Friday 31 March 2017

7 Foods That Reduce Inflammation Naturally

Do you or someone you love suffer from inflammation and the pain that comes with it? If so, I'm happy to share with you a little of what I have learned through my journey to heal my inflammation. I will share with you 7 foods that reduce inflammation naturally.

  Before I share some of the secrets I have found, it is important to know what inflammation is. So, what is inflammation?

Inflammation is part of the biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli. These stimuli could be damaged cells, pathogens, or irritants. Inflammation is a protective attempt by your body to remove the detrimental stimuli and to start the healing process. Infections and wounds would never heal without inflammation. Symptoms of inflammation can include swelling, pain, redness, and restriction in movement.

Inflammation can be acute or chronic. Chronic inflammation is prolonged inflammation. It leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells existing at the site of inflammation and is characterized by concurring destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process. It can cause a load of diseases, such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, periodontitis, hay fever, cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, hypersensitivities, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, acne, celiac disease, autoimmune diseases, asthma, etc. So for that reason, the body closely regulates inflammation.

It is important to reduce inflammation not just because of the pain that it causes you, but also because chronic inflammation is very detrimental to the body. Unlike acute inflammation, where the immune system responds to injury or infection by activating inflammatory chemicals that fight abnormal substances, chronic inflammation isn't beneficial for the body.

The foods you choose to eat can help reduce and prevent inflammation. Foods reduce inflammation naturally, so if you want to get rid of your inflammation naturally, then read on! Below I will share with you 7 foods that reduce inflammation naturally. These foods are called anti-inflammatory foods.

Goji berries are one of the first foods I choose to eat to rid myself of my horrible inflammation pain, and I noticed a difference within weeks. Goji berries are very high in antioxidants, so they are a great anti-inflammatory along with other wonderful qualities. Blueberries are full of antioxidants and high in phytonutrients. Phytonutrients give anti-inflammatory protection against many diseases. Other types of berries such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and cranberries are also high in antioxidants.

Papain is a protein-digesting enzyme found in papaya. Papain, along with other nutrients such as vitamin E and C, helps to reduce inflammation and improves digestion. If you are interested in foods that reduce inflammation, and you are a tropical fruit fan, then this is a perfect food for you to eat.

Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids in the healing of indigestion, sports injury, trauma and other kinds of swelling and inflammation. Extracts of bromelain are used in various natural anti-inflammatory supplements for arthritis.

Turmeric is a spice with high anti-inflammatory qualities. Add a teaspoon to your diet each day. Some ways to include turmeric into your diet would be to add it to soups, sprinkling it on scrambled eggs, mixing it into sauces, or salad dressings. Ginger is a relative of turmeric that is also revered internationally for its anti-inflammatory qualities. If you want to reduce inflammation naturally, then try incorporating these spices in your next meals.

Kelp contains fucoidan, a kind of carbohydrate that is anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidative. Kombu, arame, and wakame are a few types of kelp that can be bought at the grocery store. Kelp has a high fiber content so it also helps to make your feel full and promotes weight loss. Get organic kelp from unpolluted waters.

Spinach is a dark green leafy vegetable that is a high source of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative flavonoids and carotenoids. It contains vitamin A, B, B, C, E, K, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and folate. Make sure to buy organic spinach. Non-organic spinach is sprayed with pesticides and you don't want to be putting more toxins into your body, because that will increase your inflammation. Vegetables, especially dark leafy vegetables are great for decreases inflammation. Choose dark green or brightly colored vegetables.

Broccoli contains anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that help the body to get rid of carcinogenic compounds. It is also a highly nutritious vegetable. Cauliflower is a relative of broccoli, which contains similar components that aid the body's detoxification.

I hope you have found this list of foods that reduce inflammation helpful. Start eating some of these foods, and see what happens. If you already eat some of them, try eating more. The more you eat of these foods, the more you should see a reduction in your inflammation and the pain that goes with it. Here's to a new you... inflammation and pain-free!


Keep Fit And Healthy While Fighting A Brain Tumour #HATTASTIC


Not all brain tumours are life threatening. One of the most common brain tumors, meningioma, can often be completely removed surgically and be considered cured. Others can be controlled for long period of time with chemo or radiation treatment.

Dealing with the fact that your life has or may possibly change in many ways is certainly a challenge. As well as not feeling on top form you are mentally expected to tackle the problem of turning all the negatives into positive energy to help your body to remain fit and healthy to fight and deal with any treatments that are prescribed. Look for the stronger side of your family and friends to keep you on the up because having Auntie Mabel call by with a face like a wet weekend is emotionally draining on both you and everyone around you.

Note though, that it is also healthy to discuss with your nearest and dearest your personal feelings. Meningioma brain tumors are far more common in women than men and women are usually the worst in expressing their feelings when faced with this situation. We shield and protect all around us from the emotional horrors of the world. Unfortunately this one could be too big to deal with on your own and I think we eventually find that the people around us are far stronger than we think. Fear and anger are natural emotions and we usually know who we can truly share these feeling with but fighting a brain tumor is often a major battle and having the best troops closest to you often helps to share the burden if everyone remains positive.

A sense of humour is good for health and well being. I know! - you might be thinking that this is hardly the time for jokes and funny anecdotes but it does allow you to keep everything in proper prospective. Someone close to me suggested that just before surgery for removal of my meningioma that I ask the Neurosurgeon if I would still be able to play the piano afterwards. When he said that of course I would, I was supposed to reply with, 'Fabulous, because I can't play it now'. But true to form - never being very good with joke timing, the anesthetic took over just before the punch line! I have often been accused of others falling asleep during my jokes but.....!

Eat more fruit and veg; don't eat food full of preservatives. We are continually told this is what we have to do to keep ourselves fit and healthy and to combat brain tumour symptoms. It makes sense to try and eat better - But doesn't a bar of chocolate or a bowl of ice cream also make us feel good and bring a smile to our faces. I go along with the saying, 'a little of what you fancy does you good'. Recognise that if you are undergoing treatment, your body will be fatigued and your mind will be in a whirl. Look out for foods that will supply your energy source and try and get some sort of exercise on a daily basis even if only a short walk.

Be prepared for very bad hair days - it is a trauma and another added stress to what is already an 'Everest' of emotions. There are hats, pretty scarves or how about trying a new haircut prior to any major loss if you are undergoing chemo or radiation treatment. This certainly makes things more manageable and will also get you used to less. Take care with your hair care, using mild shampoos and no blow drying. The way to be positive about this distressing episode is to remember that this hair loss is all part of the healing process and it will grow back eventually.


Don't fight fatigue & eat nutritiously.
If a task doesn't need doing right away - either don't do it or have someone else do it for you.
Give yourself permission to stop and take a nap if required.
Listen to your body!


How Your Body Transforms On A Vegan Diet

Thursday 30 March 2017

How Many Calories You Should Eat To Build Muscle?

To add muscle mass you must eat more calories than you burn every day. Start by adding 500-1000 calories a day. However, adding muscle to your body is not simply a matter of adding calories. You want the calories to be a good nutritional balance and that requires a bit more math.

Foods fall into three basic categories. They are proteins, carbohydrates or fats and dietary ratios are indicated in that sequence. One of the most common ratios for muscle building is 40/30/30 which means your diet should consist of 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fats.

Proteins and carbs contain 4 calories per gram while fats contain 9 calories per gram.

To determine how many calories of each food type you need to consume, take your total calories, multiply it by the appropriate percentage and divide that by the calories per gram.

For example, if you have determined you should eat 2,725 calories a day to gain 1 pound of muscle a week and you are following the 40/30/30 guide you calculate:

40% from protein = 1090 calories (2725 x.4) = 272 grams of lean protein (1090 / 4)
30% from carbs = 817 calories (2725 x.3) = 204 grams of carbohydrates (817/ 4)
30% from fats = 817 calories (2725 x.3) = 91 grams of fats (817 / 9)

The exact protein/carb/fat ratio that works best for you may vary from the 40/30/30 model depending on your fitness and activity level as well as your current weight and age. If you don't get the results you want, can start adjusting the numbers, but don't have your fats level drop below 20%, and remember the numbers must total 100%.


How To Yoga Stretches for Low Back Pain & Sciatica Relief by Jen Hilman

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Enjoy Eating Healthy All Day

How can you start eating healthy at home?

Anyone who has gone through the weight loss journey will tell you that for the most part, the struggle is with making healthy food choices. Since fast food and processed food are often associated with convenience, it's hard to let go of old eating (and buying) habits.

But you can still beat a lifetime of bad habits!

It can be challenging to develop new eating habits, but it's not impossible at all. In fact, it is more difficult to keep unhealthy eating habits especially later in life when your body is already suffering from the effects of malnutrition. Remember: a person who has an unhealthy and unbalanced diet is also categorized as malnourished.

Why do you eat the way you do?

Your current eating habits are simply the result of years of repetition. That's why they're called habits. We weren't born with habits; we just develop them over time. So if you learned to love French fries, ice cream and chocolate shakes, you can learn to love healthy, natural foods just as much!

Are you ready for another positive change in your life?

In today's post, I am going to share with you some great ways that you can begin the transition to healthier eating. What's really great about the transition itself is that it is gradual. You can start enjoying fantastic weight loss success by gradually changing the contents of your daily meals. Let's get started!

Tip #1: Eat More Whole Grain

What is whole grain?

The Whole Grains Council defines "whole grain" as "food that contains all of the components of the grain seed in their original proportion." A grain seed has three components: bran, endosperm and germ.

All three components provide a treasure trove of natural nutrients that provide the body with complete nutrition. The cooking method doesn't matter as long as care is taken to preserve these three components.

Due to the density of nutrients found in whole grain, it is recommended that you have one to two servings of whole grain per day.

The dietary fiber found in whole grains will also help conquer hunger pains, as fiber expands when it comes into contact with water. Fiber will fill your stomach much faster and you will feel fuller more quickly.

What types of whole grain could you eat?

Three kinds of grains stand out in the world of fitness: brown rice, quinoa and millet. These three grain seeds are widely available and are crowd favorites because they're tasty and easy to prepare, too!

Quinoa is considered as a fitness superfood because of its exceptionally high levels of plant protein, which is useful for fitness enthusiasts who want to build lean muscle while slimming down.

You may also try grain seeds such as amaranth, rye, sorghum and barley if the first 3 types don't appeal to you.

Tip #2: Skip Oily Food

Why be mindful of fatty food?

Fats are essential for the body, but only in very small quantities. The amount of oil found in processed food and fast food is too much to maintain a healthy weight. Also watch out for "calorie traps" at home, like bacon strips and burger patties.

A single strip of bacon can have as much as 50 calories. If you eat 5 bacon strips at breakfast, you've already added 250 calories of energy to your reserve for the day.

If your physical activities for the day do not burn off most of the calories that you have consumed from the moment that you woke up, your weight will eventually increase. That's why it's essential that you identify high-calorie foods at home that do not provide a lot of nutritional value.

To keep your mealtimes interesting, opt for healthier alternatives such as egg whites and roasted veggies. Flavor-wise, vegetables have a lot of to offer. That's why kebabs don't taste like kebabs unless you add the roasted veggies!

Tip #3: Be Your Own Nutrition Guru

One of the best ways to learn about healthy food is by preparing them at home and by experimenting with different combinations and recipes.

Reading about healthy eating is one thing; you need to put your newfound knowledge to the test if you want to speed up the transition process. Here are some simple tips to make your home cooking healthier:

- Use extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) as much as possible and only in small quantities

- Reduce the amount of cheese and cream in your dishes

- Season with a variety of spices and avoid salting too much

- Top breads and pizza with mushrooms and tasty veggies

- Learn how to store cooked food to retain their nutrients and to make home cooking more convenient than fast food


5 Reasons To Drink Lemon Water Before Breakfast!

Tuesday 28 March 2017

10 Commandments of Natural Health (Scary but TRUE!)

It is very important to have a checklist or basic rules (commandments), for your Overall Natural Health and Well-Being. Some will say that part of the reason that society as a whole, has slipped downward both Physically and Spiritually, is from the slipping away of general rules of morality, ethics, and obedience to the 10 commandments.

Even if your an unbeliever, you have to admit the 10 Commandments are a Universally accepted and Genius way for societies to live peacefully with one another! So, just as there are certain rules of morality, there are also rules of physical health.

10 Commandments of Natural Health (Scary but TRUE!)

1. Don't eat pork Products Ever!

~ They carry 100's if not 1000's of Parasites, diseases, and Viruses.

~ In countries where pork is not consumed, the cancer rate is below 1%.

~ Did you know that some fish farmers use pork to kill off the seasonal populations.

~ Pork MUST be recognized as Primary factor contributing to disease.

~ Poisonous substances in pork, called sutoxins, cause most illnesses which are "chronic" and "difficult" to treat.

~ Every pork cell carries a Rhinovirus! Do you still want a B.L.T.? You better not.

2. Eat only organic!

~ Did you know that dangerous chemicals and preservatives are added to most major brand foods?

~ Growth hormone is generally given to cows, not to mention Pesticides sprayed on their grass.

~ Try to buy organic free range beef, no chemicals here.

~ Purchase organic eggs, fruits, vegetables, cereals', and Dairy. You'll taste and feel the difference.

~ If you eat a salad, it better be organic. Don't eat salads made in Mexico, their sprayed with "God knows what"!

3. Don't eat anything with , or high fructose corn syrup!

~ They will make you fat, lethargic, and sluggish.

~ There has recently been more awareness going on about these toxic substances!

~ Did you know that McDonalds in Europe use olive oil, not Hydronated vegetable oils?

~ Try extra virgin organic olive oil instead.

~ Stop eating fast-food. Watch the movie "Supersize Me", watch how his health quickly declined.

4. Take plenty of quality fish oil!

~ The consumption of omega 3 fish oils have been proven to be beneficial for the whole body an mind.

~ Pregnant women who took fish oil, had children with higher I.Q.'s and reflexes.

~ It will make you look and feel younger.

~ Its good for hair, nails, joints, brain, skin, moods, and more.

5. Stop taking Prescription drugs, if at all possible!

~ Every year people die from drugs. Look at Vioxx.

~ Drugs destroy your organs.

~ Drugs destroy families.

~ Drugs hardly ever "cure" a disease, they merely "Babysit" your symptoms.

~ Instead, try Homeopathic, herbal, and whole food remedies! They've worked for thousands of Years.

~ Read " Natural cures they don't want you to know about".

6. Do a colon cleanse!

~ John Wayne had over 40 lbs. of undigested fecal matter in his colon when he died of colon cancer.

~ If you only go once a day or less, your constipated.

~ A cleanse once every three months or so should do the trick.

~ Eat Plenty of Fiber.

~ Also try a Liver, bladder, kidney, candida, parasite, and heavy metal cleanse.

7. Stop eating sugar, or artificial sweeteners!

~ Instead of bleached white sugar, try honey.

~ Instead of artificial sweeteners, try organic maple syrup.

~ Stop drinking soda, it lowers you immunity, makes you fat, and decreases bone density.

8. Drink the miracle juices, and eat lots of raw organic nuts and seeds!

~ Goji, Mangosteen, Noni, Acai berry, Xango, Aloe vera, orange, apple, cranberry, v8, all Great juices.

~ The above juices All have certain healing and replenishing properties.

~ Peanuts, macedamia, cashews, walnuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, great fiber sources.

~ You may also want to try Raw organic apple cider vinegar, or a drop of oil of oregano a day. This is a Miracle combo.

9. Reduce your Stress levels naturally!

~ Exercise more, walk 1 hr. a day, ride a bike, lift weights.

~ Listen to soft music, stop watching the news, go fishing.

~ Read the Bible, meditate, help others in time of need.

~ Do Tai Chi, punch a heavy bag, play a musical instrument.

10. Stop taking popular, cheap, store bought synthetic vitamins!

~ Recent studies have concluded, synthetic vitamins, will cause more harm than good.

~ Take only "whole food organic vitamins"

~ Take whole food digestive enzyme rich vitamins

~ Chelated minerals, herbs, spices, live enzyme, anti aging whole vitamins.

There is a lot more you can do, to educate and train yourself to apply these suggestions, But ultimately its up to you. You can do it, I have and I've never felt better in my life! In closing I would like to wish you luck, blessings, and strength, to carry out on your road to a natural you.


Vegan Pizza Four Ways

Monday 27 March 2017

Top 10 Worst Foods To Health

As people's lives get busier, concerns about food and health get put in the back burner. People would rather have food that is fast to prepare, appealing and delicious, and don't think about how these foods may affect their health. However, keeping your diet healthy is not all that difficult. Even if you can't do without certain foods in your life, at least stay away from these top ten worst foods to eat as much as possible.

1. Processed Food - Although they're extremely easy to prepare and convenient, these babies are loaded with preservatives, which can increase a person's likelihood of having cancer. A diet of processed foods will give you loads of salt and fats, but none of the nutrients that your body really needs.

2. Frozen Dinners - When you go home at night, the last thing you'd want to do is to cook a meal. Most people settle for microwaving frozen dinners as it's both cheaper and easier. These dinners are filled with artificial flavorings and preservatives so they can last longer in your fridge. They are also low in nutrients, and high in calories.

3. Potato Chips - People think that munching on these is good for their health because technically, potatoes are good for the body. However, these not only contain bad carbohydrates, they are also filled with a carcinogen called acryl amide.

4. Doughnuts - When it comes to food and health, majority of pastries raise a red alarm, but none are as deadly as the doughnut. Yes, doughnuts are extremely tasty and easy to munch on, but they are also loaded with sugar, especially the glazed variety. A large glazed doughnut on its own already contains 250-300 calories and 10-20 grams of fat.

5. Low Fat Labels - Beware of foods that say they're low fat. Most manufacturers of calorie-loaded foods often market low-fat versions of their wares so that health conscious people will be more comfortable when buying them. However, these may destroy your diet even more since you're more likely to eat more because you don't feel the guilt associated with binging on fatty foods.

6. Carbonated Drinks - Soda is delicious and it quenches one's thirst really well. However, do you know that each can of soda contain no less than 10 teaspoons of sweeteners like sugar? Since these drinks are carbonated, they also increase the likelihood of gastric pain, hyper acidity, ulcer, and even pancreatic cancer. Chugging several cans per day also puts you at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

7. Margarine - Margarine brings a plethora of food and health issues simply because they are filled with Tran's fats, which is the main culprit for bad cholesterol. A diet filled with margarine will not only pack on the pounds, it can also hurt your cardiovascular system and give you loads of health issues like hypertension and heart disease.

8. Sugar-Free Food - In the same way that low-fat labels can misguide you; sugar-free food is also extremely dangerous because you tend to eat more of these because you don't worry about the sugar content. Also, since they don't have any sugar, most companies use artificial and chemical preservatives to give flavor to these otherwise bland foods, making it dangerous to your health.

9. Liquid Meals - Manufacturers say that drinking these is equivalent to one full meal, so if you're on a diet or don't have time to eat, this will still give you the calories you need. However, there is no substitute for real food, and although these may contain calories, they don't contain the proper nutrition your body needs daily.

10. Pork Crackles - Tasty and delectable, these pork crackles are absolutely dangerous to people who are conscious about their health. Deep fried and salted fatty pig skin is filled with bad fats, salt, and should be avoided at all cost.

Now, it's not bad to have these once in a while, but if you're really meticulous about food and health, there are a lot of alternatives out there to keep you from grabbing one of these the next time you go to your favorite supermarket or restaurant. Remember, health is a worthy investment, and it all starts with what you eat.



Sunday 26 March 2017

Eat Asian Food For Good Health

Crisp vegetable stir-fries from China, bowls of steaming noodle soup with mint and coriander from Vietnam, fiery jungle curries from Thailand, and fill-you-up sushi rolls from Japan. These are just some of the Asian dishes that are tempting our taste buds and winning the tick of approval from nutritionists around the globe.

With its emphasis on vegetables, rice, clear soups, noodles, fresh fruit, fish and lean meat; Asian food is light, yet filling. It is generally low in fat, with most recipes requiring only small amounts of vegetable oils for cooking. Sweets are healthier too, with none of the rich desserts and pastries of European cuisines. Traditionally, healthy snacks are eaten between meals to help avoid hunger pangs, and to spread food intake over the day.

Eating for a Healthy Heart

There are many reasons why nutritionists recommend Asian fare for a healthy heart:

Omega 3 fats from the prawns, scallops, mussels, crabs, abalones and other seafood that is so plentiful in Asia.
Vitamin E from cashews, peanuts, almonds and other nuts and seeds.
Phytoestrogens from tofu, tempeh and soy drinks.
Antioxidants from the many green vegetables, herbs, garlic, onions and green tea.
All these food factors combine to keep blood vessels clear and free of build-up, and to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The total fat in Asian food tends to be low and, because vegetable oils are preferred for cooking, saturated fats are also kept to a minimum.

Fighting Cancer and the Aging Process

The abundance of vegetables, fiber-rich fresh herbs (all lightly cooked or served raw), antioxidants, and phytochemicals in the Asian diet, make it work in your favor to protect against many cancers and slow the aging process.

Diet for Diabetes

Anyone with diabetes should have a repertoire of Asian recipes in their kitchen. This is because those aspects of the Asian diet which make it good for weight control and heart health, also make it a must for diabetes management. Enjoy meals and carbohydrates spaced evenly, fresh fruit for dessert, plenty of flavour without fat, variety and freshness.

Which Dishes are Best?


Healthy choices: Steamed dim sims or wontons, steamed fish with black bean sauce, combination vegetables, chow mein dishes, stir-fry meat, chicken or seafood dishes with vegetables, crab and corn soup, clear soup with noodles or dumplings, san choy bau, tofu tossed with vegetables, plain boiled rice, Chinese green tea, jasmine tea.

Eat occasionally: Deep-fried entrees such as prawn cutlets, fried dim sims, spring rolls, fried dishes such as sweet and sour, crispy skin chicken, fried rice, Peking duck, pork spare ribs, fried ice-cream.


Healthy choices: Noodles with fish, chicken or pork, noodle soups, sashimi (raw tuna or salmon), steamboat dishes, teppanyaki-style barbecues, sushi nori rolls, steamed rice.

Eat occasionally: Tempura (deep-fried seafood and vegetables).


Healthy choices: Clear hot soup (pho) with chicken or beef, noodle soups, meat, seafood or chicken salads, stir-fry meat or scallops with vegetables, fresh prawn rice paper rolls, grilled pork skewers, chicken with lemon grass, steamed ginger fish, stir-fried mixed vegetables, jasmine rice.

Eat occasionally: Coconut-based curries, deep-fried finger foods such as crab cakes and spring rolls.


Healthy choices: Dry curries of meat, chicken or vegetables, lean meat kebabs, tandoori chicken or lamb, dhal, naan and roti bread, boiled rice, cucumber and yogurt sambal, chutneys.

Eat occasionally: Deep-fried finger foods such as samosas and bhajias, fried breads such as chapati and puri, pappadums, parathas.


Healthy choices: Thai beef salad, satays, dry curries, stir-fry meat, chicken or seafood with vegetables, clear hot and spicy prawn soup (tom yarn goong), grilled chicken satays, jasmine rice.

Eat occasionally: Coconut-based curries such as Thai green curry, deep-fried finger foods such as crab cakes and spring rolls, crispy fried noodles.


The Healthy Food I Eat | Niomi Smart

Saturday 25 March 2017

Are Weight Loss Programs Based on Kosher Food Effective?

Some may consider kosher food restrictions and requirements to be helpful in a diet's effectiveness. Limitations and boundaries are part of almost every reduction plan. On the other hand, others may find weight loss more effective without limitations regarding what may or may not be eaten. If there are no limits on the types of foods allowed, some find it easier to tailor a program that fits individual tastes. Happy dieters are typically more successful dieters.

An understanding of what kosher is will be helpful in determining if it is effective or non-effective in losing weight. Kosher means "fit or proper for use." This not only details what foods are allowed, but also characterizes how certain foods must be prepared and eaten.

All diet programs' effectiveness is relative to each individual. However, there are some things in a kosher-based program that may improve the success of those who follow its standards:

o Some foods are not allowed. In Jewish dietary laws these foods are referred to as "treif." Examples include pork and shellfish. 
o Some of the most fattening foods-those that are processed-may not be obviously kosher, as the designation includes food preparation. For that reason, these diet-busting foods may be avoided altogether. Processed foods that are kosher often show a certification symbol. 
o Similarly, when eating out it may not be obvious whether restaurant foods are kosher or not. 
o Eating only kosher foods can elevate meals to a more spiritual experience for some. Instead of mindlessly gorging on foods for taste alone, a kosher diet may encourage deliberate thoughtfulness at meal times. Eating slowly is often an effective reduction method. 
o Healthful and part of almost any successful weight reduction, all fruits and vegetables are kosher!

"Keeping kosher" is worth learning about and understanding. After all, knowledge about food may be the most effective tool in any weight loss program.


Paleo Diet Before and After Pictures: My Weightloss Transformation

Friday 24 March 2017

How Your Diet Can Make You Into A Better Athlete

With the exception of those certain mutants among us who eat candy, smoke cigarettes, and drink soda (sorry, DIET soda) and coffee all day and then go ahead and send 5.15, all of our climbing abilities are affected by what we eat and when. This is unfortunate, since many of us would just love to subsist on cookies and Nutella sandwiches because they taste oh, so delicious.

There's a lot that goes into using diet to affect athletic performance and overall health, and it can be really confusing sometimes with all of the conflicting research and opinions we see everywhere. My job as a nutrition therapist is to make sense of it myself and relay that coherence to others. The science of nutrition is still in its infancy really, but there are some guidelines you can follow to help you feel energetic, strong and clear-headed - the overarching qualities of a successful person - not just a successful climber. What I am about to tell you has nothing to do with supplements that will make you stronger or super foods that will give you more endurance. There are no magic bullets to make you send your project. There aren't even clear cut rules about what will make you flail all over it - if there were, we'd all be climbing 5.14. So, sit back and prepare yourself for some eye-opening, jaw-dropping... common sense (with a little science to back it up).

There is one mundane, obvious and absolutely imperative topic that just might drastically change your life, and more importantly your scorecard. Breakfast.

How many of you eat some sort of baked good or cereal or other variation of sugar with (insert grain here) for breakfast? How many of you also drink coffee in the morning because your breakfast just doesn't do the job of keeping you awake until lunch, or for that matter 10am? If this is you - this is also most people, so don't feel too ashamed... How many of you, along with around 40% of the rest of the U.S., don't eat breakfast at all? The number one reason we have so many stressed out, tired, overweight people in this country is because we're not eating a good breakfast. That is a bold statement and I just made it - confidently. So, what's a good breakfast? It is NOT sugary cereal with skim milk, instant oatmeal with orange juice, a bagel with jelly, or a doughnut and coffee. These things may taste good, but they will sadly do you no good throughout your day or your life.

The epic story of what happens when you eat these foods begins with blood sugar. All of us have heard about blood sugar. It's the level of sugar, or glucose, in your blood at any given time. The sugar fuels our daily metabolic and athletic activities and what you want is enough sugar in your blood at all times to keep your mood and energy level stable. You've also all heard of adrenaline, especially as climbers. It's the stuff that pumps through your body (or, at least my body) when you're pumped out of your skull and about to take a giant whip and you're not sure if your belayer is watching you or giving some guy beta on a different route 30 feet away. You get sweaty, light-headed, tunnel vision so you can't even see the jug in front of your face, your legs start to tremble, your heart starts audibly beating, and you may have the sudden urge to puke all over your belayer, and maybe for good reason. This is generally described by us as intense fear.

Cut to 11am on Monday morning after a breakfast of jelly-filled doughnuts. When you eat super sugary foods without any fat, fiber and protein (i.e. oil, veggies and meat) to make the meal last longer, your blood sugar plummets quickly because you use up those simple sugars so easily after you've been fasting for hours overnight. If you'd eaten 2 eggs, some sausage, spinach, avocado and salsa instead of the doughnuts, the fat and fiber and protein would mitigate the steep rise and fall of your blood sugar and keep you full and energized for longer, keeping your blood sugar less erratic. This is what your body was meant to eat - fat, protein and fibrous carbohydrates. Not sugar that's taken from corn, heated to hellish temperatures and chemically denatured enough to happily sit on a shelf for years. Cavemen would have had a hard time finding that on the prairie. Think meat (we'll get to the vegetarians next), nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables and that's what we evolutionarily grew up eating.

When you eat very sugary foods or skip meals instead of eating whole, nutrient dense foods, your body considers this a stressful event and gives you a small surge of adrenaline to get you through to your next meal. To a lesser degree your body experiences the same uncomfortable symptoms of adrenaline you felt on the climb you were about to pitch off of, but instead of intense fear it manifests as anxiety. You're also feeling the effects of low blood sugar - brain fog and muscle weakness. Weakness. I hope my point is surfacing.

There's more. Then imagine that once you finally get to lunch you're starving, so you eat a big, doughy sandwich, some cookies, a bag of chips and some sort of sparkly, sugary beverage. Even though this meal probably has ample protein, fat and maybe fiber in it, you're not in the clear. Your blood sugar is like a boat rocking back and forth in response to a big wave - the wave hits and the boat lurches to one side. It doesn't stop there - it pitches back the other way almost as forcefully as the first time. The swaying only subsides when the force of the wave dissipates. Or big waves keep hitting it and it continues to sway wildly. Your blood sugar's big wave is you eating a sugary breakfast or skipping it altogether. The violent swaying only subsides when you start your day with protein, fat and fiber and repeat every 3 to 5 hours. Every single day. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be on a boat in calm water than be capsized by a storm every day...

Coffee. You'll have to excuse the prolonged analogy, but imagine that coffee is a giant whale, hitting the side of your boat. Every cup of coffee is a blow to the boat's side. It's is called a stimulant because it stimulates your adrenals to spit out adrenaline, which is why you feel... er, shall we say, awake. Wouldn't we rather use our adrenaline stores for something important like an epic big wall rather than for dragging our asses through our morning every day?

Demanding so much of the adrenal glands for adrenaline takes its toll on the rest of the body - namely the thyroid gland. The thyroid is responsible for little things like body weight, temperature and metabolism. Part of its job is to make sure we have enough energy to get through our day, and if we don't, the pituitary gland sends a message to it telling it to get off its ass and make us more. Unfortunately, the pituitary is also responsible for sending the same kind of rallying messages to the adrenals. If the adrenals are overworked by our blood sugar and coffee "issues", not to mention our climbing addiction, the pituitary gets really tired and lags on its communication to the thyroid. This is why so many of us are constantly tired and depressed, not able to lose weight, cold all the time, and have poor digestion and sleep habits. It's also one big reason we get frequent headaches, muscle cramps, water retention, slow wound healing and why so many of us are sick much of the time. Read through all of those symptoms again and note how many of them you can assign to yourself or your significant other or the person sitting next to you.

So, how does a low functioning thyroid affect our climbing? Well, let's be honest - there's not one person who can climb their best when they're constipated all the time - oh yeah, that's another sign of thyroid dysfunction. No climber who is chronically depressed and anxious is going to be able to confidently lead climb at their limit - we've all witnessed that. And even if it's only 10 pounds that you are struggling to lose, those 10 pounds can make your project feel way harder than if you were at your optimal weight. And ladies, how many of you would like to have had better circulation in your numb fingers on a cold day outside? Yet another symptom of thyroid dysfunction. Water retention in our joints can lead to pain and inflammation - and just because your ankles aren't swollen like a pregnant woman, it doesn't mean you're not retaining water, guys. And finally, who can climb their best when they get sick all the time? We all know how drained and weak we get with the flu. What's the first thing I tell people who have thyroid dysfunction? Eat a good breakfast.

So, to you mutants out there climbing V15 fueled by sugar packets and sugar water - how hard do you think you could climb if you balanced your blood sugar?


Scientific Weight Loss Tips

Thursday 23 March 2017

3 Important Tips On A Celebrity Diet

Celebrity - be it a man or a woman - always come in front of the world as a healthy and happy individual. Any celebrity falling ill is a very rare case we hear of and when it happens, it comes up as big news!

The main secret behind this is the balanced diet and the lifestyle followed by these celebrities. They are the main source of inspiration found around oneself to attain good health.

Today, looking at the female celebrities, young girls crave to get a zero figure and a proper shape of the body; whereas, looking at male models, boys crave to build a strong physique and muscles. Be it a girl or a boy everyone is curious to know the celebrity diet tips.

Exercise and work out 

Research on interviews of some celebrities indicates that most celebrities normally tend to spend a fixed amount of time in work out, strictly, in spite of their heavy work routines. They have long and variable work hours. Thus it is difficult to maintain proper food timings. It is therefore important for the celebrities to dedicate certain hours for work out.
The choice of workout may vary from person to person. Some celebrities find that they are comfortable with yoga, some do aerobics or some prefer to visit a gym.
The best kind of exercise is early morning jogging or early morning walk for a few miles.
Meditation helps the celebrities keep their mind calm and fresh so that they can concentrate on their work better and present themselves in front of all better.
Thus the main celebrity diet tip is to dedicate sometime for exercise everyday.

Balanced Diet 

After long work hours and dedicated time for work out, celebrities tend to spend time in analyzing their diet plan.
It is extremely important to rejuvenate the body cells that are exhausted in the daily activities and work out.
Some celebrities cut down on their sugar and fat intake after a proper diagnosis from their advisor, about the areas that have major fat deposits in the body.
In order to lose weight celebrities withdraw from the non-vegetarian meals. They cut off themselves from the white and red meat and increase vegetarian intake.
Citrus fruits like sweet-lime, lemon, and oranges nourish the skin and give a younger glowing skin.

One of the alternatives to cut down on munching in between making meals, celebrities tends to keep chewing a sugar free chewing gum.

Thus the celebrity diet tip for food intake is that one should have a balanced vegetarian diet.

Drinking habits 

Celebrities normally should keep themselves away from drug abuse.
In order to maintain their fresh and energetic look, celebrities tend to keep away from alcohol intake.
Some celebrities opt for red bull instead of wine or alcohol.
The next celebrity diet tip, thus tells to keep away from alcohol.

Thus, dieticians' suggestions and the celebrities' habits are nearly same. The name, fame and glamour of the celebrities that tends one to get inclined towards the diet tips followed by these celebrities.

Take off your weight and slim down your body through Celebrity Slim Diet, make yourself charming like celebrity!


5 Honey Beauty Tips

Wednesday 22 March 2017

5 Ways to Use Honey In Your Diet

Honey is an extremely versatile food, known worldwide for its numerous health benefits; so versatile is this rich, golden liquid that its usage extends beyond dietary purposes! From food spreads and skin potions to illness remedies and beauty applications, the utilities of honey seem boundless.

Honey possesses hygroscopic, antibacterial, antioxidant and nutritional properties that make it a power food for the whole family. Since honey is an adaptable food, serving multiple purposes, one can include honey in the daily diet in several ways.

1. In your beverages:

Kickstart your day with a tall glass of warm water, two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This honey-water-lemon concoction is known to help aid faster burning of fats, when coupled with an active lifestyle. You can replace sugar and other calorie-heavy sweeteners. Opt for honey in milk, instead of sugar. You can also whip up your very own, healthy power drink to immediately feel refreshed and energized. Mix two cups of water, one-fourth cup of fresh lemon juice, one-eighth teaspoon of salt and two and a half teaspoons of raw honey in a water bottle. Consume as and when needed to rehydrate yourself, instead of consuming unhealthy sports drinks and mixes.

2. As a bread spread:

Using honey as a breakfast or bread spread is a smart and healthier alternative to the sugar-packed conventional bread spreads available in the market. Generously spread honey onto your morning toast for a delicious breakfast; remember to have some fruit portions as well. Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder and apply it on bread as a spread, instead of jams and jellies. You can also make a honey-mustard spread for sandwiches in a trice - just blend one-fourth cup of prepared mustard, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of mayonnaise, and spread the mixture between bread slices. Alternatively, you can use honey as a great dip to go with breakfast rotis or chapatis. A popular way in some rural ways is to dip freshly made Dosas in a mix of honey & ghee.

3. As a salad dressing:

Salads taste great when married with the right dressing! You can use honey to up your salad dressing game, and turn snack time into a delicious, healthy daily routine. Simply add equal parts honey, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil into a jar; add a sprinkling of your favourite herbs and a pinch of salt to taste. Close the jar tightly with a lid and shake thoroughly, or simply use a spoon to mix the contents well. Add a generous portion of the dressing to your salads, instead of using mayonnaise or other calorie-rich salad dressings.

4. As a power snack:

For a quick and nutritious snack, mix your favourite dry fruits, a cup of raw toasted oats, a little warm milk and three tablespoons of honey in a bowl. This muesli-like snack bowl is super-nutritious and packs quite the punch in filling you up; it works perfectly as a light tea-time snack, thus preventing you from binge-eating salty, fried or processed snacks.

5. In your soups:

Honey is an excellent ingredient in soups such as bisques, broths made with carrots, squash, sweet potato of certain fruit, and in soups or curries seasoned with ginger. Just a drizzle of honey works to add more complexity and balance to soups. In case of soups that work on the bitterness angle such as cauliflower or parsnip based soups, honey makes the soup softer on the palate. Spicy soups gain a slightly sweet dimension when honey is added. Moreover, the natural viscosity of honey helps in adding more body and thickness to soups.

Honey works wonderfully in various food preparations, both as an additive and a key ingredient. Experiment with honey by using recipes for whole-cooked meals with honey. But do note that Ayurveda warns against heating honey. If you want to keep it simple, go the easy route and add honey as a table ingredient in your daily meals such as beverages and snacks.
