Wednesday 25 January 2017

Eat And Live Healthy With The Asparagus

The asparagus is part of the lily family. It is one vegetable that grows with so much ease. It is easily planted in farms and it can even be planted in your kitchen garden without you giving the vegetable much attention. An asparagus plant can produce harvest for many years. It follows no season because it can be planted and harvested at most times of the year. Aside from the asparagus vegetable being easily planted and harvested, it is also very good for the body. Now, if you want to live a healthier life by taking on a healthier eating habit, then know more about the asparagus.

Here are some of the best benefits you can get from eating asparagus.

The asparagus can be very good detox vegetable. It can help you detoxify you body so you can easily get rid of toxic wastes in your system. One factor behind this is the presence of potassium in the vegetable. Potassium is known to help get rid of fats that have accumulated in the belly. Another reason why it is a good detox agent is because asparagus contains a lot of fiber. With fiber, your body can easily detoxify its digestive system, thus, helping you improve your bowel movement.

The asparagus is also known to help slow down the aging process. The nutrients it contains help reduce muscle degeneration that contributes to aging. Since the asparagus is able to mitigate the rate of aging, it is ideal for someone who wants to look and stay younger than his age. It is also good news to know that the asparagus contains glutathione which carries a lot of antioxidants. With antioxidants, the vegetable can help protect your body cells from toxins that can harm and bring illnesses.

Since asparagus helps fight the free radicals in our body, it can also aide in preventing different kinds of cancer. Not only that, it is also contains huge amounts of folate which can be responsible for cancer-fighting activities in the body. The folate content also helps reduce pain and inflammation. Not only that, the vegetable is also very ideal for pregnant women since folate can help prevent baby defects at birth. We know that pregnant women are required to take in enough amounts of folic acid so nervous system defects can be avoided. By eating asparagus, folate deficiency can be fought and the foetus inside the woman's womb can be freed from spinal cord birth defects. By eating asparagus regularly during pregnancy, premature births can also be prevented.

Another health advantage to eating asparagus is that it can help UTI or urinary tract infection, thus, it can be a very ideal vegetable if you want to prevent the formation of kidney stones. This is possible because of the asparagus' potassium content.

The asparagus can be very delicious if prepared as a steamed dish or if mixed with different dishes. When preparing dishes, keep in mind that you can add a few asparagus sticks into it so that you can maximize the vegetable's health and nutrition benefits.


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