Friday 21 April 2017

Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps Daily

Walking 10000 steps daily is recommended by health experts all over the world for complete body well being.

It is no magical number that has been found out by some scientific research. In fact it an approximate number of steps a person should walk every day.

Depending upon a person's health condition, this number can also be altered.

For example, for a person who is overweight, he/ she need to walk for more than 10000 steps for his / her well being. Similarly, for a person who is overweight and has low stamina, it may be too much in the beginning.

The benefits of walking start at 5000 steps. A person who walks more than 5000 steps daily, such a person is highly unlikely to develop metabolic syndrome.

You don't have to do step counting manually. Approximately 10000 steps mean that the person has walked for 5 miles, which is a good distance if the person travels every day.

In addition to the well being, following are the benefits of walking daily:

1. It reduces the risk of diabetes.

Walking such a distance daily helps to control the weight of an individual and in turn, this decreases the chances of diabetes. Research has proved that people, who walk this much every day, have a comparatively lower BMI.

2. It protects the brain from dementia.

Research has shown that walking regularly prevents the brain from shrinkage, this in turn prevents dementia. It has been observed that the brain size shrinks in the late adulthood. This shrinking leads to problems like the memory problem. It has been proved that people in the later adulthood that walk this much daily have an increased amount of grey matter in their brain. Thus with the physical fitness, there is also an assured mental fitness.

3. It reduces risk of heart diseases.

Lately it has been observed that heart diseases are just not prevalent among the older people but a lot of heart disease have been reported among the youngsters also. Walking helps in maintaining the fat level of the body, and thus the heart is protected from any diseases.

4. It relieves stress

Stress and anxiety have been commonly observed because of the changed lifestyles and increased work pressure. Physical exercise, in the form of walking 10000 small steps daily, lower this down. The result in the form of this benefit has been more significantly observed for the women.

The mental well being is thus assured. The healthy body now also has a relaxed mind.

5. It helps to lose weight

Increased weight problem in the form of obesity has become a very common phenomenon. Eating junk and processed food has become a part of every one's life. Increased weight leads to a lot of problems and disease. While the body remains inactive, diseases find their way easy to enter.

The solution for this is brisk walking. Walking 10000 steps daily will produce remarkable results because of the calories burned.

There 5 major benefits must have motivated you to take out time everyday for walking. Make it a compulsory part of your routine.

1, 2, 3, 4..... Here you go till 10000.


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