unconsciousness. Alcohol also limits the production of vasopressin (ADH) from the hypothalamus and the secretion of this hormone from the posterior pituitary gland. This is what causes the intense thirst that goes along with a hangover.
Now when alcohol builds up in the bloodstream faster than it can be metabolized by the liver, we enter a physiological state known as drunkenness or inebriation. Alcohol is metabolized by a normal liver at the rate of about one ounce (one two-ounce shot of spirits, a normal beer, a regular sized glass of wine) every 90 minutes. An "abnormal" liver with conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, gall bladder disease, and cancer will have a slower rate of metabolism.

Ethanol's acute effects are largely due to its nature as a central nervous system depressant, and are dependent on blood alcohol concentrations. Here's a breakdown of what effects one can expect to experience from alcohol consumption according to the quantity you consume:
20-99 mg/dL - Impaired coordination and euphoria
100-199 mg/dL - Ataxia, poor judgment, labile mood
200-299 mg/dL - Marked ataxia, slurred speech, poor judgment, labile mood, nausea and vomiting
300-399 mg/dL - Stage 1 anesthesia, memory lapse, labile mood
400+ mg/dL - Respiratory failure, coma
In addition to respiratory failure and accidents caused by effects on the central nervous system, alcohol causes significant metabolic derangements. Hypoglycemia occurs due to ethanol's inhibition of gluconeogenesis, especially in children, and may cause lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis and acute renal failure.
Some effects of alcohol intoxication are central to alcohol's desirability as a beverage. For example, some desirable effects from small quantities of alcohol consumption are euphoria and lowered social inhibitions. Other symptoms include slurred speech, impaired balance, loss of muscle coordination (ataxia), flushed face, dehydration, vomiting, reddened eyes, and erratic behavior. Other effects are unpleasant or dangerous because alcohol affects many different areas of the body at once.
This last point, the fact that alcohol affects many different areas of the body at once, is crucial to understanding the nature of a hangover. Why? Because everyone experiences different symptoms from their hangover, each hangover has to be dealt with individually. Here are 2 reasons underlying hangovers with completely different characteristics.
Many people from East Asian descent have a mutation in their genes that causes them to suffer from alcohol flush reaction, in which acetaldehyde accumulates after drinking, leading to immediate and severe hangover symptoms. Because for them a little alcohol goes a long way, they are also less likely to become alcoholics.
Older people report that their hangovers grow worse as they age. This is caused by declining supplies of alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme involved in metabolizing alcohol.
So what we've come to is the fact that there is currently no empirical proof for hangover prevention except reducing the amount of ethanol consumed or waiting for the body to metabolize the alcohol ingested. This only happens when the liver oxidizes the alcohol. So what this means is that the most effective way to avoid any of the symptoms of alcohol-induced hangover is to control or avoid drinking.
Thus, no two hangovers are the same.
The Physiology of a Hangover
Excessive consumption of alcohol causes a delayed effect called a hangover. The hangover starts after the euphoric effects of ethanol have subsided. Hypoglycemia, dehydration, acetaldehyde intoxication, and glutamine rebound are all theorized causes of hangover symptoms. Hangover symptoms may persist for several days after alcohol was last consumed. Some aspects of a hangover are even viewed as symptoms of acute ethanol withdrawal, similar to the longer-duration effects of withdrawal from alcoholism.
Because alcohol impairs the ability of the liver to compensate for a drop in blood glucose levels, especially for the brain, it can result in the depletion of the liver's supply of glutathione, a detoxification agent, reducing its ability to effectively remove alcohol and its byproducts from the bloodstream. Since glucose is the primary energy source of the brain, this lack of glucose (hypoglycemia) contributes to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, mood disturbances, and decreased attention and concentration related to a hangover.
The human body is a system of systems so physiological changes in one system changes others. That's why the best approach is to try to handle several symptoms by resolving alcohol-related issues in multiple body systems simultaneously. For example, when you ingest alcohol, the salivary glands secrete enzymes to combine with the alcoholic beverage to make it more suitable for processing in the stomach and intestines. As the alcohol circulates throughout the digestive system and blood stream it moves from one system to another. Just one drink affects the central nervous system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the muscular system, the immune system, and the respiratory system, so with each additional drink the effects compound and the potential dangers increase. Because the alcohol moves around in the body rather than remaining in an organ, region, or system, its produces a wide range of negative physiological effects.
The most commonly reported characteristics of a hangover include headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, dehydration, fatigue, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, weakness, elevated body temperature and heart rate, hypersalivation, difficulty concentrating, sweating, anxiety, irritability, erratic motor functions (including tremor), trouble sleeping, severe hunger, halitosis, and lack of depth perception. Many people will also be repulsed by the thought, taste or smell of alcohol during a hangover. The symptoms vary significantly from person to person, and it is not clear whether hangovers directly affect cognitive abilities. The effects of a hangover subside over time.
Just as with lesser cases of low alcohol consumption, cases where excessive amounts of alcohol have been consumed such as with alcohol poisoning treatment strives to stabilize the patient and maintain a clear airway and respiration, while waiting for the alcohol to metabolize. In general, health care professionals will provide treatment for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) with 50ml of 50% dextrose solution and saline flush, administer the vitamin thiamine to prevent seizure, check electrolytes to guide fluid replacement, apply hemodialysis (blood transfusion)if the blood concentration is dangerously high, or provide oxygen therapy.
Ineffective or unproven remedies
Recommendations for foods, drinks and activities to relieve hangover symptoms abound, here are some that have been found to be ineffective or unproven.
The "Prairie Oyster" restorative, introduced at the 1878 Paris World Exposition, calls for raw egg yolk mixed with Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper.
And in 1938, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel provided a hangover remedy in the form of a mixture of cola and milk. By some accounts, cola beverages are believed to have been invented as a hangover remedy.
Alcoholic writer Ernest Hemingway relied on tomato juice and beer.
The "Black Velvet" consists of equal parts champagne and flat Guinness Stout.
A 1957 survey by a Wayne State University folklorist found widespread belief in the efficacy of heavy fried foods, tomato juice and sexual activity.
Activities said to be restorative include a shower-alternating very hot and very cold water, exercise, and steam bath or sauna (although medical opinion holds this to be very dangerous, as the combination of alcohol and hyperthermia increases the likelihood of dangerous cardiac arrhythmias).
A 1976 research came to the conclusion that "The results indicate that both fructose and glucose effectively inhibit the metabolic disturbances induced by ethanol but they do not affect the symptoms or signs of alcohol intoxication and hangover." Nevertheless, consumption of honey (a significant fructose and glucose source) is often suggested as a way to reduce some of the effects of hangover.

Food and Alcohol Metabolism
Studies have found that when food is eaten before drinking alcohol, alcohol absorption is reduced and the rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the blood is increased. The mechanism for the faster alcohol elimination appears to be unrelated to the type of food. The likely mechanism is food-induced increases in alcohol-metabolizing enzymes and liver blood flow. While this may not decrease your chances for getting a hangover, it's a good idea to eat before you drink, but know that doing so will eliminate the alcohol from your system faster than normal.
Scientifically Based Remedies
Earlier I said that because alcohol affects many different areas of the body at once, each hangover has to be dealt with individually. Why? Because everyone experiences different symptoms from their hangover, different from everyone else, and even from one state of drunkenness compared to another time of drunkenness. So the conclusion here is that there is currently no empirical proof for hangover prevention except reducing the amount of ethanol consumed or waiting for the body to metabolize the alcohol ingested. What this means is that the most effective way to avoid any of the symptoms of alcohol-induced hangover is to control or avoid drinking.
But what are we supposed to do if we get a hangover? Sometimes it's not possible to wait for the effects of the hangover to wear off, while coping with the symptoms. We need a way to effectively deal with this situation. You're right, we do. Here's the realization I've come to about how to handle the symptoms of a hangover.

The primary realization is that a hangover is not a thing, instead it's a series of symptoms related to excessive alcohol consumption. That's key.
The second important point is that in order to deal with any one hangover experience effectively you have to deal with the exact symptoms you're going through during a specific hangover. Although there are many common symptoms experienced by most people routinely, sometimes new symptoms appear that were never part of previous hangovers. This is why it's best to handle the symptoms vs. trying to recover from a "hangover."
So below is a list of practices, substances, and products that deal with specific symptoms that should help you fight the effects of hangover whenever they occur. You may also want to go back and re-read this article as there were remedies - such as eating before drinking, timing one's intake per ounce of ingestion, and preventing vomiting by abstinence in order to protect the stomach lining from erosion by alcohol - mentioned earlier that will not appear in this list.
Rehydration: Effective interventions include rehydration, prostaglandin inhibitors, and vitamin B6.
Milk thistle: A small dosage before and after alcohol consumption has been found to alleviate the some of the effects of a hangover such as headaches, sluggishness and nausea. Milk thistle works to regenerate liver cells and when combined with an excessive vitamin D intake from the sun, subjects have experienced rapidly decreasing hangover effects.
Tolfenamic acid is useful for nausea, vomiting, irritation, tremor, thirst, and dryness of mouth.
Vitamin B6 (pyritinol) can help to reduce some, but not all, of the symptoms of hangovers. For this Brewers' yeast or a B6 supplement are recommended.
Chlormethiazole was found to lower blood pressure and adrenaline output and, furthermore, to relieve unpleasant physical symptoms, but did not affect fatigue and drowsiness. Subjects with severe subjective hangover seemed to benefit more from the chlormethiazole treatment than subjects with a mild hangover.
Pedialyte may be an effective remedy for hangovers due to its replacement of lost electrolytes.
Candy or sugar: to raise lowered blood sugar levels caused by alcohol intake. Other options for sweeteners to use are honey, brown sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, and fructose.
Alcohol: There is a belief that consumption of additional alcohol in decreasing quantity over a period of hours after the onset of a hangover will relieve symptoms. This is based upon the theory that the hangover represents a form of withdrawal and that by satiating the body's need for alcohol the symptoms will be relieved. Certainly the additional alcohol has a sedating and anesthetic effect, which also helps with symptoms. The professional medical opinion holds that the practice merely postpones the symptoms, and courts alcohol dependence and addiction.
Medical marijuana: It is commonly believed that THC, the active chemical in marijuana, is an effective hangover remedy. THC may help ease the main symptoms of hangovers: nausea and headache. The advantage is two-fold; as once a sufferer's nausea has abated, and his appetite is stimulated, hypoglycemia becomes easier to resolve.
A traditional hangover remedy from India is to drink coconut water for the natural electrolytes which will assist in rehydration.
Acetyl-leucine sold under the brand name of Tanganil is believed to help pull you out of the "whirling pit" or spinning sensation felt by people under the influence of alcohol. This is caused by a dysfunction between the nerves which control the notion of balance in the ears and the brain. Tanganil is the standard remedy prescribed to people suffering from chronic vertigo.
Oxygen: There have been anecdotal reports from those with easy access to a breathing oxygen supply - medical staff, SCUBA divers and military pilots - that oxygen can also reduce the symptoms of hangovers caused by alcohol consumption. The theory is that the increased oxygen flow resulting from oxygen therapy improves the metabolic rate, and thus increases the speed at which toxins are broken down.


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Friday 29 December 2017

10 Ways Chlorophyll Can Change Your Life

Chlorophyll is the natural green pigment found in plants, which plays a key role in the process of photosynthesis. But did you know it is also a superfood? Naturopaths advocate taking liquid chlorophyll as a daily supplement for its health-giving properties, which can help with a wide range of conditions.
1. Weight Loss
Studies have shown that foods containing chlorophyll can help to control hunger and regulate blood sugar levels. Scientists also claim that chlorophyll contains lipolytic enzymes, which help to break down trapped fat cells, allowing them to be burned away during exercise.
2. Cancer
Chlorophyll acts as a natural detoxifier to block and eliminate cancer-causing toxins from your body. Low levels of dietary chlorophyll have been linked with an increased risk of colon cancer, and evidence suggests that eating plenty of chlorophyll-rich green leafy vegetables is the key to colon health.

3. Aging
Want to look and feel younger? Evidence suggests that drinking chlorophyll water can help to keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. Modern lifestyles cause us to become internally polluted by an accumulation of toxins that enter our bodies through food, water and the air. Chlorophyll helps to banish these toxins and free radicals that cause premature aging.


4. Wounds

Chlorophyll has impressive wound-healing properties, thanks to its ability to strengthen tissues and prevent the growth of bacteria. Liquid chlorophyll is a rich source of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, which are vital for skin health and help to repair damaged cells.
5. Anemia
With a similar structure to hemoglobin, chlorophyll has the ability to build red blood cells and increase oxygenation of the blood. As well as boosting our energy and immune system, this can be useful as a natural method to treat iron-deficiency anemia.
6. Bad Breath
Chlorophyll is a natural 'internal deodorant', which can help to mask bad breath and other bodily odors. Drinking liquid chlorophyll helps to detoxify the body by cleansing toxins from within. As well as eliminating odors in the mouth, it encourages a healthy digestive tract - which is usually the main source of bad breath.
7. Arthritis
Chlorophyll has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to ease the symptoms of arthritis. It has the ability to eliminate accumulated heavy metals - such as mercury - from the joints. Acidity exacerbates arthritic pain, so taking chlorophyll can offer relief by helping to naturally rebalance the pH of the body.
8. Digestive Problems
As a natural detoxifier, chlorophyll helps to remove toxins ingested through food, as well as cleansing the body of existing toxins stored in cells. This can help to bring relief to a range of inflammatory digestive disorders, such as IBS, colitis and constipation. By restoring the acid-alkali balance, chlorophyll also prevents the growth of yeasts and internal bacteria living in the gut.

9. Insomnia
As well as detoxifying the body, chlorophyll is nature's little helper when it comes to beating stress and insomnia. Studies have shown that eating chlorophyll-rich green leafy vegetables can help to relax the body and promote sleep - something that is so vital to our overall physical and mental wellbeing.
10. Colds
Feel a cold coming on? Stop it in its tracks by drinking liquid chlorophyll. As a natural immune booster, chlorophyll helps to fight infections, such as coughs and colds. Packed with nutrients, it helps to strengthen and alkalize your body - making it more difficult for germs to survive.
Just one of a few ways to detox your way to a sexier you next year! Its time to take control of your wellness!


How To Make Healthy New Year's Eve Drinks | Holiday Recipes | The Health...

Thursday 28 December 2017

Ginger - The Wonder Root

Ever walk along the produce aisle and find yourself staring at the earthy fascination of a ginger root? Oddly shaped, and with a distinctive flavor, this "wonder root" is an excellent dietary addition because it includes varying amounts of magnesium, manganese, potassium, and vitamins B6, C, and E. Besides being loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, ginger root offers a variety of other health benefits. Some studies indicate it is an aid to digestion, is beneficial both to cholesterol levels and blood pressure, helps with arthritis, and even aids nausea. It is quite a versatile root to boot! Ginger can be incorporated into countless recipes and should be included in your regular diet.
Considered a staple in China and India, ginger root has been used for centuries in cooking and for medicinal purposes. It has a thick, tan, knotty, and bulbous appearance and grows somewhat horizontally. In actuality, it is not a root, but rather it is a "rhizome," an underground stem. Harvested year-round, ginger root is available fresh in most grocery stores, usually in the produce section.
Several studies have investigated the health benefits of ginger. The advantages range from decreased joint inflammation and arthritis to help with nausea, athlete's foot, heart disease, lowered cholesterol, and better circulation. Ever get bloated? Ginger may be the answer. Many people take the strange-looking stem in some form to help with their digestion. Ginger has also been shown to be anti-viral, making it a great support for your immune system during periods of increased risk of common colds and flu. It helps to reduce muscle spasms, and some women take ginger for menstrual cramping. Ginger is also an aid in managing fevers, bronchitis, respiratory symptoms, and headaches. Feel dizzy during a ride on an airplane or while traveling on a cruise? The characteristics of ginger have even been shown to help people with motion sickness.

In our practice, we have seen the most success when ginger is used to assist with digestive, bowel, and gastrointestinal issues, stomach cramping, and arthritis of the fingers. For many of our pregnant patients ginger has provided relief from their symptoms of nausea. Some individuals choose ginger in place of pain relievers. Ginger also benefits healing in cases of skin wounds, aiding in the decrease of pus and infected areas. Note that ginger is contraindicated for people with gallstones and gastric/peptic ulcers and should not be used by them. During a recent symposium hosted by the American Association of Cancer Research, a particular study demonstrated that ginger suppressed cancer cells and cleansed the body of toxins. Although more research is needed, the documented curative effects of ginger are welcome news.
Ginger can be taken in whole, liquid, or powder form. If the wonder root does not appeal to your taste buds, try taking it in capsules, which are available in most health food or nutritional stores. The dosage for adults is typically 25 to 100 milligrams (or 1.5 to 3 milliliters of liquid) daily, although for digestive issues it may be helpful to increase the dosage. Use of ginger root in its natural state is preferred, and it is particularly beneficial and tasty when steeped in hot water with green or white tea. See the recipe at the end of this article for a pleasant concoction known as "Oooss Juice."
Ginger has many uses beyond medicinal and is versatile in the kitchen. Several cultures include it in making wine, and it is an ingredient in various candies, teas, curry, sushi, and some French liquors. In the US, ginger is probably most popularly known as the basis for ginger ale, gingerbread men cookies, cakes (gingerbread), jellies, jams, and other delicious confections and flavorings. Consider adding ginger to your favorite stir-fry recipe, dressings, salads, and even barbecue sauce.

As already described, ginger is a multipurpose and extraordinary herb! Its numerous health-promoting and symptom-fighting components make it desirable and appreciated. Whether the issues are digestive or fighting inflammation and bloating, ginger can contribute to the good health of people at any age.
One of my favorite ginger-based "brews" is Oooss Juice, for which the recipe follows:
Oooss Juice
- Use a high-quality, heat-retaining, stainless steel 2- to 4-gallon pot.
- Boil 1 gallon of water; add ½ pound of sliced ginger; lightly boil for 5 minutes, and turn the burner off.
- Add 2 to 6 organic green tea bags, steep for 30 to 60 minutes, and remove.
- After 4 to 12 hours, strain out the ginger, place the juice in a glass container, and cool in the refrigerator. Drink cold or hot.
Ginger, the wonder root, is an ingredient in many interesting recipes, adds a pungent and exotic flavor to foods and beverages, and offers notable health benefits to those who add it to their diet.


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Wednesday 27 December 2017

How to Make New Year Resolutions

My experience with New Year Resolutions has taught me some lessons which I am sharing with you.
Don't leave New Year Resolutions for the last moment to write! If you do, on the last day of the year you may end up hurriedly writing down something not better than a shopping list. Spend some time and energy in writing them. At the same time, if you fail to write them before the New Year commences, don't think that now it is too late. Write in the first week of the year or later. It is better writing late than never. In fact, every religion and, therefore, most of the countries, have different New Year days. India alone has more than half a dozen New Year days depending upon which religion you belong to or which calendar you followed!
Before writing the New Year resolutions, think about the bigger questions of life: God, creation, life, death, etc. Is life pre-determined? Is there an after life? What is the aim of life? Is rat race for success good? What is the place of happiness, health, family and friends in our life? You need not be or become a philosopher; but do give these questions some pondering. Before writing about the New Year and future, cast a glance at your past and the old year also. How has your life been? What are your successes and failures? What are your regrets? How was the old year? Did you keep your resolutions? If yes, to what extent? If not, why? Given another chance, how would you plan and live the old year. Have a vision of the future. How would you like to see yourself after one year or thereafter? Base your resolutions on this analysis.

Make new year resolutions a vehicle for change. While we are comfortable with status quo, we want to change our life too. Everybody thinks that he is in a rut. He or she would have been happier in another job, in different circumstances, in new places. But we fear change. Don't just foolhardily jump into change, but plan for it.
Plan for new and exciting things in life. Learn something new-dancing, playing a musical instrument, a new language, tennis, web-designing, or writing poetry. If you have never loved, love. It is an exciting thing. If you are in love, get married. It is intoxicating.
Write down specific goals rather than general. Instead of writing, "I will reduce weight," specify how many pounds or kilograms you want to reduce within which period and by what means. So write, during the year I will reduce my weight by 30 pounds. I will aim at reducing 10 pounds every quarter (so that I have some extra time towards the year-end). I will regulate my diet (be specific about diet too), will exercise or play some game, go for morning or evening walk, start yoga, and lead an active life.
Break down bigger whole year aims to smaller quarterly and monthly aims. In fact, each week write down the aim for that week also. Of course, also keep a daily to-do list (to be written at the start of the day or one day in advance). Revise the monthly and quarterly targets in the light of progress made and aims abandoned and new aims added. In fact, write down a continually evolving list of to-do for the year. Whatever you want to do in the year, just add to this list and Do when the right time comes.
Supplement the Resolutions list with other lists: Daily Prayer in which you may pray to God for giving you happiness, success, and health, etc. Daily Affirmations, in which you may use the power of affirmations. Daily Do's in which you may fix your daily routine which may be helpful in fulfilling your Resolutions, Daily Don'ts, things you should not do.
Use positive power! Most of our resolutions fail because they are about negatives rather than positives. We want to reduce weight or quit smoking, or drinking. But all these are negatives. We will surely be defeated fighting against them. Instead, if we decide to start playing tennis, it would be a positive thing. Little by little we will get interested in it. We will get addicted to it. We will not be able to stay at home when it is play time, whether it is at 5 a.m. or 5 p.m. We will have to go when our partner calls us. If we are over-weight, we will jog, eat less and sensibly. If we get fatigued easily, we will quit smoking and drinking. We would like to be at the top of our tennis team! We will reduce weight, quit smoking and drinking easily (because our game of tennis demands it!).

Don't forget the taken for granted important things in life! When we write our Resolutions we concentrate what we want to achieve in worldly sense. But we fail to mention other important things in life, like: I will be happy, I will love my family, and I will enjoy nature, etc. These unwritten resolutions are more important than the written ones. If we fulfill them and even fail at achieving the written aims, we have still won. If we succeed at both, that is superb! For this, I would suggest, make two lists of New Year resolutions-one for important basics of life (happiness, love, etc.) and another for worldly success (you may like to make one separate one for your job or office life, if required).
Don't forget others! New Year resolutions are not for and about you only. They concern others too. Make resolutions concerning others also. Resolve that you will give more time and love to your family and friends. You will help the unfortunate and poor people. You will give a fraction of your gains back to the society who made your worldly success possible in the first place. These resolutions may be a part of your other (I would say first) list mentioned in last paragraph.

10 Health Benefits of Carrots

Tuesday 26 December 2017

How to Get Rid of the Weight Gained During Christmas

The Christmas Holidays are among the most precious and pleasant ones throughout the whole year. But there is one major disadvantage of the Christmas Holidays and this is the weight we gain during this time of the year. There are several factors that simply cannot be avoided - loads of parties and visits of relatives and friends, skipping exercise, eating much more than you have been used to before the holidays.
Sometimes Christmas holidays even take longer than some days, because most people tend to get their vacations, travel, and forget about strict diet and exercise routines. But don't worry, there are many things you can do to lose all extra pounds you've put on during this period. Just stick to some simple rules and you'll lose the gained weight in no time.
1. Reduce the amount of food you eat
Once the Christmas holidays are over, you don't have to eat the same amount of food as during the holidays. You have to start reducing your portions. At the beginning it could seem difficult to do so, and if it really is difficult for you to accomplish it, don't starve yourself, just eat 2-3 times more, but smaller portions so you don't feel hungry.

2. Change your exercise routine
If you already have an exercising routine, then in the first days after the holiday "season" you would have to change it - not drastically, but for instance doing more cardio would accelerate the results. You can also try exercising 1-2 days more than usual, or simply increase the duration of your training. Try to run or cycle at least 30 minutes, preferably at the end of your training. If you don't do cardio every day of your workout program, then you should start doing so, in order to accelerate your metabolism, or you could simply add one day only for cardio.
3. Drink a lot of water
Forget about alcohol, juices and sweet drinks. It's all about water - increase the amount of water you drink every day. This would accelerate your metabolism, and help your body get rid of the unnecessary toxins easier.
4. Forget about alcohol
Well, we mentioned it in the previous point, however, it is necessary to point out, that alcohol is more than caloric - it stops your body from burning the calories it usually does. Imagine what happens to your body when you eat more than usual, less healthier than usual, and not being able to burn the calories, as the alcohol actually prevents your organism from doing so.
And we all know that we've drunk at least some wine regularly during the Christmas holidays. And besides this, every single diet outlines the lack of alcohol as a necessary measure for you to have a successful weight loss.
5. Reduce the carbs
Well, that may seem the hardest part to accomplish, but do you remember how much carbohydrate rich food you've eating during the Holidays - loads of sweets, loads of bread, loads of cookies. Try to avoid all these only for some time, and you'll notice a significant reduce in your weight.

6. Weight loss supplements
If all of the above tips seem to hard to accomplish, remember you can always use some weight loss supplements in order to accelerate weight loss and get back to your previous routines. There is a great majority of weight loss supplements, that is why it is not hard to choose one exactly according to your needs.
If you follow these basic tips we can guarantee you, you'll get back to your normal weight from before the holidays much faster than you expect. It is pretty certain that the most of the weight you've put on during these days is due to your organism retaining water, which means, that you'll be able to get rid of the extra pounds much easier, when they are not only extra fats.


Five Slimming World slow cooker recipes

Monday 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas!!!
These are the magic words that are around us this festive season. We start using them a few weeks prior to the Christmas holiday. It is believed that an English admiral first used the term "Merry Christmas" in an informal letter, way back in 1699. Merry means pleasant and we are happy to wish all a pleasant Christmas during the happy celebrations. What better way than to gift our family and friends a reminder of these wishes.

Merry Christmas imprinted on gifts like mugs makes you fondly remembered the year through. Cards and postcards help to carry your message to all. An average household in America will mail out 28 Christmas cards each year and see 28 cards arrive in their place. This festive season sending your greetings with Merry Christmas wording will add a special touch to your greetings.
X-mas is the most widely celebrated festival and is the season for joy and sharing. It is the time for time spent with family and friends, for sparkling lights and brightly decorated gifts. Christmas is for love and sharing gifts and cards has become a sort of universal way to communicate joy and good wishes. Let us express the wishes this festive season in a different way. Let our gifts too spell these words to cast the spell of the festive season over all. My Christmas wishes to all those who are reading this article. May this season fill you with joy and happiness.


Feliz Navidad With Lyrics | Popular Christmas Carols For The Tiny Tots

Sunday 24 December 2017

Art Of Kissing And Its Health Benefits

Everyone is infatuated with romantic scenes in movies especially if there are kissing involved. Like in movies, we express our emotions and love through many ways. One way of expressing love is through kissing. Did you know that kissing alone have many health benefits? This article will give you tips on how kissing can improve your over all health.
When people kiss, they actually releasing high level of stress hormones that releases tension. This makes them mentally relax and comfortable. It keeps their mental state peaceful, away from discomfort and problems. It is good to know that kissing activity has both mental and oral benefits.

First, kissing can give you confidence and will improve your self-esteem. It can make you feel good physically, giving you a boost in your confidence level. Kissing is an act that could mean forgiveness, love or appreciation. Its a universal language that can bound attitude and other differences in life. So when people kiss, they become one in many aspects of life.
Second, a kiss can help burn calories. Some experts suggests that the longer you kiss, the more you burn calories. As you know, too much calories can make you gain weight faster. An average 5 minutes kiss is enough to help you lose 3 calories. So if you want to lose weight, focus more on kissing activity.
Kissing is also good for the heart. When people kiss, high levels of adrenalin are activated into the bloodstream which results our hearts to pump more than usual. This are very beneficial to the heart and can avoid many cardiovascular including the dreaded heart attack.
Another benefits is for your skin health. When people kiss, movements take place in the muscles and skin of the facial area. This helps improve blood circulation into the skin which helps making the skin smooth and healthy.
Oral benefits is the most popular benefit. The exchange of saliva during a kissing activity can fuse natural antibiotics. This development can help prevent abdominal infections such as bladder and stomach pains. Kissing can also help increase the production of endorphins in the body. Endorphins are essential nutrients for the proper functioning of our nerve cells, much more powerful than morphine.

Recent study shows that people who often kiss are most likely to live a few more years than those who are not. So remember that kissing passionately has many benefits..


Top 10 Christmas Cookies We CAN'T Wait To Eat!

Saturday 23 December 2017

Healthy Eating During The Christmas Party Season

The Christmas party season is rapidly drawing near, and with it the endless canapés, buffet tables, and 3 course meals, not to mention the alcohol!
So how to navigate the events with out piling on the additional pounds? The first and most important rule is to by no means go to a party on an empty stomach. You most probably will not be capable of make any sensible selections about what and what kind of food to consume whilst your tummy is rumbling and also your nose is fine-tuned to note the entire tantalising smells wafting from the trays of canapés being offered to you.

Having a little snack must subsequently be a part of your getting ready regimen. The snack must come with some protein to keep the hunger at bay for longer. in case you are in a hurry, have some natural yoghurt with muesli. Or when you've got more time, opt for a boiled egg with rye toast soldiers.
At the party, don't stand next to the buffet table, you will be tempted to select at bits. Instead take a plate filled with the items you in reality want to eat and enjoy them back at your table. Steer clear of any deep fried canapés comparable to mini spring rolls and samosas, and opt for the ones that include some protein. Look out for chicken satay sticks or prawns. They are simple, but will fill you up more quickly and keep you going for longer. If you can't help selecting something, see if there are some olives being offered. The fat they include is in reality good for you.
And just a delicate caution on the alcohol aspect. On the day of a large celebration, keep a 2 litre bottle of water in your table at work and look to to complete throughout work. This way you are fully hydrated earlier than you begin to drink alcohol. Steer clear of punches and pre mixed cocktails, they are going to be loaded with sugar; as a substitute keep on with champagne... only ninety cals per glass. if you're consuming wine, you should look to match each glass of wine with an equal glass of water and you'll feel significantly better the next day.

And should you do end up over indulging somewhat, don't panic - there's always the new year to get back on course with your weight loss journey!


All I Want for Xmas Workout (POP Pilates)

Friday 22 December 2017

Healthy Christmas Treats // DIY Edible Gift Ideas

How to Make Your Christmas Dinner Gluten Free

Christmas, as they say, is a time for giving, a time for sharing and generally eating a lot of food, and drinking some fine wine. But if you have special dietary requirements, such as coeliac disease, which means that you have a reaction to foods containing gluten, the holiday can seem a little more difficult to enjoy. After all, what do you eat? What do you drink? And how can you have Christmas dinner without having a bad reaction to it? Here are some ideas.
Sort Out Some Gluten-Free Recipes
While this may sound like fairly obvious advice, sorting through your recipe books and selecting some tasty recipes for meals that you can eat on Christmas Day is absolutely paramount to making sure you will enjoy your meal. Once you have selected a few recipes, make sure you have the ingredients for them well in advance of the 25th, as the shops will be closed for the Christmas holidays during that time, and missing a vital ingredient could mean wasting a much wanted meal.

Know Where Your Dining
Again, this may sound obvious, as most people will be eating their Christmas Dinner with friends or family on the big day. However, firming up your arrangements in advance will mean that you will know whether you are going to be doing the cooking or if someone else is. Once you know where you'll be having Christmas Dinner, the easier it will be to prepare food for yourself and put it to one side in your own home, or prepare something for yourself and take it to a friend or relatives house. You could also buy gluten-free ingredients and offer to help the host with your meal, which they will probably appreciate.
Have a Support Network
If you have coeliac disease, or if someone who does is coming round to your home on Christmas Day, then sometimes the best advice to get is from other people with the disease, as they will have a wealth of tips, tricks and advice to help you prepare the Christmas meal. Join an online forum or two and see what advice other sufferers have for the big day, such as how to prepare and store food and how to keep it apart from foods that contain gluten.

While it's become so much easier for sufferers of coeliac disease to eat the kind of foods that they need to, certain social occasions, such as Christmas Day, can prove to be challenging for the coeliac sufferer. However, it's important to define the difference between challenging and impossible, because this condition can actually open up lots of different opportunities to try out gluten free recipes and foods, and to experiment with cooking.
Remember, a bit of preparation can communication can help any coeliac sufferer enjoy an important meal, especially during celebrations like Christmas.

Thursday 21 December 2017

How to Keep a Christmas Party on a Budget

Christmas is around the corner and it is a great time to have a gathering with your friends and family during the holidays. How about throwing your own Christmas party? You can have your Christmas party within your budget as long as you follow these tips.
- Invite your guests through email or phone call. Sending physical invitations is quite expensive because you have to pay for the invitation cards and postage. To keep your cost low, you should invite your guests by phone or email.
- Confirm the number of guests at your party. Remember to make it clear to your guests when they are allowed to bring others along to the party and make sure they confirm with you the number of people are coming to the party. It is much easier to plan once you know the expected number of guests you will be having.

- DIY cooking or potluck. Doing your cooking at home is cheaper than catering. You can get your family or your kids to help you out. However, if each guest can help by bringing a dish, there will more food to eat and less expense to you. You can suggest to your guest to bring drinks, desserts or salads if you like.
- Keep the Christmas decorations simple. You don't have to decorate your whole house with the latest Christmas decorations. Make your Christmas tree as the focal point and use inexpensive pretty garlands and Christmas lights around the house. There isn't a requirement for your house to look very festive. The main thing is having the company of your friends and family during this happy occasion.
- Use the snow outside to chill your drinks. It not only saves you money but it adds a nice festive touch as well.
- Use handmade ornaments as party favors. You can rope in your kids or friends to help you to make inexpensive and pretty ornaments from plastic canvas and yarn using Christmas colors.

- For entertainment, you can screen movies, have karaoke or just make use of the TV programs of that day. If you don't have the karaoke machine, you can borrow it.
- If you decide to have Christmas party every year, you should start planning for the next year party once Christmas is over. You can enjoy great discount like 50% or more off regular prices for decorations or other Christmas items after the holidays.
Christmas parties can be fun even if you don't spend a lot of money on them. The important thing is that all of you have lots of fun and a memorable time. Don't just wait for someone to organize one. Do it yourself and have fun.


Make a Christmas Eve Salad with Pomegranate Seeds

Sunday 17 December 2017

Natural Versus Organic Beauty Products

There are innumerable health care brands in the market offering a variety of beauty products with large quantity of buyers for every segment. However, people tend to get confused over the terms used by these companies in their product designs as to whether the commodity is natural or organic. On hearing the term 'Organic', people associate the products to natural constituents like organic food without realizing that the phrase here means differently.
Organic means a component derived from the living matter. In other words, anything extracted from a natural thing and manufactured in way that involves no use of artificial chemicals is termed as Organic. Even 1% of organic ingredients found in a Natural constituent make it impure. Products tagged with the logo of being organic assure that the commodity is produced in the most hygienic conditions with zero application of fertilizers.

Meanwhile Natural ingredients are those which are directly retrieved from plants and minerals and involves minimal to no processing. One has to stay cautious while purchasing anything that is labeled as natural considering many companies mixes synthetic items too. There is a wide range of beauty care products ranging from makeup cosmetics to body lotions to moisturizers which people use on day-to-day basis.
However, with ever increasing toxic products that is overtly misleading with the wrong detailing and questionably cheap prices, consumers are shifting to all natural skin care. It's a positive move considering a person can protect itself from the harmful effects of Sodium Laureth Sulphate which is used in making synthetic beauty creams and lotions and is highly prone to causing skin cancer.
Since natural products are unrefined or pure, they are free of side-effects and are more effective considering they don't contain any irritants. Furthermore they have an inherent fragrance that is very inviting. And besides distinctive benefits, natural beauty products are very earth-friendly as compared to their counterparts which omit hazardous gas while under manufacturing. Absence of chemicals safeguard from skin irritations like itching, or redness. The most popularly used natural beauty care products include Coconut Oil, which is exceedingly effective in nourishing the lipid content of skin cells; Shea Butter i.e. known to reduce facial scars, Tee Tree Oil, which is utilized in making toothpastes and sanitizers; or Honey i.e. full of anti-oxidants and works as anti-bacterial.

On the other hand, Organic beauty products are also very beneficial but they have some drawbacks. First and foremost, the cost of purchasing such products is not budget friendly. It's hard for a common man to afford them. Secondly, manufacturing these cosmetics involves very complex processing. Third, the time span of organic products isn't very long i.e. they expire much sooner than their equivalents. And fourth, Organic beauty care products aren't everyone's cup of tea as there is never a guarantee whether a product will match the skin requirement of an individual or not.
So people now prefer to use Natural cosmetics over synthetic or Organic ones.


How to Lose Weight Fast | Ginger Lemon Detox Water For Fast Weight Loss

Saturday 16 December 2017

How To Become A Fat Burning Machine - Stop Eating These Foods - The Spil...

Do You Crave for Sweets? Read This to Know Why and How to Overcome

Craving for sweets is a problem that many people suffer from. The problem is not when you consume sweets, but it is when you over-consume them. It can be very bothersome for people who are trying to reduce weight or maintain it. People who have diabetes can do themselves a huge harm by giving in to sugar cravings. It is very important for you to differentiate the cravings that your body absolutely needs from those that your body wants as an addiction. The following sections will explain why you crave sweets and how you can overcome your cravings.
Emotional eating
Most people turn to sugar and sweets when they are stressed or unhappy. More specifically called 'emotional eating'; people reach out to sweets in order to comfort themselves. Severe stress, overwork or lack of sleep can make a person crave for energy dense sweets to get the sudden rush of energy. The instant sugary treat makes the brain release natural chemicals called opioids which give the body a feeling of pleasure and happiness. This explains the 'high' you get after eating a chocolate cake or a donut.

Deficiency of Vitamin B Complex
If a person is deficient in Vitamin B, he tends to be low on energy. To make up for this, his body starts giving out craving signs which make him want sugary or fatty foods that can give him instant energy. It is very important for a person to understand what his body exactly wants for. The only way to fight cravings is to ensure that the body gets its share of nutrition and healthy foods.
Low adrenal function
Adrenal glands secrete hormones like epinephrine (adrenalin), cortisone, oestrogen and progesterone. Low adrenal function can lead to reduction in the secretion of such hormones due to which one tends to feels low on energy, becomes lethargic and craves for instant energy boosting foods.
If a person has been on a strict low fat, low carbohydrate diet for a long time, the body becomes insulin resistant. Due to this, even though there is ample amount of glucose in the blood, the body starts sending out signals to the brain because of which the person tends to want for more sweets and fatty foods.
How to reduce or overcome sweet cravings?
• Ensure that your body gets the required amounts of nutrients essential for proper functioning.

• Do not starve yourself.
• Drink lots of water whenever you crave for sweets. There are chances that a person has mistaken thirst or dehydration as hunger.
• Reduce the intake of packaged or canned foods. Your body needs natural sugars and -not synthetic or processed sugars.
• Whenever you crave for a cake or a bar of chocolate, try to divert your mind by going for a long walk or listening to good, soothing music. If the craving persists, try eating nuts or fruits to subside your hunger.
• You can also start mild exercising under the guidance of a personal trainer.
• If you still get cravings, consult a doctor or dietitian. Get your diet plan analysed by a professional.


Friday 15 December 2017

Know and Dress Your Body Type

1. Banana - this body shape means that your chest, waist and hips are almost in equal width/circumference. They say that in all the shapes, this is the most"boyish" of all, but they have an advantage because they can wear V-necks or short skirts without looking too skimpy. What to wear: Something that highlights your waist, or flatters your chest and hips. Belts are your friends because they make your waist look smaller. Partner any chiffon dress with a thick belt which makes your waist look smaller, which automatically makes your chest and hips look equally proportioned.
2. Apple - this body shape means that your upper body is in bigger proportion than in your lower body such as hips or legs. Other body shapes envy this body shape because most have 'large breasts' which make them look sexy. Since they have small proportioned legs, they can wear short skirts or shorts without looking awkward or bulky. What to wear: Something that decreases the size of your chest and arms, and flaunts your legs. Long sleeved blouses and dresses, paired with shorts or skirts are the way to go! Pair a cardigan with cute shorts or your favorite jeans.

3. Pear - This body type means that your lower body is in larger proportions than your upper body. Many women complain with this body shape because they have difficulty looking for something that will make their hips look smaller. If you know the trick to making your hips look smaller, you won't have to worry about a thing. What to wear: Look for something that hides the hips, such as a pleated dress. Any lower garment that does not hug the shape of your hips is a good idea.
4. Hourglass - congrats! You have a equally proportional chest and hips, with a small waist. This means that any clothing that highlights the smallness of your waist and highlights your chest and/or hips, will flatter your body shape. What to wear: Look for garments that hug your body shape, but make sure that the you will only choose to flatter either your upper or lower body aside from your waist. Wearing cleavage revealing tops and short bottoms will make your look cheap. The key is subtly being subtly sexy, such as a bodycon mini dress.

Remember, these are just basic tips. The principle is flaunt your positives, and pacify your negatives. Another thing, it's not just what you wear, but it's also about you, the wearer. It's how you carry yourself, being confident even if you are just wearing sweatpants and a raggy shirt.
