Friday, 30 December 2016
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Benefits of Using the Slow Cooker
The slow cooker or crock pot has become one of the most useful appliances in the kitchen for every family. The slow cooker has gained much popularity due to the many benefits of using it. The slow cooker can help to prepare a great variety of delicious food. There are many slow cooker recipes widely available to provide more choices of the types of dishes you can prepare using the slow cooker. By simply following the recipes, you can cook many types of delicious meals for your family everyday.
The best benefit of using the slow cooker for cooking is that the dishes it prepares are nutritious. This is because mainly fresh, wholesome ingredients are used in the cooking. The ingredients are cooked at a low temperature for a long period of time, thus they become extremely tender and delicious. As there is little evaporation, the food will not dry out. The natural juices from the meats and vegetables are retained in the pot, thus, the cooked food are nutritious as well as tasty. Hence, if you are looking for healthy food, using the slow cooker to cook your meals is a way to attain it.
Due to the fact that slow cookers are safe, easy to use, and require no attention while cooking, people who use it save much time and effort in cooking their meals. Nowadays, many working adults avoid cooking because they are either too tired after a long day of work, or they have no time to do so. The slow cooker provides them with the convenience of being able to work and still can enjoy eating home-cooked food without having to spend time in the cooking process. In the morning before leaving for work, they can easily place all the food ingredients in the slow cooker and set it on low. By the time they come back from work in the evening, a tasty, nutritious, home-cooked dish will be ready for them. They can choose to add a salad or whole-grain bread to the dish and it will form a complete meal. Thus, by using the slow cooker, people can spend their time at work, in school or anywhere enjoying some recreation, and still have the opportunity to eat nutritious food.
As you can see from the above, crock pot cooking has many benefits. If you wish to enjoy fully the advantages of slow cooker cooking, it is best to equip yourself with a book of slow cooker recipes. It can provide you with a great variety of ideas so that you can prepare delicious and sumptuous meals everyday.
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
Monday, 26 December 2016
Thursday, 22 December 2016
Sesame Seeds Help You to Lose Stomach Fat

Including sesame paste or Tahini - as it is more commonly known - for breakfast every day gives a great help for anyone who wants to lose stomach fat and weight in general. You will see the scales pointer going down very quickly. Just a tablespoon of paste made with that seed on a slice of bread.
The role of omega-3 in the weight loss is less well known. It is known, however, that one of the functions of this fatty acid is to reduce inflammatory processes. What does this have to do with lose stomach fat? It's simple: when our body receives the unwanted visit of a microorganism, the body builds up fat as a defence mechanism.
Of course, the body needs to store energy to get rid of the unwelcomed visitor. However, if the body is well supplied with omega-3, the risk of inflammation is quite small. Therefore, it is not necessary to store fat and the chances of you lose stomach fat is higher.
Toast 1 cup of skinless sesame seeds. Let them cool and beat in a processor until it turns into paste.
Carmen Beese is a leading fat loss researcher dedicated to providing valuable information about this subject.
lose weight,
stomach fat
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Monday, 19 December 2016
Adding Yogurt to Your Diet Can Benefit Your Health
You may have heard about many different super foods that you can eat to boost and enhance your health. One of these great foods you should try to eat on a regular basis is yogurt. Yogurt provides many health benefits. It is not only an excellent source of calcium, but it also provides your body with probiotics that can help with several different issues. If you are looking for a great new snack to include in your diet, yogurt is a perfect option.
The most obvious health benefit that comes along with eating yogurt on a regular basis is its calcium content. Most yogurts on the market today have 30-40% of the daily recommended amount of calcium for adults. Eating a sufficient amount of calcium can help keep your bones and teeth strong and health and helps to prevent osteoporosis. If you are wanting to eat yogurt primarily to help with your calcium intake, you should make sure to purchase a variety that includes vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your body to absorb the calcium nutrients and will give your body more benefits from the calcium you eat.
Yogurt is a common snack among people who are trying to lose weight. This is because yogurt has a large amount of protein. Proteins in foods helps to make your body feel like it is full. People who eat protein-rich snacks like yogurt can go longer without feeling hungry. If you are dieting or trying to lose weight, adding healthy yogurt to your nutritional plan can be a great step towards your goal weight.
When buying yogurt, you should know that not all yogurt are made the same. Yogurt in its simplest form only has milk and probiotics. This type of yogurt is generally called plain yogurt and is considered to be sugar-free. All yogurt, even if they have no added sugars, will have a considerable amount of sugar on the nutrition label due to the fact that milk has lactose sugars. If you do not like this plain, sugar-free yogurt, you can also buy yogurt that have been sweetened with either natural or artificial sugars and flavors. There is a huge variety of yogurt available on the market today. Try to stick with yogurt that are either plain or sweetened with low-calorie sweeteners.
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Beetroot Nutritional Benefits
Beetroot and Swiss Chard belong to the same family. Beets have a lovely rich red color from pigments called anthocyanins. It is water soluble and cannot be destroyed by heat. Since ancient times, this vegetable has been used for medicinal purposes that contain many healing properties. The beetroot nutritional benefits range from aiding anemia by building red blood cells to aiding digestion and helping the gall bladder and liver function. When beet juice is mixed with carrot juice, this combination provides the body with enough minerals to encourage the healing process.
Beetroot Nutritional Benefits
- Beetroots are a great anti-oxidant
- Rich in fibre and micro nutrients
- Rich in Iron and Calcium
- Contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B-complex and Vitamin C, Iron and Magnesium
- Regulates blood pressure
- Keep bowel movements regular
- Helps to detoxify the body
- Clears the gall bladder, liver and kidneys
- Beet greens are best used for juicing
- Harvest when the root is firm and swollen. It will usually be sticking out of the ground.
- The bulbs should be scrubbed well till all the soil is removed.
- The beetroot leaves can be used either when they are young or mature.
- The leaves must be washed thoroughly and chopped then cooked.
- The bulbs can be cut into fries, steamed or used fresh.
- Beetroot juice is a very healthy and cleansing drink.
- When juicing beetroots, be sure not to overdose.
- Start by using half a juiced beetroot per week. Build up your consumption to one per week.
Beetroot Salad
- Beetroot (2-3 large ones)
- 4 large Carrots
- 1 Pineapple peeled and diced
Grate the beetroot and carrots; add the pineapple and you have a tasty salad.
Simple and nutritious - serve with fresh bread.
How to Grow Beetroot
- The seeds, much like Swiss Chard are best planted directly in the place you want them to grow.
- It is important to keep the soil moist around the seedlings.
- In five to eight days after planting them, you will see the little leaves of the beetroot appear from beneath the soil.
- They will shoot upwards and after about two and a half months, you should see the bulb beginning to form.
- You can push the soil up around the beetroot bulb, as this will allow it to become larger. This is called ridging.
- Be sure to give maturing roots space in which to grow without crowding them.
They have many companions and these include: Beans, Lettuce, Garlic, Onions, Kohlrabi and Cabbage.
However, Beetroot is not fond of growing near Mustard.
Saturday, 17 December 2016
Get Rid of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) by Pressure Canning Your Food
Monosodium Glutamate, otherwise known as MSG, has been linked to a wide variety of illnesses. Everything from headaches to chest pain, and even breathing problems for those who suffer from asthma are just a few of the bad side effects. Pressure canning completely eliminates MSG from the food because you simply don't use it at all during the canning process. You do have to be careful if you don't create your own spice blend when canning, as some of the store bought canning mixes do include it in their blends.
People that are sensitive to Monosodium Glutamate may experience different bad side effects at different times, too. Depending on their personal body chemistry and their health level, the results of ingesting MSG can vary. For instance, someone who has high blood pressure problems may feel a rapid heartbeat. Individuals that suffer from arthritis can have increased swelling and aches in the muscles as though they have the flu. It can even produce neurological problems such as depression, anger management issues, migraines, panic attacks, and insomnia is people that as sensitive or already having problems such as those individuals suffering from fibromyalgia or any type of mental disorder.
The initial cost of pressure canning quickly pays for itself, particularly if you are a home gardener or even if you buy in bulk from a farmers market. Another way might be if you have an overabundance of one food, say tomatoes, you can trade with another gardener for their overabundance of green beans. If you do not have enough space for a garden yourself, community gardens work well. Community gardens where everyone chips in on the weeding and various gardening tasks along with the price of seed can keep your costs much lower as the food is divided amongst those that actually worked the soil and produced the food.
Friday, 16 December 2016
What is Bruce Lee Isometric Exercise?
Bruce Lee, no other name is more synonymous with Kung Fu or Martial Arts. Even though Bruce Lee has been dead now for 25 years people still ask the same questions. How did Bruce Lee train, what equipment did he use, and how did he employ isometric exercise.
Are you familiar with isometrics? Here is a brief history so you will better understand Bruce Lee isometric exercise. Let me begin by explaining what isometric exercise is.
That's pretty much the textbook definition. Although I have not found a definitive answer on when isometrics was discovered, it is clear from most of my research that it was part of the early Chinese Martial Arts and Yoga.
In Tai Chi, you use a form of isometric contraction and since Bruce Lee's father was a practitioner of Tai Chi and trained Bruce Lee in that art. It's no wonder then, that he continued to use isometric exercise and improve his use of them.
It certainly amazing that even to this day people are still talking about Bruce Lee's incredible body. In his day, no actor in all of Hollywood could offer up a physique quite like Bruce Lee's. Certainly, until Arnold Schwarzenegger came upon the movie scene, it was not expected for a Hollywood actor to have that incredible muscularity.
Actors like Sylvester Stallone in the movie Rocky introduced America to a new type of action hero. No longer was it enough, to have a flat stomach. Now you needed to have rocksolid muscularity. Bruce Lee was certainly the pioneer in producing that kind of rocksolid look.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Monday, 12 December 2016
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Health Benefits of Kale - Why is it Good For You?
Kale is one of the most underrated foods there are in the world. Many people don't even know what it is and even those who do will not find it so easy to recognize it when they see it. This is a shame because Kale has many health benefits. Especially in today's modern world with our overall bad diet, it is important to include such superfoods as Kale in our diets on a regular basis.
Why is Kale so healthy? It has to do with all the nutrients it contains:
1. Kale contains indole-3-carbinol, a substance that can help your body fight against industrial chemicals known as Xenoestrogens that can be cancerous and also lead to increased abdominal fat storage. Kale actually helps you maintain a slim waist line.
3. Kale contains various sulfur rich components that were found to fight cancerous elements in your body. In various animal studies, these types of sulfur elements were found to help reduce the size of tumors in animals.
4. Kale contains vitamin C which is useful in fighting off infection and aids the healing process whenever you suffer wounds.
5. Kale is rich in vitamin B12 which helps the function of the nervous system and is important for various internal body functions.
6. Kale is a tasty addition to many dishes and salads. It's super low in calories with just 36 calories for a whole cup of the herb and so it's an excellent diet food.
7. Rich in calcium, Kale assists in maintaining bone strength and proper structure. Its high vitamin A content also helps in this respect.
As you can see, adding Kale to your diet can prove to be a big help to maintain proper health and even to burn some additional fat. Naturally, you won't get a six pack abs just by eating Kale but it is still an excellent addition to any healthy eating plan focused on proper health and fitness for the long term.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
10 Reasons To Drink Coffee Every Day
Our consumption of coffee has been steadily growing over the last few decades and is showing no signs of slowing down. High Street coffee chains are finding ever more innovative ways to keep our interest, and therefore, to keep drinking coffee more than ever before.
Countless articles have been written about the health benefits (or otherwise) of drinking coffee, so we thought we'd pull all this information together and see whether there really are good reasons to drink coffee on a daily basis.
It's been shown that an amazing 54% of Americans drink coffee every day, usually as a way of kick-starting their day at breakfast times, and some countries (particularly in Scandinavia and Southern Europe) have even higher numbers than this. So here are our top 10 reasons for being a regular coffee drinker.
A study conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School followed 112,897 men and women over a 20-year period and their findings appear to indicate that women who drink three or more cups of coffee each day are less likely to develop skin cancer than women who drink no coffee at all. The study didn't mention any statistics for men though!
2. Consumption of Coffee May Lower Suicide Levels
A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health discovered that drinking between two and four cups of coffee each day reduces the incidents of suicide among both men and women by nearly 50 percent. One of the reasons put forward to explain this is that coffee has been shown to act as an antidepressant by aiding in the production of the body's neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline and serotonin. A number of other studies appear to concur with these findings.
A group of researchers at Seoul University in South Korea looked at the brains of laboratory rats who were displaying signs of stress caused by deprivation and found that the rats exposed to the aroma of coffee displayed changes in the levels of brain proteins linked to stress. The study only covered stress caused by lack of sleep rather than more general stress, though other studies have shown similar finding when looking at other specific causes of stress in humans.
4. Coffee Could Reduce The Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
It was reported in ScienceDaily that drinking coffee may help people with Parkinson's disease control their movement. The study author, Ronald Postuma MD said that studies have shown people who regularly drink appear to be at a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease. However, an additional study also found that caffeine can also assist movement symptoms for people who already have Parkinson's.
5. Coffee Makes People Happy
Another study, this time carried out by the National Institute of Health concluded that people drinking a minimum of four cups of coffee each day were 10 percent less likely to show signs of depression than those who drink no coffee at all. This has been put down to the levels of antioxidants present in coffee rather than a caffeine high (cocaine consumption can also give a caffeine high but actually increases the chances of depression).
6. Coffee Can Increase Your Brainpower
Really? Well think about it, you normally go for a cup of coffee when you're short of sleep or need to stay alert. That jolt not only helps to keep you from falling asleep, it really does mentally sharpen you up and improve your reactions. CNN reported that drinking coffee can allow the brain to function more efficiently. No matter what measure is used - reaction times, observation, attention span, logic, reasoning skills - all show an improvement after consuming coffee. So if you're in need of something to keep you alert on a long journey, it really is true that there's little that can beat a good cup of coffee.
7. Coffee Keeps Your Liver Healthy (Especially If You Drink Alcohol)
A huge study involving over 120,000 people published in 2006 concluded that people drinking at least one cup of coffee daily were up to 20 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver - a serious disease caused by the excessive drinking of alcohol that can result in liver failure or the development of cancer. The head author of the study, Arthur Klatsky, reported that the consumption of coffee has a protective effect on the liver, particularly against alcoholic cirrhosis, and the higher the daily coffee consumption, the lower the risk appears to be of developing fatal cirrhosis of the liver.
Further studies carried out elsewhere have concluded that drinking coffee can assist in preventing people from developing NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). An international team of scientists discovered that drinking at least four cups of coffee a day can be beneficial in preventing the development of NAFLD.
8. Coffee Can Improve Your Sporting Performance.
An article in New York Times reported that "Scientists and athletes alike have known for years that a cup of coffee prior to a workout jolts athletic performance, especially in endurance sports like distance running and cycling." The caffeine present in coffee can increase the levels of fatty acids in the bloodstream, which in turn allows athletes' muscles to absorb and burn fats for fuel, and therefore saving small reserves of carbohydrates for later on in the exercise. This is particularly useful for endurance athletes such as marathon runners and long distance cyclists.
9. Coffee Can Lower The Risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
As we mentioned in one of our coffee articles a few weeks ago, coffee reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes. A study carried out by researchers at the American Chemical Society concluded that cases of type 2 diabetes are around 50 percent lower among people drinking a minimum of four cups of coffee a day. Subsequently, the risk drops by a further 7 percent for every additional daily cup of coffee consumed, though of course there are other health implications in doing this.
10. Coffee Can Keep Your Brain Healthy.
Studies carried out by the University of South Florida concluded that both men and women over 65 years of age with higher blood levels of caffeine developed Alzheimer's disease between two and four years later than those with lower levels of caffeine in their blood. They pointed out that coffee consumption cannot be shown to completely protect people from Alzheimer's, but that moderate coffee consumption can appreciably reduce the risk of Alzheimer's or at least delay its onset.
We hope this article has been of interest, if you have anything to add to this, please let us know and we will include it in a future article.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Airport Food Survival
Traveling a great distance can get a bit tiresome. Whether you are traveling for an occasional family vacation or professional trip, long flights and airports stays can actually be stressful. Some of the factors that make travel and airport stays stressful are canceled or delayed flights and flights being diverted to other airports. Unfortunately, stress can result into added bulge in your waistline. Research studies show that an individual tends to overeat when he is stressed or bored. The airport is like a one stop shopping for every unhealthy and ultra tempting food on the planet such as chocolates, pastries, doughnuts, fast foods, soft drinks, junk foods. Here are some of the airport food survival tips that will surely help you, especially when faced in a stressful situation.
Another airport food survival tip is not to eat too much while on the plane. Meals and beverages are already included in long distance flights. While it's tempting to eat a large meal, setting limits to your food intake will help you experience a pleasant flight. Remember that stress can also cause upset stomach. Surely, you would not want to travel with an upset stomach, right?
Avoid caffeinated beverages such as teas, colas and coffee. Teas can cause you to urinate frequently. You also won't be able to have a restful sleep during your flight, because caffeinated beverages make you awake. Water, juices and decaffeinated coffee and teas are better choices.
Although you are not allowed to bring any food and beverage inside the plane, you are, however, allowed to eat while at the airport. Be careful though, to what and where you're eating. Before, the only dining place that you can find in airports is fast food. Avoid fast foods as much as possible. Nowadays, there are actually food chains inside the airport where you can have decent meals. There is, however, one drawback with airport restaurants. They are a bit expensive.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
How to Fight Bad Breath
Halitosis commonly known as bad breath is a very embarrassing disease. Most people with bad breath are not aware of their problem but the people around them certainly know and just embarrass to tell them. The reaction of people around you when you speak or open your mouth will somehow give you a hint if you have a bad breath problem. However, there are tests for bad breath that you can do, one test is lick the back of your wrist and let it dry for a minute or two and then smell it. Another way is to scrape the back of your tongue with an inverted spoon and smell the thick whitish dried residue. How it smells is most likely the way your breath smells to others. If you have a bad breath it is important to know how to fight bad breath.
To know how to fight bad breath, first you have to know the causes of bad breath. Bad breath is caused by accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. There are more than 600 types of bacteria present in the mouth which has the tendency to overpopulate due to food debris and other factors like gum problems and tooth decay. Accumulation of anaerobic bacteria on the posterior of the tongue, gums and teeth when mixed with mouth air and exhaled create foul odor or bad breath. There are two types of bad breath namely transient and chronic bad breath. Transient bad breath is caused by poor mouth hygiene, oral dryness or by eating certain foods like onion and garlic. Transient bad breath usually disappears on its own or by improved oral hygiene. Chronic bad breath is more serious and caused by continuous accumulation of bacteria and needs specialized treatment. It is important to know how to fight bad breath even before it becomes chronic bad breath.
Proper oral hygiene alone sometimes doesn't work on people with chronic bad breath. If you happen to follow all the oral hygiene mentioned and after bad breath testing you believe that you still have a bad breath or someone told you that you do have a bad breath, you should act on this at once before it could affect your social life. Finding how to fight bad breath and get rid of bad breath for good is something you should not ignore. It's better to act on this now than suffer the effects of bad breath in your life.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Did You Know You Already Have A Six Pack?
Did you know you already have a six pack?
You already have a six pack.. You just can't see it!
Your abs are a group of muscles called the rectus abdominus, which are the six muscles that cover the stomach.
Apparently, we're all born with a six pack and it already exists. Believe it or not, you have a flat stomach right now. It's just that you can't see it because it's covered and concealed under the few or many layers of fat on your body. If you really want to see the lean stomach and expose those deep cuts, you've got to burn off the fat sitting on top of it.
Now you might think that 1,000 crunches a day is the key to burning that fat off. Well, it's NOT! There's NO such thing as spot reduction! You can't crunch off the fat covering your abs. So while crunches will certainly train your abs muscles, they will do nothing to the fat sitting on top of those muscles.
Are you ready for this? Here it goes:
By Lowering your body fat percentage!
Voila! This is all to it. Simply losing some body fat is the super secret key.
And how do you burn body fat?
You create a caloric deficit by eating less calories and burning more calories. This is the only way to strip the fat from your abs by gradually burning it off from your entire body through cardio, diet, and weight-training.
The human body gains and loses fat in a pattern that is predetermined by our genetics and can't be changed. And it is commonly seen that the fat covering the abs is usually the last to go and the first to come back, which makes getting/keeping abs all the more difficult.
Therefore stay persistent with creating a calorie deficit through a clean diet, resistance training, and cardio regimen and lower your body fat percentage. Once you are lean enough you will see your abs pop out. Directly training the abs a little will make them stronger, better developed and add more definition to the ab muscles (just like what happens to every other muscle group when you train it).
Actually speaking, instead of saying we want to get a six pack, we should say we want to uncover a six pack. Because really, that's what needs to happen!
Monday, 5 December 2016
Good Hair Starts With Good Nutrition
Many of my patients, particularly those over 40, ask me if there is anything they can do about the look of their hair - it's lost its healthy, youthful shine, and just doesn't seem to be as thick as it used to be. There's a whole lot you can do for your hair just by following some simple rules of good nutrition and supplementing with the correct vitamins.
When your body is healthy, it shows in your hair and your nails. In fact, I can often tell when a patient's nutritional status is out of whack just by looking at their hair and nails as they are made from the same substance, keratin. Ideally, your hair should have a healthy density and texture, it's not falling out, and it grows about ½ inch a month. Your nails are smooth without ridges, clear, non-yellowed, don't chip and peel and grow normally.
A holistic approach to restoring the health and glow of your hair and nails is necessary by starting with some good, basic rules of nutrition that will also benefit the health of your entire body.
Good Nutrition, Good Health, Good Hair
Protein: As I mentioned above, your hair (and your nails) are made out of the same material called keratin, a protein. In order to ensure that this building block of your hair and nails is adequate to produce healthy hair shafts, you need to eat an adequate amount of high quality protein everyday. You should consume at least 50 grams (read labels) of this type of protein on a daily basis, some of which are good sources of B vitamins that are also crucial to hair health. These include:
•Fish - good source of B vitamins
•Beef - rich in B12 and other B vitamins.
•Amino acids - like L-cysteine and L-methionine, proteins that benefit hair texture and growth. In addition to being found in protein foods, they can also be found in protein supplement/shake formulas like whey protein. Read labels for amino acid content.
In addition, there are many plant-based, quality proteins that are useful to your overall health as well as your hair which include:
•Legumes - (chick peas, lentils, kidney beans, black eyed peas, navy beans)
•Whole grains - like quinoa, brown rice, amaranth
Vitamins: Your body requires the right amount of many vitamins and minerals to support all its various functions, but when it comes to your hair and nails, the B family of vitamins rules. In fact, deficiencies in the B group of vitamins, particularly folic acid, B6 and B12, will show up most profoundly in lack of hair and nail health. Hair loss, lack of growth, dullness is often a result of deficiencies in these vitamins. The good news is that these conditions can be turned around restoring hair health as soon as these deficiencies are corrected. B vitamins are easily supplemented with a good quality B-Complex formula. They are also found in high quantities in the following sources:
•B9 (folic acid) - spinach, asparagus, romaine lettuce, turnip and mustard greens, broccoli, parsley, calf's liver, legumes (all).
•B6 - yellow fin tuna, chicken and bananas contain the highest food sources. Other good sources include turkey breast, cod, salmon, and beef. Deficiencies in B6 can cause hair loss particularly in men.
•B12 - calf's liver, sardines, snapper, and beef contain the highest food sources.
Supporting Vitamins: Your hair (and the rest of you) also benefits from a good intake of other vitamins that support hair health. They are:
•Vitamin C - helps to build collagen, a building block of keratin. Aids in scalp circulation as it supports blood capillaries. 1,000-2,000 mg daily. Good sources include citrus fruits.
•Vitamin E - helps with oxygen uptake, stimulates immune function (which stimulates hair growth). 400 mg daily.
•Vitamin A - watch for over-consumption of food, supplements, containing this vitamin as it can cause hair loss! No more than 10,000 IU daily, preferably from natural food sources of beta-carotene. Good sources include: sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and carrots.
Minerals: Good health requires a lot of different minerals to thrive. In particular, your hair benefits from magnesium, sulfur and zinc. Laboratory studies have shown that animals deficient in magnesium lost large amounts of hair! Here are some good sources of all:
•Magnesium - pumpkin seeds (raw), rich source. Black and navy beans (cooked). Salmon, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds.
•Sulfur - sunflower seeds, lentils, garlic, yogurt.
•Zinc - beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, salmon, dairy products, peanuts, legumes, whole grains, potatoes, yogurt.
•Iron - anemia can lead to hair loss, shine and beauty. If you are a premenopausal woman you need 18 mg of iron a day. For older women and men, the requirement is 8 mg per day. Be sure your vitamin/mineral supplement has the correct amount of iron in it for your age. Over-consuming iron can create heart and liver damage. Have your iron levels tested to determine if anemia might be contributing to your hair and other health concerns.
•Co-Q10: 60 mg a day.
•Essential fatty acids: Like fish oil, super primrose oil, 1,000 mg a day.
Here you have my recommendations of how to restore your hair shine and health from the inside out. Remember that TV commercial that showed a model with long, thick, luxuriant beautiful hair who told viewers, "Don't hate me because my hair is beautiful"? Well, of course, she was selling some product that promised to make your hair look just like hers.
The truth is, there are no external products that can completely restore hair health and beauty. They can smooth out frizzies, or add a little oil for some temporary shine and control, but ultimately hair health and beauty has to come from deep within your nutritional matrix. So, eat not only for your health, but to keep your crowning glory thriving for a lifetime!
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Why Lunch Counts As An Important Meal
We live in a world that moves at a very rapid pace. With a major population working and struggling to find time to do anything else, health becomes a very serious issue that is often overlooked. Often we end up skipping our meals and this negligence costs us in the long run. We have often been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and because of this no matter what we never miss out on our breakfast. A lot of people though are unaware of the fact that lunch is the second most important meal of the day. Now those of us who are working often take a good breakfast but have little or no time to prepare lunch and end up skipping it or substituting it with easy to have instant stuff or fast food. This can have a very bad effect on your health in the long run. In case you are one of those who have no time to make lunch, you can consider a lunch delivery service that provides homemade and healthy food options. There are several reasons why taking a good hearty lunch is a must for a healthy body.
Often our mind gets foggier as the hours passes by, we find it harder to concentrate and make sense of things. All the daily tasks that tend to start from early morning start depleting us, we eat our breakfast to power our body but from early afternoon our body starts to feel tired and drained out. Brain is an organ that makes the major decisions for our system and all our daily tasks too and after a while it takes a toll on our mental, physical and psychological health. We have an internal body clock that regulates our waking up and sleeping hours and an important thing about that body clock is that there is a natural dip in energy in the afternoon. This is a major reason why eating a healthy lunch and providing a much needed fuel to the body is necessary. Just like breakfast lunch too is an important meal of the day and should never be skipped.
Discover How You Can Stop Skin Wrinkles Naturally
Everyone wants to know how to reach the fountain of youth and stop skin wrinkles from forming all over their face and body. A lot of people will do almost anything and believe almost anything when it comes to applying skin care products on their face that are full of chemicals.
Some of these chemicals have been even proven to cause cancer and the manufacturers are still putting them in their skin care products. As long as they put a warning on the label, they are covered. The worst part is these products do not stop skin wrinkles.
Phytessence Wakame has been used by the Japanese people for years and years for their skin and it certainly shows in their people. It is an extraction from Japanese sea kelp and the Japanese not only use it to stop skin wrinkles but they also include it in their diet.
The best way to stop skin wrinkles is to help your skin to do what it is supposed to so in supplying enough collagen and elastin to keep your skin soft and firm.
When you don't use natural ingredients you are starving your skin and some products actually smother it by clogging the pores. You will be much better off in the long run using only the products with natural ingredients instead of man made mixtures that will eventually ruin your skin.
If you were to feed your skin and take care of it with natural products and ingredients, you would make a much better impression on people with your skin always aglow and healthy looking. You will have people actually wondering how old you really are.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Friday, 2 December 2016
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Your Guide for an Aerobics Workout
Aerobics is an intense workout which gives you massive results, but only if you do it patiently and regularly. It's really important to dedicate your time and energy positively to attain the desired results when you start with such a workout regime. So, before starting with it, you need to remember a few important things which will help you during these sessions.
1. Precautionary measures
If you have any chronic medical conditions (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or arthritis) or any other risk factors (such as smoking or being overweight), and have not discussed exercising with your doctor, you should do so before starting out on your aerobics workout regime. Exercise is often an important part of the treatment for such conditions, but you may have some limitations or special needs that your doctor can inform you about. You may get hurt while doing some difficult steps during your aerobics workout, so it is necessary to discuss it with your doctor.
Wear shoes that fit well and are capable of providing the right kind of support for your aerobics activity and comfort for your body type. Wear appropriate clothes for exercising. Make sure you always carry a Water bottle and Towel during your workout. Fabrics that absorb sweat are recommended. Women should wear supportive sports bras. But no one should EVER wear rubber or plastic suits or belts-these prevent your body from dissipating heat properly and can lead to serious health risks from overheating and dehydration.
3. Know your limits
It is inevitable if you experience a little amount of discomfort during your aerobics exercise - this way you push your body's limits.. Expecting to have some sore muscles after a vigorous workout is expected and you will feel the cramps for a day or two. But at the same time, you need to take care that if you are experiencing problems like pain or pressure in your chest or neck, shoulder or arm, or notice that your heart starts racing or beating irregularly during your aerobic exercise, it is best to immediately slow down. Allow your heart rate to drop gradually before stopping completely, since an abrupt stop can cause problems with blood circulation and sometimes, fainting. However, in cases of severe and sudden pain, stop immediately and seek help.
After taking care of all the essentials and becoming aware of your body's limits, enjoy your workout to the fullest. Aerobics is a workout which is best enjoyed with great music. The workout always starts with simple stretching techniques; therefore, it is easy for anyone in the early stages to catch up with the steps. Initially, the steps are done with a set count, so it is effectively done if you follow your trainer's lead.
Don't waste a single second in pondering about how to go for an aerobics session, and start your workout right away.
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