Saturday 29 April 2017

Why Am I Always Cold? - Stop Feeling Cold For Good!

There are many reasons for why you might say "why am I always cold" 

The main factors however I'll describe below as you may not have considered them and it's very likely your doctors haven't either since the medical system within north America has become a joke to the rest of the world. Here now are some reasons for why you always feel cold.

3 Causes of why you always feel cold

Hypo-Thyroid - A sluggish thyroid can exist and yet blood tests and doctors tests will not indicate it until it goes into the extremes, if you have serious trouble keeping weight off and frequently feel cold I would highly suggest you research Iodoral or Lugols Iodine. That's all I'll say about that. Don't rely on your doctor to heal your body, just suppress symptoms.

Parasites - So this might sound like news to you but a majority of the worlds population are infected with parasites to various degrees. Animals aren't the only ones who need to get de-wormed 2 times per year. If you haven't done a thorough parasite cleanse and you're still exhibiting symptoms such as cold hands and feet then maybe it's time to start.

Candida - Of course the big one that connects the other two together. A suppressed immune system can allow for parasites to gain a foothold in your body and Candida will overgrow in addition. This yeast in approximately 90% of the population is responsible for an extensive list of symptoms including cold hands and feet. It is also a culprit often in creating a thyroid dysfunction in the body. The solution is a thorough Candida cleanse. I suggest you take a Candida test or questionnaire to determine whether or not you appear to be suffering from Candida.

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