Tuesday 17 January 2017


Fats not only gives us energy, but they also play very important role, as a regulator of many physiological processes.
Therefore, providing the body with the appropriate polyunsaturated fats, which are found in seeds and nuts, and olive oil is very beneficial for our health and figure.
A great source of beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is our linseed oil, which can be added to salads and other dishes or sauces.

Composition of 1 liter (1000 ml) of flaxseed oil are the following essential fatty acids (EFAs):
– Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (omega-3) – over 500 ml
– Linoleic acid (LA) (omega-6) – about 150 ml
– Oleic acid (O) (omega-9) – about 170 ml
– Saturated fatty acids- approximately 100 ml
Linseed oil supports the:
-Digestive system: it stimulates metabolism
-Nervous system: in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and depression
– Treatment of tumor diseases
– Treatment of overweight and obesity: helps to reduce body fat, has a beneficial effect on the liver degreasing.
– The immune system
– Cardiovascular system: alpha-linolenic acid lowers cholesterol, prevents heart attack and hypertensive disease.
– Skin, hair and nails
Add to salads and other cold dishes and take one tablespoon at night before bedtime! Because …
Linseed oil is great for pregnant women, because it has Omega-3!
„Some scientists claim that the presence of children’s ADHD is associated with a deficiency of Omega-3 in child prenatal period. It was found that children of a women, that had diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids during the pregnancy, show up to 19% higher level of intelligence in relation to their peers. In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on the development of brain, central nervous system, vision, heart, and psychomotor function.” (source: Vivetia)
It is good for women, it’s adjusting the proportions of hormones in the body while also affecting the menstrual cycle by reducing menstrual pain and mood swings and alleviates menopausal symptoms.
Also it’s great for men, because it helps in the treatment of infertility.
Athletes should consume linseed oil as it improves muscle growth, reduce fat, produces hemoglobin which increases exercise capacity and it has regenerating effect on the body.

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