Friday 9 December 2016

Airport Food Survival

Traveling a great distance can get a bit tiresome. Whether you are traveling for an occasional family vacation or professional trip, long flights and airports stays can actually be stressful. Some of the factors that make travel and airport stays stressful are canceled or delayed flights and flights being diverted to other airports. Unfortunately, stress can result into added bulge in your waistline. Research studies show that an individual tends to overeat when he is stressed or bored. The airport is like a one stop shopping for every unhealthy and ultra tempting food on the planet such as chocolates, pastries, doughnuts, fast foods, soft drinks, junk foods. Here are some of the airport food survival tips that will surely help you, especially when faced in a stressful situation.

Stopovers can really consume a great deal of time. Just think about the time wasted in boarding and exiting various planes. Sometimes, stopovers can take hours. A stressful situation like this calls for a tasty treat. While occasional indulgence to tasty treat is fine, consuming large amounts are not. Tasty treats and sweets contain lots of sugar. If you are a frequent flier, you might want to cut down your sugar intake. Once in the body, sugars are converted into calories. Calories that are not burned by the body are turned into fats. And there is no way you will be able to burn those extra calories while sitting in the plane.
Another airport food survival tip is not to eat too much while on the plane. Meals and beverages are already included in long distance flights. While it's tempting to eat a large meal, setting limits to your food intake will help you experience a pleasant flight. Remember that stress can also cause upset stomach. Surely, you would not want to travel with an upset stomach, right?
Avoid caffeinated beverages such as teas, colas and coffee. Teas can cause you to urinate frequently. You also won't be able to have a restful sleep during your flight, because caffeinated beverages make you awake. Water, juices and decaffeinated coffee and teas are better choices.
Although you are not allowed to bring any food and beverage inside the plane, you are, however, allowed to eat while at the airport. Be careful though, to what and where you're eating. Before, the only dining place that you can find in airports is fast food. Avoid fast foods as much as possible. Nowadays, there are actually food chains inside the airport where you can have decent meals. There is, however, one drawback with airport restaurants. They are a bit expensive.

If you are low on the budget, a good airport food survival thing you can do is to pack and bring your own food. If you are stopping over Japan, for example, you can go by the local markets and grab something to eat. It's a lot cheaper there in comparison to the restaurants in the airport. One good thing about the markets is that there is always room for bargain. Bargaining is a great deal to save traveler money. So there you have it, airport food survival tips that can help you avoid unsightly belly fats and upset stomach, especially when faced in a stressful situation.


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