Sunday 23 April 2017

The Lost Secret of Abdominal Training!

Today it seems everybody focus on the 6 packs abs!

Of course it is healthy to rip off the fat around the mid section, but I am not sure health is the main reason for most people: it's more for cosmetic appearance. 

The results depend on a well balanced program: abs exercises, cardio and diet. But we have to be aware that genetics is also a part of the game, so results may differ, 
results may be easy or more difficult according to people. 
We forget the most important functions of good and strong abs: posture and breathing. 
Abdominal training has to focus on strength because strong abs are the key for stabilizing the pelvis and low back. They maintain and compress vital organs.

The other important function is their role in deep breathing: an effective deep breath have to be done with the abdominals. It's means more oxygen to the entire body: muscles, brain, all vital organs. 
You have to train the deep abdominal muscles: transverse and internal obliques. Here two great exercises which will have a big physiological impact if done regularly:

- Deep abdominal breathing: can be done in sitting or standing position. Breath deeply and slowly, let expand the stomach when you inhale. Exhale and pull inside the stomach activating the abdominal muscles. Repeat 10 times. This exercise brings more oxygen and relax body and mind.

- The vacuum: take a deep breath and exhale. When you have exhaled all your air, lift your diaphragm and pull in your stomach. Hold for a few seconds. Release the tension, exhaling the little remaining air and inhale deeply. This 
exercise, if done regularly, is very effective to reduce the waistline and, most importantly, is very healthy for the internal organs of the abdomen: digestive and elimination system (bowel).

These two exercises can be done anywhere, anytime. It can take just one or two minutes. And do not forget: deep abdominal breathing boost your health and reinforce your 
vital organs.


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