Wednesday 31 May 2017

Is Your Diet Feeding Your Migraine?

For those who suffer migraine attacks because of their diet, paying attention to what is eaten and drank is paramount and even if diet is not the main cause, following a healthy diet will show a vast improvement in their symptoms by eliminating the foods that can trigger such attacks. Not only will a healthy diet help to prevent migraine attacks but significantly overall health will improve.

There are many triggers that cause a migraine attack, however for some sufferers diet can be a major culprit. Studies have shown that migraine sufferers can be divided into three main categories when the issue of diet plays a role in migraine attacks.

Category 1. When diet is the primary cause of migraine attacks.

Category 2. The sufferers in this category are normally able to eat and drink what they like without any fear of food being a trigger for their migraine.

Category 3. Diet will only be a factor in triggering a migraine attack for the sufferers in this particular category if outside problems such as stress and other emotional issues become prevalent.

There are two types of reaction to the food and drink that is consumed by migraine sufferers. Firstly there is the more common reaction and that is the reaction to the chemicals, whether they are additives, preservatives or natural substances such as tyramine, which is found in a number of foods like citrus fruits or aged foods (mature cheeses and some processed meats). Secondly there is quite often a general intolerance to certain foods.

It is worth remembering that a food reaction may not occur for at least a 2 hours and could even be in some cases 12 hours after the food is consumed. For this very reason alone many sufferers are totally unaware that something they ate or drank many hours before may be the cause of their migraine.

To discover what foods and drink cause a reaction and trigger a migraine attack, it is very important to keep a record by either using a diary or keeping notes. This will enable you to identify and eliminate those particular trigger foods from your diet.

Once you have identified the food triggers, the next step to take is to plan a migraine diet and avoid those foods which have caused the problems. A simple tip when buying food from your local store or supermarket, is to make a point of reading the labels to see what is contained in the food. Take it from me you'll be surprised!


10 Argan Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Avoiding Muscle Cramps During Exercises

Muscle cramps are sometimes called a "medical mystery" and tend to come out of nowhere, for no apparent reason at all. The reasons behind most muscle cramps are usually related to dehydration, nutrient insufficiency, and electrolyte imbalances. When our bodies are lacking in one or the other, we usually get painful muscle cramps that can affect our sleep, athletic performance, and exercise routines. A cramp feels like a knot that bunches up inside of a muscle and is sometimes very painful. For some, you are actually able to see the knot underneath the skin, depending on how bad the cramp is. If you find yourself in the midst of a muscle cramp, try stretching the muscle while after wards giving it a gentle massage. This usually is good for getting the cramp to go away immediately.

Workouts can turn into nightmares if you find yourself in the midst of the groove and then are suddenly faced with a painful cramp. I want to share with you some of the tips I give my Chino Hills health club clients. It doesn't matter where you workout, on the beach, in the gym or at home if you don't give your body the attention it needs you could find yourself suffering from painful muscle cramps. Here are some effective ways to prevent and avoid getting muscle cramps during exercise:

1) Stay hydrated. Drinking water before, during, and after workouts can keep you from having painful muscle cramps. Make sure that you are drinking water all through the day, however.

2) Make sure that you are taking a multivitamin, this will ensure that your body is receiving all of the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs- Don't forget to eat something when you take your multivitamin for better absorption.

3) Sip on some Powerade or Gatorade for electrolytes. These drinks can often times keep your balance in check while still feeding you spurts of energy while you workout.

4) Be sure to check in with your doctor if you are certain that you are staying hydrated and getting all of the right nutrients. Sometimes some medical conditions can lead to muscle cramps, and certain medications can cause cramps as well.

5) Stretch before you exercise. I am not talking about just a 30-second stretch; it needs to be at least a good 10-minute or so stretching session. This will definitely decrease your chances of getting those painful and uncomfortable cramps.

6) Eat a banana or a pickle, both are high in potassium, a nutrient requirement for avoiding muscle spasms/cramps.

Not only are they painful, muscle cramps are annoying and can be avoided. Make sure that you are receiving adequate nutrition and do not forget to take your vitamins. There is nothing like trying to work out while getting caught up in the middle of a dreadful muscle spasm! Remember that a muscle cramp can strike at any time, so make sure that you are taking the necessary precautions to avoid them. And as I remind my Chino Hills health club clients, do not forget to consult with your physician if they seem to be getting too much out of control, he or she will be able to detect if there are further problems causing the cramps/spasms.

You definitely do not want to wind up whaling out in pain while in the middle of a workout. Let's face it, cramps slow us down. Where there is prevention, there is a way to avoid these painful cramps. So, nurture your body properly, stay hydrated, and have a great workout with no spasms.


Easy No-Bake Paleo Protein Bars

Monday 29 May 2017

Every Day Healthy Fit Grilling

With Memorial Day here, it's grilling season and as I looked at this week's menu my first thought was that I have to get the grill fired up but do it in a healthy way - and think beyond the fatty ribeyes I ate regularly for so many years.

Many us when we think of grilling we think of the huge slabs of meat and often the guy cooking them with a beer in hand and maybe a beer belly to match that slab of meat - typically not the healthy, fit image we are all striving for. But grilling in recent years has transformed dramatically from the days of a simple burger or steak on the grill. With the introduction of simple gourmet techniques like marinades or the introduction of unusual ingredients and spices, grilling today provides awesome quality food and cooked properly can be very fit. So let's look at some ways to keep your grilling days super-fit and soul-satisfying.

First, if you want to stay fit don't forget what are probably the healthiest thing we can eat - vegetables. Fresh vegetables can be cooked easily on the grill without fat and kept crisp to maintain phytonutrients. Whether it's peppers, tomatoes or onions on a kabob or just some simple vegetables grilled to accompany the meat or fish you will also be grilling, the more color the better. A classic American summertime food like sweet corn which is normally covered with butter can be made every bit as flavorful but far healthier when corn meets the grill. When I cook grilled sweet corn I just rub a bit of olive oil and sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper over it, grilling it until is has a few blackened kernels for taste you won't get from a pot of boiling water. No fatty butter there, only good fat from olive oil but still with all the flavor you want.

Second, let's look at our protein sources. Choose less fatty meats or fish and marinade them for flavor since they don't contain much fat which typically provides flavor. For beef: flank steak, sirloin, or beef tenderloin are good choices. Chicken breasts are perhaps the healthiest choice, and certain cuts of pork can be very healthy too.

Third, get creative with rubs, marinades, and sauces. Use rubs or marinades and the results can be outstanding. Marinades mean you can cook with out any added fat. You can also make meal preparation time super-quick by spending a few minutes in the morning marinating the meat and then in minutes prepare the dinner after a long day of work. I also have a special device for marinating that a chef at a Ritz Carlton at Half Moon Bay told me about after I had some amazing short ribs for dinner one night - but that's a topic for another day's blog. And for serving, maybe even include a sauce such as a vitamin-rich Argentina-inspired garlic chimichurri sauce or chipotle sauce which I often add depending on my mood. Even a simple hamburger can be made incredibly delicious and more healthful with the right approach (see my video on the grilled sirloin burger with chipotle sauce and guacamole which I will be cooking this evening and posting here later as an example),

Fourth, use your grill in innovative ways for other things. I use my gas grill for my homemade bruschetta. True authentic bruschetta (the real garlic bread) was always cooked on a greal grill, not an oven. In fact, the word bruschetta comes from an Italian/Latin word "bruscare" meaning to grill or cook over a fire. And talk about fit and delicious: grilled bread topped with a mixture of olive oil, fresh tomatoes, basil, and garlic, (or other ingredients like a fava garlic bean spread - get creative!) - rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and other vitamins. Need a super-low calorie meal some night? On occasion, I've had just bruschetta with wine and maybe a few bites of prosciutto or a simple bean soup for protein. Great summertime simple super-light meal.

Some final tips?

Watch the sodium and watch prepared marinades as most are full of way too much salt and fructose. You can make a marinade in minutes that is far healthier based on whole foods rather than dehydrated garlic, salt, and chemicals.

Watch your portions. Even a healthy meal will put fat on your body if you eat too much. Avoid that second serving.

Stick with low fat toppings. Most of the time watch out for cheese and mayo and instead choose a healthy fat source such as avocado or a topping with no fat.

And finally, just to be clear, I do sometimes cook something fattier and less healthy on the grill, whether it's a big ribeye or a beef brisket or Boston butt smoked, or even a simple burger. But rather than the weekly steak I used to eat, now I eat it rarely and choose healthier alternatives most days. But it never hurts to mix it up a little - after all we eat not only to keep our bodies fit but also our souls engergized. A little variety never hurts and it will keep your food and your life more interesting!


Nutritious Pancakes 4 Ways

Sunday 28 May 2017

Top Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Taste and nutrition as well as the health benefits of tomatoes have been highly valued. Enjoyed all over the world, they are essential ingredients in the diets of many cultures. Yet the plant has a spotty past, including myths, misconceptions and controversy, and the challenges of modern mass production of the tomato continue to spark debate. Yet there is no debate over the intrinsic health benefits of the tomato. The tomato is treasured for its nutritional value as much as for its delicious taste.

History of the Tomato

Peru is generally credited with first cultivating of the fruit now known as the tomato. The tomatoes of that day were tiny compared to modern tomatoes, but were already a valued food, bred for flavor. From Peru, the tomato spread through Southern and Central America. Mexico's Aztecs prized them, using them extensively in their cooking, including salsa. When the Spanish invaded Mexico during the early 1500's, the Aztecs developed a new, gruesome recipe involving tomatoes. The fruit was served with the flesh of the Spanish invaders.

Some believe it was the Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortés who brought the tomato to Europe after conquering the Aztec capital, Tenochtítlan, now Mexico City. Others believe Christopher Columbus brought plants back to Europe with him as early as 1493. An Italian herbal document in 1544 mentions the tomato as pomo d'oro, or golden apple. In 1597, English surgeon John Gerard published an herbal declaring that the tomato was poisonous and not to be eaten, prompting a century or two of excluding the fruit from British and colonial diets.

Several theories exist as to why so many believed the tomato was poison. One theory puts the blame on pewter plates, which had a high lead content. Acidic food like tomatoes caused some of the lead to leach into the food, leading to lead poisoning. However, lead poisoning occurs so gradually, over such a long period of time, that many consider it unlikely that the tomato would have been identified as the cause. A more likely theory is that the tomato is considered a member of the nightshade family of plants. Indeed, the tomato leaf is not safe to eat. Eating tomato leaves can cause vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness, and in severe cases, can lead to death.

Controversy also existed for a time over whether the tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. Botanically, the tomato is a berry, a subset of fruit, but its content is more like a vegetable. Perhaps the best way to describe the tomato is as "the fruit that behaves as vegetable."

Mass-Produced Tomatoes

Today, tomatoes are grown around the world, adapted to a variety of growing conditions with thousands of cultivars. Tomatoes vary in size, color and flavor, from four-inch diameter beefsteak beauties to the elongated plum tomatoes prized in sauces. Tomatoes rightfully take their place along nutritional super foods, yet in some areas of the world, efforts to mass produce the fruit are causing concern among health experts.

In Florida, much of the land used for agriculture was carved out of the everglades. The sandy soil and humid air doesn't suit the temperament of tomatoes, so farmers add quantities of chemical fertilizers to prompt growth. The fruit is shipped to market while still green, before the sun has ripened their taste and color - the tomatoes are treated with gas to make them look red. When compared to organic tomatoes, they are higher in sodium, while lower in vitamins and minerals. Many of these tomatoes wind up in fast food restaurants and grocery chain stores. It is recommended that consumers buy locally-grown tomatoes whenever possible. When not possible, canned tomatoes are more healthful - the tomatoes found in canned tomatoes are typically allowed to ripen before processing.

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Naturally-grown tomatoes contain many valuable nutrients, including lycopene, which has been linked to preventing cancer. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are nutrients that can slow or repair the damage that can be caused when the body's cells metabolize oxygen. As cells take in oxygen, molecular bonds can break, causing by products called free radicals. Free radicals immediately try to stabilize themselves by latching on to the nearest molecule. This process can damage healthy cells. Too many free radicals - or not enough antioxidants - can predispose the body to cancer. Antioxidants may also help maintain the body's immune system, reducing the instances of conditions and diseases associated with a weakened immune system. Notably, the skin of the tomato also contains powerful antioxidants.

Tomatoes contain other beneficial nutrients, including beta carotene and lutein, as well as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. Tomatoes are also rich in potassium. In addition, the nutrients in tomatoes become more powerful or efficient when combined with certain other foods. A Ohio State University study found that consuming tomatoes with healthy fats, such as olive oil or avocado, intensifies the body's ability to absorb antioxidants by as much as 2 to 15 times. A study published in Cancer Research observed more positive effects in treating prostate tumors in rats when tomatoes were combined with broccoli. No allergies or adverse effects have been definitively associated with tomatoes.

Enjoying Tomatoes

The healthiest way to enjoy tomatoes is to either grow them in a home garden or purchase organically and locally grown tomatoes at a farmer's market or health food store. When this is not possible, canned tomatoes are an acceptable alternative. One medium tomato, cup of tomato juice or soup constitutes one portion of recommended daily vegetable consumption. To receive the added benefits from combining tomatoes with other nutritionally-rich food, try adding a few broccoli florets to tomato soup. Add both tomatoes and broccoli florets to a salad. Reduce the amount of cheese on a pizza and drizzle olive oil over it for a rich flavor. Chop avocado into your favorite salsa, or chop tomato into your favorite guacamole. However you enjoy the health benefits of tomatoes you will be boosting your system and sampling one of life's culinary delights.


9 Natural Tricks To Destroy Acid Reflux

Saturday 27 May 2017

Facts About Using A High-Fat Low-Carb Diet For Weight Loss

It would actually not be too far from the truth to insinuate that the high level of obesity in western societies including the United States is closely correlated to a growing trend of bad dietary practices especially the consumption of high-fat and high glycemic index carbohydrate foods. With the rate of eating out increasing by the day, the consumption of unhealthy calorie dense foods such as burgers and fries have become the order of the day.

Dietary fats are generally energy-dense foods with about 9 calories per gram and produces about twice the calories per gram of carbohydrate and protein. It is therefore easy to see why the amount of calories from consuming excessive fat-containing foods can quickly add up to very significant figures.

With all the negative criticisms and reviews about dietary fats in general, it would therefore seem that high-fat diets will do nothing more than cause obesity, cancer, and heart-related diseases. There is no gainsaying these facts as they remain true to a large extent but however cease to be if there is a significant reduction in the amount of consumed carbohydrate foods to prompt a state of ketosis.

Essentially, this concept is what led to the development of what is today known as high-fat low-carbohydrate diet. Losing weight through a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet has been shown to lower triglycerides (a type of blood fat), decrease insulin resistance, and also lower blood pressure.

While the use of a high-fat diet to lose weight may sound more than paradoxical, it is nonetheless true. But then, how and what exactly makes this possible considering all the harmful effects of high-fat consumption?

To begin with, it would be important to first understand which food category has the propensity to actually cause the most body fat storage. Simple sugars and starches from carbohydrate-containing foods readily comes to mind as they are converted into fast burning energy in the form of glucose which is generally considered to be the body's preferred source of energy.

The liver cells are known to convert and store about one-third while the muscle cells about two-third of the available glucose in the bloodstream into a storage form known as glycogen (a mixture of glucose and water) which serves as the body's auxiliary energy source and which is only released when the body needs fast burning energy during any possible "fight or flight" situation. Any excess glucose in the bloodstream is however converted to and stored as fat in adipose tissues (fat cells).

The storage of glucose as fat in the body is made possible by a hormone known as insulin. Whenever there is too much glucose in the bloodstream, specialized cells in the pancreas secretes insulin which subsequently stimulates insulin receptors on cell membranes to absorb the excess glucose from the bloodstream and store it as fat within the cell. However, if insulin level remains constant or reduced to a certain extent, the body stops converting and storing glucose as fat. One of the impacts of a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet is therefore the reduction of insulin production caused by the reduction of carbohydrate consumption.

However, the main effect and in fact main objective of a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet is to induce a condition known as ketosis. Ketosis is a condition whereby the body is practically being forced into breaking down its fat stores as a means of generating energy to meet its energy requirements due to the low availability of glucose in the bloodstream. Ketosis occurs mostly during periods of prolonged starvation but can be induced when large amounts of fats or proteins are eaten in the absence of carbohydrates.

Due to the low glucose level in the bloodstream resulting from reduced carbohydrate consumption, the body has only two other alternatives available, fats and proteins, for its energy supply. Considering the fact that protein is not actually stored in the body in a combustible energy form as their resultant amino acids are metabolized within a few hours after digestion, protein is therefore generally viewed as an inefficient alternative source of energy for body especially in a state of ketosis. Consequently, the body turns to breaking down its fat stores in order to meet its energy requirements.

While ketone bodies (by-products of ketosis) are normally oxidized quickly to water and carbon dioxide and excreted in the urine, however, the overproduction occasioned by the increased fat metabolism initiated by the onset of ketosis increases the body's acidity level. In order to reduce the acidity level, the body uses more of its water reserves from cells to flush out the accumulated ketones. The resultant water loss easily reflects on the scale and is what initially shows as weight loss during the initial stages of utilizing a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet.

The combination of these three effects: the stable insulin levels occasioned by the reduced blood glucose level; the fat-burning state of ketosis; and the loss of water from body cells makes high-fat low-carbohydrate diets to generally cause rapid weight loss.

However, most high-fat low-carbohydrate diets defer in the amount of daily carbohydrate allowance but generally limit it to between 25 and 45 grams of carbohydrate per day at the beginning of the diet to induce the state of ketosis. Other than the initial phase of the diet that normally causes rapid weight loss because of the induced ketosis, most high-fat low-carbohydrate diets incorporate about three or more additional phases to achieve their weight loss effects.

While the first phase normally lasts for about two weeks and allows the fewest daily amounts of carbohydrates, the subsequent phases however steadily allow the increase in the amount of consumed carbohydrates until the dieter achieves his or her desired weight loss goals.

It is however important that dieters drink a lot of water whenever using a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet in order to avoid dehydration and also to flush out the accumulated ketones in the body. Equally, individuals with kidney problems should avoid using a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet because of the enormous strain that might be exerted on the kidneys in flushing out the ketone bodies.

Consequently, one of the major underlying principle of most high-fat low-carbohydrate diets is the assertion that it is not actually fat or even calories that lead to weight gain, but rather an inefficient or unhealthy insulin cycle.

However, most nutritionists are of the opinion that weight loss, whether through utilizing a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet or any other diet, is caused because of reduction in calories resulting from the elimination of an entire food group from the diet and not because of any metabolic change initiated by the diet itself.


Fat People Life Hacks!

Friday 26 May 2017

Five Reasons You Should Be Using Xylitol

1. Fight Cavities- Xylitol is unique because it is a sugar like substance that is actually good for your teeth! Xylitol has been around for decades and in the last fifty years it has been more widely used in the United States. Xylitol helps to re-mineralize your teeth; even reversing cavities in many cases.

2. Reduce Sensitivity- After just a week on xylitol and a complete mouth care program, you will notice that any sensitivity to hot and cold will lessen or disappear. Continue on the program and it will go away because you have increased the amount of good bacteria in your mouth.

3. Eliminate Gum Disease- Since xylitol is anti-fungal, it will get rid of all of the bad bacteria and germs in your mouth. This will help in keeping your gums in tip-top shape and eliminate the possibility of developing gum disease. Use xylitol, in addition to keeping your gums healthy with a good tooth paste and mouth rinse system, and you will be set for life.

4. Whiten Teeth- Bleaching and baking soda are not good choices for whitening your teeth as they destroy the healthy "film" that covers and protects your teeth. Xylitol will add minerals back into your teeth and restore them to their true color.

5. Overall Well Being- If your mouth is healthy, the rest of your body will be healthy. Plus with clean white teeth and fresh breath, you will have more self-confidence to go about your life. You might start making more healthy changes in your life or make some other life changes. You deserve to look and feel your best. You can achieve it starting with xylitol.

How to Get Enough Xylitol

There are three main ways that are great for getting in the recommended 6-10 grams of xylitol. First you can eat some granulated xylitol. Eat it from a spoon, dip some strawberries in it or dissolve it in water and sip that throughout the day.

Another good choice is by chewing some pure xylitol gum. Make sure it doesn't include sorbitol or mannitol because they reduce the ability of re-mineralization your teeth.

The third way to get in a sufficient amount of xylitol is to eat some xylitol mints. With the gum and mints you can easily keep them in your car, purse, desk and around the house to enjoy them a few times a day.

Research has shown that the key is to get in several, small amounts throughout the day. Don't take it all at once, the results will be diminished greatly.


How To Lose Weight Fast - 5kg | Fat Cutter Drink

Thursday 25 May 2017

Bioidentical Hormones and Weight Loss

Everyone knows that losing weight is difficult for most women. Perhaps it is because our bodies work against us if our hormones are not balanced. Therefore, the need for balancing our hormones could be the main issue in weight loss. Bioidentical hormones like the product Amberen may be the answer. Bioidentical hormones are plant based as opposed to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) made of synthetic hormones or animal -derived hormones which may not be assimilated in the human body and could cause even more weight gain problems.

Actually, a woman who has unbalanced hormones has many problems other than weight gain, but weight gain contributes to all her other problems. She may be experiencing all the symptoms of menopause such as lack of energy, loss of libido, loss of energy, irritability and mood swings, trouble concentrating, hot flashes, and night sweats. Weight gain is just one of her problems.

One cause of weight gain and difficulty in losing weight may be a thyroid deficiency. The thyroid gland produces hormones known as T3 and T4. These hormones help our body metabolize calories. Doctors prescribe medicine if they find that we are low in T3 and T4. Often they prescribe Synthroid for hypothyrodism.
Testosterone is another hormone that helps our body metabolize calories and burn fat more efficiently. It also prevents storage of fat around the mid section. If testosterone and progesterone levels decrease leaving us estrogen dominate, we may gain weight and experience severe fatigue.

Bioidentical testosterone regulates hormone levels and helps symptoms such as fatigue and lack of sexual desire. Testosterone is also connected to aggressiveness, development of muscle mass and social outlook.

Balancing hormones with bioidentical hormones can alleviate fatigue, increase bone loss, boost sex drive, relieve hot flashes, stop night sweats, relieve anxiety attacks, stop weight gain, and make a woman feel younger. Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants. Bio identical testosterone is made from extracts from soy and yams.

Bioidentical testosterone creams are made when these extracts are combined with cream and applied directly to the skin. Taking testosterone pills is not recommended since their potency is reduced during the digestive process.

One safe way to balance hormones is with bioidentical hormones and perhaps a progesterone cream that is formulated from plant sources that our body synthesizes like it did our own natural progesterone. When buying progesterone cream, make certain that it contains at 20 mg of USP progesterone per dose. Progesterone helps our bodies use fat for energy.

Prognenolone is a hormone that is made from cholesterol. It helps relieve stress, lifts our mood, improves brain function and helps increase testosterone levels to improve metabolism.


Beets 101 - Everything You Need To Know

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Food Storage Dos and Don'ts

When you are thinking about starting a long-term food storage program there a lot of things to consider. First off, what are your food storage goals? A common guideline is to start with a 3 month supply of foods you normally eat, and then build up a one year supply of longer-term foods.

What IS long term food storage? This concept is basically to have supply of food that can sustain your family for one year in case of a long-lasting emergency situation. These bulk foods tend to have long shelf lives and when combined with a few other ingredients can make a wide variety of meals. Some of the most common foods stored are wheat, oats, rice, legumes, powdered milk, oil, salt, yeast, etc. Basically the staple foods of any diet.

How much should you store? While there are basic food storage calculators out there to help you along the way, they aren't necessarily exactly right for every situation. Here are some do's and don'ts that can help you as you get started with your family's personal plan.

Food Storage Do's

- DO get a partner to work with you, share ideas, and motivate you
- DO learn how to actually USE the foods that you are storing
- DO buy the necessary kitchen appliances to help you use the foods
- DO include the foods you store as part of your everyday cooking
- DO be adventurous and try new recipes
- DO start small and work your way up to a full year supply
- DO make sure to have an emergency plan in place
- DO expand your food storage to include other things once you get the basics down
- DO educate yourself in other aspects of emergency preparedness such as alternative heating/cooking methods

Food Storage Don'ts

- DON'T get overwhelmed and just give up completely
- DON'T store foods that your family hates just because the calculator says to
- DON'T think that cooking with these foods is fattening and unhealthy
- DON'T think that using bulk foods and cooking from scratch is really inconvenient
- DON'T get too crazy about figuring out how to cook without electricity when you are just getting started
- DON'T buy everything all at once and kill your budget
- DON'T try to get your family to change their diet completely over night
- DON'T be too anxious to buy things that you don't wait for good sales
- DON'T focus too much on long term items and neglect to store some basic foods you use on a regular basis

I hope those little tips will help you as you get started on your food storage adventures. I've had a lot of fun learning more about these concepts this past year. Just remember that food storage is a completely PERSONAL endeavor. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to go about doing it. The most important thing is to simply GET STARTED!


Homemade No-Bake Protein Bars

Tuesday 23 May 2017

4 Tips to Help You Lose Weight Naturally

What is the best way of losing weight?

 Should you lose weight the natural way, through exercise or surgery? There are many ways but they work for different people differently. Once you have made up your mind that you need to cut down, choose a method that works best for you. Other things to consider include, when and where do you start and how do you go about the whole process. The following tips will help you lose that extra weight the natural way.

1. First, Decide Your Starting Point

Before you think about the method that you will use, think about where you are and what you are out to achieve. That is; what is your current weight and where do you intend to be at the end of the day? What is your Body Mass Index? Think about what you consider to be your ideal weight. You can then set out your goals, but only remember that they should be reasonable and achievable goals. Do not forget that going overboard will not enable you to cut down weight faster, but will only delay the process. At the end, it will leave you negative about what you were out to achieve.

2. Reduce your starch and sugar intake

Cutting back your starch and sugar intake is a positive move. These two are good in stimulating the secretion of insulin. What does insulin do to your body? It is a major fat storage hormone. Reducing the insulin in your body will result in a reduction of fat in your body. Remove starches and sugars from your diet to control your appetite.

3. Go For A Proper Training Program

Most people start off a training program at a very high rate only to go down half way through the regime. In most cases, this is because they did not choose the right training/exercising program. Remember that what works well for someone else might not work for you. This is why you should go for a tailor- made training program. However, even with the right training program, remember not to overdo things. Overdoing things might leave you with negative results such as a sore body. If you are on a tight budget, you do not have to go to the gym to lose weight. You can do the training in the comfort of your home.

4. Always Motivate Yourself

You will not achieve much if you do not keep yourself motivated. You are the best person to do this to yourself. Motivate yourself, focus on your goals and have the determination to achieve up to the last goal. Keep encouraging yourself even when others might not seem to notice the change in you.

Do not forget that losing weight in a natural way might seem to take a little more time than other methods, but you will, in the end, see results. The outstanding benefit of losing weight this way is that it does not have any side effects. Be at peace with yourself even in times when you do not seem to be getting far. These are just a few of the tips that you need to lose weight naturally.


Natural Remedies to Remove Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Monday 22 May 2017

What Is A Cramp?

When you exercise, you sometimes feel a painful sensation in your muscles. This painful sensation is often referred to as a cramp. Cramps cause severe and sudden pain in the affected area and they usually happen during exercise or vigorous activities such as running or sprinting.

There are many things that can cause cramps. One of the most common causes is overextension. When your muscles are overused or suddenly used, they tighten. This is because they are not used to such movements. Another common cause is dehydration. When your body lack fluids, the blood becomes thicker and the blood circulation becomes less efficient. As a result, your muscles cannot get the oxygen they need leading to the spasms. In addition, dehydration can also be related to electrolyte imbalance. If the amounts of potassium, sodium and calcium in your body are not balanced, your muscles will experience cramps.

Cramps can be categorized into two main types. The first type is known as the true cramp. Most people experience this type as it is caused mainly by vigorous movements and injuries. True cramps may happen during or after an exercise routine depending on the severity of the activity. They also happen when your body is injured especially when broken bones affect the muscles around them. The second type is known as the rest cramp. Rest cramps happen not when the body is inactive. For instance, if you have been sitting for many hours, your muscles become inactive and the blood circulation in your body is altered. This type can be very disruptive especially when you are sleeping. Rest cramps can also be caused by dehydration or fluid loss. They usually happen during summer when the temperature is very high. This is because your body gives off too much liquid through sweating.

There are several ways on how you can prevent your muscles from cramping. The first way is to breathe properly. Deep breaths are always advisable especially when you are exercising. If you maintain a good breathing technique, your muscles will not lack oxygen. The second way is to drink water. Since dehydration is a major cause of cramps, you need to make sure your body has the right amount of fluids all the time. This is mainly important during the summer season. The third way is to eat potassium-rich foods. This is to balance the electrolytes in your body that will aid to healthier muscles. The fourth way is to drink milk. Your muscles also need calcium therefore you need to supply them adequately. The fifth way is to avoid inactivity. You need to move your body every few hours to help the muscles loosen up. The last step is to do warm-up exercises. Before you embark on vigorous exercise routines, you need to prepare your muscles by stretching.

These are the things that you need to know about cramps. Knowing them will help you avoid painful sensations when you exercise.


What Happens When You Hold Your Pee?

Sunday 21 May 2017

The Health Benefits of Oregano Oil

Oil of Oregano has been renowned for hundreds of years for its wonderful healing power. The oil extracted from wild plants of oregano is different from kitchen oregano. Oregano oil belongs to the hilly regions in the Mediterranean. However, due to its many advantages it is widely cultivated today.

The advantages of oregano oil are in abundance. It is used as an anti fungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory cures. The oil with medicinal value can be administered internally or applied externally. It is obtainable in the forms of oil, tablet or gel. It has been found that the oil forms and gel forms are more beneficial than the capsule forms.

Oregano oil has been found to be very effective in the treatment of yeast infections, also known as candida albicans. It is useful in various other persistent fungal diseases like athletes foot, ring worm etc. Oregano oil wards off viruses which cause cold and fever, if taken on a daily basis. It is effective in eradicating already existing infections and speeds recovery.

Oregano oil is also famous for its ability to fight bacteria. It matches up to the strongest of antibiotics known as Vancomycin. The oil successfully eliminates Escherichia coli or rather known as E. coli and staph infections. Natural antibiotics like Oil of Oregano do not produce altered strains caused by bacteria which are drug- resistant. They are free from side effects also.

The powerful oregano oil ward off parasite, reduce the effect of worms and amoeba and eliminates fleas, mosquitoes, lice, bed bugs, ticks etc. The magical oil is a super antioxidant which can slow or stop the oxidation process of molecules. It also has the ability to neutralize free radicals, lessen possible harm to your body and repair already prevalent damages of the body. It also acts as an anti aging agent, safe guards against different types of cancers, degeneration of eye sight, wrinkles, mental disorders and many other age connected issues.

Oregano oil has the power to relieve inflammation. The presence of terpenes which is a natural kind of anti-inflammatory present in the oil is the cause for this healing effect. This feature also makes it a good cure to reduce the pain of inflammation caused due to arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, sinusitis, irritable bowel syndrome, hepatitis, eczema and much more!

Oil of Oregano is found to be loaded in two key compounds namely, carvacrol and thymol. When you buy Oregano Oil, you should check if the strength of carvacrol is no less than 70%. If the oil is not thinned in carrier oil when you buy it, ensure you dilute it before you use it internally or externally.


51 Year Old Reveals Her Anti-Aging Secrets

Saturday 20 May 2017

Wild Salmon Vs Farm Raised Salmon

Many people don't know the difference between wild salmon and farm raised salmon. For example, when you go to the grocery store and see fresh wild salmon fillets it is usually not from the Pacific Ocean. The fillets came from the Atlantic Ocean where they have farms, that raise salmon that were wild at one point in time and were given special formulated feed in a fish farm. True wild salmon thrive out in the Pacific Ocean. They are born in a stream, swim out to the ocean, grow in the ocean, swim back to where they were hatched from, mate, lay eggs, and will shortly end up dying afterwords.

Atlantic Salmon are placed in a hatchery, grow, and feed in a restricted area, majority of the time they are turned into commercial food products and are exported across the world to other countries or in grocery stores. This Atlantic Ocean process of salmon hatchery is called aquaculture and is done in other countries and places like, The Great Lakes. In the United States the salmon farms make approximately is higher than 80 percent of the salmon that are on the market each day. Thirty percent comes from the traditional hatcheries and the other fifty percent are raised in aquaculture or open pen nets off shore. These farms can raise up to one million salmon a time. The farmed salmon are confined, fed a steady diet of special formulated protein food pellets, and when they eat it, they become fatter than wild salmon, with not much more omega-3 than expected, but actually less per every three ounces.

Farm raised salmon don't have as healthy amount of fatty acids as wild salmon does. Carcinogenic chemicals are found in farmed raised salmon and are purchased from U.S. Grocery stores have so much higher levels of PCB that pose an increased risk for cancer. The United States has banned PCB to be used in all items, but they persist in the environment and end up in animal fat. When the farmed salmon from U.S. Grocery stores were tested, their salmon that was farmed contained up to twice the fat of wild salmon. The test also found sixteen times the PCB compared to those found wild salmon, four times the levels in beef, and 3.4 times the levels found in other types of seafood.

Other studies have shown in Canada, Ireland, and Britain have found their results the same or similar. Diseases and parasites, which normally exist in extremely low levels in fish scattered around the oceans, could run rampant in a densely packed oceanic feedlots. There chances for survival, farmed fish are vaccinated, while as small fry, and later are given antibiotics or pesticides to avoid the infections. Sea lice, is another particular problem, in a study a fisherman brought two baby pink salmon covered with them. A bioligist later went around salmon farms examining more than seven hundred baby pink salmon and found out that seventy-eight percent were covered with a fatal load of sea lice while, juvenile salmon that she netted farther from the farms were largely lice-free.

Sea lice, in particular, are a problem. In a recent L.A. Times story, Alexandra Morton, an independent biologist and critic of salmon farms, is quoted as beginning to see sea lice in 2001 when a fisherman brought her two baby pink salmon covered with them. Examining more than 700 baby pink salmon around farms, she found that 78 percent were covered with a fatal load of sea lice while juvenile salmon she netted farther from the farms were largely lice-free. Well, there you have it unless you want cancer, want to eat a sick fish, or would you rather have healthy wild salmon that is not farm raised and is a cancer fighter, there is no contest eat wild salmon.


Over night OATS

Friday 19 May 2017

Here's How Bad Painkillers Are For You

Popping painkillers has more or less come across as a norm, and people just choose to for painkillers, be it for end-of-the-day headache, a body pain post workout, or even minor spinal discomfort. If you do pop in painkillers every now and then, you should be aware that these could have side effects on your health and well being, and may even prove to be addictive.


The two main mechanisms through which painkillers work are:

1. Reducing pain by suppressing formation of chemicals in the body which cause pain.

2. Reducing sensation of pain by binding to opoid receptors of central nervous system.

However, one has to stay wary to make sure that one is always in a position to avoid the side effects which come as a part and parcel of using painkillers. Some of these are:

1. Addiction:

Painkillers could be highly addictive substances, mainly owing to the feeling of euphoria they create amongst users. The fact that many over-the-counter and prescription painkillers are abused due to addiction could take many by surprise.

A scenario wherein an individual is particularly vulnerable to becoming addicted to painkillers is when one consumes these post surgery for recovery. The underlying idea behind consumption of these painkillers is to numb the pain, but people over time become addictive and iteratively go for higher doses.

Over time, it might be possible that an individual is not able to cope up with withdrawal symptoms and becomes addicted to the effect created by a painkiller.

2. Cardiovascular Effects:

Research has even shown that use of painkillers could lead to cardiovascular complications, some of which include slowing down of heart rate, or even a heart attack (myocardial infarction).

If one goes for painkiller abuse, or consumes more than the quantity of painkillers as prescribed, it could lead to fluctuations in the heart rate. Blood clotting and stroke are some other possible side effects of painkillers on the cardiovascular system.

3. Worsens Headaches:

If one happens to consume painkillers such as paracetamol, asprin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen for getting over a headache, and for more than 15 days a month, they are likely to be victims of overuse of drugs. With passage of times, such people could experience headaches which increase in duration, and sometimes in intensity as well.

4. Lead To Kidney Damage:

Any drug that one consumes is released in the bloodstream, and thereafter eliminated after being filtered from the kidneys. Painkillers could influence the process of filtration in following ways

o Interfering with flow of blood to the kidneys.

o Lead to allergic reactions

o Cause direct injury to kidney nephrons

Over time, this could possibly lead to kidney damage and sometimes has even more serious consequences such as leading to a kidney failure.

5. May Even Cause Depression:

Depression is a term normally associated with sadness or even chronic stress. But usage of painkillers has shown to increase symptoms of depression, in particular if one uses opoid analgesics.

Say no to painkillers today!


Feeling Comfortable In Your Bathing Suit

Thursday 18 May 2017

Buy Quinoa and Live a Healthier Life

Don't be the last to try! Buy quinoa now! 

This is the best time to really think about your health, not just for yourself but also for the people you love, not only to lose those extra size and weight for you will surely lose them, but to seriously consider having a longer and healthy life. Switch to a better eating habit and switch to a healthier lifestyle when you buy quinoa.

Where can you buy quinoa? You can buy quinoa online as a Whole Grain, a natural and organic cultivar mostly from Peru and Bolivia; it is usually sold in 12 oz. packages or boxes. It is cooked in just 10 - 15 minutes, wheat free and gluten free, this makes quinoa the perfect food for people who follow a wheat free and gluten free diet. It is certified organic which means it was planted and cultivated on an unfertilized and healthy soil.

Why buy quinoa? Simple, it's an amazing grain, a super food. Here are a few heartening reasons:

1. Buy your way to good health because it contains more high quality protein than any other grain. It is actually one of the best sources of protein in the vegetable kingdom.

That's right, it is a vegetable. Quinoa is a broad leaf plant vastly grown in South America, and the leaves are used in salads with other salad greens and served as a side dish, and the seeds of quinoa are consumed like grains and mostly substituted for rice. Quinoa in itself is a complete protein grain. It provides all the essential amino acids in a balanced fashion, close to the standard set by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Buy quinoa for a light, tasty and easy nourishment. This delicate grain is much less filling than most other grains and has a delicious nutty flavor all its own.
  2. Quinoa is fiber-rich, light and easy to digest.

3. Purchase quinoa to get a high level of carbohydrates that are slow-releasing and helps maintain your blood sugar level, and keep you full and satisfied and your energy high for most of the day with lesser cravings for more food.

Quinoa has a delicate nutty flavor and is very easy to prepare. Perfect for today's active lifestyle, quinoa can be served as a side dish; in soups, in salads, as a pilaf, and even as a nutritious breakfast cereal. When you purchase quinoa, the package should say that the quinoa grain had been pre washed and thoroughly rinsed and air dried to remove the naturally occurring bitter saponins, and there are some brands that do as they promise. Although it is always so much better if you wash it before cooking, to really enjoy its great flavor.

You can also find and buy Quinoa Flour, Quinoa Flakes and Quinoa Pops for their variety of uses in your kitchen. They come in three variants of natural whole grain; white quinoa, red quinoa and black quinoa. Although there is no big difference in taste or health benefits and the preparation, it will always make your presentation appealing with each color of quinoa grain.
