Sunday 30 April 2017

Exercising Activities for Seniors

Often many people gradually become less active as they get older. 

We can't move the way we use to. That may be true but as we age, we still need to exercise our bodies. Not only to stay in physical shape but to keep our circulation, respiratory and digestive system working. Exercising also boost our immune system, helps increase our balance and keeps us mentally sharp. It also helps slow down the aging process. We don't have to indulge in extreme workouts to realize these benefits. There are many activities that are fun and also lets you socialize with others.

Dancing is great exercise. Line dancing, ballroom dancing, square dancing all get your body moving and have the social element. There are many classes available to learn different steps depending on what type of music you like. Dancing will improve your balance and coordination and will give you a sense of accomplishment as you hone your skill. You can also dance at home by yourself to your favorite music and create your own steps.

Golf is another good activity if you don't let it frustrate you mentally. Always do some light stretching in your legs, back and arms before you start your round. Most courses have golf carts but if you can walk the your round that will even add more of a work out. Even just hitting a bucket of golf balls on the driving range two or three times a week is good exercise.

Riding a bike is good cardio exercise and strengthens leg muscles. Short 15 to 20 minute rides three times a week is a good way to start.

Make sure you have a bike that fits your stature and that it is in good working order. Always wear a helmet and carry water with you.

Swimming will exercise your body with a lower chance of injury. The water provides resistance as you move but the strain on your muscles is much less than running, jogging or cycling. For that reason, exercising in a pool is great if you are on a rehabilitation program. Don't swim or exercise in a pool by yourself.

One of the best exercises for any age is just plain walking. You can hold a 1 or 2 lb. weight in your hands as you swing your arms to add a little extra workout for your arms. Many people will meet friends to walk and socialize on a regular basis. Owning a dog will get you out walking daily.

I recommend if you are going to start an exercise routine that you consult your doctor or care provider to make sure your activity won't cause any harm or injury. Always start slow and gradually increase the length of time and intensity of each exercise session. Do something that you will enjoy and look forward to. Being healthy and fit will become your lifestyle.


My 16 Favourite Healthy Vegan Recipes

Saturday 29 April 2017

Why Am I Always Cold? - Stop Feeling Cold For Good!

There are many reasons for why you might say "why am I always cold" 

The main factors however I'll describe below as you may not have considered them and it's very likely your doctors haven't either since the medical system within north America has become a joke to the rest of the world. Here now are some reasons for why you always feel cold.

3 Causes of why you always feel cold

Hypo-Thyroid - A sluggish thyroid can exist and yet blood tests and doctors tests will not indicate it until it goes into the extremes, if you have serious trouble keeping weight off and frequently feel cold I would highly suggest you research Iodoral or Lugols Iodine. That's all I'll say about that. Don't rely on your doctor to heal your body, just suppress symptoms.

Parasites - So this might sound like news to you but a majority of the worlds population are infected with parasites to various degrees. Animals aren't the only ones who need to get de-wormed 2 times per year. If you haven't done a thorough parasite cleanse and you're still exhibiting symptoms such as cold hands and feet then maybe it's time to start.

Candida - Of course the big one that connects the other two together. A suppressed immune system can allow for parasites to gain a foothold in your body and Candida will overgrow in addition. This yeast in approximately 90% of the population is responsible for an extensive list of symptoms including cold hands and feet. It is also a culprit often in creating a thyroid dysfunction in the body. The solution is a thorough Candida cleanse. I suggest you take a Candida test or questionnaire to determine whether or not you appear to be suffering from Candida.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Gym Motivation - Motivational Speech

Friday 28 April 2017

Stress: Is Meditation a Viable Alternative to Medications?

One of the biggest health concerns American adults face is stress.

 There's tons of research available that shows how damaging stress can be for your physical and mental health. Using stress management techniques is key to reducing your chances of developing ailments, such as depression, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. These diseases are indirectly related, since stress causes most people to overeat unhealthy foods. When you eat too much toxic foods, diseases like cancer can form. At this point, it would be best to obtain the services of a naturopathic oncologist.

You'll quickly learn that the best alternative cancer treatment is prevention. If you can minimize your chances of stress, you can in turn reduce your risk of developing related diseases. This is why it's recommended that you engage in stress-reducing activities, such as meditation.

Can Meditation Really Help Reduce Stress?

When you think of someone meditating, what likely comes to mind is someone sitting down with their legs crossed and their eyes closed. Some even meditate while lying down. However, this is only one way of practicing meditation. There's another concept called mindfulness meditation and it has shown to help lower stress.

What is Mindfulness Meditation?

Practicing mindfulness meditation is simple. All you're doing is living in the now, which means keeping your mind focused on the present only. You'll find that majority of one's stress stems from thoughts of the past and future. If you're at work thinking about the argument you had the night before or worrying about an upcoming event you have to plan for, then you're not mindful of the present.

These type of thoughts are distracting and only build up your stress levels. The key is to be mindful of the present, but without judgment. Studies show that those who learn how to effectively meditate in this manner are able to lower their stress levels. This was determined by measuring the stress hormone called ACTH, as well a pro-inflammatory cytokines (both of which were reduced).

Research shows inflammation is linked to disease, including cancer. Allowing your body to become toxic with stress hormones is only increasing your chances of this illness. You can consult with a naturopathic oncologist at alternative cancer treatments centers to learn preventive methods you can implement today.

But is it a Replacement for Medication?

This is the million dollar question, especially since millions of people are prescribed medications each day. Any chance you have of eliminating a prescription drug is a good thing. Studies show that this type of meditating can actually replace the need for pain medications. In the research, the participants who practiced it witnessed a 57 percent reduction in pain discomfort and 40 percent decrease in pain intensity.

This alone should convince people of the power of meditation. You can learn more about improving your lifestyle from a naturopathic oncologist, who also specializes in treatments like detoxification, IV vitamin therapy and chelation therapy.


10 Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Thursday 27 April 2017

Being Fit Feels Great, Go For It!

A good lifestyle is more a habit than anything else. People have gone mad these days for getting a fab bod like those supremely ripped people in the show business. Having an aspiration is good, but lust is not. Moreover, it can be worst if you are trying to copy someone. A good practice in this is whatever you want to be, should be based on your specific needs. If it is customized, it is easy for you to follow, because of your elements mixed in it. With all things said and done for building a fit physique, a healthy diet should not be missed at all for its highly nutritious benefits to the body, including its proper nourishment and strength.

Now come to the way of doing the workout that could be the most benefiting for a proportionate transitioning of your physique. The top on the list is the diet mentioned earlier. With other helpful practices, the diet becomes more effective. Those other practices count on to spend your day actively between getting out and going to the bed. The activities you can get involved in may include parts of sports, day or evening walk, and your routine miscellaneous works at home or workplace. You can fit in regular workout appropriately somewhere in your daily routine. However, the best suitable time will be in the morning or evening.

Knowledge of some technical information is also an important part of your progression towards getting fit. You can get help from latest fitness gadgets to know the amount of workout you are doing, the time you have been active, calories you're burning, and the kind of diet you need to consume to supply your body enough nutrients to last for another day of being active. These fitness gadgets come in forms of smart watches and bands, as well as you can find some really good fitness apps for the above purpose on the internet. Still, if you think that you need personal assistance for a customized plan for your fitness, there is always an option of joining the membership of a gym or health/fitness club.

Keep remembering that maintaining your fitness is also important that requires you keep exercising healthy practices. When you follow your daily healthy routine, it will boost your self-confidence and encourage you to stick on that as well. For the reason, that gaining the fitness is right and good but maintaining it is a tricky part because, you, being highly motivated before, do the hard work to see yourself of proportionate physique then, after getting that, you start losing the spirit and become unhealthy again. So do keep it in mind that fitness demands a lifetime process and you need to practice the healthy exercises constantly to lead a healthy and fit life. 

My best wishes, thank you!


Sexual Benefits Of Raw Onions - Health Tips

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Egg Whites VS. Whole Eggs?

Eggs yolks vs. egg whites. One of the great debates when considering a healthy diet is that egg whites are healthier for you because the yolk is loaded with cholesterol and fat. So, what's the answer? Which one do you choose when eating breakfast? Which is the healthier option?

To determine the answer, let's look at 3 key factors.

Factor #1: Do you want just protein or are you interested in the nutrients as well?

One egg is about 70 calories and has 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat. The egg white portion of the egg contains about 3.5 grams of the total protein. The remaining 2.5 grams plus the 5 grams of fat are in the yolk. This is why many people opt to toss the yolk and increase the egg white because you're getting all the protein without the unnecessary fat. Although this sounds good in theory, the yolk also contains all of the nutrients. The yolk contains leucin, choline, as well as Vitamin A, D,E & B. Leucin helps the attack on visceral fat, the fat that builds around your internal organs. It also promotes muscle recovery after exercise. Choline has been shown in research to be effective in preventing memory loss, protecting the liver from accumulating fat and may even lower cholesterol. Vitamins A, D, E & B have too many benefits to list. But to touch on the most important in regard to this topic, they enhance our breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose, which provides us energy. They breakdown fats and proteins, which aid the normal function of the nervous system and they promote healthy skin, hair, and eyes.[i]

Do you want less calories and less protein? Or do you want to opt for the yolk with more calories and fat but also a much higher level of nutrients, vitamins and minerals? The decision is now yours to make.

Factor #2: Cholesterol (HDL vs. LDL) or high density lipoprotein vs. low density lipoprotein

To keep this simple, LDL is the bad cholesterol because it causes the buildup of fatty deposits with in your arteries that cause heart disease. Conversely, HDL, or the good cholesterol, helps to remove the LDL from your arteries. Many studies show that eating whole eggs raises your HDL cholesterol to a higher degree than LDL thereby increasing the overall good to bad cholesterol level in your bloodstream. This is a good thing.

Cholesterol became such a big hype in the media over the past few decades because of the rise in people diagnosed with heart disease. BUT, having higher cholesterol doesn't mean you have heart disease. A Harvard study conducted on over 100,000 people concluded that egg consumption in healthy individuals did not increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Cholesterol does serve a purpose in your body and to eliminate it just because of media hype is bogus. Now that you know the difference, you are aware that as long as you are a healthy individual the increase of HDL you get by consuming egg yolks is not a bad thing after all.

Factor #3: The quality of the egg.

There are other factors to consider as well such as whether the egg is organic, whether the chickens are cage free, and what the chicken's diet consisted of. The more natural cage free chicken will have a yolk higher in omega 3 and contain more nutrients. A chicken that is raised in its natural state and allowed to eat insects and greens will have thicker shells and a deeper colored orange yolk indicating a much higher nutrient level and carotenoids. So the rule I'm proclaiming is the following. The better quality of the egg the more you should want the yolk.

Now you have an explanation of the 3 main factors to consider when choosing whether or not you want to include the yolks in your next healthy breakfast or toss them in the trash. There really is no right or wrong answer. It's merely a matter of preference. Personally, I use a combination of both and here is my recommendation. If you eat eggs everyday just eat the whites. This will limit your fat and cholesterol intake. However, you should also try and incorporate the whole egg into your diet once or twice a week to get all the other nutrients, vitamins and minerals found in the yolk. After all an egg is at the top of the super food list, and the yolk has everything to do with that.


Horseradish Sauce Health Benefits

The health benefits of horseradish sauce are numerous, sinus and cold cure to name a few. Horseradish sauce is made by shredding and pounding the fresh root to which is added lemon juice. In this form the horseradish juice can be stored in a cold place for at least a week.

Horseradish plant, like garlic, is a plant that you cannot successfully put through a juicer. The reason is that the essential oils are extremely strong, so strong that the toughest physique will find them hard to tolerate.

The horseradish herb is very beneficial for dissolving mucus in the nose and also helpful in sinus. Take a half teaspoonful of the sauce without dilution both morning and afternoon. Do not drink anything or eat for at least ten minutes after the dose. There will be a powerful feeling in the head, sometimes with sweating and usually accompanied by many tears (not of pain).

Sinus troubles cause much pain and misery. The horseradish attacks the very cause of the condition and brings relief. Sometimes it is necessary to continue the treatment for several months, but you will know when the horseradish has done its work because the violent sensations resulting from the use of the sauce will gently reduce and finally almost disappear along with the mucus.

It is a good idea to combine this treatment with the juices of radish, including both leaves and root and carrot. These two will help to rebuild the tissues ravaged by the sinus infection. You will understand that it is also vital to make sure that your eating pattern becomes well-balanced with the avoidance of refined carbohydrates and the adoption of a basically natural diet.

Horseradish is also specific for relieving water retention, or dropsy, as it used to be called. This is tied in with a stimulating effect on the blood capillaries caused by the action of the main therapeutic principle in the plant, a glycoside called sinigrin. Horseradish has exceptionally high vitamin C content, with 114mg per 100g (4oz) - this is one of the highest vegetable concentrations. It has as well some of the highest amounts of potassium and sulfur, and a good quantity of calcium.

Other uses that have been identified are for diabetics, where Professor Kuhn found an improvement in the blood picture, for coughs and catarrh and in the treatment of circulatory problems of a mild nature.


GREEN TEA: Secrets to Flat Belly, Youthful Skin & More

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Stay Away From Vegan Junk Food - Choose Easy Healthy Vegan Recipes Instead!

Even though the vegan diet has amazing health benefits - you could very well be sabotaging these benefits by choosing the wrong foods. These wrong foods have been termed "vegan junk food," and they are the roadblock to success on the vegan lifestyle. Let's look at three factors: What is classed as vegan junk food? Why should you stay away from this food? And what should you eat instead?

What is classed as "vegan junk food?"

The following list of foods are the main offenders on the vegan junk food list.

· Cookies

· Salty crackers

· Packet chips

· Dairy-free "health" bars

· Pretzels

· Hot chips

· Salty, sweet nut mix

· Vegan spreads and dips

· Soft drinks & juices

Why should you stay away from vegan junk food?

Reason #1: If you are hoping to lose weight on the vegan diet, then eating too many of the above foods is a definite NO-NO. Store-bought packet foods are notoriously high in calories and fat, and are generally not waist-line friendly. Also, these foods are addictive and most people find that once they start eating one or two pieces, they cannot stop. This is because of the high sugar, salt and oil content that many of these foods contain, so STAY CLEAR if you want to lose weight on the vegan diet.

Reason #2: There are often terrible ingredients in store-bought junk food. For example: msg, excessive amounts of salt, sugar and fat, preservatives, flavorings, the list goes on. So eating lots of these foods will likely make your skin bad, your energy low, and you will find that you are addicted to them - whether you like it or not.

Reason #3: Eating these foods really defeat the whole purpose of why many people go on the vegan diet. Many folk become vegan for health benefits such as weight loss, lovely hair, skin and nails, and also in an endeavor to reverse or reduce the effects of serious health problems. Vegan junk food will put an end to all of this if eaten on a regular basis.

What should you eat instead?

Opt for making your own healthy, easy vegan recipes instead. If you are not really into cooking, then look for some fast and easy vegan recipes to make and if possible, freeze a large batch of them. If you are into cooking - even better! You can have a blast making your own gourmet concoctions and hunting for delicious healthy vegan recipes to add to your collection.

It's a very good habit to get into - making your own meals and snacks. And they needn't be difficult. Set aside some time each week to make your own dips, brownies, muffins, health bars or dehydrated cookies, crackers and chips. Nothing could make you feel any better than eating clean, wholesome foods that you have prepared yourself!


Spaghetti Squash 4 Ways

Monday 24 April 2017

How to Lose Weight in a Week With Ease

Is it really possible to lose weight in one week? 

This question may be hovering in your mind given the testimonies of many persons who have been engaged in various weight loss programs without success. Knocking off excess weight could be a challenging task when you consider the discipline that is required. You may find it difficult shedding weight because of a variety of reasons such as your body chemistry, difficulty in keeping your scheduled work out programs, the nature of your job and a lot more. The important thing to note is that you can actually start losing weight right from today. It is a battle that starts up there in your mind. Whether you win or lose depend on the approach you choose to adopt. Some tips on how to lose weight in a week and start seeing results are put together to help you succeed in your weight loss program.

Have a scale at home

This is an invaluable device you must have if you are really serious to take off excess pounds from your body. The only way to know if the program you have chosen to follow is working after one week of trial is to measure your weight with a scale. Your initial weight before the commencement of the program should be recorded. Weekly progress report should also be recorded after the program must have commenced in full swing.

Eat more vegetables

One sure way to lose weight quickly is to watch your eating habit. Taking in plenty of vegetables and reducing the amount of carbohydrate you consume will help you realize your dream of getting a slimmer body. Cutting down your carbohydrate intake makes little room for conversion of the abundance of carbohydrate into fat and keeps your calories low.

Avoid eating out

When you are watching your weight one thing you must try to avoid is eating out of the home. The simple reason is that you have total control of what you prepare at home compared to what is made available when you eat outside. Whenever it becomes unavoidable that you eat out of the home, make sure you cover the lost grounds in the next couple of days cutting down the excess calories you consumed outside the home.

Use fruits for snacks in place of junks

Make provision for your favorite fruits and use them whenever the craving for snacks arises. One way many people add up weight easily is through intermittent intake of crappy snacks. You can get this checked with the use of fruits.


Draw up a weekly work out plan for yourself and make sure you stick to your plan. Exercise is a good way to quicken your body metabolism and burn off excess calories.

Join a weight loss forum

No person is an island. It is always good to flock together with likeminded individuals if you wish to get a good result. You can learn quickly through the experiences of other persons like you in such groups.

Losing weight is something that has to do with your mind. It is important that you capture in your mind how to lose weight in a week is possible before even venturing out to accomplish the programs you have set for yourself. Do not despise the days of little beginning. Whatever little improvement you achieve in your first week should be seen as a motivation to do better. With such a mindset the sky can only be a starting point in your weight loss program.


What is CrossFit?

Sunday 23 April 2017

The Lost Secret of Abdominal Training!

Today it seems everybody focus on the 6 packs abs!

Of course it is healthy to rip off the fat around the mid section, but I am not sure health is the main reason for most people: it's more for cosmetic appearance. 

The results depend on a well balanced program: abs exercises, cardio and diet. But we have to be aware that genetics is also a part of the game, so results may differ, 
results may be easy or more difficult according to people. 
We forget the most important functions of good and strong abs: posture and breathing. 
Abdominal training has to focus on strength because strong abs are the key for stabilizing the pelvis and low back. They maintain and compress vital organs.

The other important function is their role in deep breathing: an effective deep breath have to be done with the abdominals. It's means more oxygen to the entire body: muscles, brain, all vital organs. 
You have to train the deep abdominal muscles: transverse and internal obliques. Here two great exercises which will have a big physiological impact if done regularly:

- Deep abdominal breathing: can be done in sitting or standing position. Breath deeply and slowly, let expand the stomach when you inhale. Exhale and pull inside the stomach activating the abdominal muscles. Repeat 10 times. This exercise brings more oxygen and relax body and mind.

- The vacuum: take a deep breath and exhale. When you have exhaled all your air, lift your diaphragm and pull in your stomach. Hold for a few seconds. Release the tension, exhaling the little remaining air and inhale deeply. This 
exercise, if done regularly, is very effective to reduce the waistline and, most importantly, is very healthy for the internal organs of the abdomen: digestive and elimination system (bowel).

These two exercises can be done anywhere, anytime. It can take just one or two minutes. And do not forget: deep abdominal breathing boost your health and reinforce your 
vital organs.


What Body Type and Belly Shape Are You? How Hormones Distort The Way Look

Saturday 22 April 2017

KISS Diet: The Only Diet You'll Ever Need

So here is the problem. You like millions of other people enjoyed the holidays and what with all the rich calorie laden meals, cookies, cakes and candy canes you put on a few pounds. You probably resolved that as soon as January second rolled around you would lose some weight. Well the second of January has come and gone. You gave dieting a try but after a few days you quit and you gain back the two or three pounds you did lose.

You have tried every weight lost plan there is and never really got any lasting results. You have seen the ads on TV and the internet. You read magazine articles about losing weight and watched celebrities strut their stuff. Weight reduction plans run the gamut from fast, cleansing, detox to Paleo, high carbs and low carbs. What is a person to do? Why can't I lose weight? If only I could find a diet I could live with and actually enjoy eating the meals.

Well there is such a diet! I call it the K.I.S.S. Diet or the Keep It Simple Silly Diet. You see most every diet out there is doomed to failure. Why? Because in order to lose weight and keep it off you need an eating plan that is easy to follow, easy to prepare, uses common everyday ingredients, one that will not break your food budget and that you will enjoy eating.

Most diets out there call for expensive and unfamiliar food items and/or require long prep times. Using exotic spices with unfamiliar tastes may be okay when you are feeling adventurous but not as a regular addition to your meals. The K.I.S.S. Diet uses everyday familiar foods, comfort foods if you will and a few simple principles.

Now I am not a doctor or dietician I am just a regular guy, who with his wife has tried nearly everything under the sun to lose weight and failed! Finally a few years ago I looked at all the highest rated weight lost programs and took the common elements they shared and developed my own system that has worked for my family. This is not a problem you can buy. I do not have a book, DVD or meal plan to sell you. As I said this is a Keep It Simple Silly plan that I freely share. So without further ado here are the key points.

1. Start each day with a lean protein breakfast. It can be eggs. I like mine poached. But a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, non fat free plain yogurt with fruit or a smoothie.
2. Lunch is a salad or vegetable laden soup.
3. Dinner lean protein either meat or vegetarian.
4. Snacks: Fruit, low fat cheese, handful of nuts, non fat plain yogurt, olives, Hummus, etc
5. Drink plenty of water.
6. Avoid sugar in all its forms.
7. Do not eat any food that is white.
8. Eliminate processed foods from your diet.
9. Move! Walk, walk, walk! Insert five or ten minutes of some kind of exercise every day.
10. Get enough sleep!

Now I admit there is nothing new in this plan. In fact you probably knew all this before you read this article. But sometimes with all the hype out there regarding weight lost and new diets we forget the simple truth about eating. This truth is "Everything in moderation." You probably remember your Momma saying this, right?

My point in trying to grab your attention with my diet was to help refocus you and remind you that you don't need to spend buckets of money, drive all over town searching for strange foods or spending hours in the kitchen preparing unfamiliar meals. The solution was always right in front of you in your refrigerator and pantry. So relax use the simple principles above and rest assure that over time you will lose weight and keep it off for good!

Living a vital, vigorous life is possible. Your journey starts with the first step. Take that step now and start living! Lose Weight I hope this article was healthful and aids you in living a healthy and active life.


5 Minute Long Lean Legs

Friday 21 April 2017

Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps Daily

Walking 10000 steps daily is recommended by health experts all over the world for complete body well being.

It is no magical number that has been found out by some scientific research. In fact it an approximate number of steps a person should walk every day.

Depending upon a person's health condition, this number can also be altered.

For example, for a person who is overweight, he/ she need to walk for more than 10000 steps for his / her well being. Similarly, for a person who is overweight and has low stamina, it may be too much in the beginning.

The benefits of walking start at 5000 steps. A person who walks more than 5000 steps daily, such a person is highly unlikely to develop metabolic syndrome.

You don't have to do step counting manually. Approximately 10000 steps mean that the person has walked for 5 miles, which is a good distance if the person travels every day.

In addition to the well being, following are the benefits of walking daily:

1. It reduces the risk of diabetes.

Walking such a distance daily helps to control the weight of an individual and in turn, this decreases the chances of diabetes. Research has proved that people, who walk this much every day, have a comparatively lower BMI.

2. It protects the brain from dementia.

Research has shown that walking regularly prevents the brain from shrinkage, this in turn prevents dementia. It has been observed that the brain size shrinks in the late adulthood. This shrinking leads to problems like the memory problem. It has been proved that people in the later adulthood that walk this much daily have an increased amount of grey matter in their brain. Thus with the physical fitness, there is also an assured mental fitness.

3. It reduces risk of heart diseases.

Lately it has been observed that heart diseases are just not prevalent among the older people but a lot of heart disease have been reported among the youngsters also. Walking helps in maintaining the fat level of the body, and thus the heart is protected from any diseases.

4. It relieves stress

Stress and anxiety have been commonly observed because of the changed lifestyles and increased work pressure. Physical exercise, in the form of walking 10000 small steps daily, lower this down. The result in the form of this benefit has been more significantly observed for the women.

The mental well being is thus assured. The healthy body now also has a relaxed mind.

5. It helps to lose weight

Increased weight problem in the form of obesity has become a very common phenomenon. Eating junk and processed food has become a part of every one's life. Increased weight leads to a lot of problems and disease. While the body remains inactive, diseases find their way easy to enter.

The solution for this is brisk walking. Walking 10000 steps daily will produce remarkable results because of the calories burned.

There 5 major benefits must have motivated you to take out time everyday for walking. Make it a compulsory part of your routine.

1, 2, 3, 4..... Here you go till 10000.



Thursday 20 April 2017

What Do Vegans Eat? Vegan Food Is Not Boring After All!

Many people think that vegan food is boring, tasteless, and does not allow for much variety. Well, they couldn't be more wrong! With veganism on the trend nowadays - vegans have more options than ever before to ensure that they have delicious food to eat and enjoy.

What Do Vegans Eat?

The vegan diet consists primarily of the following foods: vegetables, fresh fruits, whole-grains, pasta, olive oil, coconut oil, tofu, legumes and beans, soy, faux meats, faux cheese, legume patties, vegetable patties, dried fruit, soy and rice milk, soy yogurt, vegan baking (cakes, muffins, slices, brownies), salads, fresh juices, smoothies, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, vegan margarine, vegetable soups, and stir-fries. In fact, nowadays one can create a dish that replicates their favorite foods, only without meat and dairy! With the convenience of countless vegan websites, blogs and vegan recipe e-books, one should have no trouble finding a recipe to 'clone' their favorite dish or sweet treat! Indeed, vegan food never has to be boring!

Vegan Meals At Restaurants

Some people do not like to cook every meal, or they are simply too busy. Most restaurants and take-away cafes offer vegan food and meals, including Italian (tomato sauce pastas, vegetable minestrone etc.), Chinese (rice, vegetable spring rolls, vegetable stir-fry's, steamed vegetables, vegetable soups, tofu dishes), Indian (rice, dahl, vegetable coconut milk curries, lentil dishes), Thai (rice, vegetable curries, tofu noodle soups, coconut milk pumpkin soups etc.), Subway, Sumo-Salad, etc. In fact, I guarantee that you could find some vegan food options at nearly any restaurant, café or take-away shop nowadays! All you have to do is ask!

Vegan Food At The Supermarket

Since more and more people are becoming vegetarian and vegan every year, supermarkets and health stores are doing their part to keep up with the consumer's needs. This is excellent for the modern busy vegan, who often does not have the time or energy to cook every meal. The number of vegan products and brands are increasing every year, with more and more vegan food products ("vegan fast food") emerging on the shelves. This vegan fast food includes chocolate bars, muesli bars, packet chips, cereals, cookies, muffins, cakes, you name it! The modern day vegan can certainly fulfill their junk food desires (put please, in moderation!) with the availability of products available!

Vegan Recipes

There is a multitude of easy vegan recipes available nowadays to satisfy the tastes and needs of every vegan. Whether it be breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, snacks or healthy treats - you can find an infinite number of recipes to try out. You can clone just about any of your favorite meals and foods if you locate an appropriate recipe to do so! There are many delicious vegan recipes for you to try such as scones with jam and 'cream,' 'bacon' and 'eggs,' 'cheesecakes,' 'sausage'-rolls, English muffins with 'bacon' and 'eggs,' chocolate cakes and brownies - you name it, you can clone it! Veganism has never been more fun and delicious than it is today!


5 Effective Home Remedies For Lifting Your Breast In a Natural Way

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Weight Loss - Is Calorie Counting As Straightforward As It Seems?

If you are on a mission to lose weight, one thing you are very likely doing is trying your hand at calorie counting. You have heard before counting calories are critical to success, and there is nothing closer to the truth. If you do not have the right energy balance as you go about your goal to shed fat, you are not going to see the results you are hoping.

But, is counting calories as simple as adding up numbers? It turns out; it isn't. Here are a few points to remember about counting calories...

1. Calories Are Not Always Reported Accurately. First, note calories are not always reported accurately on food labels. For instance, there can be a 10% difference either way in how many calories are presented as being in the food and how many calories are actually in the food.

While this may not seem like too big of a deal - 10% should not amount to much, but if it is occurring often, it can sway your numbers.

Remember you are only ever getting an estimate of how many calories you are taking in. It is impossible to get 100% accuracy.

2. Your Body Processes Calories Differently. The next point to remember is your body will burn and process calories differently, depending on the foods you eat. For instance, if you eat food high in protein, you are going to expend more calories just breaking it down compared to food high in carbs.

Likewise, if the food is natural and contains more dietary fiber, this too will net you fewer calories than if the food is processed. Natural food breaks down very quickly in the body as the fiber is part of the food the body can't break down so speeds up digestion. While again, this won't amount to a huge difference, over time it can add up and sway your results and is yet another reason why it is critical you are focusing on wholesome and natural foods as you go about your diet plan.

3. Your Exercise Habits Make A Difference. Finally, note your exercise habits can also influence your total calorie intake. While most people think exercise only impacts the output side of the equation, this isn't the case.

The more you exercise, the higher your insulin sensitivity will be and the better you will be able to process the carbohydrates you eat leading to a lower risk of converting those carbs to body fat stores. Instead, the carbohydrates will convert to energy and be stored in your muscles.

Those who exercise tend to utilize their foods better, so this can influence their body weight and composition.

Keep these points in mind and remember, a calorie is not just a calorie. While tracking your calories is certainly critical for optimal results, it is not the entire picture for optimal success.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.


This Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Since When Did Dessert Become Breakfast?

I actually can't remember a time when people didn't have dessert for breakfast, but I didn't realise it at the time.

When I was a child my standard breakfast was either a fried egg on toast or some wheatbix with milk and sugar. Looking back my breakfast wasn't perfect but for the times it was pretty good.

I have to admit being a little envious of the children of some friends of my parents. They had either coco pops or sugar frosties for breakfast and access to cola at the family business. But they have certainly paid the price with poor health.

Even today we think of dessert as something just a bit, or a lot naughty. It is sweet, rich and often comes in a large serve at the point of the meal when you really don't need more food.

But here's the problem. Dessert is often a combination of a big serve of sugar, fructose, gluten and vegetable oils. A truly disastrous combination of three of the worst food groups. Driving heart disease, diabetes and obesity to just name a few of the problems.

So now we look at popular breakfasts. Cereal, sweetened, or unsweetened, flavoured yoghurt, fruit juice, toast with jam or nutulla. It sounds different than the dessert but when you look at the ingredients, they are no different.

From a health perspective having dessert for breakfast would do the same job in your body. Both equally bad, although breakfast could be worse because of the possibility to have so much sugar and fructose.

Before you argue the point let's look at the most common breakfast foods.

Flavored yogurt, often low fat. It's either full of sugar, or artificial sweeteners with carbohydrate bulking agents to provide consistency in place of the fat. This is poor quality processed food.
Often has a 35% or more sugar content, even the so called healthy sports cereals. The healthy and often expensive cereals are often toasted in vegetable oils, contain gluten and are wheat based. Even oats rapidly convert to glucose in your blood.
Fruit juice. A big hit of fructose for your liver to process, it shuts down your leptin hormone which tells you, that you have had enough to eat, and it oxidises your LDL cholesterol, which sets you up for hardening of the arteries.
Toast, is a combination of grains which convert to glucose, gluten and roundup residues which attack your gut.


10 Everyday Things You're Doing Wrong in the Shower

Monday 17 April 2017

All About Jackfruit You Should Know

Are you looking for unique fruit to mix with your drinks or dishes? Go to local supermarkets and buy a jackfruit. You probably never knew about this fruit before, but once you taste it, you will love it.

Jackfruit is believed indigenous to the rain forests of the Western Ghats of India. Later on, it spread early to other parts of India, Southeast Asia, the East Indies, and Philippines. Besides being planted in those areas, it is also planted in central and eastern Africa. In Brazil and Surinam, this fruit is increasingly popular. In tropical areas, it is even a common garden tree.

If you do not have any idea about this fruit, just imagine durian, but in larger shape. Do not get surprised on its size since it is known as the largest edible tree-grown fruit on earth! Can you imagine fruit which size is 350-900mm in length and 250-500mm in diameter? The weight even can reach 80 pounds!

When you first experience tasting this fruit, you may think that the smell is unpleasant. The fully ripe smell is "sharp", although it can not be compared to durian. The fruit is unusual as it is borne on the main branches, the trunks, and occasionally even from surface roots of the tree. The tree grows to an enormous size, like a large eastern oak, so it looks sturdy and massive.

When the fruit ripens, the exterior part, or the skin, turns into green or yellow. After peeling the skin, you will find large edible yellow bulbs with sweet taste. Before peeling a fresh jackfruit, you better oil your knife first because it is very sticky.

Jackfruit is often cooked for main course dishes, desserts, soups, drinks, ice creams, fruit salads, and even chips. For main course dishes, people tend to cook it when unripe and immature, but they use the fully ripe ones for desserts. It is also available canned in sugar syrup, or frozen. Some manufactures worldwide also produce dried jackfruit chips which have unique taste. You can even roast and boil the seeds!

Jackfruit contains many vitamins and minerals. It can help prevent cancer since it contains isoflavones, antioxidants, and phytonutriens. It can also help cure ulcers and indigestion. It is also good for your diet since it is a source of dietary fiber. Now, go to local markets, get a jackfruit, and mix it with your dishes!
