Saturday 16 December 2017

Do You Crave for Sweets? Read This to Know Why and How to Overcome

Craving for sweets is a problem that many people suffer from. The problem is not when you consume sweets, but it is when you over-consume them. It can be very bothersome for people who are trying to reduce weight or maintain it. People who have diabetes can do themselves a huge harm by giving in to sugar cravings. It is very important for you to differentiate the cravings that your body absolutely needs from those that your body wants as an addiction. The following sections will explain why you crave sweets and how you can overcome your cravings.
Emotional eating
Most people turn to sugar and sweets when they are stressed or unhappy. More specifically called 'emotional eating'; people reach out to sweets in order to comfort themselves. Severe stress, overwork or lack of sleep can make a person crave for energy dense sweets to get the sudden rush of energy. The instant sugary treat makes the brain release natural chemicals called opioids which give the body a feeling of pleasure and happiness. This explains the 'high' you get after eating a chocolate cake or a donut.

Deficiency of Vitamin B Complex
If a person is deficient in Vitamin B, he tends to be low on energy. To make up for this, his body starts giving out craving signs which make him want sugary or fatty foods that can give him instant energy. It is very important for a person to understand what his body exactly wants for. The only way to fight cravings is to ensure that the body gets its share of nutrition and healthy foods.
Low adrenal function
Adrenal glands secrete hormones like epinephrine (adrenalin), cortisone, oestrogen and progesterone. Low adrenal function can lead to reduction in the secretion of such hormones due to which one tends to feels low on energy, becomes lethargic and craves for instant energy boosting foods.
If a person has been on a strict low fat, low carbohydrate diet for a long time, the body becomes insulin resistant. Due to this, even though there is ample amount of glucose in the blood, the body starts sending out signals to the brain because of which the person tends to want for more sweets and fatty foods.
How to reduce or overcome sweet cravings?
• Ensure that your body gets the required amounts of nutrients essential for proper functioning.

• Do not starve yourself.
• Drink lots of water whenever you crave for sweets. There are chances that a person has mistaken thirst or dehydration as hunger.
• Reduce the intake of packaged or canned foods. Your body needs natural sugars and -not synthetic or processed sugars.
• Whenever you crave for a cake or a bar of chocolate, try to divert your mind by going for a long walk or listening to good, soothing music. If the craving persists, try eating nuts or fruits to subside your hunger.
• You can also start mild exercising under the guidance of a personal trainer.
• If you still get cravings, consult a doctor or dietitian. Get your diet plan analysed by a professional.


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