Sunday 11 December 2016

Health Benefits of Kale - Why is it Good For You?

Kale is one of the most underrated foods there are in the world. Many people don't even know what it is and even those who do will not find it so easy to recognize it when they see it. This is a shame because Kale has many health benefits. Especially in today's modern world with our overall bad diet, it is important to include such superfoods as Kale in our diets on a regular basis.
Why is Kale so healthy? It has to do with all the nutrients it contains:
1. Kale contains indole-3-carbinol, a substance that can help your body fight against industrial chemicals known as Xenoestrogens that can be cancerous and also lead to increased abdominal fat storage. Kale actually helps you maintain a slim waist line.

2. 1 cup of Kale can supply you with all of your recommended daily dose of Vitamin A which is a powerful element and great for your eyes and teeth health. It takes just a tine supply of this special herb to give you this massive benefit.
3. Kale contains various sulfur rich components that were found to fight cancerous elements in your body. In various animal studies, these types of sulfur elements were found to help reduce the size of tumors in animals.
4. Kale contains vitamin C which is useful in fighting off infection and aids the healing process whenever you suffer wounds.
5. Kale is rich in vitamin B12 which helps the function of the nervous system and is important for various internal body functions.
6. Kale is a tasty addition to many dishes and salads. It's super low in calories with just 36 calories for a whole cup of the herb and so it's an excellent diet food.
7. Rich in calcium, Kale assists in maintaining bone strength and proper structure. Its high vitamin A content also helps in this respect.

8. Manganese, which is found in great quantities in Kale, is also an excellent fat burning elements as it helps in the energy production process from carbohydrates and protein.
As you can see, adding Kale to your diet can prove to be a big help to maintain proper health and even to burn some additional fat. Naturally, you won't get a six pack abs just by eating Kale but it is still an excellent addition to any healthy eating plan focused on proper health and fitness for the long term.


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