Sunday 29 January 2017

Organic Food Diet - Colorful Food and Healthy Carbs

Switching to an organic food diet need not be complex. Keeping things simple is enough and making things complicated is not necessary. Fruits and vegetables are always present when talking about healthy eating. This is because they have minimal calories which everybody wants to avoid. They also have high levels of desirable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Fruits and vegetables also help prevent the development of cancer and other chronic diseases. It is often best that they are present in every meal. They can also serve as your primary means of having a snack. It is recommended that you consume at least five portions of fruits and vegetables daily.

In an organic food diet quality is generally the most important. This also applies to fruits and vegetables. There are several ways to determine the quality of fruits and veggies and the easiest one of them is through color. How bright and how deep the color of a fruit or vegetable has direct correlation to how concentrated its vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant contents are. Green fruits and vegetables are generally rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E and K. These nutrients help reinforce the respiratory and circulatory systems of the body. Sweet vegetables on the other hand are very useful in containing your desire to eat sweets. Buying fruits and vegetables is best performed locally because the produce will be fresher and cheaper.

Eating healthy carbs and whole grain is another great way to improve the quality of your Organic Food Diet. Carbohydrates are one of the primary contributors to weight gain as well as the biggest hindrance in weight loss. Carbohydrates however cannot be fully eliminated from the diet because they serve as the primary energy giving nutrients of the body. They are required so that the body can fully perform its functions. The most effective way of eating healthy without experiencing the lack of energy is through the consumption of purely healthy carbohydrates supplemented with fiber. These help lower the risks of heart illnesses, diabetes, and certain types of cancers.

Healthy carbs are also known as complex carbs because they need to be broken down into simpler components first before they can be absorbed by the bloodstream. While they are still being broken down you will continue to feel full. Their absorption is also gradual which helps maintain the balance in bodily nutrients. Unhealthy carbs on the other hand are otherwise known as simple carbs because they are almost immediately absorbed by the bloodstream. Hence you will feel hunger sooner and they can also disrupt the nutritional balance of your body.


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