Tuesday 31 January 2017

4 Of The Best Fruits For Weight Loss

Best fruits for weight loss

For weight loss many fruits, indeed some would say, any fruit will help, because you will eat less refined foods if you choose fresh fruit instead. Apples eaten daily can help protect against weight gain, eating and apple before a meal will make you fill full faster and you will eat less. Antioxidants in apples can help prevent metabolic syndrome, which can cause excess belly fat. Apples are also great to eat on the go as a low calorie snack. Nutrition thoughtfully packaged in a take along container, how cool is that. Apples contain "Pectin", a fiber that binds to bile acids in the digestive system, eating apples triggers a process that can suck elevated levels of bad cholesterol out of your system!


Grapefruit has no fat and only 36 calories per half, making the citrus a very helpful ally in the battle of the bulge.
While helping you cut down on fat the lowly grapefruit also loads up on vitamin C delivering a full 78 percent of daily needs in every half grapefruit serving. Studies have shown that eating half a grapefruit before each meal can help you lose and gain a healthier insulin function.


Fresh berries add a delightful flavor to your diet and are jammed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The strong flavor in berries can help satisfy the sweet tooth of the weight loss sojourner. Berries carry a high volume of fiber, and are low in fat content, thus you can pig out on berries without ruining your diet. Berries deliver a rich source of phytonutrients containing compounds to help boost your immunity and lower you risk of chronic illness. An added benefit is that even when berries are out of season they are readily available in the frozen food section of the supermarket.


At only 55 calories per cup, a sweet cantaloupe is one of the lowest-calorie fruits available. While containing very little fat and sodium the fruit contains lots of folate, vitamins C, A, niacin, potassium and even magnesium. If you're having leg cramps eat magnesium rich foods, I have found that supplementing with magnesium stopped my leg cramps completely. negligible amounts of fat and sodium, cantaloupe is rich in folate, niacin, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin A, according to Diet Bites. High fiber and water content makes cantaloupe a filling bulky fruit that can help stave off hunger pains while providing delicious health benefits between meals.


Philips healthy kitchen presents: Airfried Broccoli with Curry Yoghurt

Monday 30 January 2017

Does Chromium Picolinate Promote Weight Loss?

Chromium picolinate is sold as a standalone supplement or also included in diet pill compounds promoting weight loss. Proponents of chromium picolinate claim that it reduces insulin resistance, which increases weight loss. While it's well known that the chromium mineral is needed for glucose to be utilized by insulin, supplementation with chromium would really only be necessary if the subject were deficient in that mineral. As it stands, it is extremely rare for a person to be chromium deficient in a first-world country.

Chromium picolinate is the combination of chromium and picolinic acid. Purportedly, supplementation with chromium aids the body in burning fat over muscle when there is an energy deficit and fuel is needed.

Pouring over the research done in regards to chromium picolinate is no small task. While one study (Althuis MD, Jordan NE, Ludington EA, Wittes JT (2002). "Glucose and insulin responses to dietary chromium supplements: a meta-analysis". AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION 76 (1): 148-155.) claimed there was no significant difference in insulin resistance, another study cited that the first study was flawed.

I counted 10 more studies, found mainly through PubMed, that confirmed Chromium Picolinate's ability to decrease insulin resistance.

I then narrowed my search and looked only for Chromium Picolinate studies that researched weight loss specifically. There was one in particular that supported a change in body composition (it was not body weight or body mass index, but rather fat composition of the body). Just as quickly, I found another study stating that absolutely no change in body composition was found when supplementing with chromium picolinate.

At the end of the day, it'll be up to you to decide if you'd like to try supplementation. It is key to monitor your changes, measure carefully, and keep an open mind. Don't conclude that it will work (or won't) before you try it, or that's likely the result you'll get. Chromium picolinate remains a small unknown, though the tides are starting to turn in its favor apparently.

Make Your Nails Grow Longer, Stronger, and Faster!! Talkin Tuesday

Sunday 29 January 2017

8-Minute Butt and Thigh Workout for a Bigger Butt - Exercises to Lift an...

Organic Food Diet - Colorful Food and Healthy Carbs

Switching to an organic food diet need not be complex. Keeping things simple is enough and making things complicated is not necessary. Fruits and vegetables are always present when talking about healthy eating. This is because they have minimal calories which everybody wants to avoid. They also have high levels of desirable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Fruits and vegetables also help prevent the development of cancer and other chronic diseases. It is often best that they are present in every meal. They can also serve as your primary means of having a snack. It is recommended that you consume at least five portions of fruits and vegetables daily.

In an organic food diet quality is generally the most important. This also applies to fruits and vegetables. There are several ways to determine the quality of fruits and veggies and the easiest one of them is through color. How bright and how deep the color of a fruit or vegetable has direct correlation to how concentrated its vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant contents are. Green fruits and vegetables are generally rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E and K. These nutrients help reinforce the respiratory and circulatory systems of the body. Sweet vegetables on the other hand are very useful in containing your desire to eat sweets. Buying fruits and vegetables is best performed locally because the produce will be fresher and cheaper.

Eating healthy carbs and whole grain is another great way to improve the quality of your Organic Food Diet. Carbohydrates are one of the primary contributors to weight gain as well as the biggest hindrance in weight loss. Carbohydrates however cannot be fully eliminated from the diet because they serve as the primary energy giving nutrients of the body. They are required so that the body can fully perform its functions. The most effective way of eating healthy without experiencing the lack of energy is through the consumption of purely healthy carbohydrates supplemented with fiber. These help lower the risks of heart illnesses, diabetes, and certain types of cancers.

Healthy carbs are also known as complex carbs because they need to be broken down into simpler components first before they can be absorbed by the bloodstream. While they are still being broken down you will continue to feel full. Their absorption is also gradual which helps maintain the balance in bodily nutrients. Unhealthy carbs on the other hand are otherwise known as simple carbs because they are almost immediately absorbed by the bloodstream. Hence you will feel hunger sooner and they can also disrupt the nutritional balance of your body.


Saturday 28 January 2017

Is Exercise Really the Key to Good Joint Health?

I'm sure that most of you have heard the phrase "use it or lose it" before. Well just yesterday I found out how true this statement really is. Yesterday, I single handedly (without a snow blower) shoveled out our entire driveway and side walk of fresh snow. Afterwards, aside from being a little tired, I felt great! I didn't have any achy joints, sore back or anything! Now before any of you so called "couch potatoes" start thumping your chest and say, well I can do that too, be careful. You need to build up to this level of activity over time with a regular exercise plan. To do otherwise might just land you in the hospital or worse. Here is why. If you live a very sedate lifestyle, sudden exercise, like shoveling show in the extreme cold can be a shock to your system, resulting in a heart attack, stroke or injury to your joints. The good news is this; you can be active again, so you don't have to be a slave to age.

So, as part of your New Year resolutions decide to begin a regular routine of weekly exercise. You'll be glad you did! There are real benefits for your joints by committing to an exercise program. Actually you can really delay the aging process by several years by exercising. Many people when they hit their 50s and 60s just give up doing the sports they used to love in their younger years using the excuse, "I'm just too old for that stuff now". Many actually withdraw from most any kind of physical activity altogether fearing that they will hurt themselves and become more disabled. Nothing could be further from the truth. It actually is beneficial for your joints when you exercise. Once you start, you will begin to notice how much more you can really do and will be amazed at how your energy level increases. You just need to make a commitment to do it. Here is what I found out from the health professionals about the benefits of exercise.

The most common affliction of the joints as people age is arthritis. According to Mayo Clinic staff representatives exercise is absolutely crucial for arthritis sufferers. It increases strength, flexibility, actually reduces joint pain and helps fight fatigue. Exercise even helps you to maintain a healthy body weight. Many people make the incorrect assumption that exercise will aggravate what joint pain and stiffness you already have. But it is the lack of exercise that actually does damage to your joints. Exercise helps strengthen the muscles and tissues around the bones and joints and protects them. In the long run exercise protects your joints, it doesn't damage them.

Here are the benefits of exercise:

· Helps strengthen the muscles around your joints

· Helps maintain bone strength

· Gives you more strength and energy to tackle the day

· Helps you get a better night's sleep

· Helps you get in control of your weight

· Makes you feel better about yourself and your well-being

Here are 4 different choices of exercise you can pick from:

Range-of-motion exercises are great for relieving stiffness and helps increase your joints ability to reach their full potential range of motion. This is the least aggressive kind of exercise you can start with. Simply raising your arms over your head or rolling your shoulders forward and backward. You can do these daily if you'd like.

Strengthening exercises can help you to build stronger muscles that better support and protect your joints. Weight training is a great example of this type of exercise. It's recommended that you do this every other day, so that your muscles can rest up between routines. Even take off an extra day if you are experiencing some pain in your joints or swelling.

Aerobic or endurance exercise is really good for both your joints and overall fitness. It improves cardiovascular health, helps with weight control, and increases your stamina. Low-impact aerobic exercises like walking, biking and swimming are particularly good for your joints.

Other activities any movement can be beneficial for your joints no matter how small. If one workout is more appealing to you, feel free to ask your doctor if it's right for you. Gentle forms of yoga or tai chi are a good choice. Tai chi can improve your balance and prevent falls.

Don't begin an exercise program without guidance, especially if you already experience a chronic pain condition such as back pain, or hip, knee or shoulder problems. Consult with your doctor first and then find an expert, either a physical therapist or athletic trainer to show you the best exercise for your joints given your current condition. One health professional commented "I may recommend a particular exercise that's great for 75% of people, but maybe another 25% really shouldn't do it."

I decided a long time ago, that I wanted to stay in shape. I'd been sick during most of my youth. I have been frequenting the gym on a minimum of 3 times a week, and as result by heart rate stays at a very low rate, about that of a seasoned athlete. I don't very often get out of breath either. So, shoveling snow was not all that different from the work out I get at the gym. As a result of exercising, I've been able to participate in most all of the sports I took part in during my youth without joint pain and continue to live a vigorous and active lifestyle. Better yet, people say I don't look my age! Hey, it's never too late. It's a new year. Start it out right, by giving yourself the gift of better health. You won't be sorry you did!


How to set a Weight Loss Goal (You can actually Get!) - Christina Carlyle

Friday 27 January 2017

Hot Foods Help You Lose Weight

Here's a little known secret for curbing your appetite: hot peppers. They are healthy, nutritious and work in tandem with any weight loss program or diet plan you may be on.
Hot peppers, when eaten early in the day, decreases food intake later in the day.Try adding a little to your omelet in the morning.
Here's how it helps control hunger: Capsaicin Catalyst
The capsaicin in hot peppers may get the credit for decreasing appetite. The heat-giving ingredient appears to stop sensory information in the intestine from reaching the brain. It basically kills -- or stuns -- the message that you're hungry. Capsaicin may also give your metabolism a boost. You get to be happy while you lose weight. LOL! Getting healthy, losing weight and exercising should not be chores, they should be a lifestyle choice.
For a breakfast that will really fire you up, add cayenne, hot red peppers, or jalapeno peppers to an omelet. These hotties all contain capsaicin. Know what? Before I even read this and then passed it on to you, a member of my family used this "secret" and along with a few other changes, such as increasing exercise, eating more fruits and vegetables, not eating late at night and equally importantly having breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and supper like a pauper. Keeping their highest caloric intake at the beginning of the day so they have all day to expend them. Not only have they both lost in excess of 40 pounds in one year, they are more active, heart rates are down and their blood pressures are bang on. Wow! That is a lot of "bang" for a small vegetable isn't it?
It is no secret that eating your largest meal at the beginning of the day, IF you are most active throughout the day, is one of the very best, simplest ways to keep your weight in check. Of course, if you are most active throughout the evening or night time hours, that is when you would eat the most. Here is a sample of what you may choose to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner if you do most of your activities prior to 7p.m.
Upon rising : 6:30a.m: glass of water immediately, the colder the better as it starts the metabolism moving.
Breakfast: 7:30 a.m: 1-6 oz glass of orange juice, 3 oz steak, 2 eggs, 1 slice of whole wheat toast with a dab of butter, 1/2 cup of roasted potatoes (using Pam not oil) a couple of wedges of melon or strawberries or orange slices for edible garnish; one cup of green tea or coffee
Snack: 10:30 a.m: 12 almonds tossed in hot tamari seasoning (get the low sodium or no sodium one) with 12 oz of water, ice cold to keep that metabolism revving on high
Lunch: 12:30 or 1:00p.m: 6-8 oz of roasted chicken or turkey breast, fish, tuna or shellfish with 2 cups of steamed green beans, sliced on the diagonal about 1/2 " in length, tossed with 4 cups of mixed greens, finely sliced onions, tomatoe and cucumbers and 2 tablespoons of light salad dressing of your choice.
Snack: 3:30 p.m: 1 cup of whole strawberries with 1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup
Dinner: 6:00 p.m: a hearty helping of minestrone soup (minus the pasta or as little as you can scoop) with 2-4 slices of crusty whole wheat french bread to dip.
Snack: 9:00 p.m: 3 cups air popped or microwave popcorn, no salt or butter added, large glass of water.
Make sure that through the course of the day you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water. This is one of the biggest tips to lose weight. Water has no calories but takes up lots of room in your stomach. The colder the water, the more your body has to work to get it to body temperature to be able to use it. Hence another way to rev up your metabolism.
So, instead of dieting, using diet pills and starving yourself, learn to eat right. Healthy foods all day long, snacks every 2-3 hours, no diet drinks, (they can really harm you) no crazy exercise schedules (but some exercise is mandatory) Find out how you can get a lot more "secrets" at:

Quick Vegetable Biryani-Veg Biryani In Pressure Cooker-Pressure Cooker B...

Thursday 26 January 2017

Become Beyoncé With This Sexy Dance Workout

Philips Airfryer Cooks Using Air

That's right, the Philips Airfryer cooks fried foods without using oil. I don't know about you but I love eating fried foods. What I don't like is the unhealthy after effects that I get such as weight gain, digestive problems, and the oil that comes oozing out of my pores. I think everyone should be able to eat fries, chicken, and other fried foods without having to worry about dealing with all of the health issues. Apparently so does Philips which is why they have came out with such a modern innovation in cooking technology. There are several features that the Airfryer has that makes it worth owning.
One great thing about this modern day deep fryer is that it cooks fried foods without using oil. That means there is 80% less fat in all of the foods that you cook in it. That means there is no need to worry about gaining weight or leading an unhealthy lifestyle, and it will fit in with any type of diet you may be on.
There are also several great accessories that come with the Airfryer that make it top of the line. One is the food separator that allows you to cook a few different foods at one time. The separator keeps the foods separate from each other so there is no need to worry about one type of food tasting like another. Dang, I am really going to miss my fries tasting like chicken!
Another great accessory is the innovative air filter that comes with it. The air filter will filter out all of the vapors that usually fill up your entire house when you are cooking something in oil. This means that you do not have to worry about your kitchen or any other area smelling like cooking oil or fried foods for hours after you cook.
Also, if you are a busy parent or someone who needs to be able to multitask, there is a timer that can be set for up to 30 minutes. Once the food is cooked and ready to eat the timer will go off and a "ready" alert will sound letting you know that it is time to eat. This is a handy accessory that everyone could use more of these days.
This Philips Airfryer is a must have deep fryer for anyone who wants to be able to eat healthier and more conveniently. If you are tired of frying your foods in oil and dealing with all of the after effects like I am, then you have to check this thing out. You will be able to fry foods without using any cooking oil and eat them with 80% less fat. You will also be able to use all of the accessories that come with it to make your life easier.

Philips healthy kitchen presents: Grilled Salmon Kebabs

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Eat And Live Healthy With The Asparagus

The asparagus is part of the lily family. It is one vegetable that grows with so much ease. It is easily planted in farms and it can even be planted in your kitchen garden without you giving the vegetable much attention. An asparagus plant can produce harvest for many years. It follows no season because it can be planted and harvested at most times of the year. Aside from the asparagus vegetable being easily planted and harvested, it is also very good for the body. Now, if you want to live a healthier life by taking on a healthier eating habit, then know more about the asparagus.

Here are some of the best benefits you can get from eating asparagus.

The asparagus can be very good detox vegetable. It can help you detoxify you body so you can easily get rid of toxic wastes in your system. One factor behind this is the presence of potassium in the vegetable. Potassium is known to help get rid of fats that have accumulated in the belly. Another reason why it is a good detox agent is because asparagus contains a lot of fiber. With fiber, your body can easily detoxify its digestive system, thus, helping you improve your bowel movement.

The asparagus is also known to help slow down the aging process. The nutrients it contains help reduce muscle degeneration that contributes to aging. Since the asparagus is able to mitigate the rate of aging, it is ideal for someone who wants to look and stay younger than his age. It is also good news to know that the asparagus contains glutathione which carries a lot of antioxidants. With antioxidants, the vegetable can help protect your body cells from toxins that can harm and bring illnesses.

Since asparagus helps fight the free radicals in our body, it can also aide in preventing different kinds of cancer. Not only that, it is also contains huge amounts of folate which can be responsible for cancer-fighting activities in the body. The folate content also helps reduce pain and inflammation. Not only that, the vegetable is also very ideal for pregnant women since folate can help prevent baby defects at birth. We know that pregnant women are required to take in enough amounts of folic acid so nervous system defects can be avoided. By eating asparagus, folate deficiency can be fought and the foetus inside the woman's womb can be freed from spinal cord birth defects. By eating asparagus regularly during pregnancy, premature births can also be prevented.

Another health advantage to eating asparagus is that it can help UTI or urinary tract infection, thus, it can be a very ideal vegetable if you want to prevent the formation of kidney stones. This is possible because of the asparagus' potassium content.

The asparagus can be very delicious if prepared as a steamed dish or if mixed with different dishes. When preparing dishes, keep in mind that you can add a few asparagus sticks into it so that you can maximize the vegetable's health and nutrition benefits.


Tuesday 24 January 2017

What Happens When The Diet Is Over?

"Diet" is another name for eating regime, and if you look at it this way, the diet is never finished.  I came across an expression recently that says that we are born; we eat and then we die. Obtaining sustenance from food is vital to life itself and is first in the list of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, along with warmth and shelter. The instant that the baby is born, human or animal, it seeks the nipple and we do not have to teach it to suck once it latches on.
So perhaps the answer to the question is that the diet is never over!
But many people, when they reach their goal weight, assume that they can just start eating like they did before. It may be okay to have the occasional treat, (occasional being the key word) and life would be pretty boring without them. But the average diet these days, and probably the way of eating that led up to the need to lose weight in the first place, can consist of too much in the way of sugary and starchy foods.
So finding out what to eat when reaching goal is not straightforward. A strict slimming diet can make the body learn to live on a lot less food, and in the experience of many dieters, researchers and studies, it seems that it cannot recover. Many experts advise people to step up the exercise, but this can be self defeating because exercise can just make you hungry. Exercise is good for you of course, but it is not the way to lose weight. You can read more about this in the book "Instinctive Fitness" by Oliver Selway & Charlie Packer. According to Oliver we need to exercise instinctively and not spend hours on the treadmill in the Gym.
So what can happen when the diet is over then?
As I have already mentioned when the diet is over we need to experiment. Many slimming clubs start a maintenance programme once people reach their goal, and some of them are good. The only problem is that some of them include sugary or sweet and starchy foods, which can be addictive, the food industry makes sure of that. It bears repeating that as these foods were more than likely included in the old way of eating before the person decided to lose weight, then it is best not to include them in the new way of eating after reaching goal.
In my experience adding one unprocessed food back into the diet, every few days is the way to go. This gives your body a chance to regain some balance and is a good indicator of what you can eat in the future without regaining.  Stick to foods with around three to five ingredients but at best just one. The fewer ingredients there are, the nearer to natural foods they are.
It may take a little patience and even a little weight gain, but don't be afraid of that, because that is what experimenting is all about.  It can be enjoyable and fun finding out what your future way of eating for life is going to be.

Simple Egg Curry with Pressure Cooked Onion Tomato Gravy

Monday 23 January 2017

The Benefits of Using a Pressure Cooker

Pressure cookers are becoming an increasingly popular device to use in the kitchen. They are convenient, easy to use and produce fast and quality cooking. Let's go into detail on the main benefits to using this machine.
Benefit 1 - Faster Cooking
This tends to be the main benefit why most people use pressure cookers. With these you can cook food extremely fast as a relationship exists between pressure and temperature. The higher the pressure inside a closed container, the easier it is to raise the temperature. As the pressure is increased, the temperature naturally gets hotter. Furthermore, heat is pressed into the food in a pressure cooker for faster cooking.
If you are short on time and want to whip up a decent meal, a pressure cooker is just the device for the job.
Benefit 2 - Nutrient Retention
All cooking processes will cause food to lose some of its nutrients, so it's just a matter of minimizing the damage. Conventional steaming to some extent will cause nutrients and vitamins to leak, and boiling food is a big no-no as the water draws out even more nutrients, especially water-soluble vitamins. Ovens require a greater cook time.

So the key for nutrient retention is to use as little time and water as possible during the cooking process. Because pressure cooking is a fast process, and it uses little water, this is an ideal cooking method for your foods to keep their health benefits.
Benefit 3 - Ease of Use
Pressure Cooking does not have this advantage over all other cooking methods, but it does for most of them. These devices are easy to operate, clean and maintain. The only thing you need is some water and you are good to go. No messy pots and pans to clean, and no waiting for the oven to preheat.
Benefit 4 - Uniform Cooking
Because the heat tends to penetrate the food thoroughly during pressure cooking, your food will be cooked uniformly. You don't have to worry about parts of your food being overcooked and other portions undercooked. When you bake or broil you food, either the bottom half or top half will cook first. Grills have a tough time cooking food evenly because that is the nature of them with flame cooking. If you are strict about wanting your food to be cooked evenly, a pressure cooker is the way to go.
Benefit 5 - Less Energy and Less Heat
Because pressure cookers require little energy compared to an oven or stove, and take up much less cooking time, you will save energy in the process. You won't have to waste energy pre-heating the oven. If you use a grill you'll either have to spend money on charcoal or propane which can get expensive.

If you use a pressure cooker for most of your cooking needs, you'll be sure to notice a difference in your energy bill at the end of the month. Furthermore, since your cook time is much less and the heat is trapped inside the cooker, you kitchen will remain much cooler when using a pressure cooking. This is actually a huge advantage in the summertime and will help with your energy bill as well.
These are the five primary benefits of using a pressure cooker. If you don't currently own one, you should look into getting one as soon as possible. A pressure cooker will end up saving you time and money, and will help you cook healthier food as well. You can be sure to find high-quality pressure cookers at great prices online, so get yours today.

90 sec. Morning Abundance Stretch

Sunday 22 January 2017


People who are on diets typically avoid pasta, but really it is the sauce that cause various problems. If you want you can eat pasta, but made from wholemeal flour – there is also pasta without wheat ingredients. These noodles have more nutrients than white flour pasta.
Nutritional components: vitamin B5 and B6, folic acid, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, fiber.
Due to the fiber content, body slows down the absorption of sugars, in addition it is more satiating than light pasta-because you eat less of it.
Quick recipe for a healthy pasta with herbs:
Pasta with herb pesto
– Wholemeal pasta
– 1 Tablespoon of olive oil
– 1 peace garlic, chopped
– 2 Handfuls of chopped leaves of basil and parsley
– Pepper, salt, a touch of lemon
– You can add balsamic vinegar
– Marjoram, thyme
Remember that pasta should be cooked al dente. This is very important. Add ingredients to a bowl and mix thoroughly (preferably mix, to get the sauce).

Healthy Recipes - Making Goji Berry Blast Smoothie

Saturday 21 January 2017

The Amazing Secrets of Himalayan Goji Berries

Goji berries originated in the Himalayas, and there are several health benefits that have been directly related to these wonderful berries. Goji berries have been proven to extend the longevity of life. Certain tribes in Himalayan's that consumed goji berries on a regular basis, lived to be over a hundred years old, back when the average life span of a human being was much shorter. This is definitely a testament to the benefits of goji berries.
Goji berries also increase a persons energy and strength, and this is why goji juice is the perfect drink if you are athletic and need too keep up your stamina up. You could say that goji berries are a natural alternative to steroids. goji berries help people with high blood pressure maintain a healthy blood pressure rate, and they also help people maintain normal cholesterol levels and liver functions.
Research that has been conducted on goji berries has revealed that these berries help relieve menstrual discomfort, and they enhance the human immune function by enhancing blood cells that aid the body in fighting off infections and diseases. People have reported that these berries also make them look and feel younger. this is a result of the large number of antioxidants that are contained within goji berries.
In-order to ascertain the health benefits of goji berries, you need to take a look at the goji berries nutritional facts. These facts show that goji berries contains 500 times more vitamin C per ounce than your average oranges. Limoleic acid that is found in a goji berries burns excess body fat, and increases lean muscle mass. Goji berries also contain more beta carotene than carrots, this is why they are very good for your eyes.
These berries have a number health benefits that can be enjoyed just by drinking a glass of goji juice on a daily basis. researchers in the health industry have stated that drinking 2oz of goji juice on a daily basis for just three weeks, will bost your immune system. This happens because goji berries contain amino acids, and minerals that boost a persons white blood cell function by 300%. Goji juice promotes health, and therefore it should have a place at the breakfast table every morning.

Beginner Resistance Band Workout (Arms and Shoulders for BEGINNERS!!)

Friday 20 January 2017

Resistance Band Exercise For Beginners

The resistance band is an amazing product that has a very unique physical property which is known as variable elastic potential. Basically the way it works is that the more you stretch the band the more resistance that is applied, and the faster it will snap back. You will find that the resistance bands because of the elastic approach it will build up the speed in your body in comparison to weights.

Resistance band exercises are a great alternative to any type of fitness exercise that creates impact on the body, since it virtually has no impact. An instance where it may be useful for example is with multiple sclerosis patients who can barely walk will be able to utilize the resistance bands to keep the blood flowing through their legs by doing a few stretches with the band wrapped around one of their feet. The resistance band provides a great alternative for all individuals in society.

Advantages Of Resistance Bands -

o Excellent for muscle build up and toning of the muscles.

o Increases one's flexibility and range of motion.

o Eases the discomfort for sufferers of any movement disabilities due to its low impact activities.

o Great for rehabilitation patients who need to recover from an injury.

o Resistance bands can be used by all types of people, varying in heights, weight and age. This includes children as well!

o Use can be instant as there is no setup time, so therefore faster results will occur.

o Very inexpensive so affordable by all.

o Very portable ensuring your workouts can be undertaken in all types of environments.

o Resistance bands can be purchased in varying resistances, so as you improve you can opt for a more difficult band.

o Core muscles are engaged during your workout unlike other traditional strength training exercises.

o Can target the hard to hit muscles unlike most weight routines. In particular the fast twitch fibre muscles in your body are targeted.

o Can shorten the length of the resistance band and this can make the exercise harder to do.

o Can implement sport focused activities such as trying to improve your golf swing or pitching a baseball. Really builds the muscles in the areas that you should be focusing on for these sports.

Obviously a resistance band workout is not going to get all the results that you need. Because it's more a toning exercise you need to combine the workout with mild aerobic exercises as well as a healthy diet. By doing this you will notice results much faster, and obviously achieve better results.

Just like with all pieces of fitness equipment you need to warm up your muscles and joints before applying any type of resistance. A warm up can be for example performing the exercise without the exercise band. There are so many different resistance band exercises that this article would not be able to cover them in such a short time. If you search the term "resistance band exercises" on Google you will have an unlimited source of workout images and routines at your fingertips. Don't hesitate any longer, pick up a resistance band today and start achieving results in the different parts of your body today!

Wakame Seaweed Salad Recipe

Thursday 19 January 2017

Superfood Called Blue Green Algae - An FAQ

"Superfood" is a term used to describe any of nature's foods that nutritionists and health professionals widely consider as being a nearly "perfect food." While there is no uniformly-accepted definition for the term, in general it refers to any food that contains proportionately large amounts of high-nutrition elements like vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.
Phytochemicals, incidentally, are chemicals that have disease-fighting properties. (A commonly-known phytochemical is beta-carotene, for example). Fresh fruits and vegetables containing phytochemicals have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and inflammation, while strengthening the immune system.
Examples of Superfoods:
Some foods that are widely considered to be superfoods are relatively common foods that are well-known to most people. Meanwhile, others are relatively rare and a bit harder to find.
Some superfoods that can commonly be found at a supermarket are beans, blueberries, red grapes, papaya, pink grapefruit, broccoli, oats, oranges, pumpkin, salmon, soy, spinach, tea, tomatoes, and walnuts.
Meanwhile, there are other superfoods that are a bit more rare, such as spirulina, flax seed, guinoa, chlorella, maca, noni, mangosteen, goji berry, acai, camu camu, wheat grass, barley grass, acerola cherry, and blue-green algae - just to name a few. Most or all of these can be easily found at local health food stores and websites.
Spotlight on Blue-Green Algae:
One of the most interesting is the superfood called blue-green algae. The scientific name for it is aphanizomenon flos-aquae. In its natural state, it is a simple aquatic plant that can be found naturally in rivers, lakes and ponds. Despite being called algae, it is actually a type of bacteria called cyanobacteria.
Blue-green algae is one of the few superfoods listed above that is generally not consumed "as is", but rather is taken in pill form or as a powder, blended with other nutrient-rich foods.
This superfood is nutrient-rich and very digestible. It contains high-quality protein, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and enzymes. It is also a great source of beta-carotene, vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll.
Like its distant cousin spirulina, the superfood is thought to boost the immune system, helping the body to fight infection. Some studies show that it can increase the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines. The chlorophyll in blue-green algae may aid in the healing of wounds and burns.
It is easy to see why blue-green algae is referred to as a superfood: it contains so many nutrients.
Ways to Consume Blue-Green Algae
Incorporate the superfood into your diet by using the powder form in:
* shakes: try blending with natural ingredients such as fresh fruits, hemp seeds, flax seed oil, and honey.
* smoothies: mix blue-green algae with coconut meat and water for a real treat.
* tonics: blend into water and add a touch of lemon, sea salt, and cayenne pepper.
* with oatmeal: mix the blue-green algae with oatmeal, raw almond butter, maple syrup or agave nectar for a delicious treat.
This superfood contains a host of dynamic proteins, phytochemicals, nucleic acids, enzymes and carbohydrates that boost the immune system. When the powder is mixed into shakes, smoothies and other natural foods, it can be not only an extremely nutritious treat, but also a very delicious one, as well.

Secret To Staying Motivated to Workout!

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Psychic Abilities For Health and Healing

We've all heard of people who have "a gift". That "gift" is the unique ability to tune in to one's intuition at a higher frequency than the general population. Often these individuals call themselves psychics, intuitive readers, and metaphysical channelers, just to name a few. The amazing thing is that they aren't unique or special in any other way than they cultivated their gifts. They tuned in to their inner life and discovered that by acknowledging the gift and working to make the messages, the frequencies, and the volume louder they could have deeper understandings and insights into life's mysteries.
Is it possible for you to become psychic? Well what if you weren't psychic but you simply paid more attention to your life? I'm not talking about the typical things like are you hot or cold, but more important things like when your body or your emotions try and give you guidance... would that be important to you?
When facing a chronic or life-threatening illness every opportunity that leads to personal understanding becomes another foot soldier in your battle for health and healing. It's your secret weapon in wrestling your illness to the ground; kind of take no prisoners approach to wellness. Your ability to pay attention will catch the attention of others because they will assume you're psychic when actually you're a finely tuned instrument that accepts, acknowledges and makes decisions based on your deepest intuitions. It's a gift that can't be denied so don't deny it...cultivate it!
Developing your "psychic" abilities or your highly sophisticated inner radar system, you engage in a dialogue between mind, body, and spirit. You provide your cells with the spiritual energy to fortify itself while focusing on your healing process. This practice gives you the knowledge that so many are looking for, that "secret" to health and healing that many believe to be out of arms length but sits nestled in your heart and soul.
This is one more arena where a bit of spiritual elbow grease is required. Paying attention takes work because we're a culture that lives on perfecting distraction. Developing the capacity to sit with uncertainty, emotional pain, and maybe even a bit of discomfort is at the forefront of your "psychic" adventure. Allow yourself to grow into your spiritual paws and allow the healing to begin!

Healthy Apple Pie Recipe

Tuesday 17 January 2017


Fats not only gives us energy, but they also play very important role, as a regulator of many physiological processes.
Therefore, providing the body with the appropriate polyunsaturated fats, which are found in seeds and nuts, and olive oil is very beneficial for our health and figure.
A great source of beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is our linseed oil, which can be added to salads and other dishes or sauces.

Composition of 1 liter (1000 ml) of flaxseed oil are the following essential fatty acids (EFAs):
– Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (omega-3) – over 500 ml
– Linoleic acid (LA) (omega-6) – about 150 ml
– Oleic acid (O) (omega-9) – about 170 ml
– Saturated fatty acids- approximately 100 ml
Linseed oil supports the:
-Digestive system: it stimulates metabolism
-Nervous system: in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and depression
– Treatment of tumor diseases
– Treatment of overweight and obesity: helps to reduce body fat, has a beneficial effect on the liver degreasing.
– The immune system
– Cardiovascular system: alpha-linolenic acid lowers cholesterol, prevents heart attack and hypertensive disease.
– Skin, hair and nails
Add to salads and other cold dishes and take one tablespoon at night before bedtime! Because …
Linseed oil is great for pregnant women, because it has Omega-3!
„Some scientists claim that the presence of children’s ADHD is associated with a deficiency of Omega-3 in child prenatal period. It was found that children of a women, that had diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids during the pregnancy, show up to 19% higher level of intelligence in relation to their peers. In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on the development of brain, central nervous system, vision, heart, and psychomotor function.” (source: Vivetia)
It is good for women, it’s adjusting the proportions of hormones in the body while also affecting the menstrual cycle by reducing menstrual pain and mood swings and alleviates menopausal symptoms.
Also it’s great for men, because it helps in the treatment of infertility.
Athletes should consume linseed oil as it improves muscle growth, reduce fat, produces hemoglobin which increases exercise capacity and it has regenerating effect on the body.

The 7 Best Ab Exercises

Monday 16 January 2017

5 Fitness Gym Hacks

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are always looking for a leg up when it comes to maximizing their time spent in the gym. Sometimes it just takes experience to learn the ins and outs of the gym, but in this case allow me to impart some knowledge.

Here are the 5 Fitness Gym Hacks:

1. Bring a Water Source With You
Hydration is one of the most overlooked wellness measures in our culture. Our lives are so busy and full of distraction that stopping to take a sip of water can easily be forgotten. Training yourself to drink water consistently throughout the day is a tough enough habit to adopt. Forcing yourself to drink water periodically while at the gym is a good place to start.
When you go to the gym, bring a water bottle with you. Don't leave it with your coat or keys, take it around with you to each workout station you go to, this will help you to remember to drink. I recommend taking a sip or two between every workout. An even better way to force yourself to drink is to buy a nice water bottle from the store. If it is a nice bottle that you paid money for you will be much more likely to remember to take it with you wherever you go. For extra performance, fill your bottle with a BCAA powder mix for an intra-workout boost to your muscular performance.

2. Wear One Extra Layer
Whether you're going for a detox workout or just trying to burn more calories, wear an extra layer of gym clothes than you would normally. Wearing an extra layer, like a sweatshirt top, sweatpants, long sleeve shirt, or a hat, can increase your body temperature while you workout. This can help you sweat more in the gym and burn more calories. If you're working out after a weekend of drinking or eating and want to clean up your system, sweating it out with an extra layer can be the best way to get your body feeling good again. Psychologically sweating more at the gym can be good too, you will feel that you worked much harder while you were there.

3. Superset your Exercises
If you have two exercises on your list that you can do on the same machine or bench it can sometimes be best to superset these exercises so that you save time and increase the intensity of your workout. When you do a superset, you combine two different exercises that you do in succession. For example, if you were to superset bench press and pushups you would do your reps on the bench press, then right after get down on the floor and do 10 pushups. The benefits of supersets are great, you increase the intensity and effectiveness of your muscles, so your body learns to work harder and grow stronger, and it can actually save time and increase the efficiency of your work outs. If you did an entire workout of 6 different supersets, you could do 12 different exercises in about the same time it would take you to do 6. This is a great technique for those days when you have limited time in the gym, but you still want to get as good a workout as possible, just do a couple of supersets and in 30 minutes you'll feel like you just worked out for an hour.

4. Give Your Workouts a Title
Planning out your workout before you get to the gym has its obvious benefits. Instead of getting to the gym and staring at the equipment for five minutes before you decide what you want to do, having a plan means you can walk in and immediately start hitting the weights. Well, here's an even more simple hack to add to your workout plan, name your workout. "Get Big Day," "Weekend Detox," or "Hump Day" are just simple examples of the titles you can give. What a title does when you put it at the top of your workout plan is it gives you a purpose to your workout. When we go to the gym with a purpose or goal in mind we tend to work the hardest, get the best results, and enjoy our workout the most. It's simple psychology but something I'm sure most of us don't already apply, when workouts begin to become monotonous and ordinary is when we tend to lose interest. Next time you write a workout, throw a title at the top of your list and see how it changes your habits.

5. Break Your Routines
Routines are great. They get us into the gym, help us figure out what to do when we are there, and generally make our lives easier. However, over time routines can cause stagnation in personal improvement both inside of the gym and outside of the gym. In the gym, repeatedly doing the same exercise routines every week can result in reduced muscle adaptation and growth in as little time as five weeks of repetition. Having routines in your lifestyle that you carry on for months at a time can also result in similar effects for your psychological and physiological health. Overcome routines and muscle growth stagnation by simply recognizing when you've been doing the same types of workouts or exercises for a while, and change it. For life routines, changing the route you take to work or the time you go to bed can have a great impact on the path of your day.

Think Starchy Foods Are Unhealthy? Think Again!

You’re probably familiar with dietary fiber and its role in your health. But, you may not be aware of it’s cousin,”resistant starch.”

It’s a type of fiber that has the beneficial effects of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Emerging research shows that resistant starch improves blood sugar and promotes healthy weight. 

What is resistant starch?

It’s a type of carbohydrate (starch) that your body cannot digest. It is resistant to the digestive juices, which is why it’s called “resistant starch.”

There are 4 types of resistant starch 

Type 1 or RS1 : This type of starch is present in seeds, whole grains and legumes. This type of starch is tough to reach by the digestive juices as it is in the cells walls of plants.

 Type 2 or RS2: This type of starch comes from corn, raw uncooked potatoes andraw green bananas. Your stomach’s digestive juices cannot breakdown this type of starch because of its structure.

Type 3 or RS3: This type of starch forms when cooked starchy foods cool down. The cooling turns the digestible starch to resistant starch. In this process the starch chains realign as they cool and form strong starch links. This is known as the “retrogradation of starch” which makes the starches indigestible. Examples include cooked and cooled pasta or rice.

 Type 4 or RS4: This type is man-made starches (synthetic). I do not recommend eating this type of starch.

How it Helps Weight Loss?

Because of its special ability to remain undigested, resistant starch keeps you full longer. This quality makes it a great tool for weight loss.
Resistant starch also will not give you a spike in sugar or insulin after you eat. This is why it is often recommended to people with type 2 diabetes.
Prebiotic: Resistant starch makes its way into the large intestine undigested. Here, the good bacteria feed on it and release butyric acid. This is a short chain fatty acid, that helps the growth of good bacteria in your gut.

Studies show that people who carry good bacteria in their gut have healthier body weights. Healthy blood sugar: Eating foods containing resistant starch balances sugar in your blood. Because it escapes digestion, it does not spike your blood sugar levels. In fact, the short chain fatty acids released can improve insulin sensitivity. This is crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar and body weight.

 An average adult eats only 3 – 8 grams of resistant starch per day.

 To reap its health benefits, you need to get at least 15 – 20 grams per day. So now the only question is, “How can I get more resistant starch in my daily meals?”

5 Ways to Eat More Resistant Starch

1. Plantains: Include plantains or green bananas (unripe) in your diet at least once a week. Slice green plantains and dehydrate them to enjoy as a snack.

2. Cook& Cool: Cook brown rice, legumes, or potatoes. Cool them so they form the Type 2 or RS 2 starch.

3. Nuts: Raw nuts are a great source of resistant starch. Groundnut which is a legume is also a good source. Eat them raw or roasted for a healthy snack.

 4. Beans: White beans, black beans and red beans make for a good source of resistant starch. Be sure to cook them before eating. Hummus made from soaked chickpeas, carries a good amount of RS.

 5. Seeds: Lotus seeds, chia and sunflower seeds are also great resistant starch snacks.

If you have digestive issues or leaky gut, talk to your dietitian. An average healthy person who increases their resistant starch intake should not have any issues. Yet, moderation is the key and always start slow.

Remember, there is no magic pill for weight loss. Clean eating and exercise are the only way to achieve lasting, healthy weight loss.

P.S. Please help me spread the word by sharing this info. and I love hearing from you in the comments below.


How To Steam Vegetables Stupid Easy Healthy Cooking Show With Corrina Ra...

Sunday 15 January 2017

Steaming Food in a Food Steamer - Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is not just about choosing the right food to eat but also how you cook it. Steaming food in a food steamer is one of the healthiest, most nutritious methods of healthy eating.
The raw food diet is undoubtedly the healthiest of all diets but using a food steamer and steaming food comes in at a close second.
When you cook by steaming food in a food steamer the food never comes into contact with the water, so vital nutrients are not lost in the cooking process.
A food steamer will retain the cellular structure of food tissues as well as their aromatic composition because the heat when steaming food is gentle.
Inside a food steamer, the steaming food is wrapped in watery steam and cooking takes pace through a convection process. You will also notice that meat, in particular, stays tender and tasty.

Which Foods to Cook in a Food Steamer
Steamed vegetables keep most of their flavonoids and vitamin content, so other than eating them raw, steaming vegetables is the next best way of cooking them.
Fish is also excellent when cooked in a food steamer because it retains all of its flavors and nutrient content such as the essential Omega-3 fatty-acids found in all seafood and fish doesn't fall apart during the cooking process.
Stir-frying, boiling, grilling, and other high temperature heating methods destroy many important nutrients. If you want to maintain the nutrients and rich flavors of fresh foods, then steaming food is the key!
You can use your food steamer to steam fish, chicken, vegetables, dumplings and much more and reap the health benefits of fat-free cooking that produces crisp and delicious results.
A Food Steamer is a Healthier Choice
All it takes is a simple change to your dietary habits to greatly assist in promoting better health.
Good health and vitality go hand in hand with great tasting food, steaming food perfectly seals in all the natural vitamins and minerals of foods which are vital to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
A Food Steamer Preserves Vitamins and Minerals
Brown rice, for example, should be cooked in a food steamer, because this is the only method of cooking brown rice that guarantees the retention of its valuable vitamin B1.

A diet including five servings of steamed vegetables a day can help in the fight against aging and also protect against several serious diseases.
It's the abundance of vitamins and mineral salts that is so important and by steaming food you will minimize the risk of losing these vital vitamins and nutrients while cooking.
Overcooking or burning food will destroy most, if not all, of the health benefits from eating it, this can be easily avoided if you use a food steamer.
If you are health conscious you may prefer steaming food in a food steamer to other methods which require cooking oil, resulting in lower fat consumption.