Monday 22 May 2017

What Is A Cramp?

When you exercise, you sometimes feel a painful sensation in your muscles. This painful sensation is often referred to as a cramp. Cramps cause severe and sudden pain in the affected area and they usually happen during exercise or vigorous activities such as running or sprinting.

There are many things that can cause cramps. One of the most common causes is overextension. When your muscles are overused or suddenly used, they tighten. This is because they are not used to such movements. Another common cause is dehydration. When your body lack fluids, the blood becomes thicker and the blood circulation becomes less efficient. As a result, your muscles cannot get the oxygen they need leading to the spasms. In addition, dehydration can also be related to electrolyte imbalance. If the amounts of potassium, sodium and calcium in your body are not balanced, your muscles will experience cramps.

Cramps can be categorized into two main types. The first type is known as the true cramp. Most people experience this type as it is caused mainly by vigorous movements and injuries. True cramps may happen during or after an exercise routine depending on the severity of the activity. They also happen when your body is injured especially when broken bones affect the muscles around them. The second type is known as the rest cramp. Rest cramps happen not when the body is inactive. For instance, if you have been sitting for many hours, your muscles become inactive and the blood circulation in your body is altered. This type can be very disruptive especially when you are sleeping. Rest cramps can also be caused by dehydration or fluid loss. They usually happen during summer when the temperature is very high. This is because your body gives off too much liquid through sweating.

There are several ways on how you can prevent your muscles from cramping. The first way is to breathe properly. Deep breaths are always advisable especially when you are exercising. If you maintain a good breathing technique, your muscles will not lack oxygen. The second way is to drink water. Since dehydration is a major cause of cramps, you need to make sure your body has the right amount of fluids all the time. This is mainly important during the summer season. The third way is to eat potassium-rich foods. This is to balance the electrolytes in your body that will aid to healthier muscles. The fourth way is to drink milk. Your muscles also need calcium therefore you need to supply them adequately. The fifth way is to avoid inactivity. You need to move your body every few hours to help the muscles loosen up. The last step is to do warm-up exercises. Before you embark on vigorous exercise routines, you need to prepare your muscles by stretching.

These are the things that you need to know about cramps. Knowing them will help you avoid painful sensations when you exercise.


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