Saturday 25 March 2017

Are Weight Loss Programs Based on Kosher Food Effective?

Some may consider kosher food restrictions and requirements to be helpful in a diet's effectiveness. Limitations and boundaries are part of almost every reduction plan. On the other hand, others may find weight loss more effective without limitations regarding what may or may not be eaten. If there are no limits on the types of foods allowed, some find it easier to tailor a program that fits individual tastes. Happy dieters are typically more successful dieters.

An understanding of what kosher is will be helpful in determining if it is effective or non-effective in losing weight. Kosher means "fit or proper for use." This not only details what foods are allowed, but also characterizes how certain foods must be prepared and eaten.

All diet programs' effectiveness is relative to each individual. However, there are some things in a kosher-based program that may improve the success of those who follow its standards:

o Some foods are not allowed. In Jewish dietary laws these foods are referred to as "treif." Examples include pork and shellfish. 
o Some of the most fattening foods-those that are processed-may not be obviously kosher, as the designation includes food preparation. For that reason, these diet-busting foods may be avoided altogether. Processed foods that are kosher often show a certification symbol. 
o Similarly, when eating out it may not be obvious whether restaurant foods are kosher or not. 
o Eating only kosher foods can elevate meals to a more spiritual experience for some. Instead of mindlessly gorging on foods for taste alone, a kosher diet may encourage deliberate thoughtfulness at meal times. Eating slowly is often an effective reduction method. 
o Healthful and part of almost any successful weight reduction, all fruits and vegetables are kosher!

"Keeping kosher" is worth learning about and understanding. After all, knowledge about food may be the most effective tool in any weight loss program.


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