Sunday 22 January 2017


People who are on diets typically avoid pasta, but really it is the sauce that cause various problems. If you want you can eat pasta, but made from wholemeal flour – there is also pasta without wheat ingredients. These noodles have more nutrients than white flour pasta.
Nutritional components: vitamin B5 and B6, folic acid, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, fiber.
Due to the fiber content, body slows down the absorption of sugars, in addition it is more satiating than light pasta-because you eat less of it.
Quick recipe for a healthy pasta with herbs:
Pasta with herb pesto
– Wholemeal pasta
– 1 Tablespoon of olive oil
– 1 peace garlic, chopped
– 2 Handfuls of chopped leaves of basil and parsley
– Pepper, salt, a touch of lemon
– You can add balsamic vinegar
– Marjoram, thyme
Remember that pasta should be cooked al dente. This is very important. Add ingredients to a bowl and mix thoroughly (preferably mix, to get the sauce).

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