Saturday 17 June 2017

5 Ways To Become A Fat Burning Machine

Now let's say you want to lose a good 2-4lbs of fat in a week, and this is a realistic goal and to do this you will definitely have to become a fat burning machine.

I'm going to break it down into five easy to follow chunks so you can take this valuable content right now and put it straight into action!

Let's begin On Becoming a Fat Burning Machine

1. Straight to the point Cardio/Conditioning

When I say straight to the point I literally mean no fluff as lots of people get a little confused with cardio training. I think going jogging for an hour is fine, but the problem I see with this is one you have to find the time for say 3 to 4 hours a week, and two jogging is not the best way to help you burn the fat with your time. Don't get me wrong though, I go out for jogs to clear the mind and get out with nature more than anything.

2. Eat the Earth

Right now you're probably thinking what do you mean by eating the earth. Well let me tell you it's not too difficult really, all you need to do is eat natural food that comes from the ground and has roots on it. These are what I call super carbs (Veggies) especially the leafy greens as they work wonders for helping your body burn fat and at the same time get the right nutrients for healthy a body.

3. Go easy with the Sugar Monster

Let me tell you that this is probably the one catches most people out when they want to lose makes weight and burn the most fat. Sugar is okay in moderation, but if you feed the sugar monster it will soon lock in the fat and especially around the belly area. One way you can avoid the sugar monster is to replace fizzy drinks with water. This will make a huge difference trust me.

4. Exercise Smartly

When you exercise smartly you will notice the difference within your mind and body literally after the first week of exercising correctly. Now this isn't too difficult but lots of people don't use their time with exercising smartly. Then again it is not there fault, they just have been taught correctly. Coming up over the next few weeks you will hear more about how to exercise smartly and how get the most out of your workout with little time needed.

5. The Ultimate Fat Burning Machine Mindset

(This is huge for becming a fat burning machine!) So let's not always think just about the physical training all the time as you will be certain to get stuck in your ways and you may well get in great shape for a little while but remember you if don't have the right mindset you will struggle to stay in great shape. (Vision, Goals, tenacity & motivation is just a few of the tools you will need with creating a power mindset.)

Just remember that the mind controls the body and if you train the mind right along with the body you will be guaranteed to have the best results your have ever seen but most of all a happy healthy longevity way of life. Who doesn't want that.

" Health is the great Wealth"

To your success on becoming a human fat burning machine


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