Tuesday 14 November 2017

Caloric Restriction Method

Calorie restriction is an effective method of reducing calorie intake to slow down the process of aging. It is also known as an anti aging diet plan. Recent research conducted into caloric restriction concludes that the life span of several animals like (monkeys, spiders, rats) is extended in case of calorie intake restriction. The problem with this anti aging process is that adequate nutrition must be included in your diet when you start the fasting.

How Does It Work

The purpose of calorie restriction with sufficient nutrition is to improve immunity while increasing the population of T-cells, lowering the level of triiodothyronine and cytokine interleukin-6. The connection between anti aging and calorie restriction may be a result of efficient immunity, which reduces the disease susceptibility. Some people call it fasting process in which they need to limit intake of dietary to an amount of 25-30 percent while eating the diet with adequate micronutrients and lean protein. Recent scientist research has proven that there are some pathways of molecular that influence the process of aging. Fasting also increases immunity performance and inhibit molecular pathways interfering with the process of aging. The reduction of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in caloric restriction may work well by reducing the amount of harmful proteins and glycation like protein molecules and sugar.

While following this anti aging program, nutrition diet should be taken. Nutrient dense, low calorie foods like fruits and vegetables are chosen over high carbohydrate, sugars and other items. A person should seek the assistance of the expert on nutrition and have a daily check-up with their anti aging expert.

Why We Need To Fellow Calorie Restriction Program

Research model on rats shows that such individuals who consume a lot of calories have a short life span. If people restrict their calorie intake over lifetimes, their life span increase from 3 to 7 percent or even up to 20 years achieved by following drastic calorie restriction. There are many benefits of calorie restrictions including improved function of immune system, low blood pressure, improve heath of cardiovascular, improve function of thyroid, increased hormone level and reduced risk of lymphoma, autoimmune disease, certain cancer and kidney disease.

Despite calorie restriction promise to increase life span, it remains a quite misunderstood lifestyle. Some people associated it with constant huger, fasting, near-starvation and malnutrition due to inadequate intake of nutrients. If the calorie restriction food is undertaken correctly, it gives you a healthy living accompanied by weight loss and other health benefits.

Robert Bernard is a antiaging expert who is conducting special anti-aging fasting and cleansing programs in Central Europe.


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