Sunday 17 December 2017

Natural Versus Organic Beauty Products

There are innumerable health care brands in the market offering a variety of beauty products with large quantity of buyers for every segment. However, people tend to get confused over the terms used by these companies in their product designs as to whether the commodity is natural or organic. On hearing the term 'Organic', people associate the products to natural constituents like organic food without realizing that the phrase here means differently.
Organic means a component derived from the living matter. In other words, anything extracted from a natural thing and manufactured in way that involves no use of artificial chemicals is termed as Organic. Even 1% of organic ingredients found in a Natural constituent make it impure. Products tagged with the logo of being organic assure that the commodity is produced in the most hygienic conditions with zero application of fertilizers.

Meanwhile Natural ingredients are those which are directly retrieved from plants and minerals and involves minimal to no processing. One has to stay cautious while purchasing anything that is labeled as natural considering many companies mixes synthetic items too. There is a wide range of beauty care products ranging from makeup cosmetics to body lotions to moisturizers which people use on day-to-day basis.
However, with ever increasing toxic products that is overtly misleading with the wrong detailing and questionably cheap prices, consumers are shifting to all natural skin care. It's a positive move considering a person can protect itself from the harmful effects of Sodium Laureth Sulphate which is used in making synthetic beauty creams and lotions and is highly prone to causing skin cancer.
Since natural products are unrefined or pure, they are free of side-effects and are more effective considering they don't contain any irritants. Furthermore they have an inherent fragrance that is very inviting. And besides distinctive benefits, natural beauty products are very earth-friendly as compared to their counterparts which omit hazardous gas while under manufacturing. Absence of chemicals safeguard from skin irritations like itching, or redness. The most popularly used natural beauty care products include Coconut Oil, which is exceedingly effective in nourishing the lipid content of skin cells; Shea Butter i.e. known to reduce facial scars, Tee Tree Oil, which is utilized in making toothpastes and sanitizers; or Honey i.e. full of anti-oxidants and works as anti-bacterial.

On the other hand, Organic beauty products are also very beneficial but they have some drawbacks. First and foremost, the cost of purchasing such products is not budget friendly. It's hard for a common man to afford them. Secondly, manufacturing these cosmetics involves very complex processing. Third, the time span of organic products isn't very long i.e. they expire much sooner than their equivalents. And fourth, Organic beauty care products aren't everyone's cup of tea as there is never a guarantee whether a product will match the skin requirement of an individual or not.
So people now prefer to use Natural cosmetics over synthetic or Organic ones.


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